2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

726 lines
18 KiB

//<SCRIPT language=javascript>
// The line above and the </SCRIPT> at the botttom of the file are so the
// localization tools work properly for this file.
// NOTE: because comments are taken out by the preprocessor,
// it's really included by findinc.sed
#include "dialogs.dh"
// Find dialog header file. This file contains functions
// common to the find.dlg and bidifind.dlg.
//Find Text dialog box
#define IDH_FIND_WHOLE 50022 // was 0x3063
#define IDH_FIND_CASE 50023 // was 0x3064
#define IDH_FIND_UP 50025 // was 0x3065
#define IDH_FIND_DOWN 50024 // was 0x3066
#define IDH_FIND_NEXT 50026 // was 0x3067
#define IDH_FIND_WHAT 50027 // was 0x3068
#define IDH_FIND_DIACRITIC 50401
#define IDH_FIND_KASHIDA 50402
#define IDH_FIND_ALEF_HAMZA 50403
setState(Find, btnFind, txtFindText)
// global variables
var g_docLastFound; // the document we last searched through
var g_fFrameset = false; // Are we in a frameset?
var g_arrFrames = new Array(); // Array of path through framesets
var g_fSearchTopFrame = false; // Should we search the doc of
// the top frame?
var g_fFollowIframes = true; // Should we walk down iframes?
var g_fError = false; // Has a handled error occured?
var g_docSearch ;
var g_rngWorking; // The range we're going to search
var g_rngFoundText; // The found text
var g_fFoundText = false; // If the text has already been found
var g_intDirection; // What direction to search
// Synopsis: Turns off error messages in dialogs
// Arguments: none
// returns: true (tells browser not to handle message)
function FindHandleError(message, url, line)
// NOTE TO LOCALIZERS! (krisma) The next two strings must exactly match
// the error text that appears if you comment out the
// "window.onerror = FindHandleError;" line in loadBdy() and
// launch the find dialog.
var L_Find_DIALOG_NoAction_ErrorMessage = "Object doesn't support this action";
var L_Find_DIALOG_NoProperty_ErrorMessage = "Object doesn't support this property or method";
if (message != L_Find_DIALOG_NoProperty_ErrorMessage)
if (message != L_Find_DIALOG_NoAction_ErrorMessage)
var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n"
+ L_ErrorNumber_Text + line + "\n"
+ message;
alert (str);
else // We've got an iframe without trident.
g_fError = true;
g_fFrameset = false;
return true;
// Frameset navigation functions
// Synopsis: Follows the path in g_arrFrames
// Arguments: none
// Returns: window object at end of frameset path
function CrawlPath()
var win = window.dialogArguments.unsecuredWindowOfDocument;
var i = 0;
// Special case if top doc has iframe
if (g_fSearchTopFrame)
return win;
while (g_arrFrames[i] >= 0)
win = win.frames[g_arrFrames[i]];
return win;
} // CrawlPath
// Synopsis: Whether or not the end of the current path is
// at another frameset
// Arguments: none
// Returns: 0 if false, non-zero if true
function AtFrameset()
var win = CrawlPath();
return win.frames.length;
} // AtFrameset
// Synopsis: Whether or not the end of the current path is
// at a document with iframes
// Arguments: none
// Returns: 0 if false, non-zero if true
function AtIframe()
var win = CrawlPath();
return win.document.all.tags("IFRAME").length;
} // AtIFrame
// Synopsis: checks the extension of the current file against
// a list of file types we should search into
// Arguments: the window that contains the file we're checkin
// Returns: true if we can search it, false if we can't.
function IsLegalPage(win)
var arrBadFileTypes = new Array(".doc", ".xls", ".pdf");
var strHref = win.location.href;
for (i=0; i < arrBadFileTypes.length; i++)
if (strHref.lastIndexOf(arrBadFileTypes[i]) == (strHref.length - 4))
return false;
return true;
// Synopsis: gets the position in the current frameset
// Arguments: none
// Returns: 0-based integer representing position
function GetCurrentPos()
var i = GetCurrentDepth();
return g_arrFrames[i];
} // GetCurrentPos
// Synopsis: Tells how many frames deep we're currently at
// Arguments: none
// Returns: 0-based integer representing depth
function GetCurrentDepth()
var i = 0;
while (g_arrFrames[i] >= 0)
return i-1;
} // GetCurrentDepth
// Synopsis: Can we move forward in the current frameset?
// Arguments: fForward Whether we're trying to move forwards or
// backwards
// Returns: 0 if false, non-zero if true
function MovePossible(fForward)
var intCurPos = GetCurrentPos();
var win = CrawlPath();
var winParent = win.parent;
if (fForward)
if ((winParent.frames.length - intCurPos - 1)
&& (IsLegalPage(winParent.frames[intCurPos + 1])))
return true;
return false;
return (intCurPos != 0);
} // MovePossible
// Synopsis: Moves up in the frameset
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function MoveUpFrameset()
var i = GetCurrentDepth();
g_arrFrames[i] = -1;
} // MoveUpFrameset
// Synopsis: Moves down in the frameset
// Arguments: fForward Whether we're trying to move forwards or
// backwards
// Returns: nothing
function MoveDownFrameset(fForward)
var i = GetCurrentDepth();
var win = CrawlPath();
g_arrFrames[i+1] = fForward ? 0 : win.frames.length - 1;
g_arrFrames[i+2] = -1;
} // MoveDownFrameset
// Synopsis: moves one window in the current frameset
// Arguments: fForward Whether we're trying to move forwards or
// backwards
// Returns: nothing
function MoveWin(fForward)
var intDepth = GetCurrentDepth();
var intPos = GetCurrentPos();
g_arrFrames[intDepth] = fForward ? ++intPos : --intPos;
} // MoveWin
// Synopsis: Moves to the next document
// Arguments: fForward Whether we're trying to move forwards or
// backwards
// Returns: true if sucessful or false if fails
function MoveDoc(fForward)
// Special case of top document contains an iframe.
