2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

265 lines
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### nmmsg.txt -- Message text file for NMAKE ###################################
# Copyright (C) 1988-1989, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Purpose:
# Message file used by mkmsg to create .H header file and .ASM file for all the
# messages given by NMAKE.
# Remember:
# Don't renumber 1030-1039 or 1016 or 1000-1007. These messages are used by
# lexer and parser for syntax errors and are accessed through error masks.
# Revision History:
# 14-Mar-1995 FD added 1025
# 08-Jun-1992 SS add IDE feedback support
# 08-Jun-1992 SS Port to DOSX32
# 17-Sep-1991 SB Add 1099; comment out 4003
# 30-Aug-1991 SB Commented out obsolete messages 1044,1066,1074,1075,1091
# changed messages 1093,1096,1097,1098 as per LUE (MarciM)
# add /m in usage message ...
# 05-Jan-1990 SB COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE_1 changed for standard format message; The
# internal buildno should be seeable even in a Released version
# 29-Dec-1989 SB changed message 5 (removed quotes) because nmake -nt >foo.bat
# gives syntax errors.
# 17-Nov-1989 SB changed 1084 (prev not needed)
# 06-Oct-1989 SB LUE: quote ->double quotation mark
# 06-Oct-1989 SB renumbered a lot; LUE suggetsed changes
# 06-Sep-1989 SB LUE changes for 2001
# 18-Aug-1989 SB renamed 4010 as 2001; removed -make help
# 17-Aug-1989 SB added 1066
# 16-Aug-1989 SB added 4010
# 31-Jul-1989 SB removed -z messages (reworded 1010)
# 05-Jul-1989 SB changed 8, 9, 10, 12 for cleaning up the output
# 29-Jun-1989 SB Added 4009
# 28-Jun-1989 SB 1064 changed on LUE request
# 19-Jun-1989 SB add 1084 and 9-12, 20-25 to localize error messages
# 19-May-1989 SB modified 1031 actual message
# 18-May-1989 SB added 1059 for -make option and -? and -help updated
# 18-May-1989 SB LUE changes and -> command processor
# 13-May-1989 SB Made message changes as LUE suggested
# 10-Mar-1989 SB Added 1010 for PWB.SHL
# 22-Feb-1989 SB added 1009 and deleted 1060
# 21-Feb-1989 SB renumbered 1007 as 1008, added 1007; added 'Or' for Note
# 19-Jan-1989 SB Added 1083 for null macro target
# 9-Jan-1989 SB Added 100-119 and deleted 1051 and renumbered 1052-1059
# Added note about <TAB> business
# 6-Jan-1989 SB Added 1060-65
# 3-Dec-1988 SB Changed Usage message
# 16-Dec-1988 SB Added error 1007
# 6-Dec-1988 SB Added error 1045 and 1006
# 7-Jul-1988 rj Removed unused error 1030
# 6-Jul-1988 rj Removed warning 4010
# 5-Jul-1988 rj Added error 1081 & added progname to error 1077
# 24-Jun-1988 rj Created message 0006 from build.c
# 23-Jun-1988 rj Added 4019 for friendly file truncates
# 22-Jun-1988 rj Added 1059, 4020 for ^c handler
# Note:
# Watch out for <TAB> characters. M does not directly insert TAB's and so
# 'ctrl+p ctrl+i' sequences must be used when inserting new lines. Make sure
# that NMMSG does not give any warnings for missing TAB's when building NMAKE
# OR when using M make tabs visible and then make changes
# Fatal errors
# Syntax errors
SYNTAX_NO_PAREN 1000 syntax error : ')' missing in macro invocation
SYNTAX_BAD_CHAR 1001 syntax error : illegal character '%c' in macro
SYNTAX_ONE_DOLLAR 1002 syntax error : invalid macro invocation '$'
SYNTAX_NO_EQUALS 1003 syntax error : '=' missing in macro
SYNTAX_NO_MACRO_NAME 1004 syntax error : macro name missing
SYNTAX_NO_SEQUENCE 1005 syntax error : text must follow ':' in macro
SYNTAX_NO_QUOTE 1006 syntax error : missing closing double quotation mark
SYNTAX_QUOTE_UNEXPECTED 1007 double quotation mark not allowed in name
# Fatal errors
# Syntax errors
SYNTAX_BAD_DIRECTIVE 1017 unknown directive '!%s'
SYNTAX_MISSING_DIRECTIVE 1018 directive and/or expression part missing
SYNTAX_TOO_MANY_IFS 1019 too many nested !IF blocks
