2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

503 lines
23 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

@*: This file is organized into two main blocks. The first block contains
@*: code (non-string) sections which are specific to languages. Please put
@*: the code sections in the correct language.
@*: The second block is reserved for [Strings] which localizers will be
@*: working with. It is further divided using "#if LANGUAGE ==" for language
@*: specific strings. For strings which are common to all languages
@*: place outside the #ifs.
@*: This file is first precompiled with LANGUAGE_ID
@*: set to the language (see inf\win4\inf\ for details).
@*: For example, for usa builds, the sections under #if LANGUAGE == 0x409
@*: will appear.
@*: Important: To support locstudio, this file contains only ONE [Strings] section.
#if LANGUAGE_ID != 0x804 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x404 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x411 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x412
// This section is for non-FE (chs,cht,jpn,kor) builds. So english, german, ...
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_001A
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804
//CHS specific sections
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_001A
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404
//CHT specific sections
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_001A
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411
//JPN specific sections
101_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles = 11
106N_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles = 11
THUMB_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles = 11
@@!n:HID_NEC_LayerDriverFiles = 11
@n:NEC_STANDARD_LayerDriverFiles = 11
@n:NEC_106_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles = 11
%*PNP0320.DeviceDesc2% = 106N_TYPE_Inst,*PNP0320 ;PC/AT Enh(106 Japanese key)
@*: to be compatibile to previous of NTJ, 101 keyboard's type need to be overwritten
CopyFiles = 101_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles
AddReg = 101_TYPE_AddReg
CopyFiles = 106N_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles, STANDARD_CopyFiles
AddReg = 106N_TYPE_AddReg
AddService = i8042prt, 0x00000002, i8042prt_Service_Inst, i8042prt_EventLog_Inst ; Port Driver
AddService = kbdclass,, kbdclass_Service_Inst, kbdclass_EventLog_Inst ; Class Driver
HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver JPN",%REG_SZ%,"kbd106n.dll"
HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver KOR",%REG_SZ%,"kbd101a.dll"
%*FJT0101.DeviceDesc% = THUMB_TYPE_Inst,*FJT0101 ;Fujitsu OYAYUBI Keyboard
CopyFiles = THUMB_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles, STANDARD_CopyFiles
AddReg = THUMB_TYPE_AddReg
AddService = i8042prt, 0x00000002, i8042prt_Service_Inst, i8042prt_EventLog_Inst ; Port Driver
AddService = kbdclass,, kbdclass_Service_Inst, kbdclass_EventLog_Inst ; Class Driver
HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver JPN",%REG_SZ%,"f3ahvoas.dll"
HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver KOR",%REG_SZ%,"kbd101a.dll"
@@!n:; ==============================================
@@!n:; Japanese 106/109 Keyboard (USB)
@@!n:; ==============================================
@i!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=HID_NEC_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00
@i!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc%=HID_NEC_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_001A
@@!n:; ==============================================
@@!n:; Japanese PC98 Layout Keyboard (USB)
@@!n:; ==============================================
@@!n:Copyfiles = HID_NEC_LayerDriverFiles, HID_NEC_Keyboard_Inst.CopyFiles.NT
@@!n:AddReg = HID_NEC_Keyboard_Inst.AddReg.NT
@@!n:HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x00010002,"neckbadd" ; REG_MULTI_SZ value
@@!n:AddService = kbdhid,%SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%,KbdNECHid_Service_Inst
@@!n:AddService = neckbadd,,NecKbAdd_Service_Inst
@@!n:DisplayName = %KBDHID.SvcDesc%
@@!n:ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
@@!n:ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE%
@@!n:ServiceBinary = %12%\kbdhid.sys
@@!n:LoadOrderGroup = Keyboard Port
@@!n:AddReg = KbdNECHid_Service_Inst_AddReg
@@!n:HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver JPN",%REG_SZ%,"kbdnec.dll"
@@!n:HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver KOR",%REG_SZ%,"kbd101a.dll"
@@!n:DisplayName = %NECKBADD.SvcDesc%
@@!n:ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
@@!n:StartType = %SERVICE_AUTO_START%
@@!n:ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE%
@@!n:ServiceBinary = %12%\NecKbAdd.sys
@@!n:LoadOrderGroup = Keyboard Class
@@!n:AddReg = NecKbAdd_Service_Inst_AddReg
@n:%*nEC1300.DeviceDesc% = NEC_STANDARD_Inst,*nEC1300 ;NEC PC9800 Standard Keyboard
@n:%*PNP0303.DeviceDesc% = NEC_106_TYPE_Inst,*PNP0303 ;NEC PC9800 106 Keyboard
@n:%UNKNOWN_KBD.DeviceDesc% = UNKNOWN_KBD_Inst,UNKNOWN_KBD ;unknown kbd
@n:CopyFiles = STANDARD_CopyFiles, NEC_STANDARD_LayerDriverFiles
@n:AddReg = NEC_STANDARD_AddReg
@n:DelReg = NEC_STANDARD_DelReg
@n:AddService = i8042prt, 0x00000002, i8042prt_Service_Inst, i8042prt_EventLog_Inst ; Port Driver
@n:AddService = kbdclass,, kbdclass_Service_Inst, kbdclass_EventLog_Inst ; Class Driver
@n:AddService = neckbrep,, neckbrep_Service_inst, neckbrep_EventLog_Inst ; Filter Driver
@n:HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver JPN",%REG_SZ%,"kbdnec.dll"
@n:CopyFiles = STANDARD_CopyFiles, NEC_106_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles
@n:AddReg = NEC_106_TYPE_AddReg
@n:AddService = i8042prt, 0x00000002, i8042prt_Service_Inst, i8042prt_EventLog_Inst ; Port Driver
@n:AddService = kbdclass,, kbdclass_Service_Inst, kbdclass_EventLog_Inst ; Class Driver
@n:AddService = neckbrep,, neckbrep_Service_inst, neckbrep_EventLog_Inst ; Filter Driver
@n:HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters,"LayerDriver JPN",%REG_SZ%,"kbd106.dll"
@n:DisplayName = %neckbrep.SvcDesc%
@n:ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
@n:StartType = 2 ; SERVICE_AUTO_START
@n:ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
@n:ServiceBinary = %12%\neckbrep.sys
@n:LoadOrderGroup = Keyboard Class
@n:AddReg = neckbrep_EventLog_AddReg
PCAT_101KEY = *PNP030b
PCAT_106KEY = *PNP0320
AX_105KEY = *PNP0322
IBM_002_106KEY = *PNP0323
DEC_LK411_ANSI = *DEC4111
DEC_LK411_JIS = *DEC4112
@n:PC98_106KEY = *nEC1300
@n:PC98_LaptopKEY = *nEC1300
@n:PC98_N106KEY = *PNP0303
@n:i8042prt = NEC_STANDARD_Inst
; This section is necessary to match PNPids with the values used by KeyboardHardware in winnt.sif
; during upgrade from Windowx 9x to Windows NT 5.0
*PNP0300 =STANDARD ;PC/XT (83-Key)
*PNP0301 =STANDARD ;PC/AT (84-Key)
*PNP0302 =STANDARD ;PC/XT (84-Key)
*PNP0303 =STANDARD ;PC/AT Enh(101/102-Key)
*PNP0304 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (83-Key)
*PNP0305 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (102-Key)
*PNP0306 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (86-Key)
*PNP0309 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (101/102-Key)
*PNP030a =STANDARD ;AT&T 302
*PNP030b =STANDARD ;Default keyboard
*PNP0320 =PCAT_106KEY ;PC/AT Enh(106 Japanese key)
*PNP0322 =AX_105KEY ;AX Keyboard
i8042prt=OverrideKeyboardType,OverrideKeyboardSubtype,OverrideKeyboardIdentifier,"LayerDriver JPN","LayerDriver KOR"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412
//KOR specific sections
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00
@@!n:%HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc%=HID_Keyboard_Inst, HID\VID_0409&PID_001A
@*: to be compatibile to previous of NTJ, 101 keyboard's type need to be overwritten
CopyFiles = 101A_TYPE_LayerDriverFiles
AddReg = 101A_TYPE_AddReg
PCAT_101AKEY = *PNP0342
PCAT_101BKEY = *PNP0343
PCAT_101CKEY = *PNP0344
PCAT_103KEY = *PNP0345
; This section is necessary to match PNPids with the values used by KeyboardHardware in winnt.sif
; during upgrade from Windowx 9x to Windows NT 5.0
*PNP0300 =STANDARD ;PC/XT (83-Key)
*PNP0301 =STANDARD ;PC/AT (84-Key)
*PNP0302 =STANDARD ;PC/XT (84-Key)
*PNP0303 =STANDARD ;PC/AT Enh(101/102-Key)
*PNP0304 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (83-Key)
*PNP0305 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (102-Key)
*PNP0306 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (86-Key)
*PNP0309 =STANDARD ;Olivetti (101/102-Key)
*PNP030a =STANDARD ;AT&T 302
*PNP030b =STANDARD ;Default keyboard
*PNP0342 =PCAT_101AKEY ;
*PNP0343 =PCAT_101BKEY ;
*PNP0344 =PCAT_101CKEY ;
*PNP0345 =PCAT_103KEY ;
i8042prt=OverrideKeyboardType,OverrideKeyboardSubtype,OverrideKeyboardIdentifier,"LayerDriver JPN","LayerDriver KOR"
// String section below for localizers
#if LANGUAGE_ID != 0x804 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x404 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x411 && LANGUAGE_ID != 0x412
*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "Clavier standard 101/102 touches ou clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2"
i8042prt.SvcDesc = "Pilote pour clavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x804
*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "Clavier standard 101/102 touches ou clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2"
i8042prt.SvcDesc = "Pilote pour clavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x404
*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "Clavier standard 101/102 touches ou clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2"
i8042prt.SvcDesc = "Pilote pour clavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x411
@@!n:*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "Clavier standard 101/102 touches ou clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2"
@@!n:i8042prt.SvcDesc = "Pilote pour clavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2"
*PNP0320.DeviceDesc2 = "Clavier Japonais PS/2 (106/109 touches, A01 Ctrl+Eisu)"
*FJT0101.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Fujitsu Oyayubi PS/2"
@n:*nEC1300.DeviceDesc = "PC-9800 <20>W<EFBFBD><57><EFBFBD>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>{<7B>[<5B>h(JIS<49>W<EFBFBD><57><EFBFBD>z<EFBFBD><7A>)"
@@!n:NECKBADD.SvcDesc = "NEC PC9800 USB <20>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>{<7B>[<5B>h <20>t<EFBFBD>B<EFBFBD><42><EFBFBD>^ <20>h<EFBFBD><68><EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD>o"
@n:neckbrep.SvcDesc = "NEC PC9800 <20>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>{<7B>[<5B>h <20>I<EFBFBD>[<5B>g<EFBFBD><67><EFBFBD>s<EFBFBD>[<5B>g <20>h<EFBFBD><68><EFBFBD>C<EFBFBD>o"
@n:*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "PC-9800 106 <20>L<EFBFBD>[<5B>{<7B>[<5B>h(PC-9801-116)"
#elif LANGUAGE_ID == 0x412
*PNP0303.DeviceDesc = "Clavier standard 101/102 touches ou clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2"
i8042prt.SvcDesc = "Pilote pour clavier i8042 et souris sur port PS/2"
LocationOverride = "Branch<63> dans le port clavier"
KeyboardClassName = "Claviers"
; Manufacturers
ATT = "AT&T"
COMPAQ = "Compaq"
OLIVETTI = "Olivetti"
MS = "Microsoft"
MICROSOFT = "Microsoft"
Std-Keyboards = "(Claviers standard)"
FUJITSU = "Fujitsu"
KEYTRONIC = "Key Tronic"
PHILIPS = "Philips"
CHERRY = "Cherry GmbH"
MITSUMI = "Mitsumi"
SILITEK = "Silitek"
FOCUS = "Mise au point"
JINGMOLD = "Jing Mold"
MAXISWITCH = "Maxi Switch, Inc."
MONTEREY = "Monterey"
ORTEK = "Ortek"
CHICONY = "Chicony"
FORWARD = "Forward"
SAMSUNG = "Samsung"
SEJIN = "Sejin"
SOLIDYEAR = "Solid Year"
QTRONIX = "Qtronix"
; Standard Device IDs
*PNP0300.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PC/XT PS/2 (83 touches)"
*PNP0301.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PC/AT PS/2 (84 touches)"
*PNP0302.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PC/XT PS/2 (84 touches)"
*PNP0304.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Olivetti PS/2 (83 touches) ou clavier AT&T 301"
*PNP0305.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Olivetti PS/2 (102 touches)"
*PNP0306.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Olivetti PS/2 (86 touches)"
*PNP0309.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Olivetti PS/2 (A101/102 touches)"
*PNP030a.DeviceDesc = "Clavier AT&T PS/2 302"
*PNP030b.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PS/2 PC/AT <20>tendu (101/102 touches)" ; default
*PNP0320.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PS/2 japonais (106/109 touches)"
*PNP0343.DeviceDesc = "Clavier cor<6F>en 101 touches compatible PC/AT/Natural Keyboard Microsoft (Type 2)"
*PNP0344.DeviceDesc = "Clavier cor<6F>en 101 touches compatible PC/AT/Natural Keyboard Microsoft (Type 3)"
*PNP0345.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PS/2 cor<6F>en (103/106 touches)"
*CPQA0D7.DeviceDesc = "Clavier PS/2 <20>tendu Compaq"
kbdclass.SvcDesc = "Pilote de la classe Clavier"
KBDHID.SvcDesc = "Pilote HID de clavier"
STANDARD_Inst.SharedDriverMsg = "Port souris PS/2"
; HID device IDs
HID.KeyboardDevice = "P<>riph<70>rique clavier PIH"
HID\VID_0433&PID_ABAB.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB ALPS"
HID\VID_044e&PID_1104.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB japonais ALPS"
HID\VID_03F9&PID_0100.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Key Tronic"
HID\VID_0471&PID_0401.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Philips Semiconductors CICT"
HID\VID_0471&PID_0402&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Philips Semiconductors CICT"
HID\VID_0471&PID_0601&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier sans fil USB Philips"
HID\VID_046A&PID_0001.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Cherry GmbH"
HID\VID_03ee&PID_5609&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB japonais Mitsumi"
HID\VID_047B&PID_0001.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Silitek"
HID\VID_047B&PID_0002&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Silitek"
HID\VID_04A5&PID_0001.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB API g<>n<EFBFBD>rique"
HID\VID_04A5&PID_0002.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB API Ergo"
HID\VID_04A5&PID_0003&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB API g<>n<EFBFBD>rique"
HID\VID_03F9&PID_0101.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Key Tronic"
HID\VID_03F9&PID_0102&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Key Tronic"
HID\VID_0446&PID_6782.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB NMB"
HID\VID_0446&PID_6781&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB NMB avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_05FA&PID_3302.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB STSL"
HID\VID_05FA&PID_3301&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB STSL avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_05FA&PID_3303&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB STSL avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_04F2&PID_0002.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Chicony"
HID\VID_04F2&PID_0001&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Chicony"
HID\VID_046E&PID_0100.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB BTC"
HID\VID_046E&PID_6782&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB BTC"
HID\VID_05B2&PID_6200.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Focus"
HID\VID_05B2&PID_7200&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Focus"
HID\VID_05AF&PID_9167.DeviceDesc = "KB 9151B - 678"
HID\VID_05AF&PID_9267&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "KB 9251B - 678"
HID\VID_04C3&PID_1101.DeviceDesc = "Maxi Switch, Inc. #1101"
HID\VID_04C3&PID_1102&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Maxi Switch, Inc. #1102"
HID\VID_04C3&PID_2101.DeviceDesc = "Maxi Switch, Inc. #2101"
HID\VID_04C3&PID_2102&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Maxi Switch, Inc. #2102"
HID\VID_0566&PID_2800.DeviceDesc = "MIC USB K/B"
HID\VID_0566&PID_2801&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "MIC USB K/B M"
HID\VID_05A4&PID_9722.DeviceDesc = "Clavier ORTEK"
HID\VID_05A4&PID_9720&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier ORTEK"
HID\VID_0430&PID_0002&MI_00.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_0430&PID_000A&MI_00.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_0430&PID_000B.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_0430&PID_0082.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_0430&PID_0083&MI_00.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_04c5&PID_1020&MI_00.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_04c5&PID_1018&Col01.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_04c5&PID_1022&MI_00&Col01.DeviceDesc="clavier USB japonais Fujitsu 109"
HID\VID_06D5&PID_4000.DeviceDesc = "Clavier japonais Toshiba USB 109 touches"
HID\VID_055D&PID_6780.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Samsung V1"
HID\VID_055D&PID_6781&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Samsung V2"
HID\VID_055D&PID_0001.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB Samsung"
HID\VID_05BC&PID_0002.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Forward"
HID\VID_05BC&PID_0001&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Forward avec souris PS/2"
HID\VID_0500&PID_0002.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB SUH DART-2"
HID\VID_0500&PID_0001&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB SUH DART"
HID\VID_0510&PID_0001.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Sejin"
HID\VID_0510&PID_1000&MI_00.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB Sejin avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_05D5&PID_6782&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB SUPERGATE avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_045E&PID_000B.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Microsoft Natural Keyboard"
HID\VID_045E&PID_001D&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro USB"
HID\VID_045E&PID_002B&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Internet USB Microsoft Keyboard Pro"
HID\VID_045E&PID_002D&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Internet USB Microsoft"
HID\VID_045E&PID_005C&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier Microsoft USB Office (106/109)"
HID\VID_045E&PID_006D&COL04.DeviceDesc = "Touches de clavier de contr<74>le <20> distance Microsoft eHome"
HID\VID_060B&PID_2101&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB japonais avec port souris PS/2"
HID\VID_060B&PID_5903.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB japonais - 595U"
HID\VID_060B&PID_6003&MI_00.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB japonais - 600HM"
HID\VID_060B&PID_1006&MI_00.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB japonais - 260U"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0014&MI_00.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB japonais NEC 109"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0011&MI_00.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB disposition des s<>ries NEC PC98"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0019.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB japonais NEC 109 avec concentrateur aliment<6E> par bus"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_001A.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB NEC PC98 Series Layout avec concentrateur aliment<6E> par bus"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0025.DeviceDesc="Clavier mini USB NEC avec concentrateur aliment<6E> par bus"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0034&COL01.DeviceDesc="Clavier japonais NEC 109 touches USB avec boutons de raccourci"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0094&COL01.DeviceDesc="Petit clavier USB NEC 109 avec boutons de raccourci"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_0095.DeviceDesc="Petit clavier USB NEC 109 avec concentrateur aliment<6E> par bus"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_003F&MI_00&Col01.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB sans fil NEC avec touches de raccourci"
@@!n:HID\VID_0409&PID_004F&MI_00&Col01.DeviceDesc="Clavier USB sans fil NEC avec touches de raccourci"
HID\VID_05C7&PID_2001.DeviceDesc = "Clavier USB Qtronix"
HID\VID_05C7&PID_6001.DeviceDesc = "Pav<61> num<75>rique 10 touches USB Qtronix"
; Standard defs
REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000
REG_DWORD = 0x00010001
REG_SZ = 0x00000000