2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __usp10__
#define __usp10__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
///// Uniscribe build number
#define USPBUILD 0400
///// USP - Unicode Complex Script processor
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
///// SCRIPT
// The SCRIPT enum is an opaque type used internally to identify
// which shaping engine functions are used to process a given run.
//p SCRIPT_UNDEFINED: This is the only public script ordinal. May be
// forced into the eScript field of a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS to disable shaping.
// SCRIPT_UNDEFINED is supported by all fonts - ScriptShape will display
// whatever glyph is defined in the font CMAP table, or, if none, the
// missing glyph.
///// USP Status Codes
MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR,FACILITY_ITF,0x200) // Script doesn't exist in font
// Many script APIs take a combination of HDC and SCRIPT_CACHE parameter.
// A SCRIPT_CACHE is an opaque pointer to a Uniscribe font metric cache
// structure.
typedef void *SCRIPT_CACHE;
// The client must allocate and retain one SCRIPT_CACHE variable for each
// character style used. It must be initialised by the client to NULL.
// APIs are passed an HDC and the address of a SCRIPT_CACHE variable.
// Uniscribe will first attempt to access font data via the SCRIPT_CACHE
// and will only inspect the HDC if the required data is not already
// cached.
// The HDC may be passed as NULL. If data required by Uniscribe is
// already cached, the HDC won't be accessed and operation continues
// normally.
// If the HDC is passed as NULL, and Uniscribe needs to access it for
// any reason, Uniscribe will return E_PENDING.
// E_PENDING is returned quickly, allowing the client to avoid time
// consuming SelectObject calls. The following example applies to all
// APIs that take a SCRIPT_CACHE and an optional HDC.
//c hr = ScriptShape(NULL, &sc, ..);
//c if (hr == E_PENDING) {
//c ... select font into hdc ...
//c hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &sc, ...);
//c }
///// ScriptFreeCache
// The client may free a SCRIPT_CACHE at any time. Uniscribe maintains
// reference counts in it's font and shaper caches, and frees font data
// only when all sizes of the font are free, and shaper data only when
// all fonts it supports are freed.
// The client should free the SCRIPT_CACHE for a style when it discards
// that style.
// ScriptFreeCache always sets it's parameter to NULL to help avoid
// mis-referencing.
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc); //InOut Cache handle
// The SCRIPT_CONTROL structure provides itemization control flags to the
// ScriptItemize function.
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_CONTROL {
DWORD uDefaultLanguage :16; // For NADS, also default for context
DWORD fContextDigits :1; // Means use previous script instead of uDefaultLanguage
// The following flags provide legacy support for GetCharacterPlacement features
DWORD fInvertPreBoundDir :1; // Reading order of virtual item immediately prior to string
DWORD fInvertPostBoundDir :1; // Reading order of virtual item immediately following string
DWORD fLinkStringBefore :1; // Equivalent to presence of ZWJ before string
DWORD fLinkStringAfter :1; // Equivalent to presence of ZWJ after string
DWORD fNeutralOverride :1; // Causes all neutrals to be strong in the current embedding direction
DWORD fNumericOverride :1; // Causes all numerals to be strong in the current embedding direction
DWORD fLegacyBidiClass :1; // Causes plus and minus to be reated as neutrals, slash as a common separator
DWORD fReserved :8;
//p uDefaultLanguage: Language to use when Unicode values are ambiguous.
// Used by numeric processing to select digit shape when
// fDigitSubstitute (see SCRIPT_STATE) is in force.
//p fContextDigits: Specifies that national digits are chosen according to
// the nearest previous strong text, rather than using
// uDefaultLanguage.
//p fInvertPreBoundDir: By default text at the start of the string is
// laid out as if it follows strong text of the same direction
// as the base embedding level. Set fInvertPreBoundDir to change
// the initial context to the opposite of the base embedding
// level. This flag is for GetCharacterPlacement legacy support.
//p fInvertPostBoundDir: By default text at the end of the string is
// laid out as if it preceeds strong text of the same direction
// as the base embedding level. Set fInvertPostBoundDir to change
// the final context to the opposite of the base embedding
// level. This flag is for GetCharacterPlacement legacy support.
//p fLinkStringBefore: Causes the first character of the string to be
// shaped as if were joined to a previous character.
//p fLinkStringAfter: Causes the last character of the string to be
// shaped as if were joined to a following character.
//p fNeutralOverride: Causes all neutral characters in the string to be
// treated as if they were strong characters of their enclosing
// embedding level. This effectively locks neutrals in place,
// reordering occuring only between neutrals.
//p fNumericOverride: Causes all numeric characters in the string to be
// treated as if they were strong characters of their enclosing
// embedding level. This effectively locks numerics in place,
// reordering occuring only between numerics.
//p fReserved: Reserved. Always initialise to 0.
// The SCRIPT_STATE structure is used both to initialise the unicode
// algorithm state as an input parameter to ScriptItemize, and is also
// a component of each item analysis returned by ScriptItemize.
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_STATE {
WORD uBidiLevel :5; // Unicode Bidi algorithm embedding level (0-16)
WORD fOverrideDirection :1; // Set when in LRO/RLO embedding
WORD fInhibitSymSwap :1; // Set by U+206A (ISS), cleared by U+206B (ASS)
WORD fCharShape :1; // Set by U+206D (AAFS), cleared by U+206C (IAFS)
WORD fDigitSubstitute :1; // Set by U+206E (NADS), cleared by U+206F (NODS)
WORD fInhibitLigate :1; // Equiv !GCP_Ligate, no Unicode control chars yet
WORD fDisplayZWG :1; // Equiv GCP_DisplayZWG, no Unicode control characters yet
WORD fArabicNumContext :1; // For EN->AN Unicode rule
WORD fGcpClusters :1; // For Generating Backward Compatible GCP Clusters (legacy Apps)
WORD fReserved :1;
WORD fEngineReserved :2; // For use by shaping engine
//p uBidiLevel: The embedding level associated with all characters in this
// run according to the Unicode bidi algorithm. When passed to
// ScriptItemize, should be initialised to 0 for an LTR base
// embedding level, or 1 for RTL.
//p fOverrideDirection: TRUE if this level is an override level (LRO/RLO).
// In an override level, characters are layed out purely
// left to right, or purely right to left. No reordering of digits
// or strong characters of opposing direction takes place.
// Note that this initial value is reset by LRE, RLE, LRO or
// RLO codes in the string.
//p fInhibitSymSwap: TRUE if the shaping engine is to bypass mirroring of
// Unicode Mirrored glyphs such as brackets. Set by Unicode
// character ISS, cleared by ASS.
//p fCharShape: TRUE if character codes in the Arabic Presentation Forms
// areas of Unicode should be shaped. (Not implemented).
//p fDigitSubstitute: TRUE if character codes U+0030 through U+0039
// (European digits) are to be substituted by national digits.
// Set by Unicode NADS, Cleared by NODS.
//p fInhibitLigate: TRUE if ligatures are not to be used in the shaping
// of Arabic or Hebrew characters.
//p fDisplayZWG: TRUE if control characters are to be shaped as
// representational glyphs. (Normally, control characters are
// shaped to the blank glyph and given a width of zero).
//p fArabicNumContext: TRUE indicates prior strong characters were Arabic
// for the purposes of rule P0 on page 3-19 of 'The Unicode
// Standard, version 2.0'. Should normally be set TRUE before
// itemizing an RTL paragraph in an Arabic language, FALSE
// otherwise.
//p fGcpClusters: For GetCharaterPlacement legacy support only.
