2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

463 lines
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This file defines all of the classes required to support
the generic cache manager, who's interface is defined in
#ifndef _CACHEINT_H_
#define _CACHEINT_H_
#include <windows.h>
#include "dbgtrace.h"
#include "smartptr.h"
#include "fhash.h"
#ifdef _USE_RWNH_
#include "rwnew.h"
typedef CShareLockNH _CACHELOCK ;
#include "rw.h"
typedef CShareLock _CACHELOCK ;
// This class defines all the information we keep about
// objects that we are holding in our cache.
class CacheState {
protected :
// Doubly linked list of CacheEntry BLOCKS !
class CacheState* m_pPrev ;
class CacheState* m_pNext ;
// Cacge State Information - Time To Live and Orphanage status !
long m_TTL ;
BOOL m_fOrphan ;
// Insert us into the list after the specified element !
class CacheState* pPrevious
) ;
// Insert us into the circular list before the specified element !
class CacheState* pNext
) ;
// Remove this element from the circular list !
Remove() ;
// The CacheList object maintains a list of these objects and ages them
// out !
friend class CacheList ;
public :
// Default Constructor NULLS everything out !
CacheState( DWORD ttl = 0 ) :
m_pPrev( 0 ), m_pNext( 0 ), m_TTL( ttl ), m_fOrphan( FALSE ) {
#ifdef DEBUG
InterlockedIncrement( &s_cCreated ) ;
// Copy Constructor relinks linked list ! we place ourselves in the linked list
// after the rhs element.
CacheState( CacheState& rhs ) : m_pPrev( 0 ),
m_pNext( 0 ),
m_TTL( rhs.m_TTL ),
m_fOrphan( rhs.m_fOrphan ) {
if( rhs.m_pPrev != 0 )
InsertAfter( &rhs ) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
InterlockedIncrement( &s_cCreated ) ;
// If we are in a linked list - the default destructor needs to remove us
// from that list.
~CacheState() ;
// Need a virtual function which we use to figure out when we can
// safely remove an entry from the Cache !!
virtual BOOL fDeletable() { return TRUE ; }
#ifdef DEBUG
static long s_cCreated ;
} ;
// This class defines a couple of virtual functions
// which are to be called from CacheList objects.
class CacheTable {
protected :
friend class CacheList ;
// Remove an entry from the Cache - return TRUE if
// successful and pEntry destroyed.
virtual BOOL RemoveEntry(
CacheState* pEntry
) ;
// Called to determine whether we want to remove a
// specified entry from the cache.
virtual BOOL QueryRemoveEntry(
CacheState* pEntry
) ;
} ;
class CacheList {
private :
// Keep this element around so we can keep a doubly linked list
// of the elements in the Cache List.
CacheState m_Head ;
// Make this private - nobody gets to copy us !
CacheList( CacheList& ) ;
protected :
// Number of Elements in the Cache !
long m_cEntries ;
// Number of elements (approximately) ready to be removed from
// the cache !
long m_cReadyToDie ;
public :
// Maximum number of Elements in the List !
long m_cMax ;
// Stop hint function to be called during long shutdown loops.
PSTOPHINT_FN m_pfnStopHint;
// Initialize the Cache list !
CacheList( long Max = 128 ) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
// In debug builds the destructor helps track how many of these
// are created !!
~CacheList() ;
// Append an Entry into the CacheList. We Append as this element
// should have the largest Age and most likely to be the last element expired !
// Returns TRUE if the number of entries is larger than our pre-ordained Maximum !
Append( const CacheState* pEntry ) ;
// Remove an arbitrary Entry from the CacheList !
// Returns TRUE if the number of remaining entries is larger than our pre-ordained Maximum !
Remove( const CacheState* pEntry ) ;
// Walk the list and Expire any entries in there !
// This means we decrement TTL's and count up the number of
// entries in the list we could drop right now !
Expire( DWORD& cReady ) ;
// Go find those elements who's TTL has dropped below 0 and
// get rid of them from the cache !!
// NOTE - if fDoCheap is set to TRUE then we use m_cReadyToDie
// to figure out if there's any work we can do !
