2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

200 lines
4.3 KiB

# MergeFiles takes two files, assumed to be sorted, and
# merges them together into one big sorted file.
# Additionally, files under section headers [blah] will
# remain sorted under those section headers.
# Requires three(3) arguments
$argc = @ARGV;
$PGM = "MergeFiles:";
die "Usage: MergeFiles file1 file2 outfile\n" if ( $argc < 3 );
$file1 = $ARGV[0];
$file2 = $ARGV[1];
$outfile = $ARGV[2];
die "$PGM $file1 does not exist!\n" if !(-e $file1);
open(FILE1, "<$file1");
die "$PGM $file2 does not exist!\n" if !(-e $file2);
open(FILE2, "<$file2");
# Make the path of the output file if necessary
if( $outfile =~ /\\/ ){
$outpath = "";
@outarray = split(/\\/, $outfile);
pop @outarray;
$first = 1;
foreach $dir (@outarray){
if( !$first ){
$outpath = $outpath . '\\';
} else {
$first = 0;
$outpath = $outpath . $dir;
if (!(-d $outpath)) { system "mkdir $outpath" }
open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile") || die "$PGM Could not open $outfile!\n";
$linenum = 0;
$head = 0;
$curheader = "[_NONE_]";
$headarray1[0] = $curheader;
# if( /^$/ ){ next } # Skip empty lines
# if( /^;/ ){ next } # ';' for comment line
if( /\[.*\]/ && !(/^;/) && !(/^$/) ){
$heading = $_;
chomp $heading;
$headarray1[$head] = $heading;
$curheader = $heading;
$linenum = 0;
} else {
push @{$strarray1[$head]}, $_;
$linenum = 0;
$head = 0;
$curheader = "[_NONE_]";
$headarray2[0] = $curheader;
$IsDefHeader = 0;
# if( /^$/ ){ next } # Skip empty lines
# if( /^;/ ){ next } # ';' for comment line
if( /\[(.*)\]/ && !(/^;/) && !(/^$/) ){
$heading = $_;
chomp $heading;
$IsDefHeader = 1;
if( !($heading =~ /CoverageDefault/i) ){
$headarray2[$head] = $heading;
$IsDefHeader = 0;
$curheader = $heading;
$linenum = 0;
} else {
if( $IsDefHeader ){
push @defarray, $_;
} else {
push @{$strarray2[$head]}, $_;
# For each item in the default items array, check to see if the
# corresponding key exists in the environment, and if so, use that value.
for $line (@defarray){
chomp $line;
if( $line =~ /^$/ ){ next } # Skip empty lines
($key, $value) = split('=', $line);
if( $ENV{$key} ){
$defhash{$key} = $ENV{$key};
} else {
$defhash{$key} = $value;
# Iterate through the second file and set the defaults
$head2 = 0;
for $heading (@headarray2){
print "$heading\n" if( $heading ne "[_NONE_]");
for $line (@{$strarray2[$head2]}){
for $key (keys(%defhash)){
if( $line =~ $key ){
$line =~ s/$key/$defhash{$key}/;
# Merge the two files together.
$head1 = 0;
for $heading (@headarray1){
if( $heading ne "[_NONE_]"){
print OUTFILE "$heading\n";
$match = 0;
# Search for the same heading in the 2nd file and merge
$head2 = 0;
for $heading2 (@headarray2){
if( $heading eq $heading2 ){ $match = 1; last;}
# if we have a heading to merge, then merge the two.
if( $match && !($matches{$heading}) ){
$matches{$heading} = 1;
# print "MATCH: $heading\n";
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
@array1 = @{$strarray1[$head1]};
@array2 = @{$strarray2[$head2]};
$len1 = @array1;
$len2 = @array2;
# print "LEN1: $len1\tLEN2: $len2\n";
while( ($i < $len1) && ($j < $len2) ){
# Copy the lines to temp vars
$test1 = $array1[$i];
$test2 = $array2[$j];
# Remove any directives and canonicalize to lowercase.
$test1 =~ s/^@.*:(.*)/$1/;
$test2 =~ s/^@.*:(.*)/$1/;
$test1 =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$test2 =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# Merge two sorted lists (print the original lines)
if( ($test1 =~ /^;/) || ($test1 =~ /^~/) ){
print OUTFILE $array1[$i++];
} elsif( $test1 lt $test2 ){
print OUTFILE $array1[$i++];
} elsif( $test1 gt $test2 ){
print OUTFILE $array2[$j++];
} elsif( $test1 eq $test2 ){
print OUTFILE $array1[$i++];
# Merge the remainder of each list, if any.
while( $i < $len1 ){
print OUTFILE $array1[$i++];
while( $j < $len2 ){
print OUTFILE $array2[$j++];
} else {
# otherwise, just print the list out.
for $line (@{$strarray1[$head1]}){
print OUTFILE $line;