SYNTAX_EOF_NO_DIRECTIVE 1020 end-of-file found before next directive
SYNTAX_UNEXPECTED_ELSE 1021 syntax error : !ELSE unexpected
SYNTAX_MISSING_END_CHAR 1022 missing terminating character for string/program invocation : '%c'
SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR 1023 syntax error in expression
SYNTAX_UNEXPECTED_ENDIF 1025 syntax error : !ENDIF unexpected
SYNTAX_NO_NAME 1031 filename missing (or macro is null)
SYNTAX_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN 1033 syntax error : '%s' unexpected
SYNTAX_NO_SEPARATOR 1034 syntax error : separator missing
SYNTAX_NO_SEP_OR_EQUALS 1035 syntax error : expected ':' or '=' separator
SYNTAX_TOO_MANY_NAMES 1036 syntax error : too many names to left of '='
SYNTAX_NO_TARGET_NAME 1037 syntax error : target name missing
# Fatal errors
# Internal errors and other errors
LEXER_INTERNAL 1038 internal error : lexer
PARSER_INTERNAL 1039 internal error : parser
MACRO_INTERNAL 1040 internal error : macro expansion
BUILD_INTERNAL 1041 internal error : target building
EXPR_TOO_LONG_INTERNAL 1042 internal error : expression stack overflow
TOO_MANY_TMP_FILES_INTERNAL 1043 internal error : temp file limit exceeded
#TOO_MANY_BUILDS_INTERNAL 1044 internal error : too many levels of recursion building a target
SPAWN_FAILED_ERROR 1045 spawn failed : %s
OUT_OF_SEARCH_HANDLES 1046 internal error : out of search handles
MISSING_ARG_BEFORE_PAREN 1047 argument before ')' expands to nothing
# Fatal errors
# User controlled and DOS related errors
CANT_WRITE_FILE 1048 cannot write to file '%s'
MACRO_TOO_LONG 1049 macro or inline file too long (maximum : 64K)
OUT_OF_MEMORY 1051 out of memory
CANT_OPEN_FILE 1052 file '%s' not found
CANT_READ_FILE 1053 file '%s' unreadable
CANT_MAKE_INLINE 1054 cannot create inline file '%s'
OUT_OF_ENV_SPACE 1055 out of environment space
NO_COMMAND_COM 1056 cannot find command processor
BAD_UNLINK 1057 cannot delete temporary file '%s'
USER_INTERRUPT 1058 terminated by user
MISSING_CLOSING_BRACE 1059 syntax error : '}' missing in dependent
#OLD_MAKE_ERROR 1059 could not execute MAKE.EXE
ERROR_CLOSING_FILE 1060 unable to close file : '%s'
# Fatal errors
# Errors with command line syntax
CMDLINE_F_NO_FILENAME 1061 /F option requires a filename
CMDLINE_X_NO_FILENAME 1062 missing filename with /X option
CMDLINE_NO_MACRONAME 1063 missing macro name before '='
CMDLINE_NO_MAKEFILE 1064 MAKEFILE not found and no target specified
CMDLINE_BAD_OPTION 1065 invalid option '%c'
#CMDLINE_N_Z_INCOMPATIBLE 1066 option /N not supported; use NMAKE /N
# Fatal errors
# Errors while building targets and miscellaneous
NO_WILDCARD_MATCH 1069 no match found for wildcard '%s'
CYCLE_IN_MACRODEF 1070 cycle in macro definition '%s'
CYCLE_IN_TREE 1071 cycle in dependency tree for target '%s'
CYCLE_IN_INCLUDES 1072 cycle in include files : '%s'
CANT_MAKE_TARGET 1073 don't know how to make '%s'
#MACRODEF_TOO_LONG 1074 macro definition too long
#STRING_TOO_LONG 1075 string too long
NAME_TOO_LONG 1076 name too long
BAD_RETURN_CODE 1077 '%s' : return code '0x%x'
CONST_TOO_BIG 1078 constant overflow at '%s'
DIVIDE_BY_ZERO 1079 illegal expression : divide by zero
BAD_OP_TYPES 1080 operator and/or operand usage illegal
CANT_FIND_PROGRAM 1081 '%s' : program not found
EXEC_NO_MEM 1082 '%s' : cannot execute command; out of memory
TARGET_MACRO_IS_NULL 1083 target macro '%s' expands to nothing
CANT_CREATE_TEMP 1084 cannot create temporary file '%s'
# Fatal errors
# Errors with inference rules and explicit rules
MIXED_RULES 1085 cannot mix implicit and explicit rules
DEPENDENTS_ON_RULE 1086 inference rule cannot have dependents
MIXED_SEPARATORS 1087 cannot have : and :: dependents for same target
BAD_SEPARATOR 1088 invalid separator '::' on inference rule
CMDS_ON_PSEUDO 1089 cannot have build commands for directive '%s'
