768 lines
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768 lines
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// Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages)
// Copyright 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: asp.idl
// Neutral/English ASP Interfaces
// "Neutral" language is considered to be English. We register
// this under LCID of 0 so the lcid before "library" has to match.
, helpstring("Microsoft Active Server Pages Object Library")
, lcid(0x0000)
, version(3.0)
library ASPTypeLibrary
importlib ("stdole2.tlb");
* IID_IStringList
* intermediate object returned by the Request object
, helpstring("A string containing comma separated values")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IStringList : IDispatch
// Item (default property) (r/o)
[propget, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([optional, in] VARIANT i, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVariantReturn);
// Count (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Number of items in the list of strings")]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] int *cStrRet);
// Enumerator (r/o)
[propget, id(-4), restricted]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEnumReturn);
* IID_IRequestDictionary
* QueryString, ServerVariables, Form, and Request.Cookies are all of this type.
* Request.Item is not because it does not support an optional key or enumeration.
, helpstring("Dictionary for Request collections")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IRequestDictionary : IDispatch
// Item (r/o)
[propget, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([optional, in] VARIANT Var, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVariantReturn);
// Enumerator (r/o)
[propget, id(-4), restricted]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEnumReturn);
// Count (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Number of items in the dictionary of variants")]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] int *cStrRet);
// Key (r/o)
HRESULT Key([in] VARIANT VarKey, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
* IID_IRequest
* The main (combined) collection
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IRequest : IDispatch
// Item (r/o)
[propget, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([in] BSTR bstrVar, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppObjReturn);
// QueryString (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Retrieves the values of the variables in the HTTP query string.")]
HRESULT QueryString([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// Form (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Retrieves the values of form elements posted to the HTTP request body by a form using the POST method.")]
HRESULT Form([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// Body (compatibility hack for MSN) (r/o)
[propget, hidden]
HRESULT Body([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// ServerVariables (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Retrieves the values of predetermined environment variables.")]
HRESULT ServerVariables([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// ClientCertificate (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Collection of client certificate fields (specified in the X.509 standard) issued by the client.")]
HRESULT ClientCertificate([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// Cookies (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Collection of cookies sent as part of the Request (read only).")]
HRESULT Cookies([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppDictReturn);
// BytesTotal (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the total number of bytes the client sent in the body of the request.")]
HRESULT TotalBytes([out, retval] long *pcbTotal);
// BinaryRead
[helpstring("Reads data returned by the client in a POST request")]
HRESULT BinaryRead([in, out] VARIANT *pvarCountToRead, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarReturn);
* CLSID_Request
* The Request class
, helpstring("Retrieves the values that the client browser passed to the server during an HTTP request.")
, noncreatable
coclass Request
interface IRequest;
* IID_IReadCookie
* intermediate object returned by Request.Cookies
, helpstring("Intermediate object for Request.Cookies")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IReadCookie : IDispatch
// Item (r/o)
[propget, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([optional, in] VARIANT Var, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVariantReturn);
// HasKeys (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the cookie has keys (is a cookie dictionary).")]
HRESULT HasKeys([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfHasKeys);
// Enumerator (r/o)
[propget, id(-4), restricted]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEnumReturn);
// Count (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Number of items in the cookie dictionary")]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] int *cStrRet);
// Key (r/o)
HRESULT Key([in] VARIANT VarKey, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
* IID_IWriteCookie
* intermediate object returned by Response.Cookies
, helpstring("Intermediate object for Response.Cookies")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IWriteCookie : IDispatch
// Item (w/o)
[propput, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([optional, in] VARIANT key, [in] BSTR bstrValue);
// Expires (w/o)
[propput, helpstring("Expires the cookie at the specified date and time.")]
HRESULT Expires([in] DATE dtExpires);
// Domain (w/o)
[propput, helpstring("Limits the cookie to the specified Domain.")]
