//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // utils.h - theme code utilities //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define THEMEDLL_EXT L".msstyles" #define DEFAULT_THEME L".\\luna\\luna.msstyles" #define CONTAINER_NAME L"themes.ini" #define CONTAINER_RESNAME L"themes_ini" #define USUAL_CLASSDATA_NAME L"default.ini" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define RESOURCE // marks vars as being needed to be freed at block exit //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG #define _DEBUG #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define COMBOENTRY(combo, color, size) \ (combo->sFileNums[size*combo->cColorSchemes + color]) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SAFE_ATOM_DELETE(x) if (1) {GlobalDeleteAtom(x); x = 0;} else #define SAFE_DELETE_GDIOBJ(hgdiobj) if((hgdiobj)) {DeleteObject(hgdiobj); (hgdiobj)=NULL;} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ARRAYSIZE #define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #endif ARRAYSIZE #define WIDTH(r) ((r).right - (r).left) #define HEIGHT(r) ((r).bottom - (r).top) #ifndef RECTWIDTH #define RECTWIDTH(prc) ((prc)->right - (prc)->left) #endif RECTWIDTH #ifndef RECTHEIGHT #define RECTHEIGHT(prc) ((prc)->bottom - (prc)->top) #endif RECTHEIGHT #ifndef BOOLIFY #define BOOLIFY(val) ((val) ? TRUE : FALSE) #endif BOOLIFY #ifndef TESTFLAG #define TESTFLAG(field,bits) (((field)&(bits)) ? TRUE : FALSE) #endif TESTFLAG //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef __cplusplus #define SAFE_DELETE(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(prg) { delete [] (prg); (prg)=NULL; } #endif //__cplusplus //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define RED(c) GetRValue(c) #define GREEN(c) GetGValue(c) #define BLUE(c) GetBValue(c) #define ALPHACHANNEL(c) BYTE((c) >> 24) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define REVERSE3(c) ((RED(c) << 16) | (GREEN(c) << 8) | BLUE(c)) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define LAST_SYSCOLOR (COLOR_MENUBAR) // last color defined in winuser.h #define TM_COLORCOUNT (LAST_SYSCOLOR+1) // # of colors we care about //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ULONGAT(p) (*((LONG *)(p))) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define THEME_DPI 96 #define DPISCALE(val, DcDpi) MulDiv(val, DcDpi, THEME_DPI) #define ROUND(flNum) (int(floor((flNum)+.5))) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL DpiDiff(HDC hdc, OUT int *piDcDpiH, OUT int *piDcDpiV = NULL) { BOOL fDiff = FALSE; BOOL fGotDc = (hdc != NULL); if (! fGotDc) hdc = GetWindowDC(NULL); if (hdc) { *piDcDpiH = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); if (piDcDpiV) { *piDcDpiV = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); } if (! fGotDc) ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); fDiff = (*piDcDpiH != THEME_DPI); } return fDiff; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IMAGE_DRAWPROC) (IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS* pimldp); typedef int (WINAPI *PFNDRAWSHADOWTEXT)(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR pszText, UINT cch, RECT* prc, DWORD dwFlags, COLORREF crText, COLORREF crShadow, int ixOffset, int iyOffset); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 1 // testing DrawThemeIcon() typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI *IMAGE_LOADPROC) (HINSTANCE hi, LPCTSTR lpbmp, int cx, int cGrow, COLORREF crMask, UINT uType, UINT uFlags); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IMAGE_DESTROYPROC) (HIMAGELIST himl); #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct COLORSIZECOMBOS // binary resource in package { WORD cColorSchemes; // number of color schemes defined WORD cSizes; // number of sizes defined SHORT sFileNums[1]; // 2 dim array (colors x sizes) }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- union MIXEDPTRS { BYTE *pb; char *pc; WORD *pw; SHORT *ps; WCHAR *px; int *pi; DWORD *pdw; POINT *ppt; SIZE *psz; RECT *prc; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum GRIDNUM { GN_LEFTTOP = 0, GN_MIDDLETOP = 1, GN_RIGHTTOP = 2, GN_LEFTMIDDLE = 3, GN_MIDDLEMIDDLE = 4, GN_RIGHTMIDDLE = 5, GN_LEFTBOTTOM = 6, GN_MIDDLEBOTTOM = 7, GN_RIGHTBOTTOM = 8 }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern IMAGE_DRAWPROC ImageList_DrawProc; extern HINSTANCE g_hInst; extern PFNDRAWSHADOWTEXT CCDrawShadowText; extern int g_iScreenDpi; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool IsSpace(WCHAR wch) { WORD w = 0; GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, &wch, 1, &w); return (w & C1_SPACE) ? true : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool IsHexDigit(WCHAR wch) { WORD w = 0; GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, &wch, 1, &w); return (w & C1_XDIGIT) ? true : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool IsDigit(WCHAR wch) { WORD w = 0; GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, &wch, 1, &w); return (w & C1_DIGIT) ? true : false; } // A string compare that explicitely only works on english characters int AsciiStrCmpI(const WCHAR *dst, const WCHAR *src); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ErrorBox(LPCSTR pszFormat, ...); void lstrcpy_truncate(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, DWORD