/**************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* Guide Bar */ /* */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */ /**************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "eudcedit.h" #include "guidebar.h" #include "registry.h" #include "util.h" #define GUIDEHIGH 50 #define COMBOWIDTH 55 #define COMBOHEIGHT 200 #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CGuideBar, CStatusBar) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CGuideBar, CStatusBar) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGuideBar) ON_WM_CREATE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() /****************************************/ /* */ /* Constructor */ /* */ /****************************************/ CGuideBar::CGuideBar() { m_comboBoxAdded = FALSE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Destructor */ /* */ /****************************************/ CGuideBar::~CGuideBar() { } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Create GuideBar */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CGuideBar::Create( CWnd* pOwnerWnd, UINT pID) { LONG lStyle; // // We don't want the sizegrip for this status bar because it is at // the top of the frame. However MFC creates a sizegrip if the // parent window has a thickframe. We temporarily turn off the bit // to fool MFC so that SBARS_GRIPSIZE is not set. // lStyle = ::SetWindowLong(pOwnerWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_STYLE, (pOwnerWnd->GetStyle() & ~WS_THICKFRAME)); m_pOwnerWnd = pOwnerWnd; if (!CStatusBar::Create( pOwnerWnd, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_TOP | CBRS_NOALIGN, AFX_IDW_STATUS_BAR)) { return FALSE; } ::SetWindowLong(pOwnerWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), GWL_STYLE, lStyle); return TRUE; } int CGuideBar::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { CRect rect; TCHAR CharBuf[MAX_PATH]; UINT nID = 0; if (CStatusBar::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; if (!m_comboCharset.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_HASSTRINGS, rect, this, IDC_SELECTCHARSET)){ return -1; } m_comboCharset.SendMessage(WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) CStatusBar::GetFont()->GetSafeHandle()); switch (CountryInfo.LangID){ case EUDC_JPN: nID=IDS_SHIFTJIS; break; case EUDC_CHS: nID=IDS_GB2312; break; case EUDC_KRW: nID=IDS_HANGUL; break; case EUDC_CHT: nID=IDS_CHINESEBIG5; break; } if (nID){ GetStringRes(CharBuf, nID); m_comboCharset.AddString(CharBuf); } GetStringRes(CharBuf, IDS_UNICODE); m_comboCharset.AddString(CharBuf); m_comboCharset.SetCurSel(0); return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_PAINT" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CGuideBar::PositionStatusPane() { TCHAR CharBuf[MAX_PATH], BufTmp[MAX_PATH], *FilePtr; int nWidth; UINT nStyle, nID; CRect rect; CSize StringSize; GetPaneInfo(0,nID,nStyle,nWidth); CDC* dc = this->GetDC(); int nComboWidth; int nDlgBaseUnitX = LOWORD(GetDialogBaseUnits()); nComboWidth = (nDlgBaseUnitX * COMBOWIDTH + 2) /4; if (!m_comboBoxAdded) { SetPaneInfo(0,nID, nStyle | SBPS_NOBORDERS,nWidth+nComboWidth); m_comboCharset.SetWindowPos( NULL, nWidth+nDlgBaseUnitX, 0, nComboWidth, COMBOHEIGHT, SWP_NOZORDER); m_comboBoxAdded = TRUE; } // Draw "Code:" if( SelectEUDC.m_Code[0] != '\0'){ GetStringRes(CharBuf, IDS_CODE_STR); lstrcat( CharBuf, TEXT(" ")); lstrcat( CharBuf, SelectEUDC.m_Code); SetPaneText (1, CharBuf, TRUE); StringSize = dc->GetTextExtent(CharBuf,lstrlen(CharBuf)); GetPaneInfo(1,nID,nStyle,nWidth); SetPaneInfo(1,nID,nStyle,StringSize.cx + 3*nDlgBaseUnitX); } if( SelectEUDC.m_Font[0] != '\0'){ GetStringRes(CharBuf, IDS_FONT_STR); lstrcat( CharBuf, TEXT(" ")); lstrcat( CharBuf, SelectEUDC.m_Font); SetPaneText (2, CharBuf, TRUE); StringSize = dc->GetTextExtent(CharBuf,lstrlen(CharBuf)); GetPaneInfo(2,nID,nStyle,nWidth); SetPaneInfo(2,nID,nStyle,StringSize.cx + 3*nDlgBaseUnitX); } if( SelectEUDC.m_Font[0] != TEXT('\0') && InqTypeFace(SelectEUDC.m_Font, SelectEUDC.m_File, sizeof( SelectEUDC.m_File)/sizeof(TCHAR))){ GetStringRes(CharBuf, IDS_FILE_STR); lstrcat( CharBuf, TEXT(" ")); lstrcpy( BufTmp, SelectEUDC.m_FileTitle); if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( BufTmp, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; if( lstrlen((const TCHAR *)BufTmp) > 20){ BufTmp[20] = '\0'; lstrcat(BufTmp, TEXT("..")); } lstrcat( CharBuf, BufTmp); SetPaneText (3, CharBuf, TRUE); StringSize = dc->GetTextExtent(CharBuf,lstrlen(CharBuf)); GetPaneInfo(3,nID,nStyle,nWidth); SetPaneInfo(3,nID,nStyle,StringSize.cx + 3*nDlgBaseUnitX); } UpdateWindow(); this->ReleaseDC(dc); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CGuideBar::AssertValid() const { CStatusBar::AssertValid(); } void CGuideBar::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CStatusBar::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG