941 lines
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941 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000,
// File: MERGE.CXX
// Contents: Merge object
// Classes: CMerge
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <pstore.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include "merge.hxx"
#include "resman.hxx"
#include "partn.hxx"
#include "mindex.hxx"
#include "mmerglog.hxx"
#include "indxact.hxx"
const unsigned TWO_MEGABYTES = 0x200000;
class CStartMergeTrans : public CTransaction
CStartMergeTrans( CMerge & merge ) : _merge(merge)
if ( GetStatus() != CTransaction::XActCommit)
CMerge & _merge;
// Class: XWid
// Purpose: Smart Pointer for a workID, destroys it if not acquired
// History: 11-Apr-95 DwightKr Created
class XWid
XWid(WORKID wid, PStorage & storage) : _wid(wid), _storage(storage)
if (widInvalid != _wid)
_storage.RemoveObject( _wid );
WORKID Acquire()
WORKID wid=_wid;
return wid;
WORKID _wid;
PStorage & _storage;
// Member: CMerge::CMerge, public
// Synopsis: Initializes resources to 0
// Arguments: [resman] -- resource manager
// [partid] -- partition id
// [mt] -- merge type
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
CMerge::CMerge ( CResManager& resman, PARTITIONID partid, MergeType mt )
: _partid(partid),
// Function: LokSetup
// Synopsis: Common setup for shadow merge as well as master merge.
// Creates the index snapshot for merge and a wid for the
// new index.
// History: 8-30-94 srikants Moved from LokGrabResources as part of
// separating CMerge from CMasterMerge.
void CMerge::LokSetup( BOOL fIsMasterMerge )
Win4Assert( mtAnnealing == _mt || mtShadow == _mt || mtMaster == _mt
|| mtIncrBackup == _mt || mtDeletes == _mt );
// in case this merge was forced
// Get the partition
_pPart = _resman.LokGetPartition(_partid);
// Create unique persisten index id
_iidNew = _pPart->LokMakePersId();
if ( _iidNew == iidInvalid )
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Out of persistent index id's\n" ));
// No real problem. We'll retry merging later once a query frees
// up some indexes.
THROW ( CException ( CI_OUT_OF_INDEX_IDS ));
// Initialize source indexes
_indSnap.LokInit( *_pPart, _mt );
if (_indSnap.Count() == 0)
USN usnMin = 0x100000000i64;
// allocate and initialize array of index id's
_cIidOld = _indSnap.Count();
_aIidOld = new INDEXID [_cIidOld];
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cIidOld; i++ )
_aIidOld[i] = _indSnap.GetId(i);
if ( _indSnap.GetUsn(i) < usnMin)
usnMin = _indSnap.GetUsn(i);
// create empty persistent index
PStorage::EDefaultStrmType strmType =
fIsMasterMerge ? PStorage::eSparseIndex : PStorage::eNonSparseIndex;
_widNewIndex = _resman._storage.CreateObjectId( _iidNew, strmType );
} //LokSetup
// Member: CMerge::LokGrabResources, public
// Synopsis: Initializes all the resources needed to merge
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMerge::LokGrabResources( )
Win4Assert( mtAnnealing == _mt || mtShadow == _mt || mtIncrBackup == _mt ||
mtDeletes == _mt );
// =================================================
CStartMergeTrans xact( *this );
LokSetup( FALSE );
if (_indSnap.Count() == 0)
_pPart->FreeIndexId( _iidNew );
// a piece of heuristics
unsigned size = _indSnap.TotalSizeInPages();
Win4Assert( 0 == _pIndexNew );
_pIndexNew = new CPersIndex( _resman._storage,
CDiskIndex::eShadow );
// =================================================
} //LokGrabResources
// Member: CMerge::~CMerge, public
// Synopsis: Frees resources no longer needed
// (whether merge was successful or not)
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan NOT LOCKED
Win4Assert( 0 == _pIndexNew );
delete _aIidOld;
// Member: CMerge::LokRollBack, public
// Synopsis: Puts back old indexes into partition, removes
// the new index. Deletes the new index from storage,
// Frees the new index id.
// Arguments: [swapped] -- number of old indexes removed from partition
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMerge::LokRollBack( unsigned swapped )
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Merge::RollBack\n" ));
if ( swapped != 0 )
for ( unsigned i=0; i < swapped; i++ )
_pPart->AddIndex ( _indSnap.Get(i) );
if ( swapped == _indSnap.Count() )
_pPart->LokRemoveIndex ( _iidNew );
if ( 0 != _pIndexNew )
// Delete from storage
delete _pIndexNew;
_pIndexNew = 0;
else if ( widInvalid != _widNewIndex )
// This can happen if the new index creation fails after
// the wid has been allocated. The wid must be deleted.
