2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

1098 lines
32 KiB

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM <<dfs.cmd>>
@REM Issue the appropriate DFS commands to lower or raise builds
@REM to a specific quality.
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM Version: < 1.0 > 05/15/2002 Suemiao Rossignol
@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@set RETURNVALUE=%errorlevel%
@goto :endperl
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use Win32::File qw(GetAttributes SetAttributes);
use File::Basename;
use Carp;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
use cksku;
use cklang;
use RelQuality;
use DfsMap;
use LockProc;
$ENV{script_name} = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Issue the appropriate DFS commands to raise/lower builds to a specific quality.
$ENV{script_name}: -l:<Language> -n:<BuildNo> -q:<RaiseQuality>||-lower
[-r:<Target Server>]
[-a:<Architecture>] [-t:DebugType] [-replacelatest]
[-replacenumber] [-d] [-p] [-?]
-l:lang Language.
Default is "usa".
-n:# Build number.
-r:server Serevr with build to be raised.
Default is %computername%.
-a:arch Architecture. Ex: "x86", "ia64" or "amd64".
Default is applied to all architectures.
-t:type Debug Type. EX: "fre" or "chk".
Default is applied to all build types.
-q:qly Raise quality. EX: "bvt", "tst", "idw"...
-lower Remove build from dfs mapping.
-replacelatest Force replace latest links with an older build when raise.
-replacenumber Force replace numbered links with an older build when raise.
-d Debug mode.
-p Display key variables only.
-? Display Usage.
$ENV{script_name} -l:ger -n:2600 -a:ia64 -lower
$ENV{script_name} -l:ger -n:2600 -t:chk -q:tst -d
my ( $buildNo, %bldInfo, $raiseServer, $isLower, $powerLess );
my ( $fReplaceLatestLink, $fReplaceNumberLink );
my ( %ntPkg, %validPlatform, $iniFile, $dash );
my ( @linkNode, %dfsMap, $dfsLock, @accessMembers );
my ( @dfsInfo, @latestDfsInfo, @osDfsInfo );
if( !&GetParams() ){ exit(1); }
timemsg( "Start $ENV{script_name}" );
if( !&InitVars() ){ exit (1); }
if( $powerLess ) { exit(0); }
if( !&GetDfsAccess( \%dfsMap, \$dfsLock ) ){ exit(1); }
if( !&MainProc() ){ $dfsLock->Unlock(); exit (1); }
logmsg( $dash );
timemsg( "Complete successfully!" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'l:' => \$ENV{lang}, 'n:' => \$buildNo, 'r:' =>\$raiseServer,
'a:' => \$bldInfo{arch}, 't:' => \$bldInfo{type},
'q:' => \$bldInfo{qly}, 'lower' =>\$isLower,
'replacenumber' => \$fReplaceNumberLink, 'replacelatest' =>\$fReplaceLatestLink,
'd' => \$Logmsg::DEBUG, 'p' =>\$powerLess );
$ENV{lang}="usa" if( !$ENV{lang} );
if( !$buildNo )
errmsg( "Please specify build number" );
return 0;
$raiseServer = $ENV{computername} if( !$raiseServer );
my %validArch = ( "x86" => "1", "ia64" => "1", "amd64" =>"1" );
my %validType = ( "fre" => "1", "chk" => "1" );
if( $bldInfo{arch} && !exists $validArch{ $bldInfo{arch}} )
errmsg( "Invalid architecture [$bldInfo{arch}]." );
if( $bldInfo{type} && !exists $validType{ $bldInfo{type}} )
errmsg( "Invalid debug type [$bldInfo{type}]." );
return 0;
for my $arch ( keys %validArch )
for my $type ( keys %validType )
