2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

405 lines
14 KiB

#ifndef __VSTRING_HPP
#define __VSTRING_HPP
#include "vStandard.h"
// <VDOC<CLASS=VString><DESC=Encapsulates a dynamically allocated C style string><FAMILY=String Processing><AUTHOR=Todd Osborne (>VDOC>
class VString
// Default constructor
{ m_lpszString = NULL; }
// Construct with existing C string
VString(LPCTSTR lpszString, int nCount = -1)
{ m_lpszString = NULL; AllocCopy(lpszString, TRUE, nCount); }
// Construct with existing VString reference
VString(VString& strOriginal, int nCount = -1)
{ m_lpszString = NULL; AllocCopy(strOriginal.GetBuffer(), TRUE, nCount); }
// Construct with existing VString pointer
VString(VString* pstrOriginal, int nCount = -1)
{ m_lpszString = NULL; AllocCopy(*pstrOriginal, TRUE, nCount); }
// Construct by loading string from resouce. If hResource is NULL, VGetResourceHandle() will be used
VString(UINT nStringID, HINSTANCE hResource = NULL)
{ m_lpszString = NULL; LoadString(nStringID, hResource); }
// Construct by initializing with text from a window
VString(HWND hWnd)
{ m_lpszString = NULL; GetWindowText(hWnd); }
// Destructor
virtual ~VString()
{ Empty(); }
// Overloaded Operators
// Return C style strings
TCHAR &operator[](int nIndex)
{ assert(m_lpszString); assert(nIndex < lstrlen(m_lpszString)); return m_lpszString[nIndex]; }
operator LPTSTR()
{ return m_lpszString; }
operator LPCTSTR()
{ return m_lpszString; }
// Assignment
BOOL operator = (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return AllocCopy(lpszString, TRUE); }
BOOL operator = (VString& string)
{ return AllocCopy((LPCTSTR)string, TRUE); }
BOOL operator = (VString* pString)
{ return AllocCopy((LPCTSTR)*pString, TRUE); }
// Concatenation
BOOL operator += (TCHAR nChar)
{ return AddChar(nChar); }
BOOL operator += (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return AllocCopy(lpszString, FALSE); }
BOOL operator += (VString& string)
{ return AllocCopy((LPCTSTR)string, FALSE); }
BOOL operator += (VString* pString)
{ return AllocCopy((LPCTSTR)*pString, FALSE); }
// Comparison without case
BOOL operator == (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) == 0; }
BOOL operator == (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) == 0; }
BOOL operator == (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) == 0; }
BOOL operator != (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) != 0; }
BOOL operator != (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) != 0; }
BOOL operator != (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) != 0; }
BOOL operator < (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) == -1; }
BOOL operator < (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) == -1; }
BOOL operator < (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) == -1; }
BOOL operator <= (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) != 1; }
BOOL operator <= (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) != -1; }
BOOL operator <= (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) != -1; }
BOOL operator > (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) == 1; }
BOOL operator > (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) == 1; }
BOOL operator > (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) == 1; }
BOOL operator >= (LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ return CompareNoCase(lpszString) != -1; }
BOOL operator >= (VString& string)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)string) != -1; }
BOOL operator >= (VString* pString)
{ return CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)*pString) != -1; }
// Add a single character to the end of the string
// Protected by critical section in AllocCopy()
BOOL AddChar(TCHAR nChar)
{ TCHAR sz[] = {nChar, _T('\0')}; return AllocCopy(sz, FALSE); }
// Case sensitive comparison
// Returns zero if the strings are identical, -1 if this VString object is less than lpszString, or 1 if this VString object is greater than lpszString
int Compare(LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ assert(m_lpszString && lpszString); return lstrcmp(m_lpszString, lpszString); }
// Compare without case
// Returns zero if the strings are identical (ignoring case), -1 if this VString object is less than lpszString (ignoring case), or 1 if this VString object is greater than lpszString (ignoring case)
int CompareNoCase(LPCTSTR lpszString)
{ assert(m_lpszString && lpszString); return lstrcmpi(m_lpszString, lpszString); }
// Clear contents of string
void Empty()
if (NULL != m_lpszString) {
delete [] m_lpszString;
m_lpszString = NULL;
// Find first occurence of substring or character in string. Returns index into string if found, -1 otherwise
int Find(LPCTSTR lpszSubString)
{ assert(m_lpszString && lpszSubString); LPTSTR lpszFound = _tcsstr(m_lpszString, lpszSubString); return (lpszFound) ? (int)(lpszFound - m_lpszString) : -1; }
int Find(TCHAR nChar)
{ assert(m_lpszString); LPTSTR lpszFound = _tcschr(m_lpszString, nChar); return (lpszFound) ? (int)(lpszFound - m_lpszString) : -1; }
// Get the internal buffer
LPTSTR GetBuffer()
{ return m_lpszString; }
// Get the length of the string
int GetLength()
{ return (m_lpszString) ? lstrlen(m_lpszString) : 0; }
// Set the path of the module in hInstance into VString. If bPathOnly is specified,
// only the path, including the last backlash will be saved, otherwise the entire path will be.
// If hInstance is NULL, VGetInstanceHandle() will be used
BOOL GetModulePath(HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL, BOOL bPathOnly = TRUE)
TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH] = {_T('\0')};
if ( GetModuleFileName((hInstance) ? hInstance : VGetInstanceHandle(), sz, sizeof(sz)/sizeof(TCHAR)) )
// Terminate after last backslash?
