79 lines
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79 lines
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Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility Registry classes
a-raymcc 30-May-96 Created.
#ifndef _REG_H_
#define _REG_H_
#include "corepol.h"
#define WBEM_REG_WBEM __TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM")
#define WBEM_REG_WINMGMT __TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\CIMOM")
class POLARITY Registry
HKEY hPrimaryKey;
HKEY hSubkey;
int nStatus;
LONG m_nLastError;
enum { no_error, failed };
int Open(HKEY hStart, TCHAR *pszStartKey);
Registry(TCHAR *pszLocalMachineStartKey);
// This create a special read only version which is usefull for marshalling
// clients which are running with a lower priviledge set.
Registry(HKEY hRoot, REGSAM flags, TCHAR *pszStartKey);
Registry(HKEY hRoot, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM flags, TCHAR *pszStartKey);
int MoveToSubkey(TCHAR *pszNewSubkey);
int GetDWORD(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD *pdwValue);
int GetDWORDStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD *pdwValue);
int GetStr(TCHAR *pszValue, TCHAR **pValue);
// It is the callers responsibility to delete pData
int GetBinary(TCHAR *pszValue, byte ** pData, DWORD * pdwSize);
int SetBinary(TCHAR *pszValue, byte * pData, DWORD dwSize);
//Returns a pointer to a string buffer containing the null-terminated string.
//The last entry is a double null terminator (i.e. the registry format for
//a REG_MULTI_SZ). Caller has do "delete []" the returned pointer.
//dwSize is the size of the buffer returned.
TCHAR* GetMultiStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD &dwSize);
int SetDWORD(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD dwValue);
int SetDWORDStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD dwValue);
int SetStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, TCHAR *psvValue);
int SetExpandStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, TCHAR *psvValue);
//pData should be passed in with the last entry double null terminated.
//(i.e. the registry format for a REG_MULTI_SZ).
int SetMultiStr(TCHAR *pszValueName, TCHAR* pData, DWORD dwSize);
LONG GetLastError() { return m_nLastError; }
int DeleteValue(TCHAR *pszValueName);
int GetType(TCHAR *pszValueName, DWORD *pdwType);