if (g_fSearchTopFrame) // special case forward
if (fForward)
g_fSearchTopFrame = false;
return true;
return false;
// special case backwards
if (!fForward && (g_arrFrames[0] == 0) && (g_arrFrames[1] < 0)
&& window.dialogArguments.document.all.tags("IFRAME").length)
g_fSearchTopFrame = true;
return true;
if (g_fFollowIframes && AtIframe())
while (!AtIframe() && AtFrameset())
return true;
return false;
if (MovePossible(fForward))
g_fFollowIframes = true;
while (!AtIframe() && AtFrameset())
return true;
if (GetCurrentDepth() > 0)
while (AtIframe() && !MovePossible(fForward)
&& (GetCurrentDepth() >= 0))
if (AtIframe() && MovePossible(fForward))
g_fFollowIframes = false;
return MoveDoc(fForward);
return false;
} // MoveDoc
// Synopsis: walks to first document
// Arguments: none
// Returns: document object
function GetFirstDoc()
var win;
var doc = window.dialogArguments.document;
// If the main document conttains an iframe, we need to special
// case it.
if (doc.all.tags("IFRAME").length)
g_fSearchTopFrame = true;
return doc;
while (!AtIframe() && AtFrameset())
win = CrawlPath();
return win.document;
} // GetFirstDoc
// Set the initial range to the enitire document or the selection
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function setInitSearchRng()
// Determine starting location
// Are we in a frameset?
if (g_fFrameset)
var win;
// Check to see if we're still in a frameset.
// (This could happen if there's a frameset in an
// inline frame.)
if (!AtIframe() && AtFrameset())
while (!AtIframe() && AtFrameset())
win = CrawlPath();
g_docSearch = win.document;
g_docSearch = window.dialogArguments.document;
// If we're in browse mode and nothing is selected,
// set the range to the entire body.
if (g_docSearch .queryCommandState("BrowseMode")
&& g_docSearch .selection.type != "Text")
if (g_docSearch .body == null)
g_rngWorking = g_docSearch .body.createTextRange();
g_rngWorking = g_docSearch .selection.createRange();
} // setInitSearchRng
// Set direction and adjust range
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function directionAdjust()
// If there's a current selection, we'll start from the
// selection
g_fFoundText = (g_docSearch .selection.type == "Text");
// rngWorking starts as the entire body, and is then narrowed
// down by the 'set direction' code.
// Set direction
if (radDirection[0].checked) // Search backwards
// set range to search
if (g_fFoundText)
// Search from the end of the current selection
// minus 1 so we don't find the text we just found
g_rngWorking.moveEnd("character" , -1);
// Move the beginning of the range to the beginning
// of the document
// This use to move one character at a time, but since it
// will move as many characters as possible, it is more
// efficient to move in big jumps.
while (0 != g_rngWorking.moveStart("textedit", -10000))
g_intDirection = -1000000000;
else // Search forwards
// set range to search
if (g_fFoundText)
// Search from the start of the current selection plus
// one so we don't find the text we just found
g_rngWorking.moveStart("character", 1);
// Move the end of the range to the end
// of the document
// This use to move one character at a time, but since it
// will move as many characters as possible, it is more
// efficient to move in big jumps.
while (0 != g_rngWorking.moveEnd("textedit", 10000))
g_intDirection = 1000000000;
// Synopsis: Three steps:
// 1. Make sure there's something to find.
// 2. Determine the direction and how far to search.
// 3. Find and select the text.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function btnFindClick()
var fDone = false;
var L_FinishedDocument_Text = "Finished searching the document.";
var index;
// Initial range is the entire document or the selection
// Set direction and adjust range based on direction
// We have to loop, because findText includes text that may be hidden.
g_rngFoundText = g_rngWorking.duplicate();
success = g_rngFoundText.findText(txtFindText.value,
while ((!fDone) && success)
fDone = true;
// Using try catch on select, because selecting invisible text
// results in an exception.
catch (exception)
if (g_intDirection == 1000000000) // forward
g_rngFoundText.moveStart("character" , 1);
while (0 != g_rngFoundText.moveEnd("textedit", 10000))
g_rngFoundText.moveEnd("character" , -1);
while (0 != g_rngFoundText.moveStart("textedit", -10000))
fDone = false;
success = g_rngFoundText.findText(txtFindText.value,
if (!success) // Text was not found
if (g_fFrameset)
if (MoveDoc(!radDirection[0].checked))
else // Text was found
// If we're in a frameset, we have to unselect
// the previously searched document
if (g_fFrameset)
g_docLastFound.execCommand("Unselect", false);
g_docLastFound = g_docSearch ;
} // btnFindClick
// Synopsis: Save the last search, then discard the user's
// changes and dismiss the dialog.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function btnCancelClick2()
window.dialogArguments.findText = txtFindText.value;
} // btnCancelClick2