$validPlatform{"$arch$type"} = length( $arch )<< 4 | length ( $type );
if( $isLower )
wrnmsg( "Quality flag [$bldInfo{qly}] ignored for lower operation" ) if( $bldInfo{qly});
$isLower = 1;
if( !$bldInfo{qly} )
errmsg( "Please sepcify raise quality" );
$isLower = 0;
if ( !&RelQuality::IsValid( $bldInfo{qly} ) )
errmsg( "Invalid Raise qualyity [$bldInfo{qly}]." );
return 0;
if( $fReplaceNumberLink ){ $fReplaceNumberLink = 1; } else { $fReplaceNumberLink =0;}
if( $fReplaceLatestLink ){ $fReplaceLatestLink = 1; } else { $fReplaceLatestLink =0;}
&comlib::ResetLogErrFile( "raiseall.$buildNo.$bldInfo{arch}$bldInfo{type}.$raiseServer" );
return 1;
sub InitVars
### Set vars
$bldInfo{lang} = $ENV{lang};
$bldInfo{no} = $buildNo;
$bldInfo{server} = $raiseServer;
$bldInfo{branch} = $ENV{_BuildBranch};
$iniFile = "xpsp1.ini";
$dash = '-' x 60;
%ntPkg = ( 1 => "os", 2 => "conglomerator", 3 => "neutral" );
### Define the available target to be raised
my $searchDir = "\\\\$raiseServer\\release\\$buildNo\\$bldInfo{lang}";
my (@myNode, %myBld);
chomp( @myNode = `dir $searchDir /ad /b` );
for my $platform ( keys %validPlatform )
for ( my $i=0; $i< @myNode; $i++ )
if( $myNode[$i] =~ /$platform/i )
if( $bldInfo{arch} && $myNode[$i] !~ /$bldInfo{arch}/i)
splice( @myNode, $i, 1);
if( $bldInfo{type} && $myNode[$i] !~ /$bldInfo{type}/i)
splice( @myNode, $i, 1);
for my $node( @myNode )
if( exists $validPlatform{$node} )
$myBld{ $ntPkg{1} } .= "$node ";
elsif( $node =~ /mui/i )
$myBld{$ntPkg{3}} = $node;
$myBld{$ntPkg{2}} .= "$node ";
for my $pkg ( sort keys %ntPkg )
if( $myBld{$ntPkg{$pkg}} =~ /^(.+)\s$/ )
my @tmp = split( /\s/, $1 );
push( @linkNode, $_ )for ( @tmp ) ;
### Define share access members
my ($parseStr, $accessMemberStr);
if ( lc $bldInfo{qly} eq "pre" || lc $bldInfo{qly} eq "bvt" )
$parseStr = "BVTMembers";
$parseStr = "ReleaseAccess";
if( !( $accessMemberStr = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $ENV{_buildBranch},$bldInfo{lang},$parseStr ) ))
errmsg( "[$parseStr] is undefined in $iniFile.");
return 0;
@accessMembers = split( '\s+', $accessMemberStr );
### Define DFS branch name
$bldInfo{dfsbranch} = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingQuietEx( $ENV{_buildBranch}, $bldInfo{lang}, "DFSAlternateBranchName" );
$bldInfo{dfsbranch} = $ENV{_buildBranch} if( !$bldInfo{dfsbranch} );
### Get DFS Root name
if( !($bldInfo{dfsroot} = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $ENV{_buildBranch}, $bldInfo{lang},"DFSRootName" ) ) )
errmsg( "[DFSRootName] undefined in $iniFile." );
return 0;
### Set release Share Drive
my @iniRequest = ("ReleaseDrive::$raiseServer");
my $releaseDrive = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $ENV{_buildBranch},$bldInfo{lang},@iniRequest );
if ( !$releaseDrive )
$ENV{_ntdrive} =~ /(.*)\:/;
$releaseDrive = $1;
$bldInfo{release} = "$releaseDrive:\\release";
logmsg( "Ini File ....................[$iniFile]" );
logmsg( "Raise Server ................[$raiseServer]" );
logmsg( "Lauguage ...................[$bldInfo{lang}]" );
logmsg( "Build Number ................[$buildNo]" );
logmsg( "Build Architecture ..........[$bldInfo{arch}]" );
