// DocWrapExcept // // Classes that wrap interface pointers. All methods are passed through, but any // SEH-type exceptions are caught, logged, and result in an error. // // Note that COM interfaces are not supposed to throw exceptions - this code exists // as a robustness/preventative measure. // // This file in #included by DocWrapImpl.cpp. It exists as a separate file just to // avoid clutter - this code is not currently reused anywhere else. // Code below assumes the following have already beein defined (in DocWrapImpl.cpp): // class BasicDocTraitsAnchor // class BasicDocTraitsACP #include void HandleException( DWORD dwException, LPCTSTR pFName ) { TraceError( TSTR() << TEXT("Exception 0x") << WriteHex( dwException ) << TEXT(" thrown from ") << pFName ); } // If we want to use the IMETHOD(name) call tracking macro here, we need to disable warning 4509, // which warns against mixing object that have destructors (used by IMETHOD) and SEH. // // #pragma warning( disable : 4509 ) // Forwarding macro: // Calls through the interface - assumes a member variable pThis of the correct type. // Exceptions are logged (in HandleException), and a failure code returned. #define EXCEPT_FORWARD( fname, c, params ) /**/ \ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE fname AS_DECL( c, params ) \ {\ __try {\ return m_pThis-> fname AS_CALL( c, params ) ;\ }\ __except( HandleException( GetExceptionCode(), TEXT( # fname ) ), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) {\ return E_FAIL;\ }\ } // This class acts as a 'holder' for the class that actually does the forwarding. // Template parameter I is the original interface being wrapped, template parameter // W is the wrapping/forwarding interface. // This class just takes care of basic 'smart pointer' housekeeping - assignment, // operator->, etc. // // Assumes that the wrapper class will have an accessible member pThis of type I*. template < class I, class W > class SEHWrapPtr { W m_SEHWrap; public: SEHWrapPtr( I * pThis ) { m_SEHWrap.m_pThis = pThis; } operator I * ( ) { return m_SEHWrap.m_pThis; } W * operator -> () { return & m_SEHWrap; } operator & () { return & m_SEHWrap.m_pThis; } void operator = ( I * pI ) { m_SEHWrap.m_pThis = pI; } }; // SEH Wrapper for IUnknown. Other SEH wrappers that wrap COM interfaces derive from this. template < class I > struct SEHWrap_IUnknown { public: I * m_pThis; EXCEPT_FORWARD( AddRef, 0, ( ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( Release, 0, ( ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( QueryInterface, 2, ( REFIID, riid, void **, ppv ) ) }; // This wrapper wraps methods which are common to ITextStoreACP and ITextStoreAnchor. // Derived classes add in the ACP- and Anchor- specific methods. template < class DocTraits > struct SEHWrap_TextStoreBase : public SEHWrap_IUnknown < DocTraits::IDoc > { public: EXCEPT_FORWARD( AdviseSink, 3, ( REFIID, riid, IUnknown *, punk, DWORD, dwMask ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( UnadviseSink, 1, ( IUnknown *, punk ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( RequestLock, 2, ( DWORD, dwLockFlags, HRESULT *, phrSession ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetStatus, 1, ( TS_STATUS *, pdcs ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( QueryInsert, 5, ( DocTraits::PosType, InsertStart, DocTraits::PosType, InsertEnd, ULONG, cch, DocTraits::PosType *, ppaInsertStart, DocTraits::PosType *, ppaInsertEnd ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( QueryInsertEmbedded, 3, ( const GUID *, pguidService, const FORMATETC *, pFormatEtc, BOOL *, pfInsertable ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetScreenExt, 2, ( TsViewCookie, vcView, RECT *, prc ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetWnd, 2, ( TsViewCookie, vcView, HWND *, phwnd ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetFormattedText, 3, ( DocTraits::PosType, Start, DocTraits::PosType, End, IDataObject **, ppDataObject ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetTextExt, 5, ( TsViewCookie, vcView, DocTraits::PosType, Start, DocTraits::PosType, End, RECT *, prc, BOOL *, pfClipped ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( RequestSupportedAttrs, 3, ( DWORD, dwFlags, ULONG, cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *, paFilterAttrs ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( RequestAttrsAtPosition, 4, ( DocTraits::PosType, Pos, ULONG, cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *, paFilterAttrs, DWORD, dwFlags ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition, 4, ( DocTraits::PosType, Pos, ULONG, cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *, paFilterAttrs, DWORD, dwFlags ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( RetrieveRequestedAttrs, 