TCHAR *pszEnd = (bPathOnly) ? _tcsrchr(sz, _T('\\')) : NULL;
if ( pszEnd )
*(pszEnd + 1) = _T('\0');
return AllocCopy(sz, TRUE);
return FALSE;
// Copy text from a window to the VString
BOOL GetWindowText(HWND hWnd)
assert(hWnd && IsWindow(hWnd));
BOOL bResult = TRUE;
if ( hWnd && IsWindow(hWnd) )
int nLen = (int)::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
if ( nLen )
TCHAR sz[1024];
LPTSTR lpszWindowText = sz;
// Dynamic memory alloc only if stack is not sufficient
if ( nLen > sizeof(sz - 1)/sizeof(TCHAR) )
lpszWindowText = new TCHAR[nLen + 1];
if ( lpszWindowText )
// Get text and copy to VString
::GetWindowText(hWnd, lpszWindowText, nLen + 1);
bResult = AllocCopy(lpszWindowText, TRUE);
return FALSE;
// Free if not stack alloc
if ( lpszWindowText != sz )
delete [] lpszWindowText;
// Empty window text is still valid. VString is reset
return bResult;
// Is the string empty?
BOOL IsEmpty()
{ return (GetLength()) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
// Substring extraction
VString Left(int nCount)
{ VString str; str.AllocCopy(m_lpszString, TRUE, nCount); return str; }
// Load a string from resources. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
// If hResource is NULL, VGetResourceHandle() will be used
BOOL LoadString(UINT nStringID, HINSTANCE hResource = NULL)
TCHAR szTemp[1024];
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if ( !hResource )
hResource = VGetResourceHandle();
// Attempt to load string into stack buffer first
int nLen = ::LoadString(hResource, nStringID, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)/sizeof(TCHAR));
if ( nLen )
if ( nLen == sizeof(szTemp)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1 )
// Calculate the largest size possible for string block (whole block, not just nStringID)
HRSRC hRes = FindResource(hResource, MAKEINTRESOURCE((nStringID >> 4) + 1), RT_STRING);
DWORD dwSize = (hRes) ? SizeofResource(hResource, hRes) : 0;
// Allocate temporary block equal to the size of the entire string block
// This is quite wasteful, but WinAPI does not provide a way to extract an
// exact string length from the resources, and LoadString() will copy only
// up to the buffer size, truncating longer strings
LPTSTR lpszNewString = new TCHAR[dwSize + 1];
if ( lpszNewString )
// Load string into temp var and AllocCopy() to set permanently
bResult = (::LoadString(hResource, nStringID, lpszNewString, dwSize)) ? AllocCopy(lpszNewString, TRUE) : FALSE;
// Free local string
delete [] lpszNewString;
bResult = AllocCopy(szTemp, TRUE);
return bResult;
// Make the string a GetOpenFileName() or GetSaveFileName() filter. That is, replace
// all occurances of \n in the string with \0 (zero terminators)
LPCTSTR MakeFilter()
int nLen = GetLength();
for ( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
if ( *(m_lpszString + i) == _T('\n') )
*(m_lpszString + i) = _T('\0');
return m_lpszString;
// Make all characters lower case
LPCTSTR MakeLower()
{ assert(m_lpszString); return _tcslwr(m_lpszString); }
// Make all characters upper case
LPCTSTR MakeUpper()
{ assert(m_lpszString); return _tcsupr(m_lpszString); }
// Substring extraction
VString Mid(int nFirst, int nCount)
assert(nCount >= 0);
VString str;
if ( nFirst < GetLength() )
str.AllocCopy(m_lpszString + nFirst, TRUE, nCount);
return str;
VString Mid(int nFirst)
{ return Mid(nFirst, GetLength() - nFirst); }
VString Right(int nCount)
VString str;
if ( nCount <= GetLength() )
str.AllocCopy(m_lpszString + (GetLength() - nCount), TRUE, nCount);
return str;
// Remote all spaces from left and right side of string
void Trim()
{ TrimLeft(); TrimRight(); }
// Remove all space characters from left side of string
void TrimLeft()
if ( m_lpszString )
int nIndex = 0;
while ( m_lpszString[nIndex] && m_lpszString[nIndex] == _T(' '))
if ( nIndex )
AllocCopy(m_lpszString + nIndex, TRUE);
// Remove all space characters from right side of string
void TrimRight()
if ( m_lpszString )
int nLength = GetLength();
int nIndex = nLength - 1;
while ( m_lpszString[nIndex] && m_lpszString[nIndex] == _T(' '))
if ( nIndex < nLength - 1 )
AllocCopy(m_lpszString, TRUE, nIndex + 1);
// Allocate and copy. If nCount is -1, entire string will be copied, otherwise only nCount characters
BOOL AllocCopy(LPCTSTR lpszString, BOOL bReplace, int nCount = -1)
// Fix count of characters to copy if needed
if ( nCount == -1 )
nCount = lstrlen(lpszString);
// Determine length of lpszString
int nLen = (lpszString) ? lstrlen(lpszString) : 0;
if ( nLen )
// nCount should not be less that or equal to 0
assert(nCount > 0);
// Use the min of nLen and nCount as the new length
if ( nCount < nLen )
nLen = nCount;
// Allocate memory to new buffer
LPTSTR lpszNewString = new TCHAR[nLen + 1 + ((bReplace || !GetLength()) ? 0 : GetLength())];
if ( lpszNewString )
if ( bReplace || !m_lpszString )
lstrcpyn(lpszNewString, lpszString, nLen + 1);
// Append
lstrcpy(lpszNewString, m_lpszString);
lstrcpyn(lpszNewString + GetLength(), lpszString, nLen + 1);
// Free old memory and save new pointer
m_lpszString = lpszNewString;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Embedded Member(s)
LPTSTR m_lpszString;
#endif // __VSTRING_HPP