README for the BMC PATROL Agent with WBEM adapter Version 1.0.01 for Windows 2000 Copyright © 1998 BMC Software, Inc. ------------------------------------------------ 1. Pre-Installation ------------------------------------------------ 1. Install the WBEM SDK. The download site is currently at 2. Due to a problem with the WMI install it is necessary to place the WMI core component directory in the path. This is usually in the system folder i.e. c:\winnt\system32\wbem. 3. Ensure that the Windows Management service is started. 4. Documentation may be found at ------------------------------------------------ 2. Installation ------------------------------------------------ To install: 1. To install the BMC Software PATROL Agent with WBEM adpater user must be a loacl account and a member of the 'Administrators' group as well as have following seven rights: 1. Act as part of the operating system 2. Debug programs 3. Increase quotas 4. Log on as a service 5. Log on locally 6. Profile system performance 7. Replace a process level token 2. If you wish to use the WBEM KM to monitor and manage cimom, you must install on a machine running the PATROL NT console. 3. Ensure that the WBEM tools are in the path and that you are logged on with WBEM administrator privileges. 4. Stop the Windows Management service then restart it to ensure that the WMI providers are located properly. 5. Test the installation by running WBEM CIM Studio or the WBEM CIM object browser and enumerating the instances of the PATROL classes inheriting from PATROL_ManagedObject within the root/CIMV2 or root/patrol namespaces. The PATROL_KM_... classes will not have any instances until you create and register a KM-specific MOF file as described in the documentation. 6. Restart your computer after install. The files will be installed in the following location on the target computer, where <PATROL_HOME> is the environment variable created during PATROL installation: <PATROL_HOME>\bin - InternalCommand.dll PatrolAgent.dll PACfg.exe PatrolAgent.exe PatrolPerf.exe reinitagent.exe service.ini inServ.ini Uninst.dll <PATROL_HOME>\lib - config.lic - license file config.defaul - PATROL Agent's configuration file <PATROL_HOME>\lib\knowledge - StdEvents.ctg <PATROL_HOME>\lib\nls\C\1 - <PATROL_HOME>\lib\PSL - boot_collector.psl - edit_inst_filter_lib.psl - fs_edit_filter_list.psl - fs_find_file_like.psl - fs_manual_mount.psl - fs_remove_file_like.psl - fs_unmount_manual.psl - get_700_nproc.psl - kernel.psl - log_appl_config.psl - make_preloaded_km_list.psl - response_def_lib.lib - SNMP_lib.lib - SNMP_lib.psl - SNMPReconfig.psl - SNMPStart.psl - SNMPStart_NT.psl - uname_collector.psl - unix_misc_lib.lib - unix_misc_lib.psl - unixkm_version.psl - unixware_parm_filter.psl - vms_startup.psl - vms_vmssnmpstart.psl <PATROL_HOME>\lib\wbem\tools - PATROL/WBEM executables and support files Setupex.exe - WBEM Adapter install pwinstpr.dll - Instance Provider evtprov.dll - Event Provider pemsvr.exe - PEM COM Server msgdll.dll - Event Log DLL km2mof.exe - KM to MOF Utility km2mof.res - KM to MOF Resources pkmparser.dll - KMP COM Server pwbem.xpc - PSL API Server msvcrt.dll - MS Visual C runtime DLL msvcirt.dl - MS Visual C DLL msvcp50.dll - MS Visual C DLL mfc42.dll - MFC 4.2 DLL msvbvm50.dll - MS Visual Basic 5.0 DLL <PATROL_HOME>\lib\wbem\schemas - Standard Schemas patagent.mof patcimv2.mof patevent.mof patkm.mof patremot.mof <PATROL_HOME>\lib\wbem\doc Documentation wbpi1000.pdf - Installation Guide wbpnr100.pdf - Release Notes <PATROL_HOME>\lib\knowledge - PATROL Knowledge Modules wbem.kml <PATROL_HOME>\lib\msgs - Message files wbem.msg util.msg <PATROL_HOME>\lib\psl - PATROL libraries pwbemlib.lib utlutl.lib utmsgsl.lib utstdmsgl.lib utstrl.lib wbemutil.lib wbemcmdagentadd.psl wbemcmdagentdefaults.psl wbemcmdagentdelete.psl wbemcmdagentdetails.psl wbemcmdagentmodify.psl wbemcmdcimomstart.psl wbemcmdcimomstop.psl wbemcmdconfig.psl wbemcmdexport.psl wbemcmdkmdetails.psl wbemcmdloadkm.psl wbemcmdloadmof.psl wbemcmdprovdetails.psl wbemcmdquery.psl wbemcmdsysreport.psl wbemcmdunloadkm.psl wbemdiscovery.psl wbemprmproccoll.psl <PATROL_HOME>\lib\images - PATROL icons addrspace_ok.bmp database_ok.bmp database_warn.bmp dbms_ok.bmp filesystem_ok.bmp filesystem_warn.bmp process_ok.bmp process_warn.bmp The uninstall log file and uninstall extension dll will be copied to the System Root subdirectory. pwa_uninst.isu pwa_uninst.dll ------------------------------------------------ 3. Uninstallation ------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Uninstalling PATROL will not completely uninstall the PATROL Adapter for WBEM. To uninstall: 1. Stop the PATROL agent to ensure that it is not using the WBEM Adapter tools: net stop patrolagent 2. Stop CIMOM for the same reason: cimom /kill 3. Select Start/Settings/Control Panel 4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs 5. Highlight PATROL Adapter for WBEM and click the Add/Remove pushbutton. 6. The uninstall will verify that you do want to remove the product. Select Yes to uninstall. 5. The uninstall will remove files, Registry entries and CIMOM updates. --------------------------------------------------------- 4. Installation of the WBEM KM for the PATROL Console --------------------------------------------------------- The Knowledge Module included with the PATROL Adapter for WBEM can be installed separately on a computer that has the PATROL Console. After the PATROL Adapter for WBEM is successfully installed on one of the target systems the files listed above in the locations: <PATROL_HOME>\lib\knowledge - PATROL Knowledge Modules <PATROL_HOME>\lib\msgs - Message files <PATROL_HOME>\lib\psl - PATROL libraries <PATROL_HOME>\lib\images - PATROL icons must be manually copied to the corresponding location on the computer with the PATROL Console. Then the PATROL Adapter for WBEM installed on the target systems can be configured remotely from the PATROL Console system using the PATROL Adapter for WBEM Knowledge Module.