%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%>
<%CiRestriction%> - no documents matched.
<%CiRestriction%> - documents <%CiFirstRecordNumber%> to <%CiLastRecordNumber%>
Index Server
Search Results |
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%>
No documents matched the query "<%CiRestriction%>".
Documents <%CiFirstRecordNumber%> to <%CiLastRecordNumber%> of
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq CiMaxRecordsInResultSet%>
the best
<%CiMatchedRecordCount%> matching the query
New query |
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%>
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%>
<%if DocTitle isempty%>
Abstract: <%characterization%>
- <%if size eq ""%>(size and time unknown)<%else%>size <%size%> bytes - <%write%> GMT<%endif%>
%>&CiEndHilite=<%escapeURL %>&CiUserParam3=<%escapeURL HTMLQueryForm%>">Show Highlights (condensed) /
%>&CiEndHilite=<%escapeURL %>&CiUserParam3=<%escapeURL HTMLQueryForm%>&CiHiliteType=Full">Show Highlights (full text)
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount ne 0%>
New query |
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%>
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%>
<%if CiOutOfDate ne 0%>
The index is out of date.
<%if CiQueryIncomplete ne 0%>
The query is too expensive to complete.
<%if CiQueryTimedOut ne 0%>
The query took too long to complete.
<%if CiTotalNumberPages gt 0%>
Page <%CiCurrentPageNumber%> of <%CiTotalNumberPages%>