// Initialise to TRUE to request ScriptShape to generate
// the LogClust array the same way as GetCharacterPlacement
// does in Arabic and Hebrew Windows95. Affects only Arabic
// and Hebrew items.
//p fReserved: Reserved. Always initialise to 0.
//p fEngineReserved: Reserved. Always initialise to 0.
// Each analysed item is described by a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS structure.
// It also includes a copy of the Unicode algorithm state (SCRIPT_STATE).
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_ANALYSIS {
WORD eScript :10; // Shaping engine
WORD fRTL :1; // Rendering direction
WORD fLayoutRTL :1; // Set for GCP classes ARABIC/HEBREW and LOCALNUMBER
WORD fLinkBefore :1; // Implies there was a ZWJ before this item
WORD fLinkAfter :1; // Implies there is a ZWJ following this item.
WORD fLogicalOrder :1; // Set by client as input to ScriptShape/Place
WORD fNoGlyphIndex :1; // Generated by ScriptShape/Place - this item does not use glyph indices
//p eScript: Opaque value identifying which engine Uniscribe will use to
// Shape, Place and TextOut this item. The value of eScript is
// undefined, and will change in future releases, but attributes
// of eScript may be obtained by calling ScriptGetProperties.
//p fRTL: Rendering direction. Normally identical to the parity of the
// Unicode embedding level, but may differ if overridden by
// GetCharacterPlacement legacy support.
//p fLayoutRTL: Logical direction - whether conceptually part of a
// left-to-right sequenece or a right-to-left sequence. Although
// this is usually the same as fRTL, for a number in a
// right-to-left run, fRTL is False (because digits are always
// displayed LTR), but fLayoutRTL is True (because the number is
// read as part of the right-to-left sequence).
//p fLinkBefore: If set, the shaping engine will shape the first character
// of this item as if it were joining with a previous character.
// Set by ScriptItemize, may be overriden before calling ScriptShape.
//p fLinkAfter: If set, the shaping engine will shape the last character
// of this item as if it were joining with a subsequient character.
// Set by ScriptItemize, may be overriden before calling ScriptShape.
//p fLogicalOrder: If set, the shaping engine will generate all glyph
// related arrays in logical order. By default glyph related
// arrays are in visual order, the first array entry corresponding
// to the leftmost glyph.
// Set to FALSE by ScriptItemize, may be overriden before calling
// ScriptShape.
//p fNoGlyphIndex: May be set TRUE on input to ScriptShape to disable use
// of glyphs for this item. Additionally, ScriptShape will set it
// TRUE for hdcs containing symbolic, unrecognised and device fonts.
// Disabling glyphing disables complex script shaping. When set,
// shaping and placing for this item is implemented directly by
// calls to GetTextExtentExPoint and ExtTextOut.
// The SCRIPT_ITEM structure includes a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS with the string
// ofset of the first character of the item.
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_ITEM {
int iCharPos; // Logical offset to first character in this item
//p iCharPos: Offset from beginning of itemised string to first character
// of this item, counted in Unicode codepoints (i.e. words).
//p a: Script analysis structure containing analysis specific to this
// item, to be passed to ScriptShape, ScriptPlace etc.
///// ScriptItemize - break text into items
// Breaks a run of unicode into individually shapeable items.
// Items are delimited by
// o Change of shaping engine
// o Change of direction
// The client may create multiple runs from each item returned by
// ScriptItemize, but should not combine multiple items into a single run.
// Later the client will call ScriptShape for each run (when measuring or
// rendering), and must pass the SCRIPT_ANALYSIS that ScriptItemize
// returned.
const WCHAR *pwcInChars, // In Unicode string to be itemized
int cInChars, // In Codepoint count to itemize
int cMaxItems, // In Max length of itemization array
const SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl, // In Analysis control (optional)
const SCRIPT_STATE *psState, // In Initial bidi algorithm state (optional)
SCRIPT_ITEM *pItems, // Out Array to receive itemization
int *pcItems); // Out Count of items processed (optional)
// Returns E_INVALIDARG if pwcInChars == NULL or cInChars == 0
// or pItems == NULL or cMaxItems < 2.
// Returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if the output buffer length (cMaxItems) is
// insufficient. Note that in this case, as in all error cases, no
// items have been fully processed so no part of the output array
// contains defined values.
// If psControl and psState are NULL on entry, ScriptItemize
// breaks the unicode string purely by character code. If they are all
// non-null, it performs a full Unicode bidi analysis.
// ScriptItemize always adds a terminal item to the item analysis array
// (pItems) such that the length of an item at pItem is always available as:
//c pItem[1].iCharPos - pItem[0].iCharPos
// For this reason, it is invalid to call ScriptItemize with a buffer
// of less than two SCRIPT_ANALYSIS items.
// To perform a correct Unicode Bidi analysis, the SCRIPT_STATE should
// be initialised according to the paragraph reading order at paragraph
// start, and ScriptItemize should be passed the whole paragraph.
// fRTL and fNumeric together provide the same classification as
// the lpClass output from GetCharacterPlacement.
// European digits U+0030 through U+0039 may be rendered as national
// digits as follows:
//t fDigitSubstitute | FContextDigits | Digit shapes displayed for Unicode U+0030 through U+0039
//t ---------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------
//t False | Any | Western (European / American) digits
//t True | False | As specified in SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLanguage
//t True | True | As prior strong text, defaulting to SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLanguage
// For fContextDigits, any Western digits (U+0030 - U+0039) encountered
// before the first strongly directed character are substituted by the
// traditional digits of the SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLanguage when that
// language is written in the same direction as SCRIPT_STATE.uBidiLevel.
// Thus, in a right-to-left string, if SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLanguage is
// 1 (LANG_ARABIC), then leading Western digits will be substituted by
// traditional Arabic digits.
// However, also in a right-to-left string, if SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLanguage
// is 0x1e (LANG_THAI), then no substitution occurs on leading Western
// digits because the Thai language is written left-to-right.
// Following strongly directed characters, digits are substituted
// by the traditional digits associated with the closest prior strongly
// directed character.
// The left-to-right mark (LRM) and right-to-left mark (RLM) are strong
// characters whose language depends on the SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLangauge.
// If SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLangauge is a left-to-right langauge, then
// LRM causes subsequent Western digits to be substituted by the
// traditional digits associated with that language, while Western
// digits following RLM are not substituted.
// Conversly, if SCRIPT_CONTROL.uDefaultLangauge is a right-to-left
// langauge, then Western digits following LRM are not substituted, while
// Western digits following RLM are substituted by the traditional digits
// associated with that language.
// Effect of Unicode control characters on SCRIPT_STATE:
//t SCRIPT_STATE flag | Set by | Cleared by
//t ----------------- | ------ ----------
//t fDigitSubstitute | NADS | NODS
//t fInhibitSymSwap | ISS | ASS
//t fCharShape | AAFS | IAFS
// SCRIPT_STATE.fArabicNumContext controls the Unicode EN->AN rule.
// It should normally be initialised to TRUE
// before itemizing an RTL paragraph in an Arabic language, FALSE
// otherwise.
///// ScriptLayout
// The ScriptLayout function converts an array of run embedding levels to
// a map of visual to logical position, and/or logical to visual position.
// pbLevel must contain the embedding levels for all runs on the line,
// ordered logically.
// On output, piVisualToLogical[0] is the logical index of the run to
// display at the far left. Subsequent entries should be displayed
// progressing from left to right.
// piLogicalToVisual[0] is the relative visual position where the first
// logical run should be displayed - the leftmost display position being zero.
// The caller may request either piLogicalToVisual or piVisualToLogical
// or both.
