//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "windows.h" #include "ntverp.h" #include "version.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // #define VER_LANGNEUTRAL #include "common.ver" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) #ifdef _WIN32 LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #pragma code_page(1252) #endif //_WIN32 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 100 "Edit" 109 "null" 110 "Unknown" 111 "Normal" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 112 "Edit" 113 "Wait" 114 "Graphic" 115 "Up" 116 "NWSE size" 117 "NESW size" 118 "Horizontal size" 119 "Vertical size" 120 "Move" 121 "Forbidden" 122 "App start" 123 "Help" 124 "Pen" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 141 "IME" 142 "Minimize" 143 "Maximize" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 144 "Context help" 145 "Close" 146 "Restore" 150 "Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it" 151 "Brings up the keyboard when pressed" 152 "Moves the window out of the way" 153 "Makes the window full screen" 154 "Enters or leaves context sensitive help mode" 155 "Closes the window" 156 "Puts a minimized or maximized window back to normal" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 180 "Vertical" 181 "Line up" 182 "Page up" 183 "Position" 184 "Page down" 185 "Line down" 186 "Horizontal" 187 "Column left" 188 "Page left" 189 "Position" 190 "Page right" 191 "Column right" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 192 "Size box" 200 "Used to change the vertical viewing area" 201 "Moves the vertical position up one line" 202 "Moves the vertical position up a couple of lines" 203 "Indicates the current vertical position, and can be dragged to change it directly" 204 "Moves the vertical position down a couple of lines" 205 "Moves the vertical position down one line" 206 "Used to change the horizontal viewing area" 207 "Moves the horizontal position left one column" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 208 "Moves the horizontal position left a couple of columns" 209 "Indicates the current horizontal position, and can be dragged to change it directly" 210 "Moves the horizontal position right a couple of columns" 211 "Moves the horizontal position right one column" 212 "Can be used to resize a window's width and height" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 250 "Application" 251 "System" 252 "Contains commands to manipulate the current view or document" 253 "Contains commands to manipulate the window" 254 "Alt" 255 "Alt+%s" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 256 "Space" 257 "Hyphen" 258 "Execute" 259 "Shift" 260 "Ctrl" 262 "Ctrl+Esc" 263 "Context" 264 "Document Window" 265 "Double Click" 266 "Click" 270 "Window" 271 "Start" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 272 "More" 273 "Less" 274 "Tray" 275 "None" 280 "Down Arrow" 285 "Open" 286 "Close" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 290 "Task Switching" 291 "Lists the application windows so the user can pick the one to switch to" 292 "Switch" 293 "Workspace" 294 "Desktop" 295 "%d%%" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 305 "Expand" 306 "Collapse" 307 "Jump" 308 "Press" 309 "Check" 310 "Uncheck" 311 "Toggle" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 320 "part %d" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1000 "normal" 1001 "unavailable" 1002 "selected" 1003 "focused" 1004 "pressed" 1005 "checked" 1006 "mixed" 1007 "read only" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1008 "hot tracked" 1009 "default" 1010 "expanded" 1011 "collapsed" 