2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

642 lines
17 KiB

#!perl -w
# A tool to create boot floppy images.
# Author: Milong Sabandith (milongs)
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use cksku;
use ReadSetupFiles;
use Logmsg;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
Create Boot Floppy Images.
Usage: $0 share
$0 d:\i386
$MakeZdr = 1;
$ErrorCode = 0;
# List of files that need to be on last floppy
@lastlist = ("ntdll.dll", "usetup.exe", "spcmdcon.sys", "kbdus.dll");
# List of replacement destinations. Use "" for the same name as in @lastlist
@lastrepl = ("system32\\ntdll.dll", "system32\\smss.exe", "","");
# List of files that need to be on a particular floppy
# txtsetup.sif is special because it needs to be compressed.
@speciallist = ("setupldr.bin", "txtsetup.sif", "biosinfo.inf", "", "ntkrnlmp.exe");
@specialnum = ("1", "1", "1", "1", "2");
# List of files that should come from somewhere else
@differentlist = ("");
@differentsource = ("..\\idw\\setup\\");
sub onlastdisk {
local($filename) = @_;
while (<@lastlist>) {
if ($filename =~ /^$_$/ ) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub GetFromInf {
local( $filename, $section, $name, $num) = @_;
$retvalue = "";
open( INFFILE, "<".$filename) or die "can't open $filename: $!";
LINEG: while( <INFFILE>) {
chomp $_;
$line = lc $_;
if ($line =~ /^\[/)
$InSection = 0;
if ($line =~ /^\[$section/)
$InSection = 1;
next LINEG;
if (! $InSection)
next LINEG;
@linefields = split('=', $line);
# empty line
if ( $#linefields == -1) {
next LINEG;
$nameg = $linefields[0];
#print "nameg = " . $#linefields . $nameg . "\n";
if( length( $nameg) < 1)
next LINEG;
$nameg =~ s/ *$//g;
if ( not ($nameg =~ /$name/)) {
next LINEG;
@linefields2 = split(',', $linefields[1]);
$retvalue = $linefields2[$num];
# Remove spaces
$retvalue =~ s/ *$//g;
$retvalue =~ s/^ *//g;
if( length( $retvalue) > 0) {
last LINEG;
} # while (there is still data in this inputfile)
close( INFFILE);
return $retvalue;
sub myprocess {
local($shareloc) = @_;
$output = "bootfiles";
$layout = $shareloc . "\\layout.inf";
$dosnet = $shareloc . "\\dosnet.inf";
$txtsetup = $shareloc . "\\txtsetup.sif";
$allfiles = $output.".all";
$modified = $output.".mod";
$enum = $output.".enum";
$total = $output.".total";
$final = $output.".final";
$languageid = "00000409";
if ($MakeZdr == 1) {
$txtsetup = "..\\realsign\\txtsetup.sif";
print "Share location: " . $shareloc . "\n\n";
print "Finding layout.inf at: " . $layout . "\n";
open(OLD, "<" . $layout) or die "can't open $layout: $!";
open(NEW, ">" . $allfiles) or die "can't open $allfiles: $!";
# Read txtsetup.sif for required language id.
$languageid = GetFromInf( $txtsetup, "nls", "defaultlayout", 0);
if ( length($languageid) < 1) {
print "Could not determine DefaultLayout from txtsetup.sif.\n";
return 0;
print "Lanuage Id = " . $languageid ."\n";
$keyboardfile = GetFromInf( $txtsetup, "files.keyboardlayout", $languageid, 0);
if ( length($languageid) < 1) {
print "Could not determine keyboard file from txtsetup.sif.\n";
return 0;
print "Keyboard file = " . $keyboardfile ."\n";
