2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

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/* */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1993, ATI Technologies Incorporated. */
/********************** PolyTron RCS Utilities
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Date: 20 Jul 1995 18:02:24 $
$Author: mgrubac $
$Log: S:/source/wnt/ms11/miniport/vcs/vdpdata.h $
* Rev 1.1 20 Jul 1995 18:02:24 mgrubac
* Added support for VDIF files.
* Rev 1.0 31 Jan 1994 11:50:04 RWOLFF
* Initial revision.
Rev 1.1 05 Nov 1993 13:33:58 RWOLFF
Fixed clock frequency table.
Rev 1.0 16 Aug 1993 13:32:32 Robert_Wolff
Initial revision.
Rev 1.1 04 May 1993 16:51:10 RWOLFF
Switched from floating point to long integers due to lack of floating point
support in Windows NT kernel-mode code.
Rev 1.0 30 Apr 1993 16:47:18 RWOLFF
Initial revision.
End of PolyTron RCS section *****************/
#ifdef DOC
VDPDATA.H - Definitions and structures used internally by VDPTOCRT.C.
* Sync polarities. INTERNAL_ERROR is an error code for functions
* which have 0 as a legitimate return (e.g. GetPolarity). Functions
* which do not have zero as a legitimate return value should follow
* the "Zero = failure, Nonzero = success" convention.
#define POSITIVE 0
#define NEGATIVE 1
#define INTERLACED 1
* Constants used in pseudo-floating point calculations
#define THOUSAND 1000L
#define HALF_MILLION 500000L
#define MILLION 1000000L
* Data structure used for horz and vert information from the vddp file
typedef struct _HALFDATA
long Resolution; // pixels
unsigned long ScanFrequency; // horz - Hz, vert - mHz
char Polarity; // positive or negative
unsigned long SyncWidth, // horz - ns, vert - us
FrontPorch, // horz - ns, vert - us
BackPorch, // horz - ns, vert - us
ActiveTime, // horz - ns, vert - us
BlankTime; // horz - ns, vert - us
* Data structure used for complete preadjusted timing data set
typedef struct _TIMINGDATA
char ModeName[33]; // name of the video mode
char Interlaced; // interlaced or non-interlaced mode
HALFDATA HorzData; // horizontal data
HALFDATA VertData; // vertical data
* Data structure used to hold number of timings sections and pointers to
* timings buffer for each limits section
typedef struct _LIMITSDATA
unsigned long DotClock; // maximum pixel clock -- for all assoc. timings
long TimingsCount; // number of timings section for this limits sec.
P_TIMINGDATA TimingsPtr; // pointer to buffer holding timings data
typedef struct {
char video_mode[33];
unsigned char h_total, h_disp, h_sync_strt, h_sync_wid;
unsigned long v_total, v_disp, v_sync_strt;
unsigned char v_sync_wid, disp_cntl, crt_pitch, clk_sel;
unsigned long pixel_clk;
// ***** the values below this comment were added for instvddp.exe *****
unsigned char lock,fifo_depth,vga_refresh_rate_code;
unsigned long control,hi_color_ctl,hi_color_vfifo;
} crtT;
#if 0
typedef enum {
clk_43MHz = 0,
clk_49MHz = 1,
clk_93MHz = 2,
clk_36MHz = 3,
clk_50MHz = 4,
clk_57MHz = 5,
clk_extrn1 = 6,
clk_45MHz = 7,
clk_30MHz = 8,
clk_32MHz = 9,
clk_110MHz = 10,
clk_80MHz = 11,
clk_40MHz = 12,
clk_75MHz = 14,
clk_65MHz = 15
} clockT;
#if 1
typedef enum {
clk_100MHz = 0,
clk_126MHz = 1,
clk_93MHz = 2,
clk_36MHz = 3,
clk_50MHz = 4,
clk_57MHz = 5,
clk_extrn1 = 6,
clk_45MHz = 7,
clk_135MHz = 8,
clk_32MHz = 9,
clk_110MHz = 10,
clk_80MHz = 11,
clk_40MHz = 12,
clk_75MHz = 14,
clk_65MHz = 15
} clockT;
typedef struct {
long clock_selector;
long clock_freq;
} clk_infoT;
#if 0
/* These are the pixel clocks for the 18810 Clock Chip */
clk_infoT clock_info[16] = {
{ clk_43MHz , 42.95E+6 },
{ clk_49MHz , 48.77E+6 },
{ clk_93MHz , 92.40E+6 },
{ clk_36MHz , 36.00E+6 },
{ clk_50MHz , 50.35E+6 },
{ clk_57MHz , 56.64E+6 },
{ clk_extrn1 , 0.000000 },
{ clk_45MHz , 44.90E+6 },
{ clk_30MHz , 30.24E+6 },
{ clk_32MHz , 32.00E+6 },
{ clk_110MHz , 110.0E+6 },
{ clk_80MHz , 80.00E+6 },
{ clk_40MHz , 40.00E+6 },
{ clk_75MHz , 75.00E+6 },
{ clk_65MHz , 65.00E+6 },
{ -1 , 0.000000 }
#if 1
/* These are the pixel clocks for the 18811-1 Clock Chip */
clk_infoT clock_info[16] = {
{ clk_100MHz , 100000000L },
{ clk_126MHz , 126000000L },
{ clk_93MHz , 92400000L },
{ clk_36MHz , 36000000L },
{ clk_50MHz , 50350000L },
{ clk_57MHz , 56640000L },
{ clk_extrn1 , 0L },
{ clk_45MHz , 44900000L },
{ clk_135MHz , 135000000L },
{ clk_32MHz , 32000000L },
{ clk_110MHz , 110000000L },
{ clk_80MHz , 80000000L },
{ clk_40MHz , 40000000L },
{ clk_75MHz , 75000000L },
{ clk_65MHz , 65000000L },
{ -1 , 0L }
extern clk_infoT clock_info[16];