2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

214 lines
6 KiB

@echo off
REM update.cmd
REM Author: Murali R. Krishnan
REM Date: 20-March-1996
REM Usage:
REM update
REM Comment:
REM This script updates the local copy of K2 sources
REM from various places in the old slm tree of Gibraltar
REM Useful for migrating source code from Gib to K2.
set GIB_SRC=\\kernel\razzle3\src\internet
set K2_DST=x:\nt\private\iis
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Update root level files
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
for %%f in (.cmd .mk .pl dirs makefile .chi .inc) do xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\*%%f %K2_DST%
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Update include files
REM Both inc & svcs\inc land up in the single inc\ directory
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\inc
for %%f in ( urlutil.h smalprox.h spxinfo.h chat.h dirlist.h ftpd.h inetcom.h inetinfo.h inetsec.h nntps.h pop3s.h smtps.h svcloc.h w3svc.h) do xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\inc\%%f %K2_DST%\inc
xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\svcs\inc %K2_DST%\inc
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Internet Services Common Stuff
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\svcs
REM -----------------------
REM Infocomm.dll
REM -----------------------
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\odbc %K2_DST%\svcs\odbc
set SUBDIR=svcs\infocomm
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
for %%f in ( common info dbgext festrcnv tsstr) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\dll\%%f %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\%%f)
xcopy /di %GIB_SRC%\svcs\dll\dirs %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\dll\tsunami %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\cache
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\common\dirlist %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\dirlist
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\common\sec %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\sec
REM -----------------------
REM Service Location
REM -----------------------
set SUBDIR=svcs
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\infocomm
xcopy /di %GIB_SRC%\common\inc %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\svcloc
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\common\util %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\svcloc
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\common\svcloc %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\svcloc
REM -----------------------
REM Inet Runtime Library
REM -----------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\svcs\irtl
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\lib %K2_DST%\svcs\irtl
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Specs & docs
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\spec %K2_DST%\spec
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\docs %K2_DST%\docs
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Performance Stuff
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
set SUBDIR=perf
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
for %%f in ( distrib docs scripts) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\%%f %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\%%f)
REM move the source code one level up...
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\src\miweb %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\webcat
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\src\drops %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\drops
echo deleting %K2_SRC%\perf\webcat\rsa
delnode /q %K2_SRC%\perf\webcat\rsa
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM InetInfo.exe
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\exe
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\exe\info %K2_DST%\exe
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM Update services tree
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\svcs
REM -----------------------
REM Mibs
REM -----------------------
set SUBDIR=svcs\mibs
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
xcopy /ds %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR% %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
REM -----------------------
REM FTP Service
REM -----------------------
set SUBDIR=svcs\ftp
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\* %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
for %%f in ( client mib perfmon server) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\%%f %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\%%f)
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\stress2 %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\test
REM -----------------------
REM Gopher Service
REM -----------------------
set SUBDIR=svcs\gopher
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\* %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
for %%f in ( client mib perfmon server gspace) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\%%f %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\%%f)
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\inc %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\server
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\stress %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\test
REM -----------------------
REM W3 Service
REM -----------------------
set SUBDIR=svcs\w3
mkdir %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
xcopy /d %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\* %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%
for %%f in ( client mib server cmdline filters gateways test) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\%%f %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\%%f)
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\w3ctrs %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\perfmon
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%SUBDIR%\w3dbg %K2_DST%\%SUBDIR%\debug
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM utils
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\utils
xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\svcs\utils %K2_DST%\utils
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM security
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\svcs
for %%f in ( pct ssl) do xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\%%f %K2_DST%\svcs\%%f
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
mkdir %K2_DST%\ui
for %%f in (catcfg catcpl comprop fscfg gscfg html inc internet) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\ui\%%f %K2_DST%\ui\%%f)
for %%f in (ipaddr ipadrdll isadmin itools mime msncfg scripts) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\ui\%%f %K2_DST%\ui\%%f)
for %%f in (setup template w3scfg) do (xcopy /dis %GIB_SRC%\ui\%%f %K2_DST%\ui\%%f)
xcopy /di %GIB_SRC%\ui\* %K2_DST%\ui
goto endOfBatch
echo Usage: update.cmd
goto endOfBatch
echo. >> update.log
echo ################################### >> update.log
echo K2 sources synced up >> update.log
date < nul >> update.log
echo. >> update.log
time < nul >> update.log
echo. >> update.log
echo ################################### >> update.log
echo on