@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM wrapper.cmd REM used by pbuild.cmd to manage async. processes REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use Logmsg; use File::Basename; dbgmsg("wrapper args: " . join(', ', @ARGV)); my ($instance, $command, @options) = @ARGV; my $short_name = basename($command); my $command_line = join ' ', $command, @options; my $start_time = time(); if ( $command =~ /\.p[lm]/ ) { system( "perl $command_line" ); } else { system( "$command_line" ); } my $exit_code = $?; my $elapsed_time = time() - $start_time; infomsg("TIMING: $short_name took $elapsed_time seconds"); # finally, send the messages needed to finish up the script my $event_name = "$short_name"; $event_name .= ".$instance"; dbgmsg("wrapper event name: $event_name"); system( "perl \%RazzleToolPath\%\\PostBuildScripts\\cmdevt.pl -ih " . "$event_name" ); system( "perl \%RazzleToolPath\%\\PostBuildScripts\\cmdevt.pl -is " . "$event_name" ); if ($exit_code) { print "\nPossible error, sleeping 30 minutes\n"; sleep 1800; }