HRESULT Domain([in] BSTR bstrDomain);
// Path (w/o)
[propput, helpstring("Limits the cookie to the specified Path (defaults to Application path).")]
HRESULT Path([in] BSTR bstrPath);
// Secure (w/o)
[propput, helpstring("Indicates whether the cookie is Secure.")]
HRESULT Secure([in] VARIANT_BOOL fSecure);
// HasKeys (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether the cookie has keys (is a cookie dictionary).")]
HRESULT HasKeys([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfHasKeys);
// Enumerator (r/o)
[propget, id(-4), restricted]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEnumReturn);
* IID_IResponse
* 'interface' entries must have 'odl' attribute
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IResponse : IDispatch
// Buffer (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Indicates whether page output is sent immediately to the client or is held in a buffer until the server has finished processing the page.")]
HRESULT Buffer([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* fIsBuffering);
HRESULT Buffer([in] VARIANT_BOOL fIsBuffering);
// ContentType (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the HTTP content type for the response.")]
HRESULT ContentType([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrContentTypeRet);
HRESULT ContentType([in] BSTR bstrContentType);
// Expires (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the length of time (in minutes) before a page cached on a browser expires.")]
HRESULT Expires([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarExpiresMinutesRet);
HRESULT Expires([in] long lExpiresMinutes);
// ExpiresAbsolute (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the date and time at which a page cached on a browser expires.")]
HRESULT ExpiresAbsolute([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarExpiresRet);
HRESULT ExpiresAbsolute([in] DATE dtExpires);
[helpstring("Sets the value of cookies sent as part of the Response."), propget]
HRESULT Cookies([out, retval] IRequestDictionary **ppCookies);
// Status (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the value of the status line returned by the server. Status values are defined in the HTTP specification.")]
HRESULT Status([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrStatusRet);
HRESULT Status([in] BSTR bstrStatus);
// Add
HRESULT Add([in] BSTR bstrHeaderValue, [in] BSTR bstrHeaderName);
// AddHeader
[helpstring("Adds an HTTP header with a specified value.")]
HRESULT AddHeader([in] BSTR bstrHeaderName, [in] BSTR bstrHeaderValue);
// AppendToLog
[helpstring("Adds a string to the end of the Web server log entry for this Request.")]
HRESULT AppendToLog([in] BSTR bstrLogEntry);
// BinaryWrite
[helpstring("Writes content without any character (Unicode to ANSI) conversion.")]
HRESULT BinaryWrite([in] VARIANT varInput);
// Clear
[helpstring("Erases any buffered content, leaving the HTTP headers intact.")]
HRESULT Clear(void);
// End
[helpstring("Causes Active Server Pages to stop processing and return any buffered output.")]
HRESULT End(void);
// Flush
[helpstring("Sends buffered output immediately.")]
HRESULT Flush(void);
// Redirect
[helpstring("Causes the browser to attempt to connect to a different URL.")]
HRESULT Redirect([in] BSTR bstrURL);
// Write
[helpstring("Writes specified text to the current HTTP output.")]
HRESULT Write([in] VARIANT varText);
// WriteBlock
HRESULT WriteBlock([in] short iBlockNumber);
// IsClientConnected
[helpstring("A read-only property that indicates if the client has disconnected from the server.")]
HRESULT IsClientConnected([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfIsClientConnected);
// CharSet (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Appends the name of the character set (for example, ISO-LATIN-7) to the content-type header in the response object.")]
HRESULT CharSet([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCharSetRet);
HRESULT CharSet([in] BSTR bstrCharSet);
// Pics - Adds a pics Header
[helpstring("Adds a value to the pics-label field of the HTTP header.")]
HRESULT Pics( [in] BSTR bstrHeaderValue );
// CacheControl (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Sets the Cache Control header. If set to Public, proxy servers can cache ASP output.")]
HRESULT CacheControl([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrCacheControl);
HRESULT CacheControl([in] BSTR bstrCacheControl);
// Code page (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Determines the codepage that will be used to display dynamic content.")]
HRESULT CodePage([out, retval] long *plvar );
HRESULT CodePage( [in] long lvar );
// LCID (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Determines the Locale ID that will be used to display dynamic content.")]
HRESULT LCID([out, retval] long *plvar );
HRESULT LCID( [in] long lvar );
* CLSID_Response
* The Response class
, helpstring("Sends output to the client.")
, noncreatable
coclass Response
interface IResponse;
* IID_IVariantDictionary
, helpstring("Dictionary for Variant collections.")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IVariantDictionary : IDispatch
// Item (r/o)
[propget, id(0)]
HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT VarKey, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
[id(0), propput]
HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT VarKey, [in] VARIANT var);
[id(0), propputref]
HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT VarKey, [in] VARIANT var);
// Key (r/o)
HRESULT Key([in] VARIANT VarKey, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
// Count (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Number of items in the dictionary of variants.")]
HRESULT Count([out, retval] int *cStrRet);
// Enumerator (r/o)
[propget, id(-4), restricted]
HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppEnumReturn);
[helpstring("Deletes an item from the Contents collection.")]
HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT VarKey);
[helpstring("Deletes all items from the Contents Collection.")]
HRESULT RemoveAll();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IID_ISessionObject
// 'interface' entries must have 'odl' attribute
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
, odl
, dual
, oleautomation
, hidden
interface ISessionObject : IDispatch
// SessionID (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Returns a Session ID for this user.")]
HRESULT SessionID([out,retval] BSTR *pbstrRet);
// Value (r/w)
[id(0), propget]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
[id(0), propput]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [in] VARIANT var);
[id(0), propputref]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [in] VARIANT var);
// Timeout (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the timeout period assigned to the Session object for this Application, in minutes.")]
HRESULT Timeout([out, retval] long *plvar );
HRESULT Timeout( [in] long lvar );
[helpstring("Destroys a Session object and releases its resources.")]
HRESULT Abandon();
// Code page (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Determines the codepage that will be used to display dynamic content.")]
HRESULT CodePage([out, retval] long *plvar );
HRESULT CodePage( [in] long lvar );
// LCID (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Determines the location identifier that will be used to display dynamic content.")]
HRESULT LCID([out, retval] long *plvar );
HRESULT LCID( [in] long lvar );
// Static Objects (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Contains all of the objects created with the <OBJECT> tag within the scope of the Session object.")]
HRESULT StaticObjects([out, retval] IVariantDictionary **ppTaggedObjects);
// Contents (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("Collection of all items that have been added to the Session through a script command.")]
HRESULT Contents([out, retval] IVariantDictionary **ppProperties);
* CLSID_Session
* The Session class
, helpstring("Stores information needed for a particular user-session.")
, noncreatable
coclass Session
interface ISessionObject;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IID_IApplicationObject
// 'interface' entries must have 'odl' attribute
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IApplicationObject : IDispatch
// Value (r/w)
[id(0), propget]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvar);
[id(0), propput]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [in] VARIANT var);
[id(0), propputref]
HRESULT Value([in] BSTR bstrValue, [in] VARIANT var);
// Lock
[helpstring("Prevents other clients from modifying the variables stored in the Application object, ensuring that only one client at a time can alter or access the Application variables.")]
// Unlock
[helpstring("Enables other clients to modify the variables stored in the Application object after it has been locked using the Lock method.")]
// Static Objects (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A collection of all objects that have been added to the Application with the <OBJECT> tag.")]
HRESULT StaticObjects([out, retval] IVariantDictionary **ppProperties);
// Contents
[propget, helpstring("Collection of all items that have been added to the Application through a script command.")]
HRESULT Contents([out, retval] IVariantDictionary **ppProperties);
* CLSID_Application
* The Application class
, helpstring("Persistent collection for all users of an Application.")
