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60 lines
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;convert.inc - macros and defines for floating point/ascii convertion routines
; Copyright (c) 1989-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Macros and defines for floating point/ascii convertion routines
;Revision History:
; 04/17/89 WAJ Initial version. Assembeler version of convert.h
; 04/20/89 WAJ Now defines constants for $i10_output() OutputFlags
; Constants
MAX_MAN_DIGITS equ 21 ; Largest number of decimal digits returned
;* Flags returned by __StrToLd()
SLD_UNDERFLOW equ 1 ; Underflow occurred. Zero returned.
SLD_OVERFLOW equ 2 ; Overflow occured. Infinity returned.
SLD_NODIGITS equ 4 ; No digits were found. Zero returned.
;* Output flags for $i10_output()
SO_FFORMAT equ 1 ; 'f' format. Use precision as number of digits to right of decimal.
; Structures
FloatOutStruct struc
FloatExp dw ?
FloatSign db ?
FloatStrLen db ?
FloatStr db (MAX_MAN_DIGITS + 1) dup(?)
FloatOutStruct ends