2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

820 lines
32 KiB

Owner: smueller
Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
General Purpose Text Lexer definitions and prototypes
There are currently multiple instances of this component in Office 9.
Keep them in sync:
FUTURE: some of these definitions don't need to be exported and could
live in an msolex.i file.
#ifndef MSOLEX_H
#define MSOLEX_H
Enabled features
System limits
#define ichTkLenMax 256 // Max token str len
#define ichLexsCacheMax (ichTkLenMax - 1) // Mx num chars cached
#define dirultkNotFound 30000 // arbitrarily lg. flag
#define dtkNotFound dirultkNotFound // alias
tk Token returned by the lexer.
lexs Lexer state structure.
// Define state tables used by lexer (use with plexs->isttbl)
#define isttblDefault 0 // Default MUST be 0
#define isttblNoBlanks 1
/* T K */
%%Structure: TK
%%Contact: daleg
Lexer token definitions.
#ifndef TK_DEFINED
// Definition of token type returned by lexer
typedef int TK;
#define TK_DEFINED
#endif /* !TK_DEFINED */
// Lexer tokens: Plain Text and Delimiters
#define tk_RESCAN_ (-2) // Dummy: force rescan
#define tkERROR (-1) // Lexer error
#define tkNil 0 // No token at all
#define tkEND_OBJ 1 // End of object
#define tkPARA 2 // 0xB6 (Para mark)
#define tkNEWLINE 3 // \n
#define tkWSPC 4 // Blanks, tabs
#define tkWSPCMULT 5 // Multiple Blanks
#define tkTAB 6 // Tab character
#define tkWORD 7 // E.g. abc
#define tkINTEGER 8 // E.g. 123
#define tkCOMMA 9 // ,
#define tkPERIOD 10 // .
#define tkEXCLAIM 11 // !
#define tkPOUND 12 // #
#define tkDOLLAR 13 // $
#define tkPERCENT 14 // %
#define tkAMPER 15 // &
#define tkLPAREN 16 // (
#define tkRPAREN 17 // )
#define tkASTER 18 // *
#define tkPLUS 19 // +
#define tkMINUS 20 // -
#define tkSLASH 21 // /
#define tkCOLON 22 // :
#define tkSEMI 23 // ;
#define tkLESSTHAN 24 // <
#define tkEQUAL 25 // =
#define tkGREATER 26 // >
#define tkQUEST 27 // ?
#define tkATSIGN 28 // @
#define tkLBRACK 29 // [
#define tkRBRACK 30 // ]
#define tkBSLASH 31 // \
#define tkCARET 32 // ^
#define tkUSCORE 33 // _
#define tkBQUOTE 34 // `
#define tkLBRACE 35 // {
#define tkRBRACE 36 // }
#define tkVBAR 37 // |
#define tkTILDA 38 // ~
#define tkDQUOTE 39 // "
#define tkLDQUOTE 40 // " left curly dbl
#define tkRDQUOTE 41 // " right curly dbl
#define tkQUOTE 42 // '
#define tkLQUOTE 43 // ' left curly sgl
#define tkRQUOTE 44 // ' right curly sgl
#define tkLCHEVRON 45 // << French LDQuote
#define tkRCHEVRON 46 // >> French RDQuote
#define tkENDASH 47 // - en-dash
#define tkEMDASH 48 // -- em-dash
// Lexer tokens: Plain-Text Symbol tokens
#define tkSYMBOL 49 // Symbol char
#define tkBULLET 50 // Std bullet char
#define tkFEWORD 51 // FE word
#define tkFESYMBOL 52 // FE symbol char
#define tkFESPACE 53 // FE Space char
// Lexer tokens: Plain-text formatting info
#define tkSTARTCAP 54 // Word is capitalized
#define tkALLCAPS 55 // Word is all caps
#define tkHASCAPS 56 // Word has 1+ CAPs
// Is TK valid (not tkNil and not tkERROR)
#define FValidTk(tk) \
((tk) > 0)
/* M S O L E X S */
%%Structure: MSOLEXS
%%Contact: daleg
AutoFormat LEX State
Contains information about the Event Monitor lexer's current position
in the document.
This information is initialized by LexReset(), and advanced by other
lexer APIs.
