#include #include #include "AtkInternet.h" #include "resource.h" #include #include "icw.h" #include "util.h" #include "rw_common.h" #include "ATK_inet.h" #define RWZ_POST_MAX_RETRY 3 struct _MK { DWORD dwQuery; char *s; } ; #define MK(x) {x,#x} static _MK Queries[] = { MK(HTTP_QUERY_MIME_VERSION), MK(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE), MK(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING), MK(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_ID), MK(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION), MK(HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH), MK(HTTP_QUERY_ALLOW), MK(HTTP_QUERY_PUBLIC), MK(HTTP_QUERY_DATE), MK(HTTP_QUERY_EXPIRES), MK(HTTP_QUERY_LAST_MODIFIED), MK(HTTP_QUERY_MESSAGE_ID), MK(HTTP_QUERY_URI), MK(HTTP_QUERY_DERIVED_FROM), MK(HTTP_QUERY_COST), MK(HTTP_QUERY_PRAGMA), MK(HTTP_QUERY_VERSION), MK(HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE), MK(HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_TEXT), MK(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS), MK(HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF), MK(HTTP_QUERY_REQUEST_METHOD) }; void QueryForInfo(HINTERNET ); void GetQueryInfo(HINTERNET ,DWORD ,char *); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *LPICP)(HWND,BOOL,BOOL); LPICP lpICP; static int InvokeModemInstallation() { int iErr; DWORD dwPrS,dwRet; STARTUPINFOA startUpInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION PrcsInfo; GetStartupInfoA(&startUpInfo); #ifdef _WIN951 ShellExecute(NULL,NULL,"control.exe","modem.cpl", NULL,SW_SHOW); return 1; #else if( dwPrS= CreateProcessA( NULL , "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl", 0, 0, FALSE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, 0, 0, &startUpInfo, &PrcsInfo) ) { dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(PrcsInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); switch(dwRet) { case WAIT_ABANDONED : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n ABD " << flush; #endif break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n OBJ " << flush; #endif break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n TOUT " << flush; #endif break; default : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Error " << GetLastError() << flush; #endif } return 1; } else { iErr = GetLastError(); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Error In Modem Configuration" << iErr << flush; #endif return 0; } #endif } void QueryForInfo(HINTERNET hIntHandle) { int nSize = sizeof(Queries)/sizeof(_MK); for(int i=0;i< nSize;i++) { GetQueryInfo(hIntHandle,Queries[i].dwQuery,Queries[i].s); } } void GetQueryInfo(HINTERNET hIntHandle,DWORD dwQuery,char *s) { char dwbufQuery[512]; DWORD dwLengthBufQuery; BOOL bQuery = ::ATK_HttpQueryInfo( hIntHandle, dwQuery, &dwbufQuery, &dwLengthBufQuery, NULL) ; #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n" << s << dwbufQuery << flush; #endif } void _stdcall myCallback( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN DWORD dwContext, IN DWORD dwInternetStatus, IN LPVOID lpvStatusInformation OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwStatusInformationLength) { int iX= 100; iX++; switch(dwInternetStatus) { case INTERNET_STATUS_RESOLVING_NAME : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: RESOLVING_NAME\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED\n" << flush; #endif break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nCallback: INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE\n" << flush; #endif break; default : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG <<"\n Callback : default " << flush; #endif } } void pickup(const char* in, char* out, int *ipProxy) { char czProzy[10]= "80"; char *pProxy; int iCount ; pProxy = czProzy; if( *in == '/' ) in++; if( *in == '/' ) in++; while( *in && (*in != ':') && (*in != ';') ) *out++ = *in++; *out = 0; if(!