logmsg( "Build Type...................[$bldInfo{type}]" );
logmsg( "Link Points ......[ $myBld{$ntPkg{1}}]") if ( $myBld{$ntPkg{1}} );
logmsg( "..................[ $myBld{$ntPkg{2}}]") if ( $myBld{$ntPkg{2}} );
logmsg( "..................[ $myBld{$ntPkg{3}}]") if ( $myBld{$ntPkg{3}} );
logmsg( "Is Lowering dfs links........[$isLower]" );
logmsg( "Raise Quality................[$bldInfo{qly}]" );
logmsg( "Force Replacing Numbered Link[$fReplaceNumberLink]" );
logmsg( "Force Replacing Latest Link .[$fReplaceLatestLink]" );
logmsg( "Release root path ...........[$bldInfo{release}]" );
logmsg( "DFS root ....................[$bldInfo{dfsroot}]" );
logmsg( "Share access members ........[@accessMembers]");
logmsg( "DFS Branch Name .............[$bldInfo{dfsbranch}]" );
logmsg( "Log file ...................[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Error file .................[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" );
logmsg( $dash );
sub MainProc
return 1 if( $powerLess );
for my $node ( @linkNode )
# Set Platform
if( exists $validPlatform{$node} )
my $archLen = ($validPlatform{ $node } >> 4) & 15;
my $typeLen = $validPlatform{ $node } & 15;
$bldInfo{arch} = substr ( $node, 0, $archLen);
$bldInfo{type} = substr ( $node, $archLen, $typeLen );
$bldInfo{arch} = "";
$bldInfo{type} = "";
if( $node =~ /mui/i){ $bldInfo{package}=$ntPkg{3};}
else{ $bldInfo{package}=$ntPkg{2};}
# (2-1) Define valid array of hash with numberlink-share mapping from raisemap.txt
my %curSku;
my $myUc = uc $node;
my $myLc = lc $node;
$curSku{ $myUc } = 1;
$curSku{ $myLc } = 1;
if( !( @dfsInfo = &comlib::ParseDfsMapText( \%curSku, \%bldInfo )) )
wrnmsg( "No valid mapping found for [$node]." );
# (2-2)Duplicate array of hash with number mapping
# and replace build number with latest.quality
my $latestStr = "latest.$bldInfo{qly}";
$#latestDfsInfo = $#dfsInfo;
for ( my $inx=0;$inx<=$#dfsInfo; $inx++ )
%{$latestDfsInfo[$inx]} = %{$dfsInfo[$inx]};
for my $line ( @latestDfsInfo )
$line->{Link} =~ s/$bldInfo{no}/$latestStr/;
# (4)Verify symbol server share when it is os build
#return 0 if( $keyPKG == 1 && !&SetSymbolServer( \@dfsInfo ) );
# (3) Start Raise/Lower process
if( !$isLower )
return 0 if( !&RaiseAll() );
# Duplicate OS hash array data to be used for
# checking if the links share with the other builds
if( $bldInfo{package} eq $ntPkg{1} )
$#osDfsInfo = $#dfsInfo;
for ( my $inx=0;$inx<=$#dfsInfo; $inx++ )
%{$osDfsInfo[$inx]} = %{$dfsInfo[$inx]}
return 0 if( !&LowerAll() );
return 1;
sub RaiseAll
my $latestStr = "latest.$bldInfo{qly}";
# (1) Raise release share permission for current package
my ( %svRootShare );
for my $line ( @dfsInfo )
### No need to create share in symServer
next if( lc $line->{Sku} eq "sym" );
next if( exists $svRootShare{ $line->{RootShare} } );
$svRootShare{ $line->{RootShare} } = 1;
dbgmsg( "Grant share permission..." );
return 0 if( !&GrantSharePermission( $line->{RootShare}, $line->{RootDir} ) );
dbgmsg( "Remove Unauthorized user from the share ..." );
return 0 if(! &RemoveUnauthorizedUserFromShare( $line->{RootShare} ));
# (2) Raise DFS mapping For number and latest links
my $needLatestLink;
