2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

224 lines
5.9 KiB

@echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;%AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\msvc50\vc\bin;%AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\msvc50\bin;%AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\msvc50\SharedIDE\bin;
cd %AP_ROOT%
REM Let's create the build number, version.h is updated later
call setver.bat
cd %AP_ROOT%
REM if a local setenv does not exist, let's make one
if exist setenvus.bat goto environset
copy setenv.bat setenvus.bat
echo Please edit setenvus.bat - you only need to do this once
notepad setenvus.bat
REM this sets the local environment
call setenvus.bat
call bckupsrc.bat
cd %AP_ROOT%
echo Build number is %BUILDNO%
echo current root is %AP_ROOT%
echo Log_Dir is %Log_Dir%
echo Source safe dir is %VisualSSDir%
echo IExpress dir is %IEXPRESS_DIR%
echo WinZip dir is %WINZIP_DIR%
echo Build number is %BUILDNO% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Current root is %AP_ROOT% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Log_Dir is %Log_Dir% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Source safe dir is %VisualSSDir% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo IExpress dir is %IEXPRESS_DIR% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo WinZip dir is %WINZIP_DIR% >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Erasing old results .......>> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Erasing old results .......
REM Delete all leftovers from debug\bin directory
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\debug\bin
del /Q *.*
%AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\utils\delnode /q com
REM Delete all leftovers from ship\bin directory
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\ship\bin
del /Q *.*
%AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\utils\delnode /q com
echo Ssyncing ........ >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Ssyncing .......
echo Ssyncing.......
cd %AP_ROOT%\src
echo Syncing to Visual Source Safe >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo. Syncing to Visual Source Safe
%VisualSSDir%\ss GET $/src -R
cd %AP_ROOT%
echo Syncing to appel tree >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo. Syncing to appel tree
ssync -rf
echo Ssyncing - done >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Expanding Headers >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Expanding Headers
cd tools
call expand
echo Expanded Headers - done >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
REM Now let's update the version.h file
cd %AP_ROOT%\src\include
echo Updating version for header >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Updating version for header
REM change version.h to be writeable so we can modify its contents
attrib -r version.h
type verhead.h > version.h
echo #define VERSION "5.01.14.%BUILDNO%" >> version.h
echo #define VER_FILEVERSION_STR "5.01.14.%BUILDNO%\0" >> version.h
echo #define VER_FILEVERSION 5,01,14,%BUILDNO% >> version.h
echo #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR "5.01.14.%BUILDNO%\0" >> version.h
echo #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION 5,01,14,%BUILDNO% >> version.h
type vertail.h >> version.h
cd %AP_ROOT%
echo Building Debug Project >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Building Debug project..............
if '%1'=='retail' goto retail
if '%1'=='debug' goto DEBUG
cd %AP_ROOT%
call nmake fresh D=1 && goto debug_success
REM goto debug_success will only be evaluated if nmake succeeds
echo There were PROBLEMS building the debug version..... >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo There were problems building the debug version .................
echo Debug build completed successfully >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Debug build completed successfully
echo truncate debug file >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo truncate debug file
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\debug\bin
del da.sym
ren danim.sym da.sym
cd %AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\utils
call trunc.bat %AP_ROOT%\build\win\debug\bin\ > %AP_ROOT%\build\win\debug\bin\
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\debug\bin
mapsym -o danim.sym
echo Creating zip file for java classes - Debug >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Creating zip file for java classes - Debug...
cd %AP_ROOT%
REM this is done by the make file: call creatzip debug
cd %AP_ROOT%\setup
echo Building self extracting exe - Debug >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Building self extracting exe - Debug...
call bldsetup debug
if '%1'=='debug' goto finish
echo Building Retail project >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Building Retail project .......
cd %AP_ROOT%
rem New path line added here, needed for splitsym.exe
call nmake fresh D=0 && goto success_retail
rem goto retail will only be evaluated if nmake succeeds
echo There were PROBLEMS building the retail version...... >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo There were problems building the retail version
goto finish
echo Retail build completed successfully >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Retail build completed successfully
echo truncate retail file >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo truncate retail file
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\ship\bin
del da.sym
ren danim.sym da.sym
cd %AP_ROOT%\tools\x86\utils
call trunc.bat %AP_ROOT%\build\win\ship\bin\ > %AP_ROOT%\build\win\ship\bin\
cd %AP_ROOT%\build\win\ship\bin
mapsym -o danim.sym
echo Splitting symbols from retail binaries >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Spliting symbols from retail binaries
splitsym -v -a *.dll
splitsym -v -a *.exe
echo Creating zip file for java classes - Retail >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Creating zip file for java classes - Retail
cd %AP_ROOT%
REM this is done by the make file: call creatzip retail
echo Creating self extracting exe - Retail >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Creating self extracting exe - Retail
cd %AP_ROOT%\setup
call bldsetup retail
echo Creating self extracting exe IE4 - Retail >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo Creating self extracting exe IE4 - Retail
cd %AP_ROOT%\setup
call bldsetup ie4
echo Build finished >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo date /t >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
echo time /t >> %Log_Dir%\%BUILDNO%Result.txt
date /t
time /t