_resman._storage.RemoveObject( _widNewIndex );
if ( _iidNew != iidInvalid )
_pPart->FreeIndexId ( _iidNew );
// Member: CMerge::LokZombify, public
// Synopsis: Deletes old indexes (they are still in use
// until the destructor of Merge frees them)
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMerge::LokZombify()
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _indSnap.Count(); i++ )
CIndex* pIndex = _indSnap.Get(i);
if ( pIndex != 0 )
// Member: CMerge::Do, public
// Synopsis: Do the merge
// Arguments: [mergeProgress] reference to location where % merge complete
// can be stored to update perfmon counters
// Signals: CException
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: ResMan NOT LOCKED
void CMerge::Do(CCiFrmPerfCounter & mergeProgress)
_pIndexNew->Merge ( _indSnap,
FALSE // no relevant words computation
// Member: CMasterMerge::LokStoreRestartResources, private
// Synopsis: Persistently stores resources needed to restart a master merge.
// History: 04-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
// 23-Aug-94 SrikantS Moved from CMerge.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMasterMerge::LokStoreRestartResources( CDeletedIIDTrans & delIIDTrans )
PRcovStorageObj *pPersMMergeLog = _resman._storage.QueryMMergeLog(_widMasterLog);
SRcovStorageObj PersMMergeLog( pPersMMergeLog);
// Inside kernel, we are guaranteed that a new object has no data in
// it. In user space, we may be using an object that was not deleted
// before due to a failure.
PersMMergeLog->InitHeader(_resman.GetStorageVersion()); // reset the header contents
CNewMMergeLog newMMergeLog(*pPersMMergeLog);
unsigned cIndOld = LokCountOld();
INDEXID* aIidOld = LokGetIidList();
for (unsigned i=0; i<cIndOld; i++)
CIndexId iid(aIidOld[i]);
newMMergeLog.AddPersistentIndex( iid );
newMMergeLog.SetIndexWidMax( _indSnap.MaxWorkId() );
newMMergeLog.SetKeyListWidMax( _resman._sKeyList->MaxWorkId() );
// Add new index & master log to index list
CIndexRecord record;
record._objectId = _widNewIndex;
record._iid = _iidNew;
record._type = itNewMaster;
record._maxWorkId = 0;
// The index snap shot belongs to the Partition object after the
// merge information has been committed in the index table.
// Since a memory allocation could fail, we must allocate the
// necessary memory before committing the start of master merge.
CIndexSnapshot * pMergeIndSnap = new CIndexSnapshot( _resman );
SIndexSnapshot sMergeIndSnap( pMergeIndSnap );
sMergeIndSnap->LokTakeIndexes( _indSnap );
// Commit the beginning of a new master merge in the index table.
_resman._idxTab->AddMMergeObjects( _pPart->GetId(),
// Commit the starting of a new master merge by storing the
// wids and iids in-memory.
_resman._storage.SetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList, _widKeyList );
_pPart->SetMMergeObjectIds( _widMasterLog,
_pPart->RegisterId( _iidNew );
_pPart->SetNewMasterIid( _iidNew );
// Mark all the indexes participating in the master merge in memory
// to prevent them from being used for another shadow merge.
unsigned cInd;
CIndex** apIndex = sMergeIndSnap->LokGetIndexes( cInd );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cInd; i++ )
// Transfer the ownership of the merge index snapshot to the partition
// object. The ownership will be taken over by the MasterMergeIndex
// when it is created. Once the beginning of a master merge is
// committed, the index snapshot MUST survive until it completes.
// Until a CMasterMergeIndex is created, the partition object will be
// the owner of this index snapshot.
_pPart->TakeMMergeIndSnap( sMergeIndSnap.Acquire() );
// Member: CMerge::LokLoadRestartResources
// Synopsis: Loads restart resources needed to restart a master merge.
// History: 04-Apr-94 DwightKr Created.
// 23-Aug-94 SrikantS Moved from CMerge.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMasterMerge::LokLoadRestartResources()
// in case this merge was forced
_pPart = _resman.LokGetPartition(_partid);
_mt = mtMaster;
_fSoftAbort = TRUE; // if there is a failure, only a soft abort
// must be done.
// =================================================
CStartMergeTrans xact( *this );
_widKeyList = _resman._storage.GetSpecialItObjectId( itMMKeyList );
Win4Assert( widInvalid != _widKeyList );
_pPart->GetMMergeObjectIds( _widMasterLog,
// Restore the list of index participating in this merge into the indSnap
// object.