// Note: No other input is required since the embedding levels give all
// necessary information for layout.
int cRuns, // In Number of runs to process
const BYTE *pbLevel, // In Array of run embedding levels
int *piVisualToLogical, // Out List of run indices in visual order
int *piLogicalToVisual); // Out List of visual run positions
// The script justification enumeration provides the client with the
// glyph characteristic information it needs to implement justification.
typedef enum tag_SCRIPT_JUSTIFY {
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_NONE = 0, // Justification can't be applied at this glyph
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BLANK = 1, // This glyph represents a blank in an Arabic run
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER = 2, // Inter-character justification point follows this glyph
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED1 = 3, // Reserved #1
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_BLANK = 4, // This glyph represents a blank outside an Arabic run
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED2 = 5, // Reserved #2
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED3 = 6, // Reserved #3
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_NORMAL = 7, // Normal Middle-Of-Word glyph that connects to the right (begin)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_KASHIDA = 8, // Kashida(U+640) in middle of word
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_ALEF = 9, // Final form of Alef-like (U+627, U+625, U+623, U+632)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_HA = 10, // Final form of Ha (U+647)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_RA = 11, // Final form of Ra (U+631)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BA = 12, // Middle-Of-Word form of Ba (U+628)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_BARA = 13, // Ligature of alike (U+628,U+631)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_ARABIC_SEEN = 14, // Highest priority: Initial shape of Seen(U+633) (end)
SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_RESERVED4 = 15, // Reserved #4
// The visual (glyph) attribute buffer generated by ScriptShape
// identifies clusters and justification points:
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_VISATTR {
WORD uJustification :4; // Justification class
WORD fClusterStart :1; // First glyph of representation of cluster
WORD fDiacritic :1; // Diacritic
WORD fZeroWidth :1; // Blank, ZWJ, ZWNJ etc, with no width
WORD fReserved :1; // General reserved
WORD fShapeReserved :8; // Reserved for use by shaping engines
//p uJustification: Justification class for this glyph. See SCRIPT_JUSTIFY.
//p fClusterStart: Set for the logically first glyph in every cluster,
// even for clusters containing just one glyph.
//p fDiacritic: Set for glyphs that combine with base characters.
//p fZeroWidth: Set by the shaping engine for some, but not all, zero
// width characters.
///// ScriptShape
// The ScriptShape function takes a Unicode run and generates glyphs and
// visual attributes.
// The number of glyphs generated varies according to the script and the
// font. Only for simple scripts and fonts does each Unicode code point
// generates a single glyph.
// There is no limit on the number of glyphs generated by a codepoint.
// For example, a sophisticated complex script font might choose to
// constuct characters from components, and so generate many times as
// many glyphs as characters.
// There are also special cases like invalid character representations,
// where extra glyphs are added to represent the invalid sequence.
// A reasonable guess might be to provide a glyph buffer 1.5 times the
// length of the character buffer, plus a 16 glyph fixed addition for
// rare cases like invalid sequenece representation.
// If ScriptShape returns E_OUTOFMEMORY it will be necessary to recall
// it, possibly more than once, until a large enough buffer is found.
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see under caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Cache handle
const WCHAR *pwcChars, // In Logical unicode run
int cChars, // In Length of unicode run
int cMaxGlyphs, // In Max glyphs to generate
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // InOut Result of ScriptItemize (may have fNoGlyphIndex set)
WORD *pwOutGlyphs, // Out Output glyph buffer
WORD *pwLogClust, // Out Logical clusters
SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // Out Visual glyph attributes
int *pcGlyphs); // Out Count of glyphs generated
// Returns E_OUTOFMEMORY if the output buffer length (cMaxGlyphs) is
// insufficient. Note that in this case, as in all error cases, the
// content of all output parameters are undefined.
//p psa: Pass the SCRIPT_ANALYSIS field of the SCRIPT_ITEM entry for this
// item. (The SCRIPT_ITEM array is returned by ScriptItemize.)
// Clusters are sequenced uniformly within the run, as are glyphs within
// the cluster - the fRTL item flag (from ScriptItemize) identifies
// whether left to right, or right to left.
//p pwLogClust: has cChars elements - each entry in pwLogClust corresponds
// to a character in the input string (pwcChars). The value in each
// pwLogCLust entry is the offset of the first glyph in the cluster
// that contains this character.
// Example: In the following example, there are four clusters:
// 1st cluster: one character represented by one glyph
// 2nd cluster: one character represented by 3 glyphs
// 3rd cluster: three characters represented by one glyph
// 4th cluster: 2 characters represented by three glyphs
// Glyph array: (c<n>g<m> means cluster n glyph m)
//c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
//c -------------------------------------------------
//c | c1g1 | c2g1 c2g2 c2g3 | c3g1 | c4g1 c4g2 c4g3 |
//c -------------------------------------------------
// Character array: (c<n>u<m> means cluster n Unicode codepoint m)
//c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
//c --------------------------------------------
//c | c1u1 | c2u1 | c3u1 c3u2 c3u3 | c4u1 c4u2 |
//c --------------------------------------------
// LogClust: (one entry per character gives 1st glyph in cluster
//c --------------------------------------------
//c | 0 | 1 | 4 4 4 | 5 5 |
//c --------------------------------------------
// Note that for an RTL run (SCRIPT_ANALYSIS.a.fRTL == TRUE) and when
// fLogicalOrder == FALSE (the default), glyphs are generated in visual
// order - the reverse of the codepoint order, and the values in the
// LogClust array will be descending.
//p psva: has one visual attribute per glyph and so has maxGlyphs entries.
// ScriptShape may set the fNoGlyphIndex flag in psa if the font or
// OS cannot support glyph indices.
// If fLogicalOrder is requested in psa, glyphs will be always be
// generated in the same order as the original Unicode characters.
// If fLogicalOrder is not set, right to left items are generated in
// reverse order, so ScriptTextOut does not need to reverse them before
// calling ExtTextOut.
///// ScriptPlace
// The ScriptPlace function takes the output of a ScriptShape call and
// generates glyph advance width and 2D offset information.
// The composite ABC width for the whole item identifies how much the
// glyphs overhang to the left of the start position and to the right of
// the length implied by the sum of the advance widths.
// The total advance width of the line is exactly abcA + abcB + abcC.
// abcA and abcC are maintained internally by Uniscribe as proportions
// of the cell height represented in 8 bits and are thus roughly +/- 1%.
// The total width returned (as the sum of piAdvance, and as the sum of
// abcA+abcB+abcC) is accurate to the resolution of the TrueType shaping
// engine.
// All glyph related arrays are in visual order unless the fLogicalOrder
// flag is set in psa.
typedef struct tagGOFFSET {
LONG du;
LONG dv;
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see under caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Cache handle
const WORD *pwGlyphs, // In Glyph buffer from prior ScriptShape call
int cGlyphs, // In Number of glyphs
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Visual glyph attributes
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // InOut Result of ScriptItemize (may have fNoGlyphIndex set)
int *piAdvance, // Out Advance wdiths
GOFFSET *pGoffset, // Out x,y offset for combining glyph
ABC *pABC); // Out Composite ABC for the whole run (Optional)
///// ScriptTextOut
// The ScriptTextOut function takes the output of both ScriptShape and
// ScriptPlace calls and calls the operating system ExtTextOut function
// appropriately. If the last parameter is not null, GDI's ExtTextOutW calls
// are routed to this function.