// Callback typedefs
typedef XCHAR (OFC_CALLBACK *PFNLEXBUF)(MSOCP cpLim, struct _MSOLEXS *plexs);
typedef int (OFC_CALLBACK *PFNLEXRUN)(MSOCP cpLim, struct _MSOLEXS *plexs);
(MSORULTK *prultk, const XCHAR **ppxch, int *pcch, struct _MSOLEXS *plexs);
(int *pfForceTkBreak, struct _MSOLEXS *plexs);
typedef int (OFC_CALLBACK *PFNLEXCNT)(struct _MSOLEXS *plexs);
typedef struct _MSOLEXS
// --- values requiring initialization ---
// Keyword lookup information
struct _MSOKWTB *pkwtb; // Keyword-lookup tbl
// Token-history cache information
MSORULTKH rultkhToken; // Text Token cache
// Formatting token-history cache information
MSORULTKH rultkhFormat; // Format Token cache
// Init state
MSOBF fInited : 1; // Lexer inited?
int isttbl; // Which STT?
unsigned short grpfLexFlags;
MSOBF fNoReset : 1; // Reset leave alone
MSOBF fLookup : 1; // Lookup name as kwd?
MSOBF fLookupIntsAndSyms : 1; // Lookup ints as kwd?
MSOBF fAllCapsAsFormat : 1; // ALLCAPS as fmt tk?
MSOBF fRefetchOnOverscan : 1; // Force fetch on OS?
MSOBF fSpare2 : 11;
// Buffer management callback functions
void *hObjectNil; // Nil object
PFNLEXBUF pfnlexbuf; // Fetch next buffer
PFNLEXRUN pfnlexrun; // Fetch next run
PFNLEXTXT pfnlextxt; // Fetch token text
PFNLEXFMT pfnlexfmt; // Gen format tokens
PFNLEXCNT pfnlexrunDiscontig; // Next run contiguous?
PFNLEXRUN pfnlexrunForceComplete; // Force tk to complete
// Run state information
int ichRun; // Index to vfli.rgch
int cchLookahead; // Num chars lookahead
// --- values initially zero ---
// Run state information
int cchRemain; // Num chars unlexed
MSOCP cpRun; // CP of start of run
MSOCP ccpRun; // Num of CPs in run
MSOCP cpObject; // CP of start of obj
int cchRun; // Num chars run
// Token state information
MSOCP cpTokenFirst; // CP of first char
MSOCP dcpToken; // Num CPs in token
MSOCP cpTokenNext; // CP of next token
int tkTokenIndirect; // Indirect token
int ichTokenFirst; // ich of first char
const XCHAR *pxchTkStart; // First char in token
const XCHAR *pxchNext; // Next char to lex
const XCHAR *pxchRun; // First char of run
const XCHAR *pxchBuffer; // Token string buffer
const XCHAR *pxchBufferIp; // Buffer of obj at IP
unsigned short grfCurTk;
MSOBF fMustSyncLexDocBuffer : 1; // Reset lexer?
// Vanished/Created text handling
MSOCP cpFirstVanished; // CP of vanished
MSOCP dcpVanished; // dcp of vanished txt
#endif /* EM_LEX_VANISHED */
MSOCP cpFirstCreated; // CP of created
MSOCP dcpCreated; // dcp of created txt
unsigned short grpfLineFlags;
MSOBF fAdjustTokenCps : 1; // Created/Vanished txt
// Lexer state information
int ichCache; // Num chars cached
XCHAR rgxchCache[ichTkLenMax]; // Cache leading chars
XCHAR rgxchHistToken[ichTkLenMax]; // Text of history tk
void *pObject; // Current object(cell)
void *pObjectIp; // Object at IP
long iCol; // Column of cell
long iRow; // Row of cell
long iColIp; // Column of IP
long iRowIp; // Row of IP
int dcellScanToIp; // #rows/cols 2 prescan
int iScanDirection; // 0 == row, 1 == col
#endif /* EM_MULT_DIM_SCAN */
MSOCP cpFirst; // CP start of scan
MSOCP cpLim; // CP limit of scan
MSOCP cpFirstDoc; // CP limit of scan
MSOCP cpMacDoc; // CP limit of scan
long wInterval; // Count of intervals
// Format lexer state information
unsigned long grpfFormatFlags;
MSOBF fBold : 1; // Is text bold?
MSOBF fItalic : 1; // Is text italic?
MSOBF fUnderline : 1; // Is text underlined?
MSOBF fVanish : 1; // Is text hidden?
