2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

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// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: download.h
// Owner: YanL
// Description:
// Internet download
#ifndef _DOWNLOAD_H
#include <wininet.h>
// handle to internet
struct auto_hinet_traits {
static HINTERNET invalid() { return 0; }
static void release(HINTERNET h) { InternetCloseHandle(h); }
typedef auto_resource<HANDLE, auto_hinet_traits> auto_hinet;
class CLock : protected CRITICAL_SECTION
LONG Increment(LONG* pl)
l = ++ *pl;
return l;
LONG Decrement(LONG* pl)
l = -- *pl;
return l;
// Notification
struct IDownloadAdviceSink
virtual void JobStarted(int nJob) = 0;
virtual void JobDownloadSize(int nJob, DWORD dwTotalSize) = 0;
virtual void BlockDownloaded(int nJob, DWORD dwBlockSize, DWORD dwTimeSpan) = 0;
virtual void JobDownloadTime(int nJob, DWORD dwTotalTimeSpan) = 0;
virtual void JobDone(int nJob) = 0;
virtual bool WantToAbortJob(int nJob) = 0;
class CDownload
CDownload(IN OPTIONAL int cnMaxThreads = 1);
// Connect to server and set the base URL
bool Connect(IN LPCTSTR szURL);
bool IsConnected() { return m_hConnection.valid(); }
// Download one file to file. Calls CopyEx internally
bool Copy(IN LPCTSTR szSourceFile, IN LPCTSTR szDestFile, IN OPTIONAL IDownloadAdviceSink* pSink = 0);
// Download one file to memory. Calls CopyEx interanlly
bool Copy(IN LPCTSTR szSourceFile, IN byte_buffer& bufDest, IN OPTIONAL IDownloadAdviceSink* pSink = 0);
// Download set of files to specified destinations
struct JOB
LPCTSTR pszSrvFile; // name file relative to szURL from Connect
LPCTSTR pszDstFile; // path to destination file, if NULL use pDstBuf
byte_buffer* pDstBuf; // pointer to memory buffer, to be used
DWORD dwResult; // Win32 error code
void* pUser; // for user to hookup
typedef JOB * PJOB;
typedef const JOB * PCJOB;
void CopyEx(IN PJOB pJobs, IN int cnJobs, IN OPTIONAL IDownloadAdviceSink* pSink = 0, IN bool fWaitComplete = true);
static DWORD WINAPI StaticThreadProc(IN LPVOID lpParameter);
void ThreadProc();
void DoJob(int nJob);
DWORD DoCopyToFile(IN int nJob, IN LPCTSTR szSourceFile, IN LPCTSTR szDestFile);
DWORD DoCopyToBuf(IN int nJob, IN LPCTSTR szSourceFile, IN byte_buffer& bufDest);
DWORD OpenInetFile(LPCTSTR szFullSourcePath, SYSTEMTIME* pstIfModifiedSince,
auto_hinet& hInetFile, DWORD* pdwServerFileSize, SYSTEMTIME* pstServer);
auto_hinet m_hSession; //handle to wininet library
auto_hinet m_hConnection; //handle to server connection.
auto_handle m_ahThreads[MAX_THREADS_LIMIT]; // threads pool
int m_cnMaxThreads; // current max number of therads
int m_cnThreads; // current number of running threads
PJOB m_pJobsQueue; // jobs queue
long m_cnJobsTotal; // total number of jobs in the queue
long m_nJobTop; // top job in a queue
long m_cnJobsToComplete; // m_cnJobsTotal - number of completed jobs
CLock m_lock; // win95 and nt 4 don't support InterlockIncrement
IDownloadAdviceSink* m_pSink; //progress report
auto_handle m_hEventExit; // request to exit, set by main thread,
// WaitFor... by working threads
auto_handle m_hEventJob; // request to start download, set by main thread,
// WaitFor... by working threads
// reset when queue is empty
auto_handle m_hEventDone; // set by working thread, WaitFor... by main thread
TCHAR m_szRootPath[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; //server that this context is connected to.
#define _DOWNLOAD_H