// All arrays are in visual order unless the fLogicalOrder flag is set in
// psa.
const HDC hdc, // In OS handle to device context (required)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Cache handle
int x, // In x,y position for first glyph
int y, // In
UINT fuOptions, // In ExtTextOut options
const RECT *lprc, // In optional clipping/opaquing rectangle
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Result of ScriptItemize
const WCHAR *pwcReserved, // In Reserved (requires NULL)
int iReserved, // In Reserved (requires 0)
const WORD *pwGlyphs, // In Glyph buffer from prior ScriptShape call
int cGlyphs, // In Number of glyphs
const int *piAdvance, // In Advance widths from ScriptPlace
const int *piJustify, // In Justified advance widths (optional)
const GOFFSET *pGoffset); // In x,y offset for combining glyph
// The caller should normally use SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RIGHT) before
// calling ScriptTextOut with an RTL item inlogical order.
// The piJustify array provides requested cell widths for each glyph.
// When the piJustify width of a glyph differs from the unjustified
// width (in PiAdvance), space is added to or removed from the glyph
// cell at it's trailing edge. The glyph is always aligned with the
// leading edge of it's cell. (This rule applies even in visual order.)
// When a glyph cell is extended the extra space is uaually made up by
// the addition of white space, however for Arabic scripts, the extra
// space is made up by one or more kashida glyphs, unless the extra space
// is insufficient for the shortest kashida glyph in the font. (The
// width of the shortest kashida is available by calling
// ScriptGetFontProperties.)
// piJustify should only be passed if re-justification of the string is
// required. Normally pass NULL to this parameter.
// fuOptions may contain ETO_CLIPPED or ETO_OPAQUE (or neither or both).
// Do not use ScriptTextOut to write to a metafile unless you are sure
// that the metafile will eventually be played back without any font
// substitution. ScriptTextOut record glyph numbers in the metafile.
// Since glyph numbers vary considerably from one font to another
// such a metafile is unlikely to play back correctly when differant
// fonts are substituted.
// For example when a metafile is played back at a different scale
// CreateFont requests recorded in the metafile may resolve to bitmap
// instead of truetype fonts, or if the metafile is played back on
// a different machine requested fonts may not be installed.//
// To write complex scripts in a metafile in a font independant manner,
// use ExtTextOut to write the logical characters directly, so that
// glyph generation and placement does not occur until the text is
// played back.
///// ScriptJustify
// ScriptJustify provides a simple minded implementation of multilingual
// justification.
// Sophisticated text formatters may prefer to generate their own delta
// dx array by combining their own features with the information returned
// by ScriptShape in the SCRIPT_VISATTR array.
// ScriptJustify establishes how much adjustment to make at each glyph
// position on the line. It interprets the SCRIPT_VISATTR array generated
// by a call to ScriptShape, and gives top priority to kashida, then uses
// inter word spacing if there's no kashida points, then uses
// intercharacter spacing if there are no inter-word points.
// The justified advance widths generated in ScriptJustify should be
// passed to ScriptTextOut in the piJustify paramter.
// ScriptJustify creates a justify array containing updated advance
// widths for each glyph. Where a glyphs advance width is increased, it
// is expected that the extra width will be rendered to the right of the
// glyph, with as white space or, for Arabic text, as kashida.
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Collected visual attributes for entire line
const int *piAdvance, // In Advance widths from ScriptPlace
int cGlyphs, // In Size of all arrays
int iDx, // In Desired width change, either increase or descrease
int iMinKashida, // In Minimum length of continuous kashida glyph to generate
int *piJustify); // Out Updated advance widths to pass to ScriptTextOut
// The SCRIPT_LOGATTR structure describes attributes of logical
// characters useful when editing and formatting text.
// Note that for wordbreaking and linebreaking, if the first character of
// the run passed in is not whitespace, the client needs to check whether
// the last character of the previous run is whitespace to determine if
// the first character of this run is the start of a word.
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_LOGATTR {
BYTE fSoftBreak :1; // Potential linebreak point
BYTE fWhiteSpace :1; // A unicode whitespace character, except NBSP, ZWNBSP
BYTE fCharStop :1; // Valid cursor position (for left/right arrow)
BYTE fWordStop :1; // Valid cursor position (for ctrl + left/right arrow)
BYTE fInvalid :1; // Invalid character sequence
BYTE fReserved :3;
//p fSoftBreak: It would be valid to break the line in front of this
// character. This flag is set on the first character of
// South-East Asian words. Note that when linebreaking the
// client would usually also treat any nonblank following a blank
// as a softbreak position, by inspecting the fWhiteSPace flag
// below.
//p fWhiteSpace: This character is one of the many Unicode character
// that are classified as breakable whitespace.
//p fCharStop: Valid cursor position. Set on most characters, but not
// on codepoints inside Indian and South East Asian character
// clusters. May be used to implement left and right arrow
// operation in editors.
//p fWordStop: Valid position following word advance/retire commonly
// implemented at ctrl/left-arrow and ctrl/right-arrow.
// May be used to implement ctrl+left and ctrl+right arrow
// operation in editors. As with fSoftBreak clients should
// normally also inspect the fWhiteSpace flag and treat the
// first character after a run of whitespace as the start of a
// word.
//p fInvalid: Marks characters which form an invalid or undisplayable
// combination. Scripts which can set this flag have the flag
// fInvalidLogAttr set in their SCRIPT_PROPERTIES.
///// ScriptBreak
// The ScriptBreak function returns cursor movement and formatting break
// positions for an item as an array of SCRIPT_LOGATTRs. To support
// mixed formatting within a single word correctly, ScriptBreak should
// be passed whole items as returned by ScriptItemize.
// ScriptBreak does not require an hdc and does not execute glyph shaping.
// The fCharStop flag marks cluster boundaries for those scripts where
// it is conventional to restrict from moving inside clusters. The same
// boundaries could also be inferred by inspecting the pLogCLust array
// returned by ScriptShape, however ScriptBreak is considerably faster in
// implementation and does not require an hdc to be prepared.
// The fWordStop, fSoftBreak and fWhiteSpace flags are only available
// through ScriptBreak.
// Most shaping engines that identify invalid sequences do so by setting
// the fInvalid flag in ScriptBreak. The fInvalidLogAttr flag in
// ScriptProperties identifies which scripts do this.
const WCHAR *pwcChars, // In Logical unicode item
int cChars, // In Length of unicode item
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Result of earlier ScriptItemize call
SCRIPT_LOGATTR *psla); // Out Logical character attributes
///// ScriptCPtoX
// The ScriptCPtoX function returns the x offset from the left end
// (!fLogical) or leading edge (fLogical) of a run to either the leading
// or the trailing edge of a logical character cluster.
// iCP is the offset of any logical character in the cluster.
// For scripts where the caret may conventionally be placed into the
// middle of clusters (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew), the returned X may be
// an interpolated position for any codepoint in the line.
// For scripts where the caret is conventionally snapped to the boundaries
// of clusters, (e.g. Thai, Indian), the resulting X position will be
// snapped to the requested edge of the cluster containing CP.
int iCP, // In Logical character position in run
BOOL fTrailing, // In Which edge (default - leading)
int cChars, // In Count of logical codepoints in run
int cGlyphs, // In Count of glyphs in run
const WORD *pwLogClust, // In Logical clusters
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Visual glyph attributes array
const int *piAdvance, // In Advance widths
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Script analysis from item attributes
int *piX); // Out Resulting X position
///// ScriptXtoCP
// The ScriptXtoCP function converts an x offset from the left end
// (!fLogical) or leading edge (fLogical) of a run to a logical
// character position and a flag that indicates whether the X position
// fell in the leading or the trailing half of the character.
// For scripts where the cursor may conventionally be placed into the
// middle of clusters (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew), the returned CP may be
// for any codepoint in the line, and fTrailing will be either zero
// or one.