PRcovStorageObj *pLog = _resman._storage.QueryMMergeLog(_widMasterLog);
SRcovStorageObj SLog(pLog);
// Since this is a restarted master merge, there is no need to
// get the merge indexes. Just get a fresh test.
// Create the key list which was being built along with the index.
XPtr<CMMergeLog> xMMergeLog( new CMMergeLog( *pLog ) );
// We should use the minimum key of key list and index split
// keys as the split key for the key list.
CKeyBuf * pKeyLstSplitKey = new CKeyBuf();
SKeyBuf sKeyLstSplitKey(pKeyLstSplitKey);
BitOffset beginBitOff;
BitOffset endBitOff;
CKeyBuf * pIdxSplitKey = new CKeyBuf();
SKeyBuf sIdxSplitKey(pIdxSplitKey);
xMMergeLog->GetKeyListSplitKeyInfo( *pKeyLstSplitKey,
endBitOff );
xMMergeLog->GetIdxSplitKeyInfo( *pIdxSplitKey,
endBitOff );
if ( pIdxSplitKey->IsMinKey() ||
pKeyLstSplitKey->Compare( *pIdxSplitKey ) > 0 )
*pKeyLstSplitKey = *pIdxSplitKey;
INDEXID iidNew = _resman._sKeyList->GetNextIid();
_widKeyList = iidNew;
_pNewKeyList = new CWKeyList( _resman._storage,
xMMergeLog->GetKeyListWidMax() );
_pNewKeyList = new CWKeyList( 0, iidNew );
// Create or get the target master index.
CMasterMergeIndex * pIndexNew = LokCreateOrFindNewMaster();
Win4Assert( 0 == _indSnap.Count() );
CIndexSnapshot & indSnap = pIndexNew->LokGetIndSnap();
Win4Assert( 0 != &indSnap );
// allocate and initialize array of index id's
_cIidOld = indSnap.Count();
_aIidOld = new INDEXID [_cIidOld];
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cIidOld; i++ )
_aIidOld[i] = indSnap.GetId(i);
// =================================================
// Member: CMasterMerge::LokGrabResources, public
// Synopsis: Initializes all the resources needed to merge
// History: 13-Nov-91 BartoszM Created.
// 23-Aug-94 SrikantS ReWrote for CMasterMerge.
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
void CMasterMerge::LokGrabResources( CDeletedIIDTrans & delIIDTrans )
Win4Assert( mtMaster == _mt );
// =================================================
CStartMergeTrans xact( *this );
LokSetup( TRUE );
if (_indSnap.Count() == 0)
Win4Assert( !_fSoftAbort );
WORKID widDummy;
_pPart->GetMMergeObjectIds(widDummy, widDummy, _widCurrentMaster);
INDEXID iidNewKeyList = _resman._sKeyList->GetNextIid();
// For down-level, the ObjectId for logs like the master merge log,
// change log, etc are formed by concatenating the "it" value to
// the partition-id.
CIndexId iidMMLog( itMMLog, _partid );
_widMasterLog = (INDEXID) iidMMLog;
XWid xWidMasterLog( _widMasterLog, _resman._storage );
_widKeyList = (INDEXID) iidNewKeyList;
XWid xWidKeyList( _widKeyList, _resman._storage );
_resman._storage.InitRcovObj(_widMasterLog, FALSE);
// Ideally, this should be the order of steps:
// 1. Create the KeyList and the New Master Index
// 2. Store the master merge state.
// However, OFS imposes an ordering on the opening of objects.
// We cannot open the IndexTable object for write access when
// we have other ci objects (like an index or keylist) opened
// for write access in the same thread.
// Because of this restriction, we have to update the index table
// first which means we must be able to tolerate failures after
// we have committed the start of a master merge in the index
// table.
// We don't want the creation of key list to fail after
// we have created the index and hash streams and before
// we have created the directory stream. So, first try to
// create the entire key list object and if it succeeds we
// don't have to deal with a partially constructed key list.
CWKeyList * pNewKeyList = new CWKeyList ( _resman._storage,
_resman._sKeyList.GetPointer() ); //approx of size
// We must delete is here. O/W inversion of priority levels
// will cause a deadlock in OFS.
delete pNewKeyList;
// Pre-Create the master index with all the streams to deal
// with the possibility of failing after committing the start
// of a master merge but before we succeeded in creating all
// the streams. On a restart, the master merge index EXPECTS
// to find all the necessary streams (index/dir).
// Create the new index with a size of 64k. This
// reduces the free disk space required for a master merge to
// approximately 64k. We'll be decommiting (shrink from front)
// the old master index as the merge progress.