DEPS_ON_PSEUDO 1090 cannot have dependents for directive '%s'
#BAD_RULE 1091 invalid suffixes in inference rule
TOO_MANY_RULE_NAMES 1092 too many names in rule
MIXED_TARGETS 1093 cannot mix dot directives
# Fatal errors (Extensions)
# Syntax errors
SYNTAX_KEEP_INLINE_FILE 1094 syntax error : only (NO)KEEP allowed here
COMMAND_TOO_LONG 1095 expanded command line '%s' too long
EXTMAKE_CANNOT_OPEN 1096 cannot open inline file '%s'
EXTMAKE_NO_FILENAME 1097 filename-parts syntax requires dependent
EXTMAKE_BAD_SYNTAX 1098 illegal filename-parts syntax in '%s'
#Cannot use 1099 ... it's a nmake runtime error
BAD_BATCH_MACRO 1100 macro '%s' is illegal in the context of batch rule '%s'
CANT_SUPPORT_UNICODE 1101 nmake does not support unicode/utf8 files
# Errors (non-fatal)
OUT_OF_HANDLES 2001 no more file handles (too many files open)
# Warnings
SYNTAX_CMDFILE 4001 command file can be invoked only from command line
RESETTING_MACRO 4002 resetting value of special macro '%s'
#NO_WILDCARD_MATCH 4003 no match found for wildcard '%s'
TOO_MANY_RULES 4004 too many rules for target '%s'
IGNORING_RULE 4005 ignoring rule '%s' (extension not in .SUFFIXES)
ILLEGAL_SPECIAL_MACRO 4006 special macro undefined : '%s'
TRUNCATING_FILENAME 4007 filename '%s' too long; truncating to 8.3
REMOVED_TARGET 4008 removed target '%s'
#DUPLICATE_INLINE_FILE 4009 duplicate inline file '%s'
BUILD_FAILED_SLASH_K 4010 '%s' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
TARGET_ERROR_IN_CHILD 4011 '%s' : not all dependents available; target not built
# Messages
FILE_DOESNT_EXIST 1 file %s doesn't exist
TARGET_UP_TO_DATE 2 '%s' is up-to-date
UPDATE_INFO 3 ** %s newer than %s
TIME_FORMAT 4 %*s%-14s %*s
TOUCHING_TARGET 5 \ttouch %s
TARGET_DOESNT_EXIST 6 %*s%-14s target does not exist
COMMANDS_MESSAGE 10 \n\tcommands:\t
FLAGS_MESSAGE 11 \n\tflags:\t
DEPENDENTS_MESSAGE 12 \n\tdependents:\t
MACRO_DEFINITION 14 %13s = %s\n
MSG_IDE_BUILD 15 Building: %s
# Messages for stderr
FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE 20 fatal error
COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE_1 24 Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version %s
#COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE_1 24 \nMicrosoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version %d.%s%s
COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE_2 25 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp %s. All rights reserved.\n
# Help option messages
# 1 Add lines for help option between MESG_FIRST and MESG_LAST only
# 2 in the output no '\n' is printed after MESG_LAST gets printed
MESG_FIRST 100 Usage: %s @commandfile
MESG_USAGE 101 \t%s [options] [/f makefile] [/x stderrfile] [macrodefs] [targets]\n
MESG_WHERE 102 Options:\n
MESG_A 103 /A Build all evaluated targets
MESG_B 104 /B Build if time stamps are equal
MESG_C 105 /C Suppress output messages
MESG_D 106 /D Display build information
MESG_E 107 /E Override env-var macros
MESG_HELP 108 /HELP Display brief usage message
MESG_I 109 /I Ignore exit codes from commands
MESG_K 110 /K Build unrelated targets on error
MESG_M 111 /M Ignore extended/expanded memory
MESG_N 112 /N Display commands but do not execute
MESG_L 113 /NOLOGO Suppress copyright message
MESG_P 114 /P Display NMAKE information
MESG_Q 115 /Q Check time stamps but do not build
MESG_R 116 /R Ignore predefined rules/macros
MESG_S 117 /S Suppress executed-commands display
MESG_T 118 /T Change time stamps but do not build
MESG_V 119 /V Inherit macros during recursion
MESG_U 120 /U Dump inline files
MESG_Y 121 /Y Disable batch-mode
#MESG_V_w 111 /V Inherit macros during recursion /w Run NMAKE using extended memory
MESG_LAST 122 /? Display brief usage message\n
#This message is used to format the other messages in a 2-col format
MESG_OPTIONS 125 %-39s%s