361 lines
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361 lines
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page ,132
; Module Name: TIMEA.ASM - Some time functions
; Copyright (c) 1984-1991 Microsoft Corporation
?PLM = 1
?WIN = 0
include cmacros.inc
include windows.inc
include mmsystem.inc
include mmddk.inc
externFP DefTimerProc ; in TIME.C
externFP StackInit ; in INIT.C
externFP CheckThunkInit ; in stack.asm
externFP MMCALLPROC32 ; in Stack.asm
createSeg FIX, CodeFix, word, public, CODE
createSeg INTDS, DataFix, byte, public, DATA
sBegin DataFix
public lpTimeMsgProc
public hTimeDrv
lpTimeMsgProc dd DefTimerProc ; timer driver entry point
hTimeDrv dw 0 ; driver handle for timer
externW gwStackSize ; in STACK.ASM
externD tid32Message ; in Stack.asm
sBegin CodeFix
assumes cs,CodeFix
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
externW CodeFixDS ; in STACK.ASM
externW CodeFixWinFlags
; @api WORD | timeBeginPeriod | This function sets the minimum (lowest
; number of milliseconds) timer resolution that an application or
; driver is going to use. Call this function immediately before starting
; to use timer-event services, and call <f timeEndPeriod> immediately
; after finishing with the timer-event services.
; @parm WORD | wPeriod | Specifies the minimum timer-event resolution
; that the application or driver will use.
; @rdesc Returns zero if successful. Returns TIMERR_NOCANDO if the specified
; <p wPeriod> resolution value is out of range.
; @xref timeEndPeriod timeSetEvent
; @comm For each call to <f timeBeginPeriod>, you must call
; <f timeEndPeriod> with a matching <p wPeriod> value.
; An application or driver can make multiple calls to <f timeBeginPeriod>,
; as long as each <f timeBeginPeriod> call is matched with a
; <f timeEndPeriod> call.
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeBeginPeriod, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
; ParmW wPeriod
cBegin <nogen>
; Below is a hack to knobble the minimum period that we support
; on WOW. 6 ms is about all that a 486dx can cope with.
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp+6]
cmp ax,5
ja @f
mov word ptr [bp+6],6
pop bp
; start of original code.
jmp short timeMessageWord
cEnd <nogen>
; @api WORD | timeEndPeriod | This function clears a previously set
; minimum (lowest number of milliseconds) timer resolution that an
; application or driver is going to use. Call this function
; immediately after using timer event services.
; @parm WORD | wPeriod | Specifies the minimum timer-event resolution
; value specified in the previous call to <f timeBeginPeriod>.
; @rdesc Returns zero if successful. Returns TIMERR_NOCANDO if the specified
; <p wPeriod> resolution value is out of range.
; @xref timeBeginPeriod timeSetEvent
; @comm For each call to <f timeBeginPeriod>, you must call
; <f timeEndPeriod> with a matching <p wPeriod> value.
; An application or driver can make multiple calls to <f timeBeginPeriod>,
; as long as each <f timeBeginPeriod> call is matched with a
; <f timeEndPeriod> call.
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeEndPeriod, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
; ParmW wPeriod
cBegin <nogen>
; Below is a hack to knobble the minimum period that we support
; on WOW. 6 ms is about all that a 486dx can cope with.
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,word ptr [bp+6]
cmp ax,5
ja @f
mov word ptr [bp+6],6
pop bp
; start of original code.
jmp short timeMessageWord
cEnd <nogen>
; @api WORD | timeKillEvent | This functions destroys a specified timer
; callback event.
; @parm WORD | wID | Identifies the event to be destroyed.
; @rdesc Returns zero if successful. Returns TIMERR_NOCANDO if the
; specified timer event does not exist.
; @comm The timer event ID specified by <p wID> must be an ID
; returned by <f timeSetEvent>.
; @xref timeSetEvent
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeKillEvent, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
; ParmW wId
cBegin <nogen>
errn$ timeMessageWord
cEnd <nogen>
; @api DWORD | timeMessageWord | send a message to the timer driver
; @reg bx | message to send to driver
; @parm WORD | w | WORD to send to driver
; @rdesc Returns zero if successful, error code otherwise
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeMessageWord, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
; ParmW w
cBegin <nogen>
pop ax ; DX:AX = return addr.
pop dx
pop cx ; CX = LOWORD(dw1)
mov es, [CodeFixDS]
assumes es, DataFix
push 0 ; 0
push 0 ; 0
push es:[hTimeDrv]
push bx ; Message
xor bx,bx
push bx ; 0
push cx ; wParam
push bx ; 0
push bx ; 0
push dx ; Return address
push ax
jmp DWORD PTR es:[lpTimeMsgProc]
cEnd <nogen>
; @api DWORD | timeGetTime | This function retrieves the system time
; in milliseconds. The system time is the time elapsed since
; Windows was started.
; @rdesc The return value is the system time in milliseconds.
; @comm The only difference between this function and
; the <f timeGetSystemTime> function is <f timeGetSystemTime>
; uses the standard multimedia time structure <t MMTIME> to return
; the system time. The <f timeGetTime> function has less overhead than
; <f timeGetSystemTime>.
; @xref timeGetSystemTime
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeGetTime, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
call CheckThunkInit ; changes es to point to fixed data seg
or ax,ax
jnz @F
sub dx,dx
push dx ; api encoded number
push 0Ah ; see THUNK_TIMEGETTIME in thunks.h
push dx ; Dummy dw1
push dx ;
push dx ; Dummy dw2
push dx ;
push dx ; Dummy dw3
push dx ;
push dx ; Dummy dw4
push dx ;
push es:tid32Message.sel ; Address of function to be called
push es:tid32Message.off ;
push dx
push dx ; no directory change
call FAR PTR MMCALLPROC32 ; call the 32 bit code
; @api void | timeStackInit | in 286p mode init the stacks when
; timeSetEvent() is called for the first time.
; @xref timeSetEvent
; @rdesc none
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeStackInit, <NEAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
test cs:[CodeFixWinFlags], WF_WIN386
jnz timeStackInitExit
mov es,[CodeFixDS]
assumes es,DataFix
mov ax,es:[gwStackSize]
or ax,ax
jnz timeStackInitExit
push ds ; set DS = DGROUP
mov ax,DGROUP
mov ds,ax
cCall StackInit
pop ds
; @api DWORD | timeMessage | send a message to the timer driver
; @parm WORD | msg | message to send
; @parm DWORD | dw1 | first DWORD
; @parm DWORD | dw2 | first DWORD
; @rdesc Returns zero if successful, error code otherwise
assumes ds,nothing
assumes es,nothing
cProc timeMessage, <FAR, PUBLIC, PASCAL>, <>
ParmW msg
ParmD dw1
ParmD dw2
mov es,[CodeFixDS]
assumes es,DataFix
xor ax,ax
push ax ; dwDriverId
push ax
push es:[hTimeDrv]
push msg ; Message passed
push dw1.hi
push dw1.lo
push dw2.hi
push dw2.lo
call DWORD PTR es:[lpTimeMsgProc]
sEnd CodeFix