// Note that the initial size is in 4k CI pages.
unsigned c4kPages = 65536 / 4096; // 16
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
"creating new master index of size 0x%x bytes\n",
c4kPages * 4096 ));
CPersIndex * pIndex = new CPersIndex( _resman._storage,
CDiskIndex::eMaster );
delete pIndex;
// Store the master merge state.
LokStoreRestartResources( delIIDTrans );
// Acquire the master log & keylist wids so that they are NOT deleted
// from disk if an exception occurs. Once LokStoreRestartResources()
// completes, any future exceptions should cause the merge to restart
// from a 'paused' condition.
_fSoftAbort = TRUE;
// After this point we are in a master merge and any failure
// must be tolerated. Create a new master index. If there is a
// failure while creating the in-memory structure, it can be created
// later when merge is re-attempted.
// Open the pre-created keylist.
CKeyBuf * pKeyLstSplitKey = new CKeyBuf();
SKeyBuf sKeyLstSplitKey(pKeyLstSplitKey);
_pNewKeyList = new CWKeyList ( _resman._storage,
_pNewKeyList = new CWKeyList(
void CMasterMerge::Do(CCiFrmPerfCounter & mergeProgress)
CMasterMergeIndex * pIndexNew = (CMasterMergeIndex *)_pIndexNew;
pIndexNew->Merge ( _pNewKeyList,
TRUE // Compute Relevant Words
Win4Assert( 0 == _pNewKeyList );
// Function: LokRollBack
// Synopsis: Rollsback a "paused" or "aborted" master merge. A master
// merge is aborted only if it fails before it has been
// recorded in the index table. Once the start has been
// committted, it can only be "paused" and must be restarted
// later. If _fSoftAbort is TRUE, then we have already committed
// the start of master merge and should do a soft abort only.
// Arguments: [swapped] --
// History: 8-30-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CMasterMerge::LokRollBack( unsigned swapped )
if ( _pNewKeyList )
if ( !_fSoftAbort )
delete _pNewKeyList;
_pNewKeyList = 0;
if ( _fSoftAbort )
_pIndexNew = 0;
// It is not a soft abort. Must completely abort the master merge.
CMerge::LokRollBack( swapped );
// Function: LokCreateOrFindNewMaster
// Synopsis: This routine either "creates" a new CMasterMergeIndex if
// one doesn't already exist or use an existing one if it
// already exists in the partition.
// History: 8-30-94 srikants Moved and adapted from CMerge.
// Notes:
CMasterMergeIndex * CMasterMerge::LokCreateOrFindNewMaster()
Win4Assert( 0 == _pIndexNew );
CPersIndex * pCurrentMasterIndex = _pPart->GetCurrentMasterIndex();
_iidNew = _pPart->GetNewMasterIid();
CMasterMergeIndex * pIndexNew = 0;
if ( 0 != pCurrentMasterIndex &&
pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId() == _iidNew )
// The New Master Index already exists and has been given
// to the partition. We should use that.
Win4Assert( _pPart->GetOldMasterIndex() != pCurrentMasterIndex );
_pIndexNew = pCurrentMasterIndex;
pIndexNew = (CMasterMergeIndex *)_pIndexNew;
CIndexSnapshot * pMergeIndSnap = _pPart->GetMMergeIndSnap();
Win4Assert( 0 != pMergeIndSnap );
// The indexid of the new master index is different from the
// current master index (if one exists). So, we are restarting
// a stopped master merge which failed before the new master
// index was created.
pIndexNew = new CMasterMergeIndex( _resman._storage,
_widMasterLog );
_pIndexNew = pIndexNew;
pIndexNew->SetMMergeIndSnap( _pPart->AcquireMMergeIndSnap() );
_pPart->AddIndex ( _pIndexNew );
if ( 0 != pCurrentMasterIndex )
_pPart->LokRemoveIndex( pCurrentMasterIndex->GetId() );
_pPart->SetOldMasterIndex( pCurrentMasterIndex );
Win4Assert( _pIndexNew->IsMaster() );
Win4Assert( _pPart->GetCurrentMasterIndex() == _pIndexNew );
return pIndexNew;
} //LokCreateOrFindNewMaster
// Function: LokTakeIndexes
// Synopsis: Takes ownership of the merge indexes from the
// CMasterMergeIndex. This is done at the end to complete the
// commitment of the master merge and the indexsnapshot in the
// merge object should have all the indexes that participated
// in the merge.
// Arguments: [pMaster] -- Pointer to the CMasterMergeIndex.
// History: 9-29-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CMasterMerge::LokTakeIndexes( CMasterMergeIndex * pMaster )
_indSnap.LokTakeIndexes( pMaster->LokGetIndSnap() );