dwMaxDestChars); void ForceDesktopRepaint(); void ReplChar(LPWSTR pszBuff, WCHAR wOldVal, WCHAR wNewVal); void ApplyStringProp(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR psz, ATOM atom); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL UtilsStartUp(); BOOL UtilsShutDown(); BOOL IsUnicode(LPCSTR pszBuff, int *piUnicodeStartOffset); BOOL FileExists(LPCTSTR pszFullNameAndPath); BOOL GetMyExePath(LPWSTR pszNameBuff); BOOL lstrtoken(LPWSTR psz, WCHAR wch); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLE CmdLineRun(LPCTSTR pszExeName, LPCTSTR pszCmdLine=NULL, BOOL fHide=TRUE); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT SyncCmdLineRun(LPCTSTR pszExeName, LPCTSTR pszParams=NULL); HRESULT TextToFile(LPCWSTR szFileName, LPCWSTR szText); HRESULT GetPtrToResource(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR pszResType, LPCWSTR pszResName, OUT void **ppBytes, OPTIONAL OUT DWORD *pdwBytes=NULL); HRESULT GetResString(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR pszResType, int id, LPWSTR pszBuff, DWORD dwMaxBuffChars); HRESULT AllocateTextResource(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR pszResName, LPWSTR *ppszText); //---- uses LocalAlloc() to put text file into a string; use LocalFree() to release ---- HRESULT AllocateTextFile(LPCWSTR szFileName, OUT LPWSTR *ppszFileText, OUT OPTIONAL BOOL *pfWasAnsi); HRESULT AddPathIfNeeded(LPCWSTR pszFileName, LPCWSTR pszPath, LPWSTR pszFullName, DWORD dwFullChars); HRESULT hr_lstrcpy(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, DWORD dwMaxDestChars); HRESULT GetDirBaseName(LPCWSTR pszDirName, LPWSTR pszBaseBuff, DWORD dwMaxBaseChars); HRESULT AnsiToUnicode(LPSTR pszSource, LPWSTR pszDest, DWORD dwMaxDestChars); HRESULT SetFileExt(LPCWSTR pszOrigName, LPCWSTR pszNewExt, OUT LPWSTR pszNewNameBuff); BOOL UnExpandEnvironmentString(LPCWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pszEnvVar, LPWSTR pszResult, UINT cbResult); HRESULT EnsureUxCtrlLoaded(); HRESULT RegistryIntWrite(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, int iValue); HRESULT RegistryStrWrite(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPCWSTR pszValue); HRESULT RegistryStrWriteExpand(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPCWSTR pszValue); HRESULT RegistryIntRead(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, int *piValue); HRESULT RegistryStrRead(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPWSTR pszBuff, DWORD dwMaxChars); BOOL PreMultiplyAlpha(DWORD *pPixelBuff, UINT iWidth, UINT iHeight); HRESULT MakeFlippedBitmap(HBITMAP hSrcBitmap, HBITMAP *phFlipped); HRESULT FlipDIB32(DWORD *pBits, UINT iWidth, UINT iHeight); BOOL IsBiDiLocalizedSystem(void); DWORD MinimumDisplayColorDepth (void); bool CheckMinColorDepth(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwCurMinDepth, int iIndex = -1); void SafeSendMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- WCHAR *StringDup(LPCWSTR pszOrig); BOOL AsciiScanStringList( LPCWSTR pwszString, LPCWSTR* rgpwszList, int cStrings, BOOL fIgnoreCase ); HICON _GetWindowIcon(HWND hwnd, BOOL fPerferLargeIcon); BOOL GetWindowDesktopName(HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pszName, DWORD dwMaxChars); int FontPointSize(int iFontHeight); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL IsWindowProcess( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwProcessId ) { DWORD dwPid = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwPid); return dwProcessId == dwPid; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RGBtoHLS(COLORREF crColor, WORD *pfHue, WORD *pfSat, WORD *pfLum); COLORREF HLStoRGB(WORD bHue, WORD bLum, WORD bSat); int string2number(LPCWSTR psz); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void MIRROR_POINT( IN const RECT& rcWindow, IN OUT POINT& pt ) { pt.x = rcWindow.right + rcWindow.left - pt.x; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline void MIRROR_RECT( IN const RECT& rcWindow, IN OUT RECT& rc ) { DWORD dwWidth = RECTWIDTH(&rc); rc.right = rcWindow.right + rcWindow.left - rc.left; rc.left = rc.right - dwWidth; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline BOOL IsMirrored(HDC hdc) { BOOL fMirrored = FALSE; DWORD dwVal = GetLayout(hdc); if ((dwVal != GDI_ERROR) && (dwVal & LAYOUT_RTL)) fMirrored = TRUE; return fMirrored; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// inline BOOL IsFlippingBitmaps(HDC hdc) { BOOL fFlipping = FALSE; DWORD dwVal = GetLayout(hdc); if ((dwVal != GDI_ERROR) && (dwVal & LAYOUT_RTL)) { if (! (dwVal & LAYOUT_BITMAPORIENTATIONPRESERVED)) fFlipping = TRUE; } return fFlipping; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void ScaleFontForScreenDpi(LOGFONT *plf) { //---- scale from 96 dpi to current logical screen dpi ---- if (plf->lfHeight < 0) // specified in points { plf->lfHeight = MulDiv(plf->lfHeight, g_iScreenDpi, THEME_DPI); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int ScaleSizeForScreenDpi(int iValue) { //---- scale from 96 dpi to current logical screen dpi ---- return MulDiv(iValue, g_iScreenDpi, THEME_DPI); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScaleFontForHdcDpi(HDC hdc, LOGFONT *plf); int ScaleSizeForHdcDpi(HDC hdc, int iValue); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------