1012 "busy" 1013 "floating" 1014 "marqueed" 1015 "animated" 1016 "invisible" 1017 "offscreen" 1018 "sizeable" 1019 "moveable" 1020 "self voicing" 1021 "focusable" 1022 "selectable" 1023 "linked" 1024 "traversed" 1025 "multiple selectable" 1026 "extended selectable" 1027 "alert low" 1028 "alert medium" 1029 "alert high" 1030 "protected" 1031 "has popup" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1100 "unknown object" 1101 "title bar" 1102 "menu bar" 1103 "scroll bar" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1104 "grip" 1105 "sound" 1106 "cursor" 1107 "caret" 1108 "alert" 1109 "window" 1110 "client" 1111 "popup menu" 1112 "menu item" 1113 "tool tip" 1114 "application" 1115 "document" 1116 "pane" 1117 "chart" 1118 "dialog" 1119 "border" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1120 "grouping" 1121 "separator" 1122 "tool bar" 1123 "status bar" 1124 "table" 1125 "column header" 1126 "row header" 1127 "column" 1128 "row" 1129 "cell" 1130 "link" 1131 "help balloon" 1132 "character" 1133 "list" 1134 "list item" 1135 "outline" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1136 "outline item" 1137 "page tab" 1138 "property page" 1139 "indicator" 1140 "graphic" 1141 "text" 1142 "editable text" 1143 "push button" 1144 "check box" 1145 "radio button" 1146 "combo box" 1147 "drop down" 1148 "progress bar" 1149 "dial" 1150 "hot key field" 1151 "slider" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 1152 "spin box" 1153 "diagram" 1154 "animation" 1155 "equation" 1156 "drop down button" 1157 "menu button" 1158 "grid drop down button" 1159 "white space" 1160 "page tab list" 1161 "clock" 1162 "split button" 1163 "IP address" 1164 "outline button" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 3000 "This version of Active Accessibility installs English language versions of core components. Because your system is not an English language system, this installation cannot continue." 3001 "Active Accessibility requires Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or newer. Please install Service Pack 4 and re-run this installation." 3002 "This Active Accessibility Redistribution Kit will install only on systems running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4. Users of Windows 98 and Windows 2000 should obtain an update that contains the latest Active Accessibility components." 3004 "This version of Active Accessibility does not work reliably on Windows NT4 without Service Pack 4 or newer. Please install Service Pack 4 and then restart this installation." 3005 "This package will install Microsoft(R) Active Accessibility(tm). Would you like to continue?" 3006 "Microsoft(R) Active Accessibility(tm) is now installed." 3007 "An old version of Internet Explorer is installed on this computer. Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 2 (or newer) contains more robust Active Accessibility support for web pages and should be installed before installing Active Accessibility. Continue installing Active Accessibility now?" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 4000 "font" 4001 "facename" 4002 "sizePts" 4003 "style" 4004 "bold" 4005 "italic" 4006 "smallcaps" 4007 "capitalize" 4008 "uppercase" 4009 "lowercase" 4010 "animation" 4011 "LasVegas lights" 4012 "blinking background" 4013 "sparkle text" 4014 "marching black ants" 4015 "marching red ants" 4016 "shimmer" 4017 "wipeDown" 4018 "wipeRight" 4019 "emboss" 4020 "engrave" 4021 "kerning" 4022 "outlined" 4023 "position" 4024 "potected" 4025 "shadow" 4026 "spacing" 4027 "weight" 4028 "height" 4029 "underline" 4030 "single" 4031 "double" 4032 "strike through" 4033 "strike through single" 4034 "strike through double" 4035 "overline" 4036 "overline single" 4037 "overline double" 4038 "blink" 4039 "subscript" 4040 "superscript" 4041 "color" 4042 "background color" 4043 "text" 4044 "vertical writing" 4045 "righttoleft" 4046 "orientation" 4047 "language" 4048 "read only" 4049 "embedded object" 4050 "link" 4051 "alignment" 4052 "left" 4053 "right" 4054 "center" 4055 "justify" 4056 "hyphenation" 4057 "paragraph" 4058 "first line indent" 4059 "left indent" 4060 "right indent" 4061 "space after" 4062 "space before" 4063 "line spacing" 4064 "single" 4065 "one pt five" 4066 "double" 4067 "at least" 4068 "exactly" 4069 "multiple" 4070 "list" 4071 "indent level" 4072 "type" 4073 "bullet" 4074 "arabic" 4075 "lower letter" 4076 "upper letter" 4077 "lower roman" 4078 "upper roman" 4079 "application" 4080 "incorrect spelling" 4081 "incorrect grammar" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 4401 "thin" 4402 "extra light" 4403 "light" 4404 "normal" 4405 "medium" 4406 "light" 4407 "extra bold" 4408 "heavy" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 4421 "true" 4422 "false" END STRINGTABLE FIXED IMPURE BEGIN 4500 "AliceBlue" 4501 "AntiqueWhite" 4502 "Aqua" 4503 "Aquamarine" 4504 "Azure" 4505 "Beige" 4506 "Bisque" 4507 "Black" 4508 "BlanchedAlmond" 4509 "Blue" 4510 "BlueViolet" 4511 "Brown" 4512 "BurlyWood" 4513 "CadetBlue" 4514 "Chartreuse" 4515 "Chocolate" 4516 "Coral" 4517 "CornflowerBlue" 4518 "Cornsilk " 4519 "Crimson " 4520 "Cyan" 4521 "DarkBlue" 4522 "DarkCyan" 4523 "DarkGoldenrod" 4524 "DarkGray" 4525 "DarkGreen" 4526 "DarkKhaki" 4527 "DarkMagenta" 4528 "DarkOliveGreen" 4529 "DarkOrange" 4530 "DarkOrchid" 4531 "DarkRed" 4532 "DarkSalmon " 4533 "DarkSeaGreen" 4534 "DarkSlateBlue" 4535 "DarkSlateGray" 4536 "DarkTurquoise" 4537 "DarkViolet" 4538 "DeepPink" 4539 "DeepSkyBlue" 4540 "DimGray" 4541 "DodgerBlue" 4542 "FireBrick" 4543 "FloralWhite" 4544 "ForestGreen" 4545 "Fuchsia" 4546 "Gainsboro" 4547 "GhostWhite" 4548 "Gold" 4549 "Goldenrod" 4550 "Gray" 4551 "Green" 4552 "GreenYellow" 4553 "Honeydew" 4554 "HotPink" 4555 "IndianRed" 4556 "Indigo" 4557 "Ivory" 4558 "Khaki" 4559 "Lavender" 4560 "LavenderBlush" 4561 "LawnGreen" 4562 "LemonChiffon" 4563 "LightBlue" 4564 "LightCoral" 4565 "LightCyan" 4566 "LightGoldenrodYellow" 4567 "LightGreen" 4568 "LightGrey" 4569 "LightPink" 4570 "LightSalmon" 4571 "LightSeaGreen" 4572 "LightSkyBlue" 4573 "LightSlateGray" 4574 "LightSteelBlue" 4575 "LightYellow" 4576 "Lime" 4577 "LimeGreen" 4578 "Linen" 4579 "Magenta" 4580 "Maroon" 4581 "MediumAquamarine" 4582 "MediumBlue" 4583 "MediumOrchid" 4584 "MediumPurple" 4585 "MediumSeaGreen" 4586 "MediumSlateBlue" 4587 "MediumSpringGreen" 4588 "MediumTurquoise" 4589 "MediumVioletRed" 4590 "MidnightBlue " 4591 "MintCream" 4592 "MistyRose" 4593 "Moccasin" 4594 "NavajoWhite" 4595 "Navy" 4596 "OldLace" 4597 "Olive" 4598 "OliveDrab" 4599 "Orange" 4600 "OrangeRed" 4601 "Orchid" 4602 "PaleGoldenrod" 4603 "PaleGreen" 4604 "PaleTurquoise" 4605 "PaleVioletRed" 4606 "PapayaWhip" 4607 "PeachPuff" 4608 "Peru" 4609 "Pink" 4610 "Plum" 4611 "PowderBlue" 4612 "Purple " 4613 "Red" 4614 "RosyBrown" 4615 "RoyalBlue" 4616 "SaddleBrown" 4617 "Salmon" 4618 "SandyBrown" 4619 "SeaGreen" 4620 "Seashell" 4621 "Sienna" 4622 "Silver" 4623 "SkyBlue" 4624 "SlateBlue" 4625 "SlateGray" 4626 "Snow" 4627 "SpringGreen" 4628 "SteelBlue" 4629 "Tan" 4630 "Teal" 4631 "Thistle" 4632 "Tomato" 4633 "Turquoise" 4634 "Violet" 4635 "Wheat" 4636 "White" 4637 "WhiteSmoke" 4638 "Yellow" 4639 "YellowGreen" END #endif // English (U.S.) resources /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////