*in) return; if ( *in != ':' || *in != ';' ) *in++; iCount = 0; while(*in && ( isspace(*in) || isdigit(*in)) ) { if( isdigit(*in) ) { *pProxy++ = *in; iCount++; } *in++; } if(iCount) *pProxy = 0; *ipProxy = atoi(czProzy); } /* //remove all blabks immediately preceeding ':' and afterwards. // eg. "HELLO WORLD : 80 " => // "HELLO WORLD:80" Remove all blanks: No blanks are allowed in a machine name? */ void RemoveBlank(char *pszStr) { char *p, *q; p = pszStr; q = p; for(;*p;*p++) { if(!isspace(*p)) { *q++ = *p; } } *q = '\0'; } int getProxy(const char *in, char *out,int *piPort) { char *s; *piPort = 0; if( s= strstr(in, "http://") ) { pickup(s+7,out,piPort); } else if(s= strstr(in, "http=") ) { pickup(s+5,out,piPort); } else if( s= strstr(in, "http:") ) { pickup(s+5,out,piPort); } else if(s= strstr(in, "://") ) { *out = 0; return 0; } else if(s= strstr(in, "=") ) { *out = 0; return 0; } else pickup(in,out,piPort); return 1; } // Constructor // CInternetThread::CInternetThread() : m_hSession(NULL), m_dwAccessType(PRE_CONFIG_INTERNET_ACCESS) { m_strProxyServer = NULL; m_strBuffer = NULL; m_strIISServer = NULL; m_strPath = NULL; m_hICWDllInstance = NULL ; // ICW DLL not loaded } // Closes the Internet session so InternetOpen will be called on next PostData. // void CInternetThread::ResetSession() { if (m_hSession != NULL) { ::InternetCloseHandle(m_hSession); m_hSession = NULL ; } } // // CInternetThread::~CInternetThread() { if (m_strBuffer) delete []m_strBuffer; if (m_strIISServer) delete []m_strIISServer; if (m_strProxyServer) delete []m_strProxyServer; if (m_UserName) delete [] m_UserName; if (m_Password ) delete [] m_Password; if (m_strPath) delete [] m_strPath; //ResetSession(); if(m_hICWDllInstance) { FreeLibrary(m_hICWDllInstance); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Freeing INETCFG.DLL " << flush; #endif m_hICWDllInstance = NULL; } } void CInternetThread ::UnLoadInetCfgDll() { if( m_hICWDllInstance) FreeLibrary(m_hICWDllInstance); m_hICWDllInstance = NULL; } void CInternetThread::SetBuffer(LPSTR strBuffer) { if (m_strBuffer) delete []m_strBuffer; if (strBuffer) { m_dwBufferLen = strlen(strBuffer)+1; m_strBuffer = (LPSTR) new CHAR[strlen(strBuffer)+1]; strcpy(m_strBuffer, strBuffer); } } void CInternetThread::SetBuffer(LPSTR strBuffer, DWORD dwLen) { if (m_strBuffer) delete []m_strBuffer; if (strBuffer) { m_dwBufferLen = dwLen-1; m_strBuffer = (LPSTR) new CHAR[m_dwBufferLen+1]; memset(m_strBuffer, '\0', m_dwBufferLen+1); strncpy(m_strBuffer, strBuffer, m_dwBufferLen); } } HINSTANCE CInternetThread:: LoadInetCfgDll() { if(m_hICWDllInstance) { return m_hICWDllInstance; } m_hICWDllInstance = LoadLibrary(_T("INETCFG.DLL")); if (NULL == m_hICWDllInstance) { DisplayMessage("INETCFG.DLL LoadLibrary Failure", ""); } return m_hICWDllInstance; } BOOL CInternetThread :: InstallModem(HWND hwnd) { RW_DEBUG << "\n---Inside InstallModem" << flush; #ifdef _WINNT /* STARTUPINFOA startUpInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION PrcsInfo; GetStartupInfoA(&startUpInfo); DWORD dwPrS; int iErr; if( dwPrS= CreateProcessA( NULL , "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl", 0, 0, FALSE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, 0, 0, &startUpInfo, &PrcsInfo) ) { WaitForSingleObject(PrcsInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); } else { iErr = GetLastError(); RW_DEBUG << "\n Error In invoking Modem Init " << iErr << flush; } return 0;*/ BOOL bRet; HINSTANCE hInstance = LoadLibrary(_T("modemui.dll")); if(hInstance != NULL) { lpICP = (LPICP) GetProcAddress(hInstance,"InvokeControlPanel"); // Initialise the Control panel application bRet = lpICP(hwnd,FALSE,FALSE); FreeLibrary(hInstance); } else { bRet = FALSE; RW_DEBUG << "\n Error Loading modemui.dll" << flush; } return bRet; #else HINSTANCE hInst; BOOL bRestart=FALSE; INETCONFIGSYSTEM fpS; hInst = LoadInetCfgDll(); fpS = (INETCONFIGSYSTEM) GetProcAddress(hInst, "InetConfigSystem"); HRESULT hrs = (*fpS)(NULL,0x02,&bRestart); DWORD dwR = GetLastError(); return bRestart; #endif } /* 05/05/97 : Proxy returns as http://XX:port */ BOOL