2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

258 lines
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Unit GdiPrim; Interface
The Gdi module is called directly by the QuickDraw (QD) module in order
to emit metafile primitives. It is responsible for accessing the current
CGrafPort structure in order to access the individual attribute settings.
It also supports the caching and redundant elimination of duplicate
elements when writing to the metafile.
Module Prefix: Gdi
/*--- states ---*/
#define Changed 0
#define Current 1
/*--- state table offsets ---*/
#define GdiPnPat 0x0001 /* fill patterns */
#define GdiBkPat 0x0002
#define GdiFillPat 0x0003
#define GdiPnSize 0x0004 /* pen attribs */
#define GdiPnMode 0x0005
#define GdiFgColor 0x0006 /* foreground, background */
#define GdiBkColor 0x0007
#define GdiPnFgColor 0x000A
#define GdiBkFgColor 0x000B
#define GdiFillFgColor 0x000C
#define GdiPnBkColor 0x000D
#define GdiBkBkColor 0x000E
#define GdiFillBkColor 0x000F
#define GdiTxFont 0x0010 /* text attribs */
#define GdiTxFace 0x0011
#define GdiTxSize 0x0012
#define GdiTxMode 0x0013
#define GdiTxRatio 0x0014
#define GdiChExtra 0x0015
#define GdiSpExtra 0x0016
#define GdiLineJustify 0x0017
#define GdiNumAttrib 0x0018
/*--- Action verbs ---*/
typedef Integer GrafVerb;
#define GdiFrame 0
#define GdiPaint 1
#define GdiErase 2
#define GdiInvert 3
#define GdiFill 4
/*--- metafile comment ---*/
#define PUBLIC 0xFFFFFFFF /* '....' public */
#define POWERPOINT_OLD 0x5050FE54 /* 'PP.T' PowerPoint 2.0 */
#define POWERPOINT 0x50504E54 /* 'PPNT' PowerPoint 3.0 */
#define PRIVATE 0x512D3E47 /* 'Q->G' QD2GDI */
#define SUPERPAINT 0x53504E54 /* 'SPNT' SuperPaint */
#define PC_REGISTERED 0x8000 /* PowerPoint callback flag */
#define QG_SIGNATURE "QuickDraw -> GDI"
#define BEGIN_GROUP 0 /* public comments */
#define END_GROUP 1
#define CREATOR 4
#define END_BANDING 7
#define PP_VERSION 0x00 /* PowerPoint comments */
#define PP_BFILEBLOCK 0x01
#define PP_BEGINPICTURE 0x02
#define PP_ENDPICTURE 0x03
#define PP_DEVINFO 0x04
#define PP_ENDHYPEROBJ 0x06
#define PP_BEGINFADE 0x07
#define PP_ENDFADE 0x08
#define PP_FONTNAME 0x11 /* GDI2QD round-trip */
#define PP_HATCHPATTERN 0x12
#define PP_BEGINCLIPREGION 0x40 /* clip regions from QD2GDI */
#define PP_MASK 0x44
#define PP_MACPP2COLOR 0x80
#define PP_WINGRAPH 0xAB
typedef struct
DWord signature;
Word function;
DWord size;
} Comment, far * CommentLPtr;
/*--- PostScript data buffer (POSTSCRIPT_DATA Escape) ---*/
typedef struct psbuf
Word length;
char data[1];
} PSBuf;
/*--- Conversion preferences ---*/
#define GdiPrefOmit 0
#define GdiPrefAbort 2
typedef struct
StringLPtr metafileName;
Byte penPatternAction;
Byte nonSquarePenAction;
Byte penModeAction;
Byte textModeAction;
Byte nonRectRegionAction;
Boolean optimizePP;
Byte noRLE;
} ConvPrefs, far * ConvPrefsLPtr;
/*--- Conversion results ---*/
typedef struct
HANDLE hmf; /* Global memory handle to the metafile */
RECT bbox; /* Tightly bounding rectangle in metafile units */
short inch; /* Length of an inch in metafile units */
} PICTINFO, FAR * PictInfoLPtr;
/*********************** Exported Function Definitions **********************/
void GdiOffsetOrigin( Point delta );
/* offset the current window origin and picture bounding box */
void GdiLineTo( Point newPt );
/* Emit line primitive with square endcaps */
void GdiRectangle( GrafVerb verb, Rect rect );
/* Emit rectangle primitive using action and dimensions parameters */
void GdiRoundRect( GrafVerb verb, Rect rect, Point oval );
/* Emit rounded rectangle primitive */
void GdiOval( GrafVerb verb, Rect rect );
/* Emit an oval primitive */
void GdiArc( GrafVerb verb, Rect rect, Integer startAngle, Integer arcAngle );
/* Emit an arc primitive */
void GdiPolygon( GrafVerb verb, Handle poly );
/* Emit polygon primitive */
void GdiRegion( GrafVerb verb, Handle rgn );
/* Emit region primitive */
void GdiTextOut( StringLPtr string, Point location );
/* draw the text at the location specified by location parameter. */
void GdiStretchDIBits( PixMapLPtr pixMapLPtr, Handle pixDataHandle,
Rect src, Rect dst, Word mode, Handle mask );
/* Draw a Windows device-independant bitmap */
void GdiSelectClipRegion( RgnHandle rgn );
/* Create a clipping rectangle or region using handle passed */
void GdiHatchPattern( Integer hatchIndex );
/* Use the hatch pattern index passed down to perform all ensuing fill
operations - 0-6 for a hatch value, -1 turns off the substitution */
void GdiFontName( Byte fontFamily, Byte charSet, StringLPtr fontName );
/* Set font characteristics based upno metafile comment from GDI2QD */
void GdiShortComment( CommentLPtr cmt );
/* Write public or private comment with no associated data */
void GdiEscape( Integer function, Integer count, StringLPtr data);
/* Write out a GDI Escape structure with no returned data */
void GdiSetConversionPrefs( ConvPrefsLPtr convPrefs);
/* Provide conversion preferences via global data block */
void GdiOpenMetafile( void );
/* Open metafile passed by GdiSetMetafileName() and perform any
initialization of the graphics state */
void GdiSetBoundingBox( Rect bbox, Integer resolution );
/* Set the overall picture size and picture resoulution in dpi */
void GdiCloseMetafile( void );
/* Close the metafile handle and end picture generation */
void GdiGetConversionResults( PictInfoLPtr pictInfoLPtr );
/* return results of the conversion */
void GdiMarkAsChanged( Integer attribCode );
/* indicate that the attribute passed in has changed */
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD fontType, LPARAM dataLPtr );
short fontType, LPSTR dataLPtr );
/* Callback function used to determine if a given font is available */
void GdiSamePrimitive( Boolean same );
/* indicate whether next primitive is the same or new */
void GdiEPSPreamble(Rect far *);
/* output GDI EPS filter PostScript preamble */
void GdiEPSTrailer( void );
/* output GDI EPS filter PostScript trailer */
void GdiEPSData(PSBuf far*);
/* output EPS PostScript data as GDI POSTSCRIPT_DATA Escape */