/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORP., 1993-1994 * * TITLE: BMRESID.H * * VERSION: 2.0 * * AUTHOR: Tracy Sharpe * * DATE: 20 Feb 1994 * * Resource identifiers for the battery meter. * ******************************************************************************** * * CHANGE LOG: * * DATE REV DESCRIPTION * ----------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------- * 20 Feb 1994 TCS Original implementation. Seperated from RESOURCE.H so that * some documentation could be added without AppStudio screwing * it up later. * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _INC_STRESID #define _INC_STRESID // Main battery meter dialog box. #define IDD_BATTERYMETER 100 // Control identifiers of IDD_BATTERYMETER. #define IDC_STATIC_FRAME_BATMETER 1000 #define IDC_POWERSTATUSGROUPBOX 1001 #define IDC_ENABLEMETER 1002 #define IDC_ENABLEMULTI 1003 // Control identifiers for hotplug #define IDI_HOTPLUG 210 #define IDS_HOTPLUGTIP 211 #define IDS_HPLUGMENU_PROPERTIES 215 #define IDS_HPLUGMENU_REMOVE 216 #define IDS_RUNHPLUGPROPERTIES 217 #define IDS_SEPARATOR 218 #define IDS_DISKDRIVE 219 #define IDS_DISKDRIVES 220 #define IDS_DRIVELETTERS 221 #define IDS_HOTPLUG_TITLE 222 #define IDS_HOTPLUG_INSERT_INFO 223 // Control identifiers for Volume #define IDI_VOLUME 230 #define IDI_MUTE 231 #define IDS_MMSYSPROPTITLE 233 #define IDS_MMSYSPROPTAB 234 #define IDS_VOLUME 252 #define IDS_VOLUMEMENU1 255 #define IDS_VOLUMEMENU2 256 #define IDS_VOLUMEAPP 257 #define IDS_MUTED 258 // Control identifiers for Sticky Keys #define IDI_STK000 300 #define IDI_STK001 301 #define IDI_STK002 302 #define IDI_STK003 303 #define IDI_STK004 304 #define IDI_STK005 305 #define IDI_STK006 306 #define IDI_STK007 307 #define IDI_STK008 308 #define IDI_STK009 309 #define IDI_STK00A 310 #define IDI_STK00B 311 #define IDI_STK00C 312 #define IDI_STK00D 313 #define IDI_STK00E 314 #define IDI_STK00F 315 #define IDI_MKTT 316 #define IDI_MKTB 317 #define IDI_MKTG 318 #define IDI_MKBT 319 #define IDI_MKBB 320 #define IDI_MKBG 321 #define IDI_MKGT 322 #define IDI_MKGB 323 #define IDI_MKGG 324 #define IDI_MKPASS 325 #define IDI_FILTER 326 // access strings #define IDS_STICKYKEYS 330 #define IDS_MOUSEKEYS 331 #define IDS_FILTERKEYS 332 #define IDS_PROPFORPOWER 152 #define IDS_OPEN 153 #define IDS_RUNPOWERPROPERTIES 157 #define IDS_REMAINING 158 #define IDS_CHARGING 159 #define IDS_UNKNOWN 160 #define IDS_ACPOWER 161 #define IDS_TIMEREMFORMATHOUR 162 #define IDS_TIMEREMFORMATMIN 163 #define IDI_BATTERYPLUG 200 #endif // _INC_STRESID