CInternetThread::GetSystemProxyServer(PCHAR szProxy, DWORD dwBufferLength, int *piProxyPort) { DWORD size = 0; ATK_InternetQueryOption(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY,NULL, &size); #ifdef USE_ASTRATEK_WRAPPER BYTE* buf = new BYTE[size]; #else BYTE* buf = new BYTE[size* sizeof(_TCHAR)]; #endif ATK_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO* ipi = (ATK_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO*)buf; if (!ATK_InternetQueryOption(NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, ipi, &size)) { //MessageBox(NULL,_T("InternetQueryOption"),_T("False"),IDOK); delete[] buf; return FALSE; } else { if(ipi->dwAccessType != 3) { //MessageBox(NULL,_T("AccessType"),_T("False"),IDOK); delete[] buf; return FALSE; } else { //MessageBox(NULL,ConvertToUnicode(),ConvertToUnicode((LPSTR)ipi->lpszProxy),IDOK); #ifdef USE_ASTRATEK_WRAPPER if( getProxy(ipi->lpszProxy,szProxy,piProxyPort)) #else if( getProxy(ConvertToANSIString(ipi->lpszProxy),szProxy,piProxyPort)) #endif { RemoveBlank(szProxy); // MessageBox(NULL,_T("after getproxy"),_T("TRUE"),IDOK); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Actual HTTP Proxy [" <lpszProxy); #else strcpy(szProxy,ConvertToANSIString(ipi->lpszProxy)); #endif dwBufferLength = strlen(szProxy) +1; delete[] buf; } // // IN Parameters: // LPSTR strProxyServer : Proxy Server name in ANSI char // int iProxyPort : Proxy Server Port // void CInternetThread::SetSystemProxySettings(LPSTR strProxyServer) { TCHAR *pProxy; if (m_strProxyServer) delete []m_strProxyServer; if (strProxyServer) { pProxy = ConvertToUnicode(strProxyServer); m_strProxyServer = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[_tcslen(pProxy)+11]; _tcscpy(m_strProxyServer, pProxy); } } // IN Parameters: // LPSTR strProxyServer : Proxy Server name in ANSI char // int iProxyPort : Proxy Server Port void CInternetThread::SetProxyServer(LPSTR strProxyServer, int iProxyPort) { TCHAR czTemp[10]; TCHAR *pProxy; if (m_strProxyServer) delete []m_strProxyServer; if (strProxyServer) { pProxy = ConvertToUnicode(strProxyServer); m_strProxyServer = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[_tcslen(pProxy)+11]; _tcscpy(m_strProxyServer, pProxy); _stprintf(czTemp,_T(":%d"),iProxyPort); _tcscat(m_strProxyServer,czTemp); } } void CInternetThread::SetIISServer(LPTSTR strIISServer) { if (m_strIISServer) delete []m_strIISServer; if (strIISServer) { m_strIISServer = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[_tcslen(strIISServer)+1]; _tcscpy(m_strIISServer, strIISServer); } } void CInternetThread::SetServerPath(LPTSTR strPath) { if (m_strPath) delete []m_strPath; if (strPath) { m_strPath = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[_tcslen(strPath)+1]; _tcscpy(m_strPath, strPath); } } // Verify that rAddress is partially valid. Start the worker thread to get a web page. DWORD CInternetThread::PostData(HWND hWnd) { int iRetryCount; UINT uiRetVal; int iExit; iExit =0; iRetryCount = 0; uiRetVal = RWZ_POST_FAILURE; if (!m_strIISServer || !m_strPath) { DisplayMessage ("IIS Server path not found "); } /* do { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nRetry Posting " << iRetryCount+1 << flush; #endif uiRetVal = _PostDataWorker(); if(uiRetVal != RWZ_POST_SUCCESS) { iRetryCount++; }else { iExit = 1; } if( uiRetVal == RWZ_POST_WITH_SSL_FAILURE) { // Do not Retry if it is an SSL problem iExit= 1; } if(iRetryCount > RWZ_POST_MAX_RETRY ){ iExit = 1; } }while(!iExit); **/ uiRetVal = _PostDataWorker(hWnd); return uiRetVal; } // This is the thread function. // UINT CInternetThread::PostDataThread(LPVOID pvThread) { CInternetThread* pInternetThread = (CInternetThread*) pvThread ; if (pInternetThread == NULL || (!pInternetThread->m_strIISServer)) { return FALSE; } return pInternetThread->_PostDataWorker(NULL) ; } // This is where all of the actually Internet work is done. UINT CInternetThread::_PostDataWorker(HWND hWnd) { UINT uiResult = RWZ_POST_FAILURE; BOOL bRead; HINTERNET hConnect; HINTERNET