, noncreatable
coclass Application
interface IApplicationObject;
* intermediate object returned by Server.GetLastError
, helpstring("Object describing an error condition.")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IASPError : IDispatch
// ASPCode (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string that contains an error code generated by IIS.")]
HRESULT ASPCode([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrASPCode);
// Number (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A long integer that contains the returned error code.")]
HRESULT Number([out, retval] long *plNumber);
// Source (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string indicating if the error was generated by IIS, a scripting language, or a component.")]
HRESULT Category([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSource);
// FileName (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string that indicates the .asp file that generated the error.")]
HRESULT File([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrFileName);
// LineNumber (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A long integer indicating the number of the line within the .asp file that generated the error.")]
HRESULT Line([out, retval] long *plLineNumber);
// Description (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string describing the error.")]
HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDescription);
// ASPDescription (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string describing the error, returned by IIS.")]
HRESULT ASPDescription([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrDescription);
// Column (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A long integer indicating the column that the error occured in.")]
HRESULT Column([out, retval] long *plColumn);
// Source (r/o)
[propget, helpstring("A string which is the text of the line in the .asp file that caused the error.")]
HRESULT Source([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrLineText);
* IID_IServer
* 'interface' entries must have 'odl' attribute
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IServer : IDispatch
// ScriptTimeout (r/w)
[propget, helpstring("Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a script can run before the server terminates it.")]
HRESULT ScriptTimeout([out, retval] long *plTimeoutSeconds );
HRESULT ScriptTimeout([in] long lTimeoutSeconds );
// CreateObject
[helpstring("Creates an instance of a server component")]
HRESULT CreateObject([in] BSTR bstrProgID, [out, retval] IDispatch **ppDispObject);
// HTMLEncode
[helpstring("Applies HTML encoding to a specified string")]
HRESULT HTMLEncode([in] BSTR bstrIn, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrEncoded);
// MapPath
[helpstring("Maps the specified relative or virtual path to the corresponding physical directory on the server.")]
HRESULT MapPath([in] BSTR bstrLogicalPath, [out,retval] BSTR *pbstrPhysicalPath);
// URLEncode
[helpstring("Applies URL encoding rules, including escape characters, to a specified string.")]
HRESULT URLEncode([in] BSTR bstrIn, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrEncoded);
// URLPathEncode
HRESULT URLPathEncode([in] BSTR bstrIn, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrEncoded);
// Execute
[helpstring("Calls an .asp file and processes it as if it were part of the calling .asp.")]
HRESULT Execute([in] BSTR bstrLogicalPath);
// Transfer
[helpstring("Sends the request from one .asp file, to a second .asp file.")]
HRESULT Transfer([in] BSTR bstrLogicalPath);
// GetLastError
[helpstring("Returns an ASPError object describing the error condition that occurred.")]
HRESULT GetLastError([out, retval] IASPError **ppASPErrorObject);
* CLSID_Server
* The Server class
, helpstring("Provides access to utility functions.")
, noncreatable
coclass Server
interface IServer;
// IID_IScriptingContext
// 'interface' entries must have 'odl' attribute
, helpstring("Active Server Page Scripting Context")
, odl
, oleautomation
, dual
, hidden
interface IScriptingContext : IDispatch
// Request
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Request object.")]
HRESULT Request([out, retval] IRequest **ppRequest);
// Response
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Response object.")]
HRESULT Response([out, retval] IResponse **ppResponse);
// Server
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Server object.")]
HRESULT Server([out, retval] IServer **ppServer);
// Session
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Session object.")]
HRESULT Session([out, retval] ISessionObject **ppSession);
// Application
[propget, helpstring("Returns the Application object.")]
HRESULT Application([out, retval] IApplicationObject **ppApplication);
// CLSID_ScriptingContext
, helpstring("An obsolete object for passing the built-in objects to components.")
, noncreatable
coclass ScriptingContext
interface IScriptingContext;