3, ( ULONG, ulCount, TS_ATTRVAL *, paAttrVals, ULONG *, pcFetched ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetActiveView, 1, ( TsViewCookie *, pvcView ) ) /* EXCEPT_FORWARDEXT( ScrollToRect, 4, ( DocTraits::PosType, Start, DocTraits::PosType, End, RECT, rc, DWORD, dwPosition ) ) */ }; struct SEHWrap_TextStoreACP : public SEHWrap_TextStoreBase< BasicDocTraitsACP > { EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetSelection, 4, ( ULONG, ulIndex, ULONG, ulCount, TS_SELECTION_ACP *, pSelection, ULONG *, pcFetched ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetText, 9, ( LONG, acpStart, LONG, acpEnd, WCHAR *, pchPlain, ULONG, cchPlainReq, ULONG *, pcchPlainRet, TS_RUNINFO *, prgRunInfo, ULONG, cRunInfoReq, ULONG *, pcRunInfoRet, LONG *, pacpNext ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetEmbedded, 4, ( LONG, Pos, REFGUID, rguidService, REFIID, riid, IUnknown **, ppunk ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetEndACP, 1, ( LONG *, pacp ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetACPFromPoint, 4, ( TsViewCookie, vcView, const POINT *, ptScreen, DWORD, dwFlags, LONG *, pacp ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( FindNextAttrTransition, 8, ( LONG, acpStart, LONG, acpEnd, ULONG, cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *, paFilterAttrs, DWORD, dwFlags, LONG *, pacpNext, BOOL *, pfFound, LONG *, plFoundOffset ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( SetSelection, 2, ( ULONG, ulCount, const TS_SELECTION_ACP *, pSelection ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( SetText, 6, ( DWORD, dwFlags, LONG, acpStart, LONG, acpEnd, const WCHAR *, pchText, ULONG, cch, TS_TEXTCHANGE *, pChange ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertEmbedded, 5, ( DWORD, dwFlags, LONG, acpStart, LONG, acpEnd, IDataObject *, pDataObject, TS_TEXTCHANGE *, pChange ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertTextAtSelection, 6, ( DWORD, dwFlags, const WCHAR *, pchText, ULONG, cch, LONG *, pacpStart, LONG *, pacpEnd, TS_TEXTCHANGE *, pChange ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertEmbeddedAtSelection, 5, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IDataObject *, pDataObject, LONG *, pacpStart, LONG *, pacpEnd, TS_TEXTCHANGE *, pChange ) ) }; struct SEHWrap_TextStoreAnchor : public SEHWrap_TextStoreBase< BasicDocTraitsAnchor > { EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetSelection, 4, ( ULONG, ulIndex, ULONG, ulCount, TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *, pSelection, ULONG *, pcFetched ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetText, 7, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IAnchor *, paStart, IAnchor *, paEnd, WCHAR *, pchText, ULONG, cchReq, ULONG *, pcch, BOOL, fUpdateAnchor ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetEmbedded, 5, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IAnchor *, Pos, REFGUID, rguidService, REFIID, riid, IUnknown **, ppunk ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetStart, 1, ( IAnchor **, ppaStart ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetEnd, 1, ( IAnchor **, ppaEnd ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( GetAnchorFromPoint, 4, ( TsViewCookie, vcView, const POINT *, ptScreen, DWORD, dwFlags, IAnchor **, ppaSite ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( FindNextAttrTransition, 7, ( IAnchor *, paStart, IAnchor *, paEnd, ULONG, cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *, paFilterAttrs, DWORD, dwFlags, BOOL *, pfFound, LONG *, plFoundOffset ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( SetSelection, 2, ( ULONG, ulCount, const TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR *, pSelection ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( SetText, 5, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IAnchor *, paStart, IAnchor *, paEnd, const WCHAR *, pchText, ULONG, cch ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertEmbedded, 4, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IAnchor *, paStart, IAnchor *, paEnd, IDataObject *, pDataObject ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertTextAtSelection, 5, ( DWORD, dwFlags, const WCHAR *, pchText, ULONG, cch, IAnchor **, ppaStart, IAnchor **, ppaEnd ) ) EXCEPT_FORWARD( InsertEmbeddedAtSelection, 4, ( DWORD, dwFlags, IDataObject *, pDataObject, IAnchor **, ppaStart, IAnchor **, ppaEnd ) ) }; // Finally, put the wrapper classes together with the holder classes to create 'smart pointer'-like // SEH wrappers: typedef SEHWrapPtr< ITextStoreACP, SEHWrap_TextStoreACP > SEHWrapPtr_TextStoreACP; typedef SEHWrapPtr< ITextStoreAnchor, SEHWrap_TextStoreAnchor > SEHWrapPtr_TextStoreAnchor;