// For scripts where the cursor is conventionally snapped to the
// boundaries of a cluster, the returned CP is always the position of
// the logically first codepoint in a cluster, and fTrailing is either
// zero, or the number of codepoints in the cluster.
// Thus the appropriate cursor position for a mouse hit is always the
// returned CP plus the value of fTrailing.
// If the X positition passed is not in the item at all, the resulting
// position will be the trailing edge of character -1 (for X positions
// before the item), or the leading edge of character 'cChars' (for
// X positions following the item).
int iX, // In X offset from left of run
int cChars, // In Count of logical codepoints in run
int cGlyphs, // In Count of glyphs in run
const WORD *pwLogClust, // In Logical clusters
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Visual glyph attributes
const int *piAdvance, // In Advance widths
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Script analysis from item attributes
int *piCP, // Out Resulting character position
int *piTrailing); // Out Leading or trailing half flag
///// Relationship between caret positions, justifications points and clusters
//t Job | Uniscribe support
//t -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------
//t Caret move by character cluster | LogClust or VISATTR.fClusterStart or LOGATTR.fCharStop
//t Line breaking between characters | LogClust or VISATTR.fClusterStart or LOGATTR.fCharStop
//t Caret move by word | LOGATTR.fWordStop
//t Line breaking between words | LOGATTR.fWordStop
//t Justification | VISATTR.uJustification
///// Character clusters
// Character clusters are glyph sequences that cannot be split between
// lines.
// Some languages (e.g. Thai, Indic) restrict caret placement to points
// betwen clusters. This applies both to keyboard initiated caret
// movement (e.g. cursor keys) and pointing and clicking with the mouse
// (hit testing).
// Uniscribe provides cluster information in both the visual and logical
// attributes. If you've called ScriptShape you'll find the cluster
// information represented both by sequences of the same value in the
// pwLogClust array, and by the fClusterStart flag in the psva
// ScriptBreak also returns the fCharStop flag in the SCRIPT_LOGATTR
// array to identify cluster positions.
///// Word break points
// Valid positions for moving the caret when moving in whole words are
// marked by the fWordStop flag returned by ScriptBreak.
// Valid positions for breaking lines between words are marked by the
// fSoftBreak flag returned by ScriptBreak.
///// Justification
// Justification space or kashida should be inserted where identified by
// the uJustificaion field of the SCRIPT_VISATTR.
// When performing inter-character justification, insert extra space
// only after glyphs marked with uJustify == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER.
///// Script specific processing
// Uniscribe provides information about special processing for each
// script in the SCRIPT_PROPERTIES array.
// Use the following code during initialisation to get a pointer to
//c const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES **g_ppScriptProperties; // Array of pointers to properties
//c int iMaxScript;
//c HRESULT hr;
//c hr = ScriptGetProperties(&g_ppScriptProperties, &g_iMaxScript);
// Then inspect the properties of the script of an item 'iItem' as follows:
//c hr = ScriptItemize( ... , pItems, ... );
//c ...
//c if (g_ppScriptProperties[pItems[iItem].a.eScript]->fNeedsCaretInfo) {
//c // Use ScriptBreak to restrict the caret from entering clusters (for example).
//c }
// Caret placement should be restricted to cluster
// edges for scripts such as Thai and Indian. The fNeedsCaretInfo flag
// in SCRIPT_PROPERTIES identifies such languages.
// Note that ScriptXtoCP and ScriptCPtoX automatically apply caret
// placement restictions.
// SCRIPT_PROPERTIES.fNeedsWordBreaking
// For most scripts, word break placement may be
// identified by scanning for characters marked as fWhiteSpace in
// SCRIPT_LOGATTR, or for glyphs marked as uJustify ==
// For languages such as Thai, it is also necessary to call ScriptBreak,
// and include character positions marked as fWordStop in SCRIPT_LOGATTR.
// Such scripts are marked as fNeedsWordbreaking in SCRIPT_PROPERTIES.
// SCRIPT_PROPERTIES.fNeedsCharacterJustify
// Languages such as Thai also require inter-character spacing when
// justifying (where uJustify == SCRIPT_JUSTIFY_CHARACTER in the
// SCRIPT_VISATTR). Such languages are marked as fNeedsCharacterJustify
// SCRIPT_PROPERTIES.fAmbiguousCharSet
// Many Uniscribe scripts do not correspond directly to 8 bit character
// sets. For example Unicode characters in the range U+100 through U+024F
// represent extended latin shapes used for many languages, including
// VIETNAMESE_CHARSET. However many of these characters are supported by
// more han one of thsese charsets.
// fAmbiguousCharset is set for any script token which could contain
// characters from a number of these charsets. In these cases the bCharSet
// field may contain ANSI_CHARSET or DEFAULT_CHARSET. The Uniscribe client
// will generally need to apply futher processing to determine which charset
// to use when requesting a font suitable for this run. For example it
// determine that the run consists of multiple languages and split it up
// to use a different font for each language.
///// Notes on ScriptXtoCP and ScriptCPtoX
// Both functions work only within runs and require the results of a
// previous ScriptShape call.
// The client must establish which run a given cursor offset or x
// position is within before passing it to ScriptCPtoX or ScriptXtoCP.
// Cluster information in the logical cluster array is used to share
// the width of a cluster of glyphs equally among the logical characters
// they represent.
// For example, the lam alif glyph is divided into four areas: the
// leading half of the lam, the trailing half of the lam, the leading
// half of the alif and the trailing half of the alif.
// ScriptXtoCP Understands the caret position conventions of each script.
// For Indian and Thai, caret positions are snapped to cluster boundaries,
// for Arabic and Hebrew, caret positions are interpolated within clusters.
///// Translating mouse hit 'x' offset to caret position
// Conventionally, caret position 'cp' may be selected by clicking either
// on the trailing half of character 'cp-1' or on the leading half of
// character 'cp'. This may easily be implemented as follows:
//c int iCharPos;
//c int iCaretPos
//c int fTrailing;
//c ScriptXtoCP(iMouseX, ..., &iCharPos, &fTrailing);
//c iCaretPos = iCharPos + fTrailing;
// For scripts that snap the caret to cluster boundaries, ScriptXtoCP
// returns ftrailing set to either 0, or the width of the cluster in
// codepoints. Thus the above code correctly returns only valid
// caret positions.
///// Displaying the caret in bidi strings
// In unidirectional text, the leading edge of a character is at the same
// place as the trailing edge of the previous character, so there is no
// ambiguity in placing the caret between characters.
// In bidirectional text, the caret position between runs of opposing
// direction may be ambiguous.
// For example in the left to right paragraph 'helloMAALAS', the last
// letter of 'hello' immediately preceeds the first letter of 'salaam'.
// The best position to display the caret depends on whether it is
// considered to follow the 'o' of 'hello', or to preceed the 's' of
// 'salaam'.
///// Commonly used caret positioning conventions
//t Situation | Visual caret placement
//t --------- | -------------------------------------------
//t Typing | Trailing edge of last character typed
//t Pasting | Trailing edge of last character pasted
//t Caret advancing | Trailing edge of last character passed over
//t Caret retiring | Leading edge of last character passed over
//t Home | Leading edge of line
//t End | Trailing edge of line
// The caret may be positioned as follows:
//c if (advancing) {
//c ScriptCPtoX(iCharPos-1, TRUE, ..., &iCaretX);
//c } else {
//c ScriptCPtoX(iCharPos, FALSE, ..., &iCaretX);
//c }
// Or, more simply, given an fAdvancing BOOL restricted to TRUE or FALSE:
//c ScriptCPtoX(iCharPos-fAdvancing, fAdvancing, ..., &iCaretX);
// ScriptCPtoX handles out of range positions logically: it returns the
// leading edge of the run for iCharPos <0, and the trailing edge of the
// run for iCharPos >=length.