# (2-1) Unlink the same numberd shares for older timestamps
dbgmsg( "Checking/Unmapping numbered shares for older timestamps..." );
return 0 if( !&UnmapExistingNumberedLinks( \@dfsInfo ) );
# (2-2) Remove old latest.qly dfs links
dbgmsg( "Finding/lowering any old latest DFS links at same quality..." );
$bldInfo{no} = $latestStr;
return 0 if( !&RemoveOldLatestDotQlyLinks( \@latestDfsInfo, \$needLatestLink ) );
$bldInfo{no} = $buildNo;
# (2-3) Create DFS numbered links
return 0 if( !&CreateDFSMapping( \@dfsInfo ) );
# (3-4) Create DFS latest.qly links
if( $needLatestLink )
$bldInfo{no} = $latestStr;
### Skip misc\latest link
if( $bldInfo{package} eq $ntPkg{3} && $needLatestLink == 1 )
for ( my $i=0; $i<@latestDfsInfo; $i++)
if( $latestDfsInfo[$i]->{Link} =~ /misc/i )
splice( @latestDfsInfo, $i, 1);
return 0 if( !&CreateDFSMapping( \@latestDfsInfo ) );
$bldInfo{no} = $buildNo;
# (4)dbgmsg( "Flushing outstanding DFS operations..." );
if( !( tied %dfsMap ) -> Flush() )
return 0;
# (5) Unlock Process
# (6) Update Qulity file when it is os link
if( $bldInfo{package} eq $ntPkg{1} )
logmsg( "Update quality file..." );
my $qlyFilePath = "\\\\$raiseServer\\release\\$bldInfo{no}\\$ENV{lang}";
$qlyFilePath .= "\\$bldInfo{arch}$bldInfo{type}\\bin\\build_logs";
&RelQuality::Update( $qlyFilePath, $bldInfo{no}, $bldInfo{qly} );
return 1;
sub LowerAll
# Verify if the action is required for non-os builds
return 1 if( $bldInfo{package} ne $ntPkg{1} && &FoundSameLangNoLink(\@osDfsInfo) );
# (2) Lower release share permission for current package
my ( %svRootShare );
for my $line ( @dfsInfo )
### No need to create share in symServer
next if( lc $line->{Sku} eq "sym" );
next if( exists $svRootShare{ $line->{RootShare} } );
$svRootShare{ $line->{RootShare} } = 1;
dbgmsg( "Lower build share..." );
return 0 if( !&LowerBuildShare( $line->{RootShare} ) );
# (3) Lower DFS mapping For number and latest links
# (3-1) Remove DFS numbered/latest links
my $needLatestLink;
return 0 if( !&RemoveDFSMapping( \@dfsInfo, \$needLatestLink ) );
# (3-2) Replace latest.tst to an older links
#todo ?
my $replaceLinkNo;
if( $needLatestLink )
#if( $replaceLinkNo = &FindOlderShareLink( \@latestDfsInfo ) )
# &ReplaceLatestTstLink( \@latestDfsInfo, $replaceLinkNo, $needLatestLink );
# (4)dbgmsg( "Flushing outstanding DFS operations..." );
if( !( tied %dfsMap ) -> Flush() )
return 0;
# (5) Unlock Process
if( $bldInfo{package} eq $ntPkg{1} )
logmsg( "Update quality file..." );
my $qlyFilePath = "\\\\$raiseServer\\release\\$bldInfo{no}\\$ENV{lang}";
$qlyFilePath .= "\\$bldInfo{arch}$bldInfo{type}\\bin\\build_logs";
&RelQuality::Delete( $qlyFilePath, "*" );
return 1;
sub RemoveDFSMapping
my ( $pDfsInfo, $pNeedLatestLink ) = @_;
my %svShare;
for my $line ( @$pDfsInfo )
### Get all the Links that is link to the share currently
my $curShare = "$line->{RootShare}$line->{SubShare}";
next if( exists $svShare{$curShare} );
$svShare{$curShare} = 1;
my @allLinks = @{$dfsMap{$curShare}} if( exists $dfsMap{$curShare} );
### remove links to $curShare
for ( my $loop=0; $loop<3; $loop++)
for my $theLink ( @allLinks )
chomp $theLink;
### Process in the order of non-misc, misc\number and misc\latest.
next if( $loop == 0 && $theLink =~ /misc/i );
next if( $loop == 1 && !($theLink =~ /misc/i && $theLink !~ /$bldInfo{no}/i ) );
next if( $loop == 2 && !($theLink =~ /misc/i && $theLink !~ /latest/i ));
### Decide if we need to delete the link
my $continue;
if( $theLink !~ /misc/i )
next if( $theLink !~ /$bldInfo{lang}/i );
### Special handle for misc and latest links
### Do not delete misc link if number links exist
my @netLinks = @{$dfsMap{$curShare}};
for my $link ( @netLinks )
next if( $link =~ /latest\.([^\\]+)/i && $link =~ /misc/i);
next if( $link =~ /$bldInfo{no}/ && $link =~ /misc/i);
next if ($continue );
### Decide if we need to replace latest links
my $isLatestTst=1 if( $theLink =~ /latest\.([^\\]+)/i && $1 =~ /tst/i );
if( $isLatestTst && $theLink !~ /sym/i )
my @allShares = @{$dfsMap{$theLink}} if( exists $dfsMap{$theLink} );
if( @allShares > 1 ){ $$pNeedLatestLink = 0; }
if( $bldInfo{pacakge} ne $ntPkg{1} )
my @netLinks = @{$dfsMap{$allShares[0]}};
for my $link ( @netLinks )
if( $link !~ /$bldInfo{lang}/i && $theLink !~ /misc/i )
$$pNeedLatestLink = 0;
if( $$pNeedLatestLink && $theLink =~ /misc/i )
$$pNeedLatestLink |=2;
### Remove/Unmap dfs link
logmsg( "Lowering [$theLink]" );
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping( $theLink, $curShare) );
return 1;
sub RemoveShareFromMapping
my ( $pLink, $pShare ) = @_;
dbgmsg( "Removing [$pLink]" );
return 0 if ( !( tied %dfsMap)->RemoveShareFromLink($pLink, $pShare) );
&BldfileSetting( $pLink, "del" );
### Remove <build>.Bld / <build>.SRV file for OS build only
if( &IsLastLinkUnderParent($pLink, $pShare) )
### Delete <platform> Dirs In Replica Servers
if( !&ReplicaDirsSetting( $pLink, "del" ) )
#wrnmsg( "Fail on removing dirs in Replica server");
return 1;
sub CreateDFSMapping
my ( $pDfsInfo ) = @_;
for my $line ( @$pDfsInfo )
logmsg( "Creating [$line->{Link}]" );
my $curShare = "$line->{RootShare}$line->{SubShare}";
return 0 if( !&ReplicaDirsSetting( $line->{Link}, "update" ) );
### Create Logical dfs Link
return 0 if ( !( $dfsMap{$line->{Link}}=$curShare ) );
if( $bldInfo{package} eq $ntPkg{1} )
return 0 if(!&MagicDFSSettings( $line ) );
return 1;
sub MagicDFSSettings
my ( $pLine ) = @_;
### We need all new DFS links to exist in order to find
### new paths, so flush any outstanding commands here
if ( !(tied %dfsMap)->Flush() )
errmsg( "Problem Flush DFS commands." );
return 0;
my ( $pLine ) = @_;
### Parse DFS path up to buildNo or latest.qly
### Hide the dirs if request qulity is pre/bvt.
### Otherwise, unhide the dirs.
my @hideDirs = &GetDFSFilePath( $pLine->{Link}, $bldInfo{lang} );
for my $theHideDir ( @hideDirs )
### set to avoid warning / actually first used to get return value
my $attribs = 0;
my $tobeHidden= ( $bldInfo{qly} =~/^(bvt|pre)$/i)?1:0;
if ( !GetAttributes( $theHideDir, $attribs ) )
wrnmsg( "Unable to get current hidden/unhidden status of $_ ($^E) -- skipping." );
my $isHidden = ( $attribs & 2 );
if( $tobeHidden && !$isHidden )
wrnmsg( "Could not hide $theHideDir ($^E)." ) if(!SetAttributes( $theHideDir, $attribs | 2) );
elsif( !$tobeHidden && $isHidden )
wrnmsg( "Could not unhide $theHideDir ($^E)." ) if(!SetAttributes( $theHideDir, $attribs & ~2) );
### ???Create <build>.BLD / <build>.SRV file
### ???except the latest link with -safe is specified
return 0 if( !&BldfileSetting( $pLine->{Link}, "update" ) );
return 1;
sub ReplicaDirsSetting