hHttpFile; _TCHAR szHeader[240]; BOOL bSendRequest; DWORD dwCL=0; DWORD dwLengthBufQuery ; DWORD dwInfoLevel; BOOL bQuery; CHAR pBuffer [MAX_PATH] ; // ?? decide with Steve on Bugffer Sz DWORD dwBytesRead ; // Variables for the SSL / Normal operation INTERNET_PORT nServerPort; DWORD dwFlags; // Added for Proxy Server LPTSTR pUserName; LPTSTR pPassword; LPTSTR pProxyServerName; pUserName =_T(""); pPassword =_T(""); pProxyServerName =NULL; if(m_bPostWithSSL){ nServerPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; dwFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; }else { nServerPort = INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; dwFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE; } #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\nPost Data:\n" << flush; #endif if (m_hSession == NULL){ // Initialize the Internet Functions. m_hSession = ATK_InternetOpen(_T("Registration Wizard"), m_dwAccessType, pProxyServerName, NULL, 0 ); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n\tInternet Open:" << m_hSession << flush; #endif if (!Succeeded(m_hSession, "InternetOpen")) { goto EndFn; } } hConnect = ATK_InternetConnect(m_hSession, m_strIISServer, nServerPort, pUserName, // m_UserName, Changed on 2/4/98 for IE Proxy Auth pPassword, // m_Password, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n\tInternet Connection:" << ConvertToANSIString(m_strIISServer) << flush; // RW_DEBUG << "\n\tUserName :" << ConvertToANSIString(m_UserName) << flush; // RW_DEBUG << "\n\tPassword :" << ConvertToANSIString(m_Password) << flush; #endif if (!Succeeded(hConnect, "InternetConnect")) { goto EndFn; } hHttpFile = ATK_HttpOpenRequest(hConnect, _T("POST"), m_strPath, HTTP_VERSION, NULL, NULL, //szAcceptType, dwFlags,//INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE, 0) ; #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n\t\tInternet Post :" << ConvertToANSIString(m_strPath) << flush; #endif if (! Succeeded(hHttpFile, "HttpOpenRequest")) { ::InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); goto EndFn; } _tcscpy(szHeader, _T("Accept: */*\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); bSendRequest = ATK_HttpSendRequest(hHttpFile, szHeader, -1L , m_strBuffer, m_dwBufferLen); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n\t\tSendData:" << m_strBuffer << flush; #endif if (!Succeeded1(bSendRequest, "HttpSendRequest")) { ::InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); goto EndFn; } // Get size of file. dwInfoLevel = HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING; dwLengthBufQuery = sizeof( DWORD); bQuery = ATK_HttpQueryInfo(hHttpFile, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &dwCL, &dwLengthBufQuery, NULL) ; #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Query ContentLength : " << dwCL << flush; #endif if (! Succeeded1(bQuery, "HttpQueryInfo") ) { ::InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); goto EndFn; } memset(pBuffer,0,MAX_PATH); bRead = ::InternetReadFile(hHttpFile, pBuffer, MAX_PATH, &dwBytesRead); #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG <<"\n ReturnBuffer " << pBuffer << flush; #endif if (!Succeeded1(bRead, "InternetReadFile")) { DisplayMessage("HTTP POST FAILURE ..."); ::InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); goto EndFn; } if(pBuffer[0] == _T('0' )) { #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Post Successful" << flush; #endif uiResult = RWZ_POST_SUCCESS; } else { // 438 if ( (pBuffer[0] == _T('4')) && (pBuffer[1] == _T('3')) ) { uiResult = RWZ_POST_MSN_SITE_BUSY; #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Post Failure " << flush; #endif } else { uiResult = RWZ_POST_WITH_SSL_FAILURE; #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE RW_DEBUG << "\n Post with SSL Failure " << flush; #endif } } pBuffer[dwBytesRead] = 0 ; ::InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); EndFn: return uiResult ; } DWORD InvokePost(HWND hWnd, CInternetThread *p) { return p->PostData(hWnd); }