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// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// entryps.h
// Remote Access Common Dialog APIs
// Phonebook Entry property sheet
// 12/14/97 Shaun Cox (split out from entryps.c)
#ifndef _ENTRYPS_H_
#define _ENTRYPS_H_
#include "inetcfgp.h"
#include "netconp.h"
// Phonebook Entry property sheet context block. All property pages refer to
// the single context block is associated with the sheet.
typedef struct
// Common input arguments.
EINFO* pArgs;
// Property sheet dialog and property page handles. 'hwndFirstPage' is
// the handle of the first property page initialized. This is the page
// that allocates and frees the context block.
// Note the "Network" page is missing. This "NCPA" page, developed
// separately by ShaunCo, does not use this shared area for page specfic
// controls, instead returning users selections via the "penettab.h"
// interface.
HWND hwndDlg;
HWND hwndFirstPage;
HWND hwndGe;
HWND hwndOe;
HWND hwndLo;
HWND hwndFw;
// General page.
HWND hwndLvDevices;
HWND hwndLbDevices;
HWND hwndPbUp;
HWND hwndPbDown;
HWND hwndCbSharedPhoneNumbers;
HWND hwndPbConfigureDevice;
HWND hwndGbPhoneNumber;
HWND hwndStAreaCodes;
HWND hwndClbAreaCodes;
HWND hwndStCountryCodes;
HWND hwndLbCountryCodes;
HWND hwndStPhoneNumber;
HWND hwndEbPhoneNumber;
HWND hwndCbUseDialingRules;
HWND hwndPbDialingRules;
HWND hwndPbAlternates;
HWND hwndCbShowIcon;
HWND hwndEbHostName;
HWND hwndCbDialAnotherFirst;
HWND hwndLbDialAnotherFirst;
HWND hwndEbBroadbandService;
// Options page.
HWND hwndCbDisplayProgress;
HWND hwndCbPreviewUserPw;
HWND hwndCbPreviewDomain;
HWND hwndCbPreviewNumber;
HWND hwndEbRedialAttempts;
HWND hwndLbRedialTimes;
HWND hwndLbIdleTimes;
HWND hwndCbRedialOnDrop;
HWND hwndGbMultipleDevices;
HWND hwndLbMultipleDevices;
HWND hwndPbConfigureDialing;
HWND hwndPbX25;
HWND hwndPbTunnel;
HWND hwndRbPersistent; // only for fRouter
HWND hwndRbDemandDial; // only for fRouter
// Security page.
HWND hwndGbSecurityOptions;
HWND hwndRbTypicalSecurity;
HWND hwndStAuths;
HWND hwndLbAuths;
HWND hwndCbUseWindowsPw;
HWND hwndCbEncryption;
HWND hwndRbAdvancedSecurity;
HWND hwndStAdvancedText;
HWND hwndPbAdvanced;
HWND hwndPbIPSec; //Only for VPN
HWND hwndGbScripting;
HWND hwndCbRunScript;
HWND hwndCbTerminal;
HWND hwndLbScripts;
HWND hwndPbEdit;
HWND hwndPbBrowse;
// Networking page.
HWND hwndLbServerType;
HWND hwndPbSettings;
HWND hwndLvComponents;
HWND hwndPbAdd;
HWND hwndPbRemove;
HWND hwndPbProperties;
HWND hwndDescription;
// Indicates that the informational popup noting that SLIP does not
// support any authentication settings should appear the next time the
// Security page is activated.
BOOL fShowSlipPopup;
// The "restore" states of the typical security mode listbox and
// checkboxes. Initialized in LoInit and set whenever the controls are
// disabled.
DWORD iLbAuths;
BOOL fUseWindowsPw;
BOOL fEncryption;
// MoveUp/MoveDown icons, for enabled/disabled cases.
HANDLE hiconUpArr;
HANDLE hiconDnArr;
HANDLE hiconUpArrDis;
HANDLE hiconDnArrDis;
// The currently displayed link node, i.e. either the node of the selected
// device or the shared node. This is a shortcut for GeAlternates, that
// keeps all the lookup code in GeUpdatePhoneNumberFields.
DTLNODE* pCurLinkNode;
// The currently selected device. Used to store phone number information
// for the just unselected device when a new device is selected.
INT iDeviceSelected;
// Complex phone number helper context block, and a flag indicating if the
// block has been initialized.
CUINFO cuinfo;
BOOL fCuInfoInitialized;
// After dial scripting helper context block, and a flag indicating if the
// block has been initialized.
SUINFO suinfo;
BOOL fSuInfoInitialized;
// Flags whether the user authorized a reboot after installing or removing
// and networking component.
BOOL fRebootAlreadyRequested;
// List of area codes passed CuInit plus all strings retrieved with
// CuGetInfo. The list is an editing duplicate of the one from the
DTLLIST* pListAreaCodes;
// Stash/restore values for Options page checkboxes.
BOOL fPreviewUserPw;
BOOL fPreviewDomain;
// Set when user changes to "Typical smartcard" security. This causes the
// registry based association of EAP per-user information to be discarded,
// sort of like flushing cached credentials.
BOOL fDiscardEapUserData;
// Set true on the first click of the Typical or Advanced radio button on
// the security page, false before. The first click is the one
// artificially generated in LoInit. The Advanced click handler uses the
// information to avoid incorrectly adopting the Typical defaults in the
// case of Advanced settings.
BOOL fAuthRbInitialized;
// Used by the networking page
INetCfg* pNetCfg;
BOOL fInitCom;
BOOL fReadOnly; // Netcfg was initialized in
// read-only mode
BOOL fNonAdmin; // Run in non-admin mode (406630)
BOOL fNetCfgLock;// NetCfg needs to be unlocked
// when uninited.
INetConnectionUiUtilities * pNetConUtilities;
IUnknown* punkUiInfoCallback;
// Set if COM has been initialized (necessary for calls to netshell).
BOOL fComInitialized;
// Keep track of whether we have shown this warning, or if it was disabled by the user
BOOL fShowDisableFirewallWarning;
PComponentFromItemIndex (
HWND hwndLv,
int iItem);
PComponentFromCurSel (
HWND hwndLv,
int* piItem);
HrNeRefreshListView (
PEINFO* pInfo);
NeEnableComponent (
PEINFO* pInfo,
INetCfgComponent* pComponent,
BOOL fEnable);
NeIsComponentEnabled (
PEINFO* pInfo,
INetCfgComponent* pComponent);
NeShowComponentProperties (
IN PEINFO* pInfo);
ReleaseObj (
void* punk);
#endif // _ENTRYPS_H_