my ( $pLink, $pAct ) = @_;
### Parse the path up to lang: xpsp1\<build_id>\<lang>
my $lastStr = $bldInfo{lang};
$lastStr .= ".cov" if( $pLink =~ /usa/i && lc $bldInfo{lang} eq "cov" );
for my $theDir( &GetDFSFilePath( $pLink, $lastStr ))
if( $pAct =~ /del/i && (-e $theDir) )
dbgmsg( "rd /q $theDir" );
return 0 if( system("rd /q $theDir >nul 2>nul") );
elsif( !(-e $theDir ))
return 0 if( system("md $theDir") );
return 1;
sub BldfileSetting
my( $pLink, $pAction ) = @_;
###Parse the path up to platform: main\usa\<build_id>\<platform>
my $lastStr = $bldInfo{lang};
$lastStr .= ".cov" if( $pLink =~ /usa/i && lc $bldInfo{lang} eq "cov" );
my @bldFileDir = &GetDFSFilePath( $pLink, $lastStr );
for my $theDir ( @bldFileDir )
my @bldFiles = &comlib::globex( "$theDir\\*.$bldInfo{branch}.$bldInfo{platform}.BLD");
if( lc $pAction eq "del" )
if(@bldFiles && !unlink @bldFiles ){wrnmsg( "Unable to unlink bldfile [$theDir\\$_]" );}
my $found;
for my $file ( @bldFiles )
my $tmp= basename( $file );
if( $tmp =~ /([^\\.]+)\..*\.$bldInfo{platform}/i )
if( $1 != $bldInfo{no} ){ unlink $file;next; }
my @curQuality = &comlib::ReadFile( $file );
if( lc $curQuality[0] eq lc $bldInfo{qly} ){ $found=1; last;}
wrnmsg( "Unable delete [$file]." ) if( !unlink $file );
next if( $found );
if( !open ( BLDFILE, ">$theDir\\$buildNo.$bldInfo{branch}.$bldInfo{platform}.BLD" ) )
errmsg( "Unable to open [$theDir\\$buildNo$bldInfo{branch}.$bldInfo{platform}] for write." );
return 0;
print BLDFILE "$bldInfo{qly}\n";
close BLDFILE;
return 1;
sub UnmapExistingNumberedLinks
my ( $pDfsInfo ) = @_;
return 1 if( lc $bldInfo{qly} eq "sav" );
for my $line ( @$pDfsInfo )
my @allShares = @{$dfsMap{$line->{Link}}} if ( exists $dfsMap{$line->{Link}} );
@allShares = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @allShares;
for my $theShare ( @allShares )
my( $shareNo ) = &ParseBuildNoFromShare( $theShare, $line->{Sku} );
$shareNo =~ /^(\d+)(-\d+)?$/;
my $no = $1;
if( $no != $bldInfo{no} )
errmsg( "Invalid Share [$theShare] link to [$line->{Link}]." );
return 0;
if( $bldInfo{shareno} lt $shareNo)
if( $fReplaceNumberLink )
dbgmsg( "Lowering [$line->{Link}] link to replace $shareNo with $bldInfo{shareno}" );
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping( $line->{Link}, $theShare ) );
errmsg( "Won't replace $shareNo with $bldInfo{shareno}" );
return 0;
elsif( $bldInfo{shareno} gt $shareNo)
dbgmsg( "Lowering [$line->{Link}] link for $shareNo < $bldInfo{shareno}" );
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping( $line->{Link}, $theShare ) );
return 1;
sub RemoveOldLatestDotQlyLinks
my ( $pLatestDfsInfo, $pNeedLatestLink ) = @_;
return 1 if( lc $bldInfo{qly} eq "sav" );
my ( @allLinks, @bldID );
my $latestStr = "latest.$bldInfo{qly}";
$$pNeedLatestLink = 2;
for my $line ( @$pLatestDfsInfo )
### (1)Examine all the links mapped to the current share
my $curShare = "$line->{RootShare}$line->{SubShare}";
my @allLinks = @{$dfsMap{$curShare}} if ( exists $dfsMap{$curShare} );
### Special rules for BVT and PRE:
### If we are currently at latest.bvt or latest.pre
### and are moving to another quality,
### remove latest.<bvt/pre>
for( @allLinks )
if ( /latest\.(bvt|pre)/i && lc $1 ne lc $bldInfo{qly} )
my $holdLink = $line->{Link};
$line->{Link} = $_;
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping($line->{Link}, $curShare) );
$line->{Link} = $holdLink;
### Enforce rule that you cannot move from a release quality
### latest.* (tst, idw, ids) to a non-release quality (pre, bvt)
elsif( /latest\.([^\\]+)/i )