///// ScriptGetLogicalWidths
// Converts visual withs in piAdvance into logical widths,
// one per original character, in logical order.
// Ligature glyphs widths are divided evenly amongst the characters
// they represent.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetLogicalWidths(
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Script analysis from item attributes
int cChars, // In Count of logical codepoints in run
int cGlyphs, // In Count of glyphs in run
const int *piGlyphWidth, // In Advance widths
const WORD *pwLogClust, // In Logical clusters
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Visual glyph attributes
int *piDx); // Out Logical widths
// ScriptGetLogicalWidths is useful for recording widths in a
// font independant manner. By passing the recorded logical widths
// to ScriptApplyLogicalWidths, a block of text can be replayed in the
// same boundaries with acceptable loss of quality even when the original
// font is not available.
///// ScriptApplyLogicalWidth
// Accepts an array of advance widths in logical order, corresponding
// one to one with codepoints, and generates an array of glyph widths
// suitable for passing to the piJustify parameter of ScriptTextOut.
// ScriptApplyLogicalWidth may be used to reapply logical widths
// obtained with ScriptGetLogicalWidths. It may be useful in situations
// such as metafiling, where it is necessary to record and reapply
// advance width information in a font independant manner.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptApplyLogicalWidth(
const int *piDx, // In Logical dx array to apply
int cChars, // In Count of logical codepoints in run
int cGlyphs, // In Glyph count
const WORD *pwLogClust, // In Logical clusters
const SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva, // In Visual attributes from ScriptShape/Place
const int *piAdvance, // In Glyph advance widths from ScriptPlace
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // In Script analysis from item attributes
ABC *pABC, // InOut Updated item ABC width (optional)
int *piJustify); // Out Resulting glyph advance widths for ScriptTextOut
//p piDx: Pointer to an array of dx widths in logical order, one per codepoint.
//p cChars: Count of the logical codepoints in the run.
//p cGlyphs: Glyph count.
//p pwLogClust: Pointer to an array of logical clusters from ScriptShape
//p psva: Pointer to an array of visual attributes from ScriptShape and
// updated by ScriptPlace.
//p piAdvance: Pointer to an array of glyph advance widths from ScriptPlace.
//p psa: Pointer to a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS structure from ScriptItemize and
// updated by ScriptShape and SriptPlace..
//p pABC: Pointer to the run overall ABC width (optional). If present,
// when the function is called, it should contain the run ABC width
// returned by ScriptPlace; when the function returns, the ABC width
// has been updated to match the new widths.
//p piJustify:Pointer to an array of the resulting glyph advance widths.
// This is suitable for passing to the piJustify parameter of ScriptTextOut.
///// ScriptGetCMap
// ScriptGetCMap may be used to determine which characters in a run
// are supported by the selected font.
// It returns glyph indices of Unicode characters according to Truetype
// Cmap table, or standard Cmap implemented for old style fonts. The
// glyph indices are returned in the same order as the input string.
// The caller may scan the returned glyph buffer looking for the default
// glyph to determine which characters are not available. (The default
// glyph index for the selected font should be determined by calling
// ScriptGetFontProperties).
// The return value indicates the presence of any missing glyphs.
#define SGCM_RTL 0x00000001 // Return mirrored glyph for mirrorable Unicode codepoints
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see notes on caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Address of Cache handle
const WCHAR *pwcInChars, // In Unicode codepoint(s) to look up
int cChars, // In Number of characters
DWORD dwFlags, // In Flags such as SGCM_RTL
WORD *pwOutGlyphs); // Out Array of glyphs, one per input character
// returns S_OK - All unicode codepoints were present in the font
// S_FALSE - Some of the Unicode codepoints were mapped to the default glyph
// E_HANDLE - font or system does not support glyph indices
///// ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth
// Returns ABC width of a given glyph.
// May be useful for drawing glyph charts. Should not be used for
// run of the mill complex script text formatting.
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see notes on caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Address of Cache handle
WORD wGlyph, // In Glyph
ABC *pABC); // Out ABC width
// returns S_OK - Glyph width returned
// E_HANDLE - font or system does not support glyph indices
typedef struct {
DWORD langid :16; // Primary and sublanguage associated with script
DWORD fNumeric :1;
DWORD fComplex :1; // Script requires special shaping or layout
DWORD fNeedsWordBreaking :1; // Requires ScriptBreak for word breaking information
DWORD fNeedsCaretInfo :1; // Requires caret restriction to cluster boundaries
DWORD bCharSet :8; // Charset to use when creating font
DWORD fControl :1; // Contains only control characters
DWORD fPrivateUseArea :1; // This item is from the Unicode range U+E000 through U+F8FF
DWORD fNeedsCharacterJustify :1; // Requires inter-character justification
DWORD fInvalidGlyph :1; // Invalid combinations generate glyph wgInvalid in the glyph buffer
DWORD fInvalidLogAttr :1; // Invalid combinations are marked by fInvalid in the logical attributes
DWORD fCDM :1; // Contains Combining Diacritical Marks
DWORD fAmbiguousCharSet :1; // Script does not correspond 1:1 with a charset
DWORD fClusterSizeVaries :1; // Measured cluster width depends on adjacent clusters
DWORD fRejectInvalid :1; // Invalid combinations should be rejected
//p langid: Language associated with this script. When a script is used for many languages,
// langid id represents a default language. For example, Western script is represented
// by LANG_ENGLISH although it is also used for French, German, Spanish etc.
//p fNumeric: Script contains numerics and characters used in conjunction with numerics
// by the rules of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. For example
// dollar sign and period are classified as numeric when adjacent to or in between
// digits.
//p fComplex: Indicates a script that requires complex script handling. If fComplex is false
// the script contains no combining characters and requires no contextual shaping or reordering.
//p fNeedsWordBreaking: A script, such as Thai, which requires algorithmic wordbreaking.
// Use ScriptBreak to obtain a wordbreak points using the standard system wordbreaker.
//p fNeedsCaretInfo: A script, such as Thai and Indian, where the caret may not be placed
// inside a cluster. To determine valid caret positions inspect the fCharStop flag in the
// logical attributes returned by ScriptBreak, or compare adjacent values in the pwLogClust
// array returned by ScriptShape.
//p bCharSet: Nominal charset associated with script. May be used in a logfont when creating
// a font suitable for displaying this script. Note that for new scripts where there
// is no charset defined, bCharSet may be innapropriate and DEFAULT_CHARSET should
// be used instead - see the description of fAmbiguousCharSet below.
//p fControl: contains control characters.
//p fPrivateUseArea: The Unicode range U+E000 through U+F8FF.
//p fNeedsCharacterJustify: A script, such as Thai, where justification is conventionally
// achieved by increasing the space between all letters, not just between words.
//p fInvalidGlyph: A script for which ScriptShape generates an invalid glyph
// to represent invalid sequences. The glyph index of the invalid glyph for
// a particular font may be obtained by calling ScriptGetFontProperties.
//p fInvalidLogAttr: A script for which ScriptBreak sets the fInvalid flag
// in the logical attributes to mark invalid sequences.
//p fCDM: Implies that an item analysed by ScriptItemize included combining
// diacritical marks (U+0300 through U+36F).
//p fAmbiguousCharSet: No single legacy charset supports this script.
// For example the extended Latin Extended-A Unicode range includes
// characters from the EASTUROPE_CHARSET, the TURKISH_CHARSET and the
// BALTIC_CHARSET. It also contains characters that are not available
// in any legacy charset. Use DEFAULT_CHARSET when creating fonts to
// display parts of this run.
