2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

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Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
File Name:
The definition of class CItemData. A generic base class to store the data of items from the
tree control of CFTTreeView and from the list control of CFTListView
An item could be:
- a root volumes item
- a logical volume
- a physical partition
- a root free spaces item
- a free space
It also contains the definition of class CItemID. A generic class to store the minimum information
needed to identify an item. It is used when refreshing the tree.
Cristian Teodorescu October 22, 1998
Revision History:
#if !defined(AFX_ITEM_H_INCLUDED_)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include <FTTypes.h>
#include "FTManDef.h"
#include "Global.h"
// Class CItemData
class CItemData : public CObject
// Public constructor
CItemData( ITEM_TYPE wItemType, CItemData* pParentData = NULL, BOOL bIsRootVolume = FALSE );
// Copy constructor
CItemData( CItemData& rData );
virtual ~CItemData() {};
// Public methods
// Retrieve all information related to this volume
// If something wrong happens inside this method strErrors will contain error message(s)
virtual BOOL ReadItemInfo( CString& strErrors ) = 0;
// Retrieve the members of this volume( as an array of CItemData )
// If something wrong happens inside this method strErrors will contain error message(s)
virtual BOOL ReadMembers( CObArray& arrMembersData, CString& strErrors ) = 0;
// Read the drive letter and volume name of the volume
BOOL ReadDriveLetterAndVolumeName();
// Decides what image should be associated with the item ( depending on the status of the item )
virtual int ComputeImageIndex() const = 0;
// Returns the type of the item
ITEM_TYPE GetItemType() const { return m_wItemType;} ;
// Provides the number of members of this item ( the number retrieved by ReadItemInfo )
ULONG GetMembersNumber() const { return m_ulNumMembers;};
// Provides the drive letter of the item
TCHAR GetDriveLetter() const { return m_cDriveLetter; };
// Provides the volume name of this item
const CString& GetVolumeName() const { return m_strVolumeName; };
// Provides the mount paths of this item
CStringArray& GetMountPaths() { return m_arrMountPaths; }
// Provides the disks set of the volume
const CULONGSet& GetDisksSet() const { return m_setDisks; };
// Is this volume ready for IO operations
BOOL IsIoOK() const { return m_bIoOK; };
// Provides the status of the volume as a member of its parent's set
void SetMemberStatus( FT_MEMBER_STATE nMemberStatus ) { m_nMemberStatus = nMemberStatus; };
FT_MEMBER_STATE GetMemberStatus() const { return m_nMemberStatus; };
// Is this a root volume?
BOOL IsRootVolume() const { return m_bIsRootVolume; };
// Is all information about this volume loaded into this object so we can use it properly?
BOOL IsValid() const { return m_bValid; };
void SetValid( BOOL bValid = TRUE ) { m_bValid = bValid; };
// Provides the index of the image associated with this item
int GetImageIndex() const { return m_iImage; };
void SetImageIndex( int iImageIndex ) { m_iImage = iImageIndex; };
// Provides a pointer to the item's parent data
CItemData* GetParentData() const { return m_pParentData; };
void SetParentData( CItemData* pParentData ) { m_pParentData = pParentData; } ;
// Returns the tree item associated with this structure
HTREEITEM GetTreeItem() const { return m_hTreeItem; };
void SetTreeItem( HTREEITEM hItem) { m_hTreeItem = hItem; };
// Returns the list item associated with this structure. If this is not -1 this doesn't mean automatically
// that the item is in the list. If you are not sure that it is in the list better check first if its father
// is the father of the items displayed in the list ( equivalent with its father is the selected item in the
// tree )
int GetListItem() const { return m_nListItem; };
void SetListItem( int iItem ) { m_nListItem = iItem; };
BOOL AreMembersInserted() const { return m_bAreMembersInserted; };
void SetAreMembersInserted( BOOL bAreMembersInserted=TRUE) { m_bAreMembersInserted = bAreMembersInserted; };
// Equivalence operator between 2 CItemData instances i.e. are they related to the same volume?