my $existQly = $1;
if( !&RelQuality::AllowQualityTransition( $existQly, $bldInfo{qly} ) )
if ( !$fReplaceLatestLink )
errmsg( "Not allowed to move from [$1] to [$bldInfo{qly}] quality." );
return 0;
wrnmsg( "Forcibly moving from [$1] to [$bldInfo{qly}] quality." );
### (2)Examine all the shares mapped to the current link
my @allShares = @{$dfsMap{$line->{Link}}} if ( exists $dfsMap{$line->{Link}} );
for( my $i=0; $i<@allShares; $i++ )
my ( $shareNo ) = &ParseBuildNoFromShare( $allShares[$i], $line->{Sku} );
### (2-1)compare the existing share no/time with current share
if ( $shareNo && ( $shareNo gt $bldInfo{shareno} ) )
if( $fReplaceLatestLink )
wrnmsg( "Forcibly moving latest.$bldInfo{qly} from $shareNo to $bldInfo{shareno}($bldInfo{time})." );
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping($line->{Link},$allShares[$i]) );
logmsg( "Found latest link [$line->{Link} is $shareNo, use '-replacelatest' to force replace." );
if( $bldInfo{package} ne $ntPkg{3} )
$$pNeedLatestLink = 0;
if( $line->{Link} !~ /misc/i) { $$pNeedLatestLink &= (~1);}
else { $$pNeedLatestLink &= (~2);}
elsif ( $shareNo && $shareNo ne $bldInfo{shareno} )
dbgmsg( "Lowering [$line->{Link}] link for $shareNo != $bldInfo{shareno}" );
return 0 if( !&RemoveShareFromMapping($line->{Link}, $allShares[$i]) );
### (3) Also need to lower the current numbered share if we are the
### first entry in our latest.* link, as we don't want other
### shares that are not up at our quality to be accessible
### through the same number as ourselves
if( !exists $dfsMap{ $line->{Link}} )
my $tLink = $line->{Link};
$tLink =~ s/latest.$bldInfo{qly}/$buildNo/i;
my @shares = @{$dfsMap{$tLink}} if ( exists $dfsMap{$tLink} );
&RemoveShareFromMapping($tLink, $_ ) for ( @shares );
return 1;
sub IsLastLinkUnderParent
my ( $pLink, $pShare ) = @_;
### Verify if the link map to one share only
my @allShares = @{$dfsMap{$pLink}} if( ( tied %dfsMap)->EXISTS( $pLink ) );
return 0 if ( @allShares > 1 || ( @allShares && lc $pShare ne lc $allShares[0] ) );
### Check if this is the only link in the same dir
### Ignore test link
### Parse link to get parent dir and current entry
$pLink =~ /^(.*)\\(.*)$/;
my $parentDir = "$bldInfo{dfsroot}\\$1";
my $curEntry = $2;
my @allEntries = grep {$_ if ( -d $_ )} &comlib::globex( "$parentDir\\*") ;
return 0 if( @allEntries > 2 );
for( @allEntries )
my $existingEntry = basename($_);
next if( $existingEntry =~ /$curEntry/i );
next if( $existingEntry =~ /test/i );
next if( $existingEntry =~ /$bldInfo{no}/i );
return 0;
return 1;
sub ParseBuildNoFromShare
my ( $pShare, $pSku ) = @_;
if( lc $pSku eq "sym" )
return (build_number( $pShare ), build_date( $pShare ) );
if( $pShare =~ /^\\\\[^\\]+\\(\d+(?:-\d+)?)\.$bldInfo{branch}\.$bldInfo{platform}\.$bldInfo{lang}/i)
return( $1 || 0 );
if( $pShare =~ /^\\\\[^\\]+\\(\d+(?:-\d+)?)\.$bldInfo{branch}\.$pSku\.$bldInfo{lang}/i )
return( $1 || 0);
errmsg( "Unregnize share [$pShare]" );
return( 0 );
sub LowerBuildShare
my ( $pShareName ) = @_;
### lower release share
if( !system( "rmtshare $pShareName >nul 2>nul" ) )
return 0 if( system( "rmtshare.exe $pShareName /DELETE >nul 2>nul" ));
return 1;
sub GrantSharePermission
my ( $pShareName, $pPath ) = @_;
### Raise and Grant release share permission
my $cmdLine;
if( system( "rmtshare $pShareName >nul 2>nul" ) )
$cmdLine = "rmtshare $pShareName = $pPath";
