338 lines
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338 lines
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// (c) 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
// bmof.h
// a-davj 14-April-97 Created.
// Describes the format of binary MOF files. In addition, it defines some
// structures which specify the details of the format and also defines some
// addtional structures and helper functions for navigating a BMOF file.
#ifndef __BMOF__
#define __BMOF__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Binary mof files contain a large blob of data which consists of stuctures
// which contain other structures, etc. The layout of that blob is detailed in
// the following comments. However, the binary files are compressed and always
// starts off with the following DWORDS
// [Signature] [Compression Type, Always 1] [Compressed size] [Expanded size] The blob follows!
// An example of decompressing the file is in test.c
// The following is a BNF description of the structures that make up
// a BMOF file and also serve to illustrate the basic layout of WBEM
// objects.
// --A MOF is zero or more objects
// WBEM_Binary_MOF ::= WBEM_Object*;
// --An object is a qualifier list (applying to the entire object) and
// --a property list
// WBEM_Object ::= WBEM_QualifierList WBEM_PropertyList;
// --A property list is zero or more properties
// WBEM_PropertyList ::= WBEM_Property*; / zero or more properties
// --A property is a set of qualifiers applying to the property, and
// --a type, a name, and a value
// WBEM_Property ::= WBEM_QualifierList* <type> <name> <value>;
// --A qualifier list is zero or more qualifiers
// WBEM_QualifierList ::= WBEM_Qualifier*; -- zero or more qualifiers
// --A qualifier is a type, a name, and a value. However, the supported types
// --are not as extensive as for properties.
// WBEM_Qualifier ::= <type> <name> <value>;
// Note that a qualifier set (a list of qualifiers) can be applied
// to the entire object or to individual properties. However, qualifiers
// cannot be applied to other qualifiers:
// object = quals + props
// prop = quals + name + value
// qual = name + value
// Information such as the name of a class, the super class, etc., are coded
// as property values. Finding the value of the property __CLASS, for example,
// gives the name of the class. All properties beginning with a double
// underscore are well-known system properties common to all WBEM objects.
// All other properties are user-defined.
// The list of predefined properties is found in WBEM documentation.
// Offsets are relative to their owning structure, not absolute to the
// entire encoding image. This allows moving the subcomponents around
// without rencoding everything.
// Note that an offset of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that the field is not used.
// Both properties and qualifiers have value fields which contain data based
// on Ole Automation types. Qualifiers are simple types (no arrays or
// embedded objects) while property values might contain arrays and/or
// embedded objects.
// One difference from Ole is that BSTRs are actually stored as WCHAR
// strings even if the data type is marked as BSTR.
// In addition, some qualifiers or properties are actually aliases which
// must be resolved later. Aliases are stored as BSTR values and the type
// field is set to VT_BSTR | VT_BYREF. An array of alias strings is a bit
// more complicated since not all the elements need be aliases. In the array
// case, each actual alias string is prepended with a L'$' while each
// "regular" string is prepended by a L' '.
// Currently, only scalars and single dimensional arrays are supported.
// However, the BMOF file layout is designed so as to accommodate multi-
// dimensional array in the future. For array data, the data is layout out
// ArrayData ::= ArrayHeaderData + RowOfData*;
// The ArrayHeaderData has the form;
// dwtotalsize, dwNumDimenstions, dwMostSigDimension... dwLeastSigDimension
// Currently only 1 dimensional arrays are supported, a 5 element
// array would start with;
// dwSize, 1, 5
// After the header, one or more rows would follow. A row represents the
// "most rapidly changing" data. Currently, there is only one row.
// The row format is;
// dwSizeOfRow, MostSigDimension ... dwLeastSignificentDimension+1,data
// For a one dimensional array, it would just be
// dwSizeOfRow, Data
// The extension for supporting qualifier flavors is to add the following data after the current blob.
// typedef struct
// {
// WCHAR wcSignature; // the string BMOFQUALFLAVOR11
// DWORD dwNumPair;
// // BYTE FlavorInfo[]; // Blob containing array of WBEM_Object structs
// }WBEM_Binary_FLAVOR;
// The FlavorInfo blob will be a series of DWORD pairs of the form
// Typedef struct
// {
// DWORD dwOffsetInOriginalBlob;
// DWORD dwFlavor;
// }
// Each Binary MOF file starts off with these signature bytes.
#define BMOF_SIG 0x424d4f46
// The following structures exactly describe the contents of a BMOF file.
// These can be used to navigate the file using the various offsets and
// lots of casting.
typedef struct
DWORD dwSignature; // four characters, BMOF
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwVersion; // 0x1
DWORD dwEncoding; // 0x1 = little endian, DWORD-aligned, no compression
DWORD dwNumberOfObjects; // Total classes and instances in MOF
// BYTE Info[]; // Blob containing array of WBEM_Object structs
// First object is at offset 0.
typedef struct // Describes a class or instance
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwOffsetQualifierList;
DWORD dwOffsetPropertyList;
DWORD dwOffsetMethodList;
DWORD dwType; // 0 = class, 1 = instance
// BYTE Info[]; // Blob of qualifier set and properties
typedef struct
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwNumberOfProperties;
// BYTE Info[]; // Blob with all properties placed end-to-end
typedef struct
DWORD dwLength; // Length of this struct
DWORD dwType; // A VT_ type from WTYPES.H (VT_I4, VT_UI8, etc)
DWORD dwOffsetName; // Offset in <Info> of the null-terminated name.