# Make sure it's not us keyboad since this is already in our last list.
if (not ($keyboardfile =~ /^kbdus.dll$/ )) {
push( @lastlist, $keyboardfile);
push( @lastrepl, $keyboardfile);
# Compress txtsetup.sif locally
(print "\nCopying $txtsetup for compression.\n");
`dcomp $txtsetup .`;
# Read dosnet.inf for .fon and .nls boot files
print "Finding dosnet.inf at: " . $dosnet . "\n";
open(DOSNET, "<" . $dosnet) or die "can't open $dosnet: $!";
$InFloppySection = 0;
$disknum = "-";
print "\nAdding the following font and nls files to disk3.\n";
LINE1: while( <DOSNET> ) {
chomp $_;
$line = lc $_;
if ($line =~ /^\[/)
$InFloppySection = 0;
if ($line =~ /^\[floppyfiles\./)
$InFloppySection = 1;
$line2 = $line;
chop $line2;
@linefields= split('\.', $line2);
$disknum = $linefields[1];
next LINE1;
if (! $InFloppySection)
next LINE1;
if ( $line =~ /^d1\,disk1\,disk/) {
next LINE1;
if ($line =~ /^d1\,/)
@linefields = split(',', $line);
$filename = $linefields[1];
#Remove spaces from filesname
$filename =~ s/ *$//g;
#Skip .fon and .nls files since they are included in dosnet.txt
if ($filename !~ /\.fon$/ and $filename !~ /\.nls$/)
next LINE1;
$filenamep = $shareloc. "\\".$filename;
$filename2 = $filename;
if (!(-e $filenamep) ) {
chop $filenamep;
$filenamep = $filenamep . "_";
chop $filename2;
$filename2 = $filename2 . "_";
if (-e $filenamep ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($filenamep);
(printf "%20s %10s", " " . $filename, $size . "\n");
(printf NEW "%2s %20s %10s %20s\n", 3, " " . $filename, $size, $filename2);
} # while (there is still data in this inputfile)
$InFileSection = 0;
$maxdisknum = 1;
# Now add files from layout.inf
LINE2: while( <OLD> )
chomp $_;
$line = lc $_;
if ($line =~ /^\[/)
$InFileSection = 0;
if ($line eq "[sourcedisksfiles]" or $line eq "[sourcedisksfiles.x86]")
$InFileSection = 1;
next LINE2;
if (! $InFileSection)
next LINE2;
if ($line =~ /=/)
($filename = $line) =~ s/(.*:)?(\S*.?\S*)\s*=.*/$2/;
#Remove spaces from filesname
$filename =~ s/ *$//g;
#Skip .fon and .nls files since they are included in dosnet.txt
if ($filename =~ /\.fon$/ or $filename =~ /\.nls$/)
next LINE2;
($fields = $line) =~ s/.*=\s*(.*)/$1/;
@linefields = split(',', $fields);
$disknum = $linefields[6];
if ($disknum =~ /^_/)
$compressed = 0;
$compressed = 1;
$disknum =~ s/_//;
if( length($disknum) > 0 && $disknum !~ /x/)
if( int($disknum) > $maxdisknum)
$maxdisknum = int($disknum);
$filename2 = $filename;
if( $compressed)
chop $filename2;
$filename2 = $filename2 . "_";
$filenamep = "$shareloc\\$filename2";
if (-e $filenamep ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($filenamep);
else {
$size = "0";
(printf NEW "%2s %20s %10s %20s\n", $disknum, " " . $filename, $size , $filename2);
print ".";
} # while (there is still data in this inputfile)
close(OLD) or die "can't close $layout: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $allfiles: $!";
#Remove from the list any files on the first or last flopy.
open(OLD, "<" . $allfiles) or die "can't open $allfiles: $!";
open(NEW, ">" . $modified) or die "can't open $modified: $!";
$disknum = 0;
$disksize = 0;
NLINE:while (<OLD>) {
$save = $_;
@lnfields = split(' ', $_);
$filename = $lnfields[1];
while (<@speciallist>) {
if ($filename =~ /^$_$/ ) {
next NLINE;
while (<@lastlist>) {
if ($filename =~ /^$_$/ ) {
next NLINE;
(print NEW $save);
print ".";
#Put the following files on the first floppy
#On FE build, if bootfont.bin exist then add it to the first floppy
$fname = "bootfont.bin";
$fname2 = "$shareloc\\$fname";
if (-e $fname2 ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname2);
(printf NEW "%2s %20s %10s %20s\n", 1, " " . $fname, $size, $fname);
$count = 0;
while (<@speciallist>) {
$fname = $_;
if ($fname =~ /^txtsetup.sif$/ ) {
chop $fname;
$fname = $fname . "_";
if (-e $fname ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname);
else {
$size = "0";
else {
$fname2 = "$shareloc\\$fname";
if (-e $fname2 ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname2);
else {
chop $fname2;
$fname2 = $fname2 . "_";
if (-e $fname2 ) {
chop $fname;
$fname = $fname . "_";
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname2);
else {
$size = "0";
(printf NEW "%2s %20s %10s %20s\n", $specialnum[$count], " " . $_,$size ,$fname);
$count = ($count +1);
print ".";
#Put the following files on the last floppy
$count = 0;
while (<@lastlist>) {
$fname = $_;
$fname2 = "$shareloc\\$fname";
if (-e $fname2 ) {
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname2);
else {
chop $fname2;
$fname2 = $fname2 . "_";
if (-e $fname2) {
chop $fname;
$fname = $fname . "_";
($0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$size,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0) = stat($fname2);
else {
$size = "0";
(printf NEW "%2s %20s %10s %20s\n", ($maxdisknum+1), " " . $_, $size, $fname);
$count = ($count +1);
print ".";
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
`sort $modified /o $modified`;
# Reenumerate disk numbers in case all the files on the last in layout.inf
# appears in our private list.
open(OLD, "<" . $modified) or die "can't open $modified: $!";
open(NEW, ">" . $enum) or die "can't open $enum: $!";
$donefixup = 0;
$disksize = 0;
$maxdisknum = 1;
while (<OLD>) {
$save = $_;
@lnfields = split(' ', $_);
$cdisk = int($lnfields[0]);
$fname = $lnfields[1];
$fsize = $lnfields[2];
$fact = $lnfields[3];
if( !$donefixup and $cdisk > $maxdisknum)
$maxdisknum = $maxdisknum +1;
if( $maxdisknum != $cdisk) {
$donefixup = 1;
(printf NEW "%2d %20s %10s %20s\n",$maxdisknum,$fname,$fsize,$fact);
