2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

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package GetParams;
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Version: 1.00 (01-14-2000) : Basic function implement
# 1.01 (01-17-2000) : Use -tag to define the function
# 1.02 (02-01-2000) : Fix $self problem => Complete Object Oriented
# 1.03 (05-02-2000) : Provide -? and -x:xxx parameters & fix path value problem
# 1.04 (05-04-2000) : Provide getparams, getparamsEnv function & remove $class
$VERSION = '1.04';
require 5.003;
use Getopt::Std;
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
no strict 'subs';
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
sub new {
my ($class)=shift;
my $self = {@_};
$class = ref($class) || $class;
# The keys of 'self' are
# -n <necessary format> : see Usage
# -o <option format> : see Usage
# -p <variable list> : see Usage
# -h <hash name> : see Usage
# -VariableSet <varfun> : Variable Setting Function, call varfun($name, $value)
# -Process <profun> : argument process function, call profun(@argumentlist)
# -Error <errfun> : error function, call errfun("error message")
$self->{-Process}=sub {process($self,@_)} if (!defined $self->{-Process});
$self->{-Error}=sub {Error($self, @_)} if (!defined $self->{-Error});
@EXPORT = qw();
return bless ($self, $class);
sub process {
my $self=shift;
# Step 0. Backup the @ARGV, because getopts only works for @ARGV
my (@BAK_ARGV) = @ARGV;
# variable defined
# $splitnum is a locator, locate to the last element of syntax parameter,
# $splitnum + 1 will be the command line arguments
# $swlist := $necessary$optional
# @namelist is stored the variable name using in cmd script
my ($splitnum, @ARGV_tmp, $swlist, @namelist, @namelist_tmp)=(-1);
# Step 0.5. filter -? => set $HELP to 1 and translate -x:xxx => -x xxx, \x, .x or /x => -x
for (@_) {
if (/^[\/\\\.]([\w|\?])(:.+)?$/) {
$_ = "-$1$2";
if (/-\?/) {
if (defined $self->{-VariableSet}) {
&{$self->{-VariableSet}}("HELP", 1);
} else {
PerlVarSet($self, "HELP", 1);
local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 2; #Export the value to its parent-parent (because its parent is sub {&Process($self,@_)}
import GetParams;
} elsif (/^(-.):(.+)?/) {
push @ARGV_tmp, $1;
push @ARGV_tmp, $2;
} else {
push @ARGV_tmp, $_;
@_ = @ARGV_tmp;
# Step 1. Get switch format for (n)ecessary, (o)ptional, (h)ash and (p)arameter
while (1) {
my $opt = shift;
my $value = shift;
if (($opt =~ /([nohp])/m) && (!defined $self->{"-$1"}) && (!defined $self->{"-p"})) {
my $optchar=$1;
$self->{"-$optchar"} = $value;
$splitnum += 2;
} else {
@ARGV = @ARGV_tmp[$splitnum+1..$#ARGV_tmp];
&Usage if (!defined($self->{-n}) and !defined($self->{-o}));
$self->{-VariableSet} = sub {PerlHashSet($self, @_)} if ((defined $self->{-h}) && (!defined $self->{-VariableSet}));
$self->{-VariableSet} = sub {PerlVarSet($self, @_)} if (!defined $self->{-VariableSet});
$swlist = "$self->{-n}$self->{-o}";
@namelist_tmp = split(/ /, $self->{-p});
# push user-defined variable name to namelist
while ($swlist =~ /([^:])/g) {
my $optchar = $1;
if ($#namelist_tmp != -1) {
push @namelist, (shift @namelist_tmp);
} else {
&{$self->{-Error}}("Variable not defined for '\$opt_$optchar'");
# Step 2. According option defined, call getopts to evaluate the use @ARGV
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
} elsif ("$self->{-n}" ne "" or $#ARGV != -1) {
if ($#ARGV == -1) {
&{$self->{-Error}}("Please define parameters");
else {
&{$self->{-Error}}("Incorrect switch format");
# Step 3. Look for the value and set the value via $self->{-VariableSet}
while($swlist =~ /([^:])/g) {
my ($name, $value, $optchar)=(shift @namelist, eval("\$opt_$1"), $1);
if ($value ne "") {
&{$self->{-VariableSet}}($name, $value);
} elsif ($self->{-n} =~ /$optchar/) {
&{$self->{-Error}}("Necessary option '-$optchar' for variable '$name' undefined!!");
# Step 4. Recover the @ARGV;
if(@EXPORT) {
local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 2; #Export the value to its parent-parent (because its parent is sub {&Process($self,@_)}
import GetParams;
sub getparams {
process(new, @_);
sub getparamsENV {
process(new, '-h' => \%ENV, @_);
sub Error {
my $self=shift;
printf("echo %s\nseterror.exe 1\n", shift);
sub PerlVarSet {
my ($self, $name, $value)=@_;
no strict 'refs';
${$name} = $value;
push( @EXPORT, "\$$name" );
sub CmdVarSet {
my($self, $name, $value)=@_;
print "set $name=$value\n";
sub PerlHashSet {
my($self, $name, $value)=@_;
no strict 'refs';
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
$0 - Get Option from command line
Syntax: $0 <syntax> <cmdline> [-?]
where syntax format is [[-n <fmt>|-o <fmt>] [-h hashadrs] [-p varlist]
cmdline format is [arg [arg [...]]