MSOBF ico : 5; // Is text colored?
MSOBF fSpareFmt : 7;
unsigned short grpfEndFlags;
MSOBF fCreateEndObjCh : 1; // Create EOO tk?
MSOBF fEOL : 1; // End of line?
MSOBF fEOP : 1; // End of paragraph?
// Asynchronous lexer support
unsigned short iuState; // Async state
MSOBF fInvalLexer : 1; // Lexer not synched?
MSOBF fBufferAlloced : 1; // Obj buffer alloced?
MSOBF fAsyncSpare4 : 14;
MSOCP cpIp; // CP of IP if forced
// Multiple lexical scan support
MSOBF fDynAlloced : 1; // struct alloced?
MSOBF fTkCacheDynAlloced : 1; // TK Cache alloced?
MSOBF fFmtTkCacheDynAlloced : 1; // Format Che alloced?
struct _MSOLEXS *plexsNext; // Next struct LIFO
// App-specific goo
void *pUserData; // Cast as desired
// grpfLexFlags
#define MsoGrfLexFNoReset (1 << 0)
#define MsoGrfLexFLookup (1 << 1)
#define MsoGrfLexFLookupIntsAndSyms (1 << 2)
#define MsoGrfLexFAllCapsAsFormat (1 << 3)
#define MsoGrfLexFRefetchOnOverscan (1 << 4)
extern unsigned short const **vppchtblCharTrans; // Ptr to lexer ch tbl
#define iScanVert 0
#define iScanHoriz 1
#endif /* EM_MULT_DIM_SCAN */
// Return the object the lexer is currently scanning
#define PobjectLexToken(plexs) \
// Return the current lexer token starting CP value
#define CpLexTokenFirst(plexs) \
// Set the current lexer token starting CP value
#define SetCpLexTokenFirst(plexs, cp) \
((plexs)->cpTokenFirst = (cp))
// Return the next lexer token starting CP value
#define CpLexTokenNext(plexs) \
// Set the next lexer token starting CP value
#define SetCpLexTokenNext(plexs, cp) \
((plexs)->cpTokenNext = (cp))
// Get the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define DcpLexToken(plexs) \
// Set the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define SetDcpLexToken(plexs, dcp) \
((plexs)->dcpToken = (dcp))
// Update the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define UpdateDcpLexToken(plexs, dcp) \
IncrDcpLexToken(plexs, dcp)
// Update the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define IncrDcpLexToken(plexs, dcp) \
((plexs)->dcpToken += (dcp))
// Update the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define ClearDcpLexToken(plexs) \
SetDcpLexToken(plexs, 0L)
#else /* EM_LEX_VANISHED */
// Update the current lexer token dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define ClearDcpLexToken(plexs) \
(SetDcpLexToken(plexs, 0L), \
plexs->cpFirstVanished = 0L, \
plexs->dcpVanished = 0L)
#endif /* !EM_LEX_VANISHED */
// Return the current lexer token *running* dCP (length of CPs consumed)
#define DcpLexCurr(plexs) \
(DcpLexToken(plexs) + CchTokenLen(plexs))
// Return the current lexer CP value
#define CpLexCurr(plexs) \
(CpLexTokenFirst(plexs) + DcpLexToken(plexs))
// Is this the last run, period?