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
# Create total file containing total disk sizes.
open(OLD, "<" . $enum) or die "can't open $enum: $!";
open(NEW, ">" . $total) or die "can't open $total: $!";
$disknum = 0;
$disksize = 0;
$runningtotal = 0;
while (<OLD>) {
$save = $_;
@lnfields = split(' ', $_);
$cdisk = int($lnfields[0]);
$sdisk = int($lnfields[2]);
if( $cdisk == $disknum)
$disksize = $disksize + $sdisk;
if( $disknum != 0)
(printf NEW "%10s %24s", "Disk " . $disknum . ":", $disksize . "\n\n");
$disknum = $cdisk;
$runningtotal = $runningtotal + $disksize;
$disksize = $sdisk;
(print NEW $save);
print ".";
if( $disknum != 0)
$runningtotal = $runningtotal + $disksize;
(printf NEW "%10s %24s", "Disk " . $disknum . ":", $disksize . "\n");
(printf NEW "Total :%24s", $runningtotal . "\n");
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
# Create boot floppies.
# Create disk1 to be renamed accordingly for each floppy
open(NEW, ">disk1") or die "Could not create disk1 file in current directory!";
print NEW "\n";
close NEW;
# Now create list of files for each floppy
open(OLD, "<" . $enum) or die "can't open $enum: $!";
$disknum = 0;
while (<OLD>) {
@lnfields = split(' ', $_);
$cdisk = int($lnfields[0]);
$fname = $lnfields[1];
$fact = $lnfields[3];
if( $cdisk != $disknum)
if( $disknum > 0) {
close( NEW);
open(NEW, ">" . $output . "\." . $cdisk) or die "can't open $: $!";
# first floppy require the following information
if( $cdisk == 1) {
(printf NEW "\-bnt35setup\n");
(printf NEW "disk1=disk10%d\n", $cdisk);
$disknum = $cdisk;
$source = $shareloc."\\".$fact;
$dest = $fact;
#check if this file should have a different source location
if ($MakeZdr == 1) {
$icount = 0;
$done = 0;
while (<@differentlist>) {
if ($done == 0) {
$save = $_;
if ($fname =~ /^$_$/) {
$source = $differentsource[$icount];
$done = 1;
$icount = ($icount + 1);
$icount = 0;
#if the last disk, then final name of file maybe different
if( $disknum == ($maxdisknum)) {
$done = 0;
while (<@lastlist>) {
if ($done == 0) {
$save = $_;
if ($fname =~ /^$_$/ and length($lastrepl[$icount]) > 0) {
$dest = $lastrepl[$icount];
$done = 1;
$icount = ($icount + 1);
else {
if ($fname =~ /^txtsetup.sif$/ ) {
$dest = "txtsetup\.si_";
$source = "txtsetup\.si_";
#For el use english version of usetup since el version is too big.
if( ($disknum == ($maxdisknum)) && (lc $ENV{lang} eq "el") && ($fact =~ /^usetup.exe$/)) {
$source = $ENV{_NTFILTER}."\\".$fact;
(printf NEW "%s=%s\n", $source, $dest);
print ".";
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
# Creating each floppy
$disknum = 1;
while ( $disknum <= $maxdisknum) {
$fname2 = "cdboot".$disknum."\.img";
$fcmdline = "\nfcopy \-f \-3 \@$output" . "\." . $disknum . " cdboot" . $disknum . "\.img";
print $fcmdline;
print "\nCreating cdimage" . $disknum . "\.img";
$message = `$fcmdline`;
print $message;
if (not -e $fname2 ) {
errmsg("Could not create boot floppy $disknum!");
$ErrorCode = 1;
$disknum = $disknum +1;
# Create equivalent dosnet floppyfiles sections
open(OLD, "<" . $enum) or die "can't open $enum: $!";
open(NEW, ">" . $final) or die "can't open $final: $!";
$disknum = 0;
while (<OLD>) {
@lnfields = split(' ', $_);
$cdisk = int($lnfields[0]);
$fname = $lnfields[1];
if( $cdisk != $disknum)
(printf NEW "\n[FloppyFiles.%d]\n", $disknum);
(printf NEW "d1,disk1,disk10%d\n", ($disknum+1));
$disknum = $cdisk;
$icount = 0;
if( $disknum == ($maxdisknum)) {
$done = 0;
while (<@lastlist>) {
if ($done == 0) {
$save = $_;
if ($fname =~ /^$_$/ and length($lastrepl[$icount]) > 0 ) {
$fname = $fname."\,".$lastrepl[$icount];
$done = 1;
$icount = ($icount + 1);
(printf NEW "d1,%s\n", $fname);
print ".";
close(OLD) or die "can't close $old: $!";
close(NEW) or die "can't close $new: $!";
print "\nTotal floppies is " . $maxdisknum . "\n";
foreach $share (@ARGV) {
#print "arg is $file\n";
#@filelist = <$file>;
#@filelist = `dir /b /a-d $file`;
foreach (@ARGV) {
chomp $share;
myprocess( $share);