DWORD dwOffsetValue; // Offset in <Info> of the value.
DWORD dwOffsetQualifierSet; //
// BYTE Info[]; // Contains qualifier set, name, and value
// Rough encoding example for a string:
// dwLength = 10;
// dwType = VT_LPWSTR;
// dwOffsetName = 0;
// dwOffsetValue = 8;
// dwOffsetQualifierSet = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Indicates not used
// Info[] = "CounterValue\0<default value>\0";
typedef struct
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwNumQualifiers;
// BYTE Info[]; // Array of WBEM_Qualifiers placed end-to-end
typedef struct
DWORD dwLength; // Length of this struct
DWORD dwType; // A VT_ type from WTYPES.H (VT_I4, VT_UI8, etc)
DWORD dwOffsetName; // Offset in <Info> of the null-terminated name.
DWORD dwOffsetValue; // Offset in <Info> of the value.
// BYTE Info[];
// These structures and the helper functions that go with them can be used
// to easily navigate a BMOF file. These structures "wrap" the above
// structures so as to provide features such as searching and enumeration.
typedef struct
WBEM_QualifierList * m_pql;
WBEM_Qualifier * m_pInfo;
DWORD m_CurrQual;
WBEM_Qualifier * m_pCurr;
typedef struct
WBEM_Object * m_pob;
BYTE * m_pInfo;
WBEM_PropertyList * m_ppl;
DWORD m_CurrProp;
WBEM_Property * m_pCurrProp;
WBEM_PropertyList * m_pml;
DWORD m_CurrMeth;
WBEM_Property * m_pCurrMeth;
typedef struct
WBEM_Binary_MOF * m_pol;
DWORD m_CurrObj;
WBEM_Object * m_pInfo;
WBEM_Object * m_pCurrObj;
typedef struct
BYTE * m_pData;
DWORD m_dwType;
// Qualifier flavor definitions
#define FlavorAmended 0x80
#define FlavorDisableOverride 0x10
#define FlavorToSubclass 0x02
#define FlavorToInstance 0x01
// Using any of the following help functions requires that these two
// functions be provided in another module and allow independence from
// any particular allocation method.
// redefine the BMOF allocation routines to be the same as the WMI allocation
// routines.
#define BMOFFree(p) WmipFree(p)
#define BMOFAlloc(s) WmipAlloc(s)
// These functions wrap the object list and provider for enumeration of
// the objects.
CBMOFObjList * _stdcall CreateObjList(BYTE * pBuff);
void _stdcall ResetObjList(CBMOFObjList * pol);
CBMOFObj * _stdcall NextObj(CBMOFObjList *pol);
CBMOFObj * _stdcall FindObj(CBMOFObjList *pol, WCHAR * pName);
// These functions allow access to the parts of a class or instance object
void _stdcall ResetObj(CBMOFObj * pol);
CBMOFQualList * _stdcall GetQualList(CBMOFObj * pol);
CBMOFQualList * _stdcall GetPropQualList(CBMOFObj * pol, WCHAR * pName);
CBMOFQualList * _stdcall GetMethQualList(CBMOFObj * pol, WCHAR * pName);
BOOL _stdcall NextProp(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR ** ppName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall NextMeth(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR ** ppName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall FindProp(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR * pName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall FindMeth(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR * pName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall GetName(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR ** ppName);
DWORD _stdcall GetType(CBMOFObj * pob);
WBEM_Property * _stdcall FindPropPtr(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR * pName);
WBEM_Property * _stdcall FindMethPtr(CBMOFObj * pob, WCHAR * pName);
// These functions provide easy access to a qualifier list.
void _stdcall ResetQualList(CBMOFQualList * pql);
BOOL _stdcall NextQual(CBMOFQualList * pql,WCHAR ** ppName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall NextQualEx(CBMOFQualList * pql,WCHAR ** ppName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem,
DWORD * pdwFlavor, BYTE * pBuff);
BOOL _stdcall FindQual(CBMOFQualList * pql,WCHAR * pName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem);
BOOL _stdcall FindQualEx(CBMOFQualList * pql,WCHAR * pName, CBMOFDataItem * pItem,
DWORD * pdwFlavor, BYTE * pBuff);
// These functions provide easy access to a data item. Note that data items
// might be stored in arrays.
int _stdcall GetNumDimensions(CBMOFDataItem *);
int _stdcall GetNumElements(CBMOFDataItem *, long lDim);
int _stdcall GetData(CBMOFDataItem *, BYTE * pRet, long * plDims);
// These functions are mainly useful to the above helper functions
int _stdcall iTypeSize(DWORD vtTest);
BOOL _stdcall SetValue(CBMOFDataItem * pItem, BYTE * pInfo, DWORD dwOffset, DWORD dwType);
BOOL _stdcall SetName(WCHAR ** ppName, BYTE * pInfo, DWORD dwOffset);
CBMOFQualList * _stdcall CreateQualList(WBEM_QualifierList *pql);
CBMOFObj * _stdcall CreateObj(WBEM_Object * pob);
#ifdef __cplusplus