#define FLexEndOfScan(plexs) \
((plexs)->cpRun + (plexs)->ccpRun >= (plexs)->cpLim)
#define CchTokenLen(plexs) \
(CchTokenUncachedLen(plexs) + (plexs)->ichCache)
#define CchTokenUncachedLen(plexs) \
((plexs)->pxchNext - (plexs)->pxchTkStart)
// Return the index of the start of curr tk into line buffer (vfli.lrgxch)
#define IchLexTkFirst(plexs) \
((plexs)->pxchTkStart - (plexs)->pxchBuffer)
// Encode a relative TK index as an absolute number
#define _IrultkTokenAbsEncoded(plexs, dirultk) \
((plexs)->rultkhToken.irultkAbsBase \
+ (plexs)->irultkLim + (dirultk))
// Mark that the lexer must reset on next char typed
#define InvalLex(plexs) \
((plexs)->cchLookahead = -1)
// Return whether the lexer must reset on next char typed
#define FInvalLex(plexs) \
((plexs)->cchLookahead < 0)
// Mark lexer as probably out of synch with app buffer
#define InvalLexFetch(plexs) \
((plexs)->cchRemain = 0, \
(plexs)->fInvalLexer = fTrue)
// Return whether lexer out of synch with app buffer
#define FInvalLexFetch(plexs) \
Token History Cache
// Token-history cache access
#define PrultkFromTokenIrultk(plexs, irultk) \
PrultkFromIrultk(irultk, (plexs)->rultkhToken.rgrultkCache)
// Increment pointer to token-history cache access
#define IncrTokenPrultk(plexs, pprultk, pirultkPrev) \
IncrPrultk(pprultk, pirultkPrev, \
(plexs)->rultkhToken.rgrultkCache, \
// Decrement pointer to token-history cache access
#define DecrTokenPrultk(plexs, pprultk, pirultkPrev) \
DecrPrultk(pprultk, pirultkPrev, \
(plexs)->rultkhToken.rgrultkCache, \
// Increment index to token-history cache access
#define IncrTokenPirultk(plexs, pirultk, dirultk) \
IncrPirultk(pirultk, dirultk, (plexs)->rultkhToken.irultkMac)
// Increment index to token-history cache access
#define DecrTokenPirultk(plexs, pirultk, dirultk) \
DecrPirultk(pirultk, dirultk, (plexs)->rultkhToken.irultkMac)
// Fill in next tk cache record even if incomplete.
#define _CacheTkTextNext(plexs) \
{ \
MSORULTK *prultk; \
int cchPartialTk = (plexs)->cchLookahead; \
prultk = PrultkFromTokenIrultk((plexs), \
(plexs)->rultkhToken.irultkLim); \
prultk->pObject = plexs->pObject; \
prultk->cpFirst = CpLexTokenFirst(plexs); \
prultk->dcp = DcpLexCurr(plexs) + cchPartialTk; \
prultk->ich = (plexs)->pxchTkStart - (plexs)->pxchBuffer; \
prultk->dich = CchTokenLen(plexs) + cchPartialTk; \
prultk->wInterval = (plexs)->wInterval; \
prultk->tk = tkNil; \
Formatting Token History Cache
// Format token-history cache access
#define PrultkFormatFromIrultk(plexs, irultk) \
PrultkFromIrultk(irultk, (plexs)->rultkhFormat.rgrultkCache)
// Increment pointer to Format token-history cache access
#define IncrFormatPrultk(plexs, pprultk, pirultkPrev) \
IncrPrultk(pprultk, pirultkPrev, \
(plexs)->rultkhFormat.rgrultkCache, \
// Increment pointer to Format token-history cache access
#define DecrFormatPrultk(plexs, pprultk, pirultkPrev) \
DecrPrultk(pprultk, pirultkPrev, \
(plexs)->rultkhFormat.rgrultkCache, \
// Increment index to Format token-history cache access
#define IncrFormatPirultk(pirultk, dirultk) \
IncrPirultk(pirultk, dirultk, (plexs)->rultkhFormat.irultkMac)
// Increment index to Format token-history cache access
#define DecrFormatPirultk(pirultk, dirultk) \
DecrPirultk(pirultk, dirultk, (plexs)->rultkhFormat.irultkMac)
Prototypes and macros for lex.c
// Get the next character from the input buffer
#define XchLexGetChar(plexs, cpLim) \
((plexs)->cchRemain-- > 0\
? *(plexs)->pxchNext++ \
: XchLexGetNextBuffer(cpLim, plexs))
// Get the next input buffer
#define XchLexGetNextBuffer(cpLim, plexs) \
((*(plexs)->pfnlexbuf)(cpLim, plexs))
// Return last char to input buffer
#define LexUngetChar(plexs, cch) \
((plexs)->pxchNext -= cch, (plexs)->cchRemain += cch)
void LexUngetChar(MSOLEXS *plexs, int cch);
