#ifndef _CTNGEN_H_ #define _CTNGEN_H_ EXTERN_C CRITICAL_SECTION g_csTNGEN; class CThumbnailFCNContainer { public: CThumbnailFCNContainer(void); ~CThumbnailFCNContainer(void); // public members (these go away soon) HRESULT EncodeThumbnail(void *pInputBitmapBits, ULONG ulWidth, ULONG ulHeight, void **ppJPEGBuffer, ULONG *pulBufferSize); HRESULT DecodeThumbnail(HBITMAP *phBitmap, ULONG *pulWidth, ULONG *pulHeight, void *pJPEGBuffer, ULONG ulBufferSize); private: // // The following globals should get their values from the registry // during TN_Initialize // // WARNING: for large Thumbnail_X and Thumbnail_Y values, we will also // need to increase INPUT_vBUF_SIZE and OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE in jdatasrc.cpp and // jdatadst.cpp (lovely jpeg decompression code...). Also need to modify our // ULONG Thumbnail_Quality; ULONG Thumbnail_X; ULONG Thumbnail_Y; // // JPEG globals // HANDLE m_hJpegC, m_hJpegD; BYTE * m_JPEGheader; ULONG m_JPEGheaderSize; }; #endif