#include #include // version info #include // windows NT version info #include "c2aclres.h" STRINGTABLE BEGIN // Generic Messages IDS_GENERIC_CAPTION "C2 ACL Configuration -- Generic" IDS_DLL_NAME "C2 ACL Configuration Utilities" IDS_UNABLE_READ "Unable to read the current status of this item." IDS_REGISTRY_ACL_INF "c2regacl.inf" IDS_IS "is" IDS_IS_NOT "is not" IDS_NTFS "NTFS" IDS_HPFS "HPFS" IDS_FAT "FAT" IDS_NTFS_ACL_INF "c2ntfacl.inf" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_REG_ACLS_COMPLY "The system's Registry ACL's comply to the C2 Requirements." IDS_REG_ACLS_NOT_COMPLY "The system's Registry ACL's do not meet the C2 Requirements." IDS_REG_ACLS_CONFIRM "The security of the registry keys will be set to be C2 Compliant. This process may take a few minutes.\n\r\n\rSelect OK to update the registry security or Cancel to skip this process." IDS_REG_ACLS_QUERY_SET "The registry security may not be configured for C2 compliance. Select OK to set the registry security now or Cancel to exit." IDS_REG_ACLS_CAPTION "C2 Configuration -- Registry ACL's" IDS_REG_DISPLAY_FORMAT "\nSetting Security for %s" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_NTFS_ACLS_COMPLY "File system security complies to C2 Requirements." IDS_NTFS_ACLS_NOT_COMPLY "File system security does not meet C2 Requirements." IDS_NTFS_ACLS_CONFIRM "The security of the file system will be set to be C2 Compliant. This process may take a few minutes.\n\r\n\rSelect OK to update the file system security or Cancel to skip this process." IDS_NTFS_ACLS_QUERY_SET "The file system security may not be configured for C2 compliance. Select OK to set the file system security now or Cancel to exit." IDS_NTFS_ACLS_CAPTION "C2 Configuration -- File System ACL's" IDS_NTFS_ACLS_NOT_NTFS "The system drive is not using the NTFS file system. The system drive must use the NTFS file system before the security can be set." END VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION VER_PRODUCTVERSION PRODUCTVERSION VER_PRODUCTVERSION FILEFLAGSMASK VER_FILEFLAGSMASK FILEFLAGS VER_FILEFLAGS FILEOS VER_FILEOS FILETYPE VFT_APP FILESUBTYPE 0 BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904E4" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", VER_COMPANYNAME_STR, "\0" VALUE "FileDescription", "C2 ACL Configuration Functions Library", "\0" VALUE "FileVersion", VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR, "\0" VALUE "InternalName", "c2acls", "\0" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 Microsoft Corp. 1994-1995", "\0" VALUE "LegalTrademarks", VER_LEGALTRADEMARKS_STR, "\0" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "C2ACLS.DLL", "\0" VALUE "ProductName", VER_PRODUCTNAME_STR, "\0" VALUE "ProductVersion", VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR, "\0" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0x04E4 END END