-p must be the last parameter of the syntax
fmt : <alphabet>[:],
with colon for argument option, such as f: for -f myfile
no colon for switch, such as Y for -Y
hashadrs : store the value with varlist as keys into a hash address;
only for Perl program
varlist : variable list, such as myfile
arg : real arugment, such as abc.txt
1. parse a '-s <server> -p <project> [-r] [-c comment]' parameter
to srv, proj, opt_r, comment
=> $0 -n s:p: -o rc: -p "srv proj opt_r comment" -s myserver -p myproj -c mycomment
2. echo "set HELP = 1"
=> $0 -n s:p: -o rc: -p "srv proj opt_r comment" -s myserver -?
3. compatible use:
=> $0 /n s:p: /o:rc: -p "srv proj opt_r comment" -s: myserver /p myproj \c mycomment
# Command line process
if (eval("\$0=~/" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pm\$/i")) {
my $getopt=GetParams->new(-VariableSet => sub {&CmdVarSet($self,@_)});
=head1 NAME
B<GetParams> - Process single-character switches with switch clustering
# for cmd script, below print 'set opt_s=mysrv' and 'set opt_p=myproj'
perl -n s:p: -o r -p "opt_s opt_p sw_r" -s mysrv -p myproj
# for perl module, below set $opt_s=mysrv and $opt_p=myproj
my $getopt1=GetParams->new;
@syntax = (
-n => 's:p:',
-o => 'rc:',
-p => 'opt_s opt_p opt_r opt_c',
# Set variable's value by @ARGV
# Set value to Hash, like $myhash{opt_s}
'-h' => \%myhash,
# or Directly call
'-h' => \%myhash,
# Set variable directly to %ENV
# for help
perl -?
=> SET HELP = 1
print $HELP; # print 1
This module process the signal character switch to variable(s). The format
in C<-n> C<-o> are the same definition of the arguement as L<"Getopt::Std">
module. The real value will be evaluate and assign to the variable defined
in C<-p>. From Perl program, you can also assign the argument into a hash.
Just assign hash address (\%myhash) to C<-h>.
=head2 Syntax Parameters
=head3 $GetParams->{-n}=<fmt>
Stored necessary option (<alphabet>:) / switch (<alphabet>), such as
'a:bc:' for -a <value> -b -c <value>.
=head3 $GetParams->{-o}=<fmt>
Stored optional option (<alphabet>:) / switch (<alphabet>), such as
'de:' for -d -e <value>.
=head3 $GetParams->{-h}=<hash address>
Only for Perl program, stored to I<hash address> when you want to store
the value to a hash.
=head3 $GetParams->{-p}=<variable list>
A list stored variables name or hash keys, such as 'opt_p opt_x opt_t'.
The switch value will be set to 1 if assigned in the command line arguments.
The order in the I<variable list> should always follow by -n I<fmt> -o I<fmt>
option with space to separate.
=head2 Command Line Parameters
The real argument you want to process, such as @ARGV or %* (for cmd script).
=head1 METHODS
=head3 GetParams->new([syntax format][function assignment])
create an object for process the argument.
# Example for how to use this method
my $getopt1=GetParams->new;
# Example for assign syntax format
my $getopt2=GetParams->new(
-n => 's:',
-p => var_s,
# Example for assign function
sub dbgVarSet {
my($name, $value);
print "Assign $value to $name
my $getopt3=GetParams->new(-VariableSet = \&dbgVarSet);
=head3 &{$GetParams->{-Process}}([syntax format] <command line arguments>)
stored the procedure for process argument, by default is GetParams::process.
# Example for how to execute this function
my $getopt4=GetParams->new;
-o => 'rc:',
-p => 'opt_r opt_c',
# Example for how to define your process
my $getopt5=GetParams->new(-Process => \&myProcess);
# Example for how to define your process
my $getopt6=GetParams->new;
sub myProcess {
my @argu=@_;
my $ptr=0;
for($ptr=0;$ptr<$#argu;$ptr+=2) {
print "option:$argu[$ptr]\t\t$argu[$ptr+1]\n";
=head3 &{$GetParams->{-VariableSet}}($name,$value)
stored the procedure for Variable Setting, we can call with ($name, $value) for
setting the $value to $name.
# Example for how to define your VariableSet function
my $getopt7=GetParams->new(-VariableSet => \&myVarSet);
# Example for how to define your VariableSet function
my $getopt8=GetParams->new;
# Example for how to define your VariableSet function
my $getopt9=GetParams->new;
'-o' => 'r',
'-VariableSet' => \&myVarSet, # set in the last minute
'-p' => 'sw_r',
sub myVarSet {
my ($name, $value)=@_;
print "Set Value ($value) to Variable ($name)\n";
=head3 &{$GetParams->{-Error}}($msg)
stored the procedure for Error handling, we can call with ($errmsg) for the error.
# Example for how to define your Error function for GetParams
my $getopt10=GetParams->new(-Error => \&myError);
# Example for how to define your VariableSet function
my $getopt11=GetParams->new;
# Example for how to define your VariableSet function
my $getopt11=GetParams->new;
'-o' => 'r',
'-Error' => \&myError, # set in the last minute
'-p' => 'sw_r',
sub myError {
my ($msg)=@_;
print "GetParams fail ($msg)\n";
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Benson Tan <>