//p fClusterSizeVaries: A script, such as Arabic, where contextual shaping
// may cause a string to increase in size when removing characters.
//p fRejectInvalid: A script, such as Thai, where invalid sequences conventionally
// cause an editor such as notepad to beep, and ignore keypresses.
///// ScriptGetProperties
// ScriptGetProperties returns the address of a table that maps a
// script in a SCRIPT_ANALYSIS uScript field to properties including
// the primary language associated with that script, whether it's
// numeric and whether it's complex.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetProperties(
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES ***ppSp, // Out Receives pointer to table of pointers to properties indexed by script
int *piNumScripts); // Out Receives number of scripts (valid values are 0 through NumScripts-1)
typedef struct {
int cBytes; // Structure length
WORD wgBlank; // Blank glyph
WORD wgDefault; // Glyph used for Unicode values not present in the font
WORD wgInvalid; // Glyph used for invalid character combinations (especially in Thai)
WORD wgKashida; // Shortest continuous kashida glyph in the font, -1 if doesn't exist
int iKashidaWidth; // Widths of shortest continuous kashida glyph in the font
///// ScriptGetFontProperties
// Returns information from the font cache
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptGetFontProperties(
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see notes on caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Address of Cache handle
SCRIPT_FONTPROPERTIES *sfp); // Out Receives properties for this font
///// ScriptCacheGetHeight
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptCacheGetHeight(
HDC hdc, // In Optional (see notes on caching)
SCRIPT_CACHE *psc, // InOut Address of Cache handle
long *tmHeight); // Out Receives font height in pixels
///// ScriptStringAnalyse
#define SSA_PASSWORD 0x00000001 // Input string contains a single character to be duplicated iLength times
#define SSA_TAB 0x00000002 // Expand tabs
#define SSA_CLIP 0x00000004 // Clip string at iReqWidth
#define SSA_FIT 0x00000008 // Justify string to iReqWidth
#define SSA_DZWG 0x00000010 // Provide representation glyphs for control characters
#define SSA_FALLBACK 0x00000020 // Use fallback fonts
#define SSA_BREAK 0x00000040 // Return break flags (character and word stops)
#define SSA_GLYPHS 0x00000080 // Generate glyphs, positions and attributes
#define SSA_RTL 0x00000100 // Base embedding level 1
#define SSA_GCP 0x00000200 // Return missing glyphs and LogCLust with GetCharacterPlacement conventions
#define SSA_HOTKEY 0x00000400 // Replace '&' with underline on subsequent codepoint
#define SSA_METAFILE 0x00000800 // Write items with ExtTextOutW Unicode calls, not glyphs
#define SSA_LINK 0x00001000 // Apply FE font linking/association to non-complex text
#define SSA_HIDEHOTKEY 0x00002000 // Remove first '&' from displayed string
#define SSA_HOTKEYONLY 0x00002400 // Display underline only.
#define SSA_FULLMEASURE 0x04000000 // Internal - calculate full width and out the number of chars can fit in iReqWidth.
#define SSA_LPKANSIFALLBACK 0x08000000 // Internal - enable FallBack for all LPK Ansi calls Except BiDi hDC calls
#define SSA_PIDX 0x10000000 // Internal
#define SSA_LAYOUTRTL 0x20000000 // Internal - Used when DC is mirrored
#define SSA_DONTGLYPH 0x40000000 // Internal - Used only by GDI during metafiling - Use ExtTextOutA for positioning
#define SSA_NOKASHIDA 0x80000000 // Internal - Used by GCP to justify the non Arabic glyphs only.
//p SSA_HOTKEY: Note that SSA_HOTKEY and SSA_HIDEHOTKEY remove the
// hotkey '&' character from further processing, so functions
// such as ScriptString_pLogAttr return arrays based on a string
// which excludes the '&'.
// Defines tabstop positions for ScriptStringAnalyse (ignored unless SSA_TAB passed)
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_TABDEF {
int cTabStops; // Number of entries in pTabStops array
int iScale; // Scale factor for pTabStops (see below)
int *pTabStops; // Pointer to array of one or more tab stops
int iTabOrigin; // Initial offset for tab stops (logical units)
//p cTabStops: Number of entries in the pTabStops array. If zero, tabstops
// are every 8 average character widths. If one, all tabstops are
// the length of the first entry in pTabStops. If more than one,
// the first cTabStops are as specified in the pTabStops array,
// subsequent tabstops are every 8 average characters from the last
// tabstop in the array.
//p iScale: Scale factor for iTabOrigin and pTabStops entries. Values are
// converted to device coordinates by multiplying by iScale then
// dividing by 4. If values are already in device units, set iScale to
// 4. If values are in dialog units, set iScale to the average char
// width of the dialog font. If values are multiples of the average
// character width for the selected font, set iScale to 0.
//p pTabStops: Array of cTabStops entries. Each entry specifies a
// tabstop position. Positive values give nearedge alignment,
// negative values give faredge alignment.
//p iTabOrigin: Tabs are considered to start iTabOrigin before the
// beginning of the string. Helps with multiple tabbed
// outputs on the same line.
///// ScriptStringAnalyse
// cString - Input string must contain at least one character
// hdc - required if SSA_GLYPH requested. Optional for SSA_BREAK.
// If present the current font in the hdc is inspected and if a symbolic
// font the character string is treated as a single neutral SCRIPT_UNDEFINED item.
// Note that the uBidiLevel field in the initial SCRIPT_STATE value
// is ignored - the uBidiLevel used is derived from the SSA_RTL
// flag in combination with the layout of the hdc.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringAnalyse(
HDC hdc, //In Device context (required)
const void *pString, //In String in 8 or 16 bit characters
int cString, //In Length in characters (Must be at least 1)
int cGlyphs, //In Required glyph buffer size (default cString*1.5 + 16)
int iCharset, //In Charset if an ANSI string, -1 for a Unicode string
DWORD dwFlags, //In Analysis required
int iReqWidth, //In Required width for fit and/or clip
SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl, //In Analysis control (optional)
SCRIPT_STATE *psState, //In Analysis initial state (optional)
const int *piDx, //In Requested logical dx array
SCRIPT_TABDEF *pTabdef, //In Tab positions (optional)
const BYTE *pbInClass, //In Legacy GetCharacterPlacement character classifications (deprecated)
SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); //Out Analysis of string
///// ScriptStringFree - free a string analysis
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringFree(
SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS *pssa); //InOut Address of pointer to analysis
///// ScriptStringSize
// returns a pointer to the size (width and height) of an analysed string
// Note that the SIZE pointer remains valid only until the
// SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS is passed to ScriptStringFree.
const SIZE* WINAPI ScriptString_pSize(
///// ScriptString_pcOutChars
// returns pointer to length of string after clipping (requires SSA_CLIP set)
// Note that the int pointer remains valid only until the
// SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS is passed to ScriptStringFree.
const int* WINAPI ScriptString_pcOutChars(
///// ScriptString_pLogAttr
// returns pointer to logical attributes buffer in a SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS
// Note that the buffer pointer remains valid only until the
// SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS is passed to ScriptStringFree.
// The logical attribute array contains *ScriptString_pcOutChars(ssa)
// entries.
const SCRIPT_LOGATTR* WINAPI ScriptString_pLogAttr(
///// ScriptStringGetOrder
// Creates an array mapping original character position to glyph position.
// Treats clusters as they were in legacy systems - Unless a cluster
// contains more glyphs than codepoints, each glyph is referenced at
// least once from the puOrder array.
