//==========================================================================; // // fp2ar.h : Declaration of the custom composition class for gluing file // playback to the audio renderer // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef FP2ARCOMP_H #define FP2ARCOMP_H #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "resource.h" // main symbols ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CAnaCapComp class ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("CC23F537-18D4-4ece-93BD-207A84726979")) CFP2ARComp : public CComObjectRootEx, public CComCoClass, public IObjectWithSiteImplSec, public IMSVidCompositionSegmentImpl { public: CFP2ARComp() {} virtual ~CFP2ARComp() {} REGISTER_NONAUTOMATION_OBJECT(IDS_PROJNAME, IDS_REG_FP2ARCOMP_DESC, LIBID_MSVidCtlLib, __uuidof(CFP2ARComp)); DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(CFP2ARComp) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMSVidCompositionSegment) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMSVidGraphSegment) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersist) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IObjectWithSite) END_COM_MAP() // IMSVidComposition public: // IMSVidGraphSegment // IMSVidCompositionSegment STDMETHOD(Compose)(IMSVidGraphSegment * upstream, IMSVidGraphSegment * downstream) { TRACELM(TRACE_DEBUG, "CFP2ARComp::Compose()"); if (m_fComposed) { return NOERROR; } ASSERT(m_pGraph); try { VWGraphSegment up(upstream); ASSERT(up.Graph() == m_pGraph); VWGraphSegment down(downstream); ASSERT(down.Graph() == m_pGraph); if (up.begin() == up.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CFP2ARComp::Compose() can't compose empty up segment"); return E_INVALIDARG; } if (down.begin() == down.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CFP2ARComp::Compose() can't compose empty down segment"); return E_INVALIDARG; } DSFilter pFP(*up.begin()); ASSERT(!!pFP); ASSERT(pFP.GetGraph() == m_pGraph); VWGraphSegment::iterator iAR; DSFilter pAR; for (iAR = down.begin(); iAR != down.end(); ++iAR) { pAR = *iAR; if (IsDigitalAudioRenderer(pAR)) { break; } } if (iAR == down.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CFP2ARComp::Compose() FAILED to find AR "); return E_UNEXPECTED; } ASSERT(!!pAR); ASSERT(pAR.GetGraph() == m_pGraph); HRESULT hr = m_pGraph.Connect(pFP, pAR, m_Filters, DSGraph::ALLOW_WILDCARDS | DSGraph::DONT_TERMINATE_ON_RENDERER | DSGraph::IGNORE_MEDIATYPE_ERRORS, DOWNSTREAM); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "CFP2ARComp::Compose() FAILED connect hr = " << hexdump(hr)), ""); return hr; } m_fComposed = true; return NOERROR; } catch (ComException &e) { return e; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } } }; #endif // FP2ARCOMP_H // end of file - FP2ARComp.h