virtual BOOL operator==(CItemData& rData) const = 0;
BOOL operator!=(CItemData& rData) const { return !operator==(rData); };
// Methods providing attributes of the item displayable in the list-view columns
// Name ( string ). Used in list-view in Report mode
virtual void GetDisplayName( CString& strDisplay ) const { strDisplay = _T(" "); };
// Type ( string )
virtual void GetDisplayType( CString& strDisplay ) const { strDisplay = _T(" "); };
// Extended name = name + type. Used in tree view and in list-view in all modes other than Report
virtual void GetDisplayExtendedName( CString& strDisplay ) const { MY_TRY GetDisplayName(strDisplay); MY_CATCH_AND_THROW };
// VolumeID ( number & string )
virtual BOOL GetVolumeID( FT_LOGICAL_DISK_ID& llVolID ) const { return FALSE; };
virtual void GetDisplayVolumeID( CString& strDisplay) const;
// Size ( number & string )
virtual BOOL GetSize( LONGLONG& llSize ) const { return FALSE; };
virtual void GetDisplaySize( CString& strDisplay) const;
// Disk Number ( number(s) & string )
virtual BOOL GetDiskNumber( ULONG& ulDiskNumber ) const { return FALSE; };
void GetDisplayDisksSet( CString& strDisplay ) const;
// Offset ( number & string )
virtual BOOL GetOffset( LONGLONG& llOffset) const { return FALSE; };
virtual void GetDisplayOffset( CString& strDisplay) const;
// Public data members
/****** Some data about the volume ******/
// The type of the item: root, logical volume or physical partition
ITEM_TYPE m_wItemType;
// The number of members
ULONG m_ulNumMembers;
// Drive letter ---- Used only by root volumes
TCHAR m_cDriveLetter;
// The name of the volume "\\?\Volume{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" ---- Used only by root volumes
CString m_strVolumeName;
// Mount paths ---- Used only by root volumes
CStringArray m_arrMountPaths;
// All disks used by this volume
CULONGSet m_setDisks;
// IO status of the volume. It decides whether the volume can be used or not for IO operations
// For physical partitions it is always TRUE
// The state of the volume as a member of its parent set ( if any )
FT_MEMBER_STATE m_nMemberStatus;
// Set only for those logical volumes and physical partitions that are root volumes
BOOL m_bIsRootVolume;
/****** Some data about the tree/list view item ******/
// Is all information about this volume loaded into this object?
// ( i.e. has ReadItemInfo succeeded? )
BOOL m_bValid;
// The index of the image associated with this item ( the image depends on the item type )
int m_iImage;
// Pointer to the data of the item's parent ( NULL for the root items )
CItemData* m_pParentData;
// The handle of the tree item containing this structure as tree data ( TVITEM.lParam )
HTREEITEM m_hTreeItem;
// The index of the list item containing this structure as item data
int m_nListItem;
// Are the members of the item inserted in the tree?
BOOL m_bAreMembersInserted;
// Get the NT name of the volume ---- Used only by root volumes
virtual BOOL RetrieveNTName( CString& strNTName ) const { return FALSE;};
// Retrieve all disks used by the volume
virtual BOOL RetrieveDisksSet() { return FALSE; };
// Add a error message to a string
// The error message will be formatted like this:
// <Item name: >< My error message > [ System error message ]
void AddError( CString& strErrors, UINT unErrorMsg, BOOL bAddSystemMsg = FALSE );
// Class CItemID
class CItemID
// Public constructor
// Constructor for a generic item ID
// Constructor based on a full CItemData instance
CItemID( const CItemData& pData );
ITEM_TYPE m_wItemType;
struct //tagLogicalVolumeID
} m_LogicalVolumeID;
struct //tagPhysicalPartitionID
ULONG m_ulDiskNumber;
LONGLONG m_llOffset;
} m_PhysicalPartitionID, m_FreeSpaceID;
} m_ID;
void Load( const CItemData& rData );
BOOL operator==( const CItemID& id ) const;
BOOL operator>( const CItemID& id ) const;
#endif // !defined(AFX_ITEM_H_INCLUDED_)