// Requires SSA_GLYPHS requested in original ScriptStringAnalyse call.
// The puOrder parameter should address a buffer containing room for
// at least *ScriptString_pcOutChars(ssa) ints.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringGetOrder(
UINT *puOrder);
///// ScriptStringCPtoX
// Return x coordinate for leading or trailing edge of character icp.
SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, //In String analysis
int icp, //In Caret character position
BOOL fTrailing, //In Which edge of icp
int *pX); //Out Corresponding x offset
///// ScriptStringXtoCP
int iX, // In
int *piCh, // Out
int *piTrailing); // Out
///// ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths
// Converts visual withs in psa->piAdvance into logical widths,
// one per original character, in logical order.
// Requires SSA_GLYPHS requested in original ScriptStringAnalyse call.
// The piDx parameter should address a buffer containing room for
// at least *ScriptString_pcOutChars(ssa) ints.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths(
int *piDx);
///// ScriptStringValidate
// Scans the string analysis for invalid glyphs.
// Only glyphs generated by scripts that can generate invalid glyphs
// are scanned.
// returns S_OK - no invalid glyphs are present
// S_FALSE - one or more invalid glyphs are present
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptStringValidate(
///// ScriptStringOut
// Displays the string generated by a prior ScriptStringAnalyze call,
// then optionally adds highlighting corresponding to a logical selection.
// Requires SSA_GLYPHS requested in original ScriptStringAnalyse call.
SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS ssa, //In Analysis with glyphs
int iX, //In
int iY, //In
UINT uOptions, //In ExtTextOut options
const RECT *prc, //In Clipping rectangle (iff ETO_CLIPPED)
int iMinSel, //In Logical selection. Set iMinSel>=iMaxSel for no selection
int iMaxSel, //In
BOOL fDisabled); //In If disabled, only the background is highlighted.
// uOptions may nclude only ETO_CLIPPED or ETO_OPAQUE.
///// ScriptIsComplex
// Determines whether a Unicode string requires complex script processing
// The dwFlags parameter may include the following requests
#define SIC_COMPLEX 1 // Treat complex script letters as complex
#define SIC_ASCIIDIGIT 2 // Treat digits U+0030 through U+0039 as complex
#define SIC_NEUTRAL 4 // Treat neutrals as complex
// SIC_COMPLEX: Should normally set. Causes complex script letters to
// be treated as complex.
// SIC_ASCIIDIGIT: Set this flag if the string would be displayed with
// digit substitution enabled. If you are following the users NLS
// settings using the ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution API, you can pass
// scriptDigitSubstitute.DigitSubstitute != SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE.
// SIC_NEUTRAL: Set this flag if you may be displaying the string with
// right-to-left reading order. When this flag is set, neutral characters
// are considered as complex.
// Returns S_OK if string requires complex script processing,
// S_FALSE if string contains only characters laid out side by
// side from left to right.
const WCHAR *pwcInChars, //In String to be tested
int cInChars, //In Length in characters
DWORD dwFlags); //In Flags (see above)
///// ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution
// Reads NLS native digit and digit substitution settings and records
// them in the SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE structure.
typedef struct tag_SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE {
DWORD NationalDigitLanguage :16; // Language for native substitution
DWORD TraditionalDigitLanguage :16; // Language for traditional substitution
DWORD DigitSubstitute :8; // Substitution type
DWORD dwReserved; // Reserved
//p NationalDigitLanguage: Standard digits for the selected locale as
// defined by the countries standard setting authority.
//p TraditionalDigitLangauge: Digits originally used with the locales
// script.
//p DigitSubstitute: Selects between None, Context, National and
// Traditional. See ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution below for
// constant definitions.
// Although most complex scripts have their own associated digits, many
// countries using those scripts use western (so called
// 'Arabic') digits as their standard. NationalDigitLanguage reflects the
// digits used as standard, and is set from
// the NLS data for the locale.
// On Windows 2000 the national digit langauge can be
// adjusted to any digit script with the control panel/regional
// options/numbers/Standard digits listbox.
// The TraditionalDigitLanguage for a locale is derived directly from the
// script used by that locale.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution(
LCID Locale, // In LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT or desired locale
SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE *psds); // Out Digit substitution settings
//p Locale: NLS locale to be queried. Should usually be set to
// LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT. Alternatively may be passed as a locale
// combined with LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE to obtain default settings
// for a given locale. Note that context digit substitution is
// supported only in ARABIC and FARSI locales. In other locales,
// context digit is mapped to no substitution.
//p psds: Pointer to SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE. This structure may be passed
// later to ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution.
//p returns: E_INVALIDARG if Locale is invalid or not installed. E_POINTER
// if psds is NULL. Otherwise S_OK.
// For performance reasons, you should not call
// ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution frequently. In particular it would be a
// considerable overhead to call it every time you call ScriptItemize
// or ScriptStringAnalyse.
// Instead, you may choose to save the SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE
// structure, and update it only when you receive a
// WM_SETTINGCHANGE message or when a RegNotifyChangeKeyValue
// call in a dedicated thread indicates a change in the registry
// under HKCU\Control Panel\\International.
// The normal way to call this function is simply
//c ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &sds);
// Then every time you itemize, you'd use the results like this:
//c SCRIPT_CONTROL sc = {0};
//c SCRIPT_STATE ss = {0};
//c ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution(&sds, &sc, &ss);
///// ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution
// Aplies the digit substitution settings recorded in a
// SCRIPT_STATE structures.
// The DigitSubstitute field of the SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE structure
// is normally set by ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution, however it may
// be replaced by any one of the following values:
#define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_CONTEXT 0 // Substitute to match preceeding letters
#define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE 1 // No substitution
#define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NATIONAL 2 // Substitute with official national digits
#define SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_TRADITIONAL 3 // Substitute with traditional digits of the locale
//p SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_CONTEXT: Digits U+0030 - U+0039 will be
// substituted according to the language of prior letters. Before
// any letters, digits will be substituted according to the
// TraditionalDigitLangauge field of the SCRIPT_DIGIT_SUBSTITUTE
// structure. This field is normally set to the primary language of
// the Locale passed to ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution.
//p SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NONE: Digits will not be substituted. Unicode
// values U+0030 to U+0039 will be displayed with Arabic (i.e.
// Western) numerals.
//p SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_NATIONAL: Digits U+0030 - U+0039 will be
// substituted according to the NationalDigitLangauge field of
// the SCRIPT_DIGIT_SUBSTITUTE structure. This field is normally
// set to the national digits returned for the NLS LCTYPE
// LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS by ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution.
//p SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE_TRADITIONAL: Digits U+0030 - U+0039 will be
// substituted according to the TraditionalDigitLangauge field of
// the SCRIPT_DIGIT_SUBSTITUTE structure. This field is normally
// set to the primary language of the Locale passed to
// ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution.
HRESULT WINAPI ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution(
const SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE *psds, // In Digit substitution settings
SCRIPT_CONTROL *psc, // Out Script control structure
SCRIPT_STATE *pss); // Out Script state structure
//p psds: Pointer to SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE structure recorded earlier.
// If NULL, ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution calls
// ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution with LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT.
//p psc: SCRIPT_CONTROL structure. The fContextDigits and uDefaultLanguage
// fields will be updated.
//p pss: SCRIPT_CONTROL structure. The fDigitSubstitute field will be
// updated.
//p returns: E_INVALIDARG if the DigitSubstitute field of the
// SCRIPT_DIGITSUBSTITUTE structure is unrecognised, else S_OK;
#ifdef __cplusplus