Expunge( CacheTable* ptable,
BOOL fDoCheap = FALSE,
const CacheState* pProtected = 0
) ;
// Go remove a single element who's TTL haven't dropped below 0
// and get rid of it from the Cache !
ForceExpunge( CacheTable* ptable,
const CacheState* pProtected = 0
) ;
// Go find those elements who's TTL has dropped below 0 and
// get rid of them from the cache !!
ExpungeSpecific( CacheTable* ptable,
BOOL fForced
) ;
// Bump the life time of the specified object up,
// as somebody is re-using it from the cache !
LiveLonger( CacheState* pEntry,
long ttl
) ;
#ifdef DEBUG
static long s_cCreated ;
} ;
// This template class adds one member to the 'CacheState' class,
// which is the Reference counting pointer to the block of data we
// are keeping in the Cache !
// In addition - we let the user specify whether Cache Blocks must be
// atomic. An atomic Cache block means we must never remove an element
// from the Cache for which somebody external has a reference !
// (ie if fAtomic == TRUE then we only remove elements from the cache
// when the reference count on the Data is zero meaning that we have the
// last reference !!!
template< class Data, class Key, BOOL fAtomic = TRUE >
class CacheEntry : public CacheState {
public :
CRefPtr< Data > m_pData ;
// Default constructor just passes on TTL data to CacheState object
CacheEntry( DWORD ttl=0 ) : CacheState( ttl ) {}
// We do not declare a copy constructor as the default
// compiler provided copy constructor which invokes
// base class and member variable copy constructors works fine !
// CacheEntry( CacheEntry& ) ;
// We do not declare a destructor as the default compiler
// provided destructor works fine !
// ~CacheEntry() ;
// Return a reference to the Key data from the data portion !
Key& GetKey() {
return m_pData->GetKey() ;
// Return 0 if the provided Key matches that contained in the
// data block !
int MatchKey( Key& key ) {
return m_pData->MatchKey( key ) ;
// Determine whether we can remove the Data represented by this
// entry from the Cache. 'fAtomic' == TRUE means that we should
// only release entries from the cache when the cache is the
// only component holding a reference to the entry.
// This ensures that two pieces of 'Data' which are located
// with the same 'Key' never exist at the same time.
BOOL fDeleteable() {
if( !fAtomic ) {
return TRUE ;
return m_pData->m_refs == 0 ;
} ;
// This is a base class for those objects which wish to be
// called on a regularily scheduled basis.
// The constructors for this class will automatically
// put the object in a doubly linked list walked by a
// background thread which periodically executes a virtual function.
class CScheduleThread {
private :
// Special constructor for the 'Head' element of the
// doubly linked list this class maintains.
CScheduleThread( BOOL fSpecial ) ;
protected :
// Has the scheduler been initialized ?
static BOOL s_fInitialized ;
// Crit sect protecting doubly linked list.
static CRITICAL_SECTION s_critScheduleList ;
// Handle to event used to terminate background thread.
static HANDLE s_hShutdown ;
// Handle to background thread.
static HANDLE s_hThread ;
// The head element of the doubly linked list.
static CScheduleThread s_Head ;
// The thread which calls our virtual functions
static DWORD WINAPI ScheduleThread( LPVOID lpv ) ;
// Previous and Next pointers which maintain doubly linked
// list of scheduled itesm.
class CScheduleThread* m_pPrev ;
class CScheduleThread* m_pNext ;
protected :
// Derived classes should override this function -
// it will be called on a regular basis by the scheduler thread.
virtual void Schedule( void ) {}
// Constructor and Destructor automagically manage
// insertion into doubly linked list of other scheduled items.
// These are protected as we want people to buid only
// derived objects which use this.
CScheduleThread() ;
// Member functions which put us into the regular schedule !
void AddToSchedule() ;
void RemoveFromSchedule() ;
public :
// Initialize the class - don't construct
// any derived objects before this is called.
static BOOL Init() ;
// Terminate class and background thread !
static void Term() ;
// Global which tells clients how frequently they
// will be called !
static DWORD dwNotificationSeconds ;
// Destructor is protected - we should only be invoked
// by derived class constructors
~CScheduleThread() ;
} ;