#endif /* !AS_FUNCTION */
// Peek at the next character from the input buffer
#define XchLexPeekChar(plexs) \
((plexs)->cchRemain > 0 \
? *(plexs)->pxchNext \
: (XchLexGetNextBuffer(msocpMax, plexs), (plexs)->cchRemain++,\
// Number of bytes to copy if we are "peeking" at next char via lexer
#define cbLexsPeek (offset(MSOLEXS, ichCache))
// Define (CH)aracter Translation (T)a(BL)e
typedef unsigned short ISTT; // Col index to Lex STT
typedef ISTT const *CHTBL; // Char trans table
#ifndef VIEWER
// Definition of size of State Transition Table
#define WSttblNumRows 5 // Num rows in Sttbl
#define WSttblNumCols 15 // Num cols in Sttbl
typedef unsigned short const STTBL [WSttblNumCols]; // State trans table
extern unsigned short const rgsttblWsIndirect[WSttblNumRows][WSttblNumCols];
extern unsigned short const rgsttblWsDirect[WSttblNumRows][WSttblNumCols];
extern CHTBL _rgchtblNormal[256]; // Normal ch trans tbl
// Based pointer to current Character Transition Table
extern CHTBL const *vpchtblCharTrans; // Curr ch trans table
// Translate a character into a column in the lexer STTBL
#define IsttFromXch(xch) \
#endif // !VIEWER
// Define Delimiter Lookup table
extern TK const * Win(const) vrgptkCharToken[256];
// Return delimiter token associated with character
#define TkDelimFromXch(xch) \
// Map a STT column index into a Character token value
extern TK vmpistttkCh[];
MSOAPI_(TK) MsoTkLexText(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Get next token
MSOAPI_(TK) MsoTkLexTextCpLim( // Get next tk < CP
MSOLEXS *plexs,
MSOAPI_(int) MsoFLexTokenCh(MSOLEXS *plexs, XCHAR xch); // Token ready?
void SetLexTokenLim(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Set token Lim
MSOCP DcpLexCurrAdjusted(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Return dCP used
MSOAPI_(XCHAR) MsoWchLexGetNextBufferDoc( // Reload char buf
MSOCP cpLim,
MSOLEXS *plexs
void ForceLexEOF(void); // FUTURE: Force EOF
MSOAPI_(MSOLEXS *) MsoPlexsLexInitDoc( // Init from doc
MSOLEXS *plexs,
void *hObjectNil,
PFNLEXRUN pfnlexrun,
PFNLEXTXT pfnlextxt,
PFNLEXFMT pfnlexfmt,
PFNLEXCNT pfnlexrunDiscontig,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
#ifdef DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoAssertPlexsInitDoc( // Ensure doc init
MSOLEXS *plexs,
void *hObjectNil,
PFNLEXRUN pfnlexrun,
PFNLEXTXT pfnlextxt,
PFNLEXFMT pfnlexfmt,
PFNLEXCNT pfnlexrunDiscontig,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
#endif // DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoLexSetPos( // Reposition in file
MSOLEXS *plexs,
MSOCP cpFirst,
MSOAPI_(XCHAR) MsoWchLexGetNextBufferPxch( // Gen EOF for rgch
MSOCP cpLim,
MSOLEXS *plexs
MSOAPI_(MSOLEXS *) MsoPlexsLexInitPxch( // Init from rgch
MSOLEXS *plexs,
XCHAR *pxch,
int cch,
PFNLEXBUF pfnlexbuf,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
#ifdef DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoAssertPlexsInitPxch( // Ensure rgch init
MSOLEXS *plexs,
XCHAR *pxch,
int cch,
PFNLEXBUF pfnlexbuf,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
#endif // DEBUG
void LexFinishPch(void); // Complete rgch scan
STTBL *PsttblFromIsttbl(int isttbl); // table ptr from index
MSOLEXS *PlexsNew(void); // Alloc new MSOLEXS
MSOLEXS *PlexsInitLex( // Init lexer memory
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
#ifdef DEBUG
void AssertPlexsInit( // Ensure lexer memory
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int irultkTokenMac,
int irultkFormatMac
MSOAPI_(void) MsoResetLexState( // Reset lexer state
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int fFullReset
MSOAPI_(void) MsoFreeLexMem(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Free lexer memory
#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(STANDALONE)