$cmdLine = "rmtshare $pShareName";
for my $ID ( @accessMembers )
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ID:read";
my $retry;
while( $retry < 3 )
my @output = `$cmdLine`;
my $rc = $? >> 8;
for( @output )
logmsg( "RMTSHARE: $_" );
logmsg( "Exit code: $rc" );
return 1 if ( !$rc );
logmsg( "Retry granting share permission..." );
wrnmsg( "Failed on Granting share permission as the following." );
wrnmsg( "$cmdLine" );
wrnmsg( "It might be a false system failure." );
wrnmsg( "Please check it by issuing the following." );
wrnmsg( "rmtshare $pShareName" );
wrnmsg ( "The right user for [$bldInfo{qly}] is [@accessMembers]" );
return 1;
sub RemoveUnauthorizedUserFromShare
my ( $pShareName ) = @_;
my $i;
my %shareAccessIdPerm = &comlib::ParseNetShare( $pShareName, "Permissions:" );
for my $oldId ( keys %shareAccessIdPerm )
for ( $i=0; $i < @accessMembers; $i++ )
last if( lc $oldId eq lc $accessMembers[$i] );
next if( $i < @accessMembers );
my $cmdLine = "rmtshare $pShareName /remove $oldId >nul 2>nul";
system( $cmdLine );
return 1;
sub GetDfsAccess
my ( $pDfsMap, $pDfsLock ) = @_;
logmsg( "Acquiring lock for exclusive DFS access..." );
### Define Semaphore location
my $lock_Location;
if( !($lock_Location = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $ENV{_BuildBranch}, $bldInfo{lang}, "DFSSemaphore") ))
errmsg( "[DFSSemaphore] is undefined in [$iniFile]." );
return 0;
dbgmsg( "DFS Semaphore ........[$lock_Location]");
### Acquire DFS Semaphore lock
if( !(${$pDfsLock} = new LockProc( $lock_Location, 60000) ) )
errmsg( "Problem acquiring lock using [$lock_Location]" );
return 0;
dbgmsg( "Acquiring lock for exclusive DFS access..." );
while ( !$$pDfsLock->Lock() )
errmsg ("Failed to acquire semaphore lock.");
return 0;
### Access DFS through a TIE hash
logmsg( "Tie full DFS view [$bldInfo{dfsroot}] information." );
if ( ! tie %$pDfsMap, 'DfsMap', $bldInfo{dfsroot} )
errmsg( "Error accessing DFS." );
return 0;
return 1;
sub GetDFSFilePath
my ( $pLink, $pLastStr)= @_;
### All known branches use the same writeable share format
return 0 if( !$bldInfo{dfsbranch} );
### Get writeable DFS share for current branch
my @dfsServerShare = &GetWriteableDfsShares;
if( !@dfsServerShare )
errmsg( "Unknown writeable DFS share for $bldInfo{dfsbranch}." );
return 0;
### Trim the link up to $pLastStr
my $dfsLink = $pLink;
$dfsLink =~ s/^(.*$pLastStr)\\.*$/$1/;
return map {"$_\\$dfsLink"} @dfsServerShare;
sub GetWriteableDfsShares
### All known branches use the same writeable share format
return 0 if ( !$bldInfo{dfsbranch} );
### Get DFS host servers
my @dfsServersShare = (tied %dfsMap)->GetDfsHosts();
if ( !@dfsServersShare )
errmsg( "Unable to retrieve hosting servers for DFS root ". (tied %dfsMap)->GetDfsRoot(). "." );
return 0;
s/(\\\\[^\\]+).*/$1\\writer\$\\release/ foreach ( @dfsServersShare );
return @dfsServersShare;
sub FoundSameLangNoLink
my ( $pDfsInfo ) = @_;
### Checking if there is same lang\number links with different
### <Arch><Type> as the current build
### If found, do not remove Conglomertaor and neutral mui links.
for my $platform ( keys %validPlatform )
my $skip;
for ( @linkNode ){ if( $_ =~ /$platform/ ){$skip=1;last; } }
next if($skip);
for my $line ( @$pDfsInfo )
$line->{Link} =~ s/(.+\\)([^\\]+)$/$1$platform/;
return 1 if( ( tied %dfsMap)->EXISTS( $line->{Link} ) );
return 0;
@echo off
if not defined seterror (
set seterror=
for %%a in ( seterror.exe ) do set seterror=%%~$PATH:a
@%seterror% %RETURNVALUE%