******************************************************************************* NOTE: This tree is no longer used; AVICAP32.DLL is built from the ..\AVICAP.IO tree instead. --R Jernigan, 6 Dec 1995 ******************************************************************************* Readme.txt for AVICap Window Class Files provided: \ avicap.dll Capture Window Class library avicap.lib Import library for avicap.dll avicap.h Include file for the AVICap class avicapid.h Include file for AVICap class status and error IDs \docs avicap.doc Documentation for the window class in WinWord format \testcap Directory containing source code for a test application, Testcap.exe. This application has most of Vidcap's functionality. Beta Release August 93 Changes: ================================ 1. Added wChunkGranularity, dwIndexSize, fStepCaptureAt2x, and wStepCaptureAverageFrames fields to the CAPTUREPARMS structure. 2. Added WM_CAP_FILE_SAVEDIB message to save the current frame as a DIB. 3. Added WM_CAP_FILE_SET_INFOCHUNK message. This allows you to embed copyrights, keywords, etc. into your AVI file. Alpha Release 18 May 93 Changes: ================================ 1. CAPSTATUS structure has additional fields including: hPalCurrent - The current palette used for capture fCapturingNow - If TRUE, streaming capture in progress dwReturn - Return status value at termination of capture 2. Renamed a few messages. In particular, note a totally different use for capCaptureSingleFrame, vs. capGrabFrame. 3. Capture can now run as a separate task. See updates to the WM_CAP_SEQUENCE and WM_CAP_SEQUENCE_NOFILE messages, or capCaptureSequence and capCaptureSequenceNoFile macro functions. 4. WM_CAP_SEQUENCE_STOP and WM_CAP_SEQUENCE_ABORT messages added to terminate streaming capture if either yielding or running as a separate task. 5. WM_CAP_PAL_MANUALCREATE message added. 6. WM_CAP_SINGLE_FRAME_OPEN... messages added to append individual frames to the capture file. 7. The WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOCOMPRESSION message is not yet functional.