MSOAPI_(void) MsoMarkLexMem(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Mark lexer mem used
#endif // DEBUG && !STANDALONE
int FResetLexDocBuffer( // Reset cpObject
void *pObject,
MSOCP cpObject,
MSOCP cpScan,
MSOCP *pcpObject // RETURN
// Return token associated with string by looking up in keyword table
#define TkLookupNameLexs(pxchStr, cchLen, plexs) \
MsoTkLookupName((pxchStr), (cchLen), (plexs)->pkwtb)
// Return token associated with string by looking up in keyword table
#define PkwdLookupNameLexs(pxchStr, cchLen, plexs) \
MsoPkwdLookupName((pxchStr), (cchLen), (plexs)->pkwtb)
// Add a keyword to the lexer lookup table
#define PkwdAddTkLookupNameLexs(pxchStr, cchLen, tk, plexs, fCopyStr) \
MsoPkwdAddTkLookupName((pxchStr), (cchLen), (tk), (plexs)->pkwtb,\
// Remove a keyword from the lexer lookup table
#define FRemoveTkLookupNameLexs(pxchStr, cchLen, plexs, ptk) \
MsoFRemoveTkLookupName((pxchStr), (cchLen), (plexs)->pkwtb, (ptk))
void AppendRultkFormat( // Append format token
MSOLEXS *plexs,
TK tk,
int dcp,
long lValue
void InsertRultkFormat( // Insert format token
MSOLEXS *plexs,
TK tk,
long lValue
MSOAPI_(void) MsoCacheTkText( // Save text tokens
MSOLEXS *plexs,
TK tk,
long lValue
MSOAPI_(int) MsoCchTokenText( // Return token text
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int dtk,
const XCHAR **ppxch // RETURN
#define TokenLen(plexs, dtk) \
MsoCchTokenText((plexs), (dtk), NULL)
MSOAPI_(MSOCA *) MsoPcaOfDtk( // Get CA of tk range
MSOCA *pca,
int dtkStart,
int dtk,
MSOLEXS *plexs
MSOAPI_(MSOCA *) MsoPcaOfDtkExclusive( // Get CA inside tk rg
MSOCA *pca,
int dtkStart,
int dtk,
MSOLEXS *plexs
#ifdef NEVER
int CchCopyTextOfDtk( // Return mult tk text
int dtkStart,
int dtk,
XCHAR *rgxch, // IN, RETURN
int cchMax,
int fPartialTkOK
#endif // NEVER
MSOAPI_(long) MsoLFromDtk( // Get integer value
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int dtk,
int fCheckForSign
long LFromPxch( // Convert str to long
const XCHAR *pxch,
int cch,
int *pfOverflow
int FUpperXch(XCHAR xch); // Char uppercase?
int FLowerXch(XCHAR xch); // Char lowercase?
#ifdef NEVER
int OFC_CALLBACK DxaOfDirultk( // Return tk coord,len
int dtk,
int *pdxaLen // RETURN: optional
TK TkFromXch(XCHAR xch); // Return tk from a ch
TK TkFromXchNoLookup(XCHAR xch); // Return tk from ch
XCHAR *PxchTkStartFromPxchReverse(XCHAR *, XCHAR *);
int FXchEndsTk(XCHAR); // Does this xch end a tk?
TK TkFromChIsttbl(XCHAR xch, int isttbl); // Return a tk from a char
int OFC_CALLBACK DtkCacheTkTextToCp( // Fill Text TK cache
int dtk,
MSOCP cpLim,
int fForce
#endif // NEVER
void CopyTkTextToCache(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Flush pend lex text
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(STANDALONE)
char *SzFromPch( // Temp make string
const char *pchStr,
int cchLen,
char *rgchStrBuf
XCHAR *XszFromPxch( // Temp make string
const XCHAR *pxchStr,
int cchLen,
XCHAR *rgxchStrBuf
char *SzFromPxch( // Temp make string
const XCHAR *pxchStr,
int cchLen,
char *rgchStrBuf
#else /* STANDALONE */
#define SzFromPxch(p1,p2,p3) SzFromPch(p1, p2, p3)
#endif /* !STANDALONE */
#ifndef FAREAST
#define FWhitespaceXch(xch) \
((xch) == ' ' || (xch) == '\t' || (xch) == xchColumnBreak)
#else /* FAREAST */
#define FWhitespaceXch(xch) \
((xch) == ' ' || (xch) == '\t' || (xch) == xchColumnBreak \
|| (xch) == wchSpace)
#endif /* FAREAST */
Prototypes and macros for Debugging and Error Handling
const XCHAR *PxchLexTokenText( // Return tk text, len
MSOLEXS *plexs,
int *pwLen);
#ifdef DEBUG
MSOAPI_(XCHAR *) MsoLxszLexTokenText(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Return token text
MSOAPI_(CHAR *) MsoSzLexTokenText(MSOLEXS *plexs); // Return token sz
#endif // DEBUG
#endif // MSOLEX_H