1278 lines
25 KiB
1278 lines
25 KiB
** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
struct JumpBuffer {
jmp_buf buf;
#define mysetjmp(x) setjmp((x)->buf)
#define mylongjmp(x,y) longjmp((x)->buf, y)
/* <<AT&T USL C++ Language System <3.0.1> 02/03/92>> */
/* < ../clients/glinterface.c++ > */
void *__vec_new (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_ct (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_dt (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_delete (void *, int , int , void *, int , int );
typedef int (*__vptp)(void);
struct __mptr {short d; short i; __vptp f; };
typedef unsigned int GLenum ;
typedef unsigned char GLboolean ;
typedef unsigned int GLbitfield ;
typedef signed char GLbyte ;
typedef short GLshort ;
typedef int GLint ;
typedef int GLsizei ;
typedef unsigned char GLubyte ;
typedef unsigned short GLushort ;
typedef unsigned int GLuint ;
typedef float GLfloat ;
typedef float GLclampf ;
typedef double GLdouble ;
typedef double GLclampd ;
typedef void GLvoid ;
typedef struct GLUquadricObj GLUquadricObj ;
typedef struct GLUtriangulatorObj GLUtriangulatorObj ;
struct GLUnurbsObj;
typedef unsigned int size_t ;
// extern void *malloc (size_t );
// extern void free (void *);
struct JumpBuffer;
struct Buffer;
struct Buffer {
struct Buffer *next__6Buffer ;
struct Pool;
enum __Q2_4Pool5Magic { is_allocated__Q2_4Pool5Magic = 62369, is_free__Q2_4Pool5Magic = 61858} ;
struct Pool {
struct Buffer *freelist__4Pool ;
char *blocklist__4Pool [32];
int nextblock__4Pool ;
char *curblock__4Pool ;
int buffersize__4Pool ;
int nextsize__4Pool ;
int nextfree__4Pool ;
int initsize__4Pool ;
char *name__4Pool ;
int magic__4Pool ;
void __glgrow__4PoolFv (struct Pool *);
struct PooledObj;
struct PooledObj {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
typedef float REAL ;
typedef void (*Pfvv )(void );
typedef void (*Pfvf )(float *);
typedef int (*cmpfunc )(void *, void *);
typedef REAL Knot ;
typedef REAL *Knot_ptr ;
struct TrimVertex;
struct PwlArc;
struct PwlArc {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct TrimVertex *pts__6PwlArc ;
int npts__6PwlArc ;
long type__6PwlArc ;
struct TrimVertex;
struct TrimVertex {
REAL param__10TrimVertex [2];
long nuid__10TrimVertex ;
typedef struct TrimVertex *TrimVertex_p ;
struct Bin;
struct Arc;
struct BezierArc;
typedef struct Arc *Arc_ptr ;
enum arc_side { arc_none = 0, arc_right = 1, arc_top = 2, arc_left = 3, arc_bottom = 4} ;
struct Arc;
struct Arc {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
Arc_ptr prev__3Arc ;
Arc_ptr next__3Arc ;
Arc_ptr link__3Arc ;
struct BezierArc *bezierArc__3Arc ;
struct PwlArc *pwlArc__3Arc ;
long type__3Arc ;
long nuid__3Arc ;
extern int __glbezier_tag__3Arc ;
extern int __glarc_tag__3Arc ;
extern int __gltail_tag__3Arc ;
struct Bin;
struct Bin {
struct Arc *head__3Bin ;
struct Arc *current__3Bin ;
struct Sorter;
struct Sorter {
int es__6Sorter ;
struct __mptr *__vptr__6Sorter ;
struct FlistSorter;
struct FlistSorter {
int es__6Sorter ;
struct __mptr *__vptr__6Sorter ;
struct Flist;
struct Flist {
REAL *pts__5Flist ;
int npts__5Flist ;
int start__5Flist ;
int end__5Flist ;
struct FlistSorter sorter__5Flist ;
struct Backend;
struct Jarcloc;
struct Jarcloc {
struct Arc *arc__7Jarcloc ;
struct TrimVertex *p__7Jarcloc ;
struct TrimVertex *plast__7Jarcloc ;
struct Trimline;
struct Trimline {
struct TrimVertex **pts__8Trimline ;
long numverts__8Trimline ;
long i__8Trimline ;
long size__8Trimline ;
struct Jarcloc jarcl__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex t__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex b__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex *tinterp__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex *binterp__8Trimline ;
struct Gridline;
struct Gridline {
long v__8Gridline ;
REAL vval__8Gridline ;
long vindex__8Gridline ;
long ustart__8Gridline ;
long uend__8Gridline ;
struct Uarray;
struct Uarray {
long size__6Uarray ;
long ulines__6Uarray ;
REAL *uarray__6Uarray ;
struct Backend;
struct TrimRegion;
void __gl__dt__8TrimlineFv (struct Trimline *, int );
void __gl__dt__6UarrayFv (struct Uarray *, int );
struct TrimRegion {
struct Trimline left__10TrimRegion ;
struct Trimline right__10TrimRegion ;
struct Gridline top__10TrimRegion ;
struct Gridline bot__10TrimRegion ;
struct Uarray uarray__10TrimRegion ;
REAL oneOverDu__10TrimRegion ;
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side {
struct Trimline *left__Q2_4Hull4Side ;
struct Gridline *line__Q2_4Hull4Side ;
struct Trimline *right__Q2_4Hull4Side ;
long index__Q2_4Hull4Side ;
struct Hull;
struct Hull {
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side lower__4Hull ;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side upper__4Hull ;
struct Trimline fakeleft__4Hull ;
struct Trimline fakeright__4Hull ;
struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion;
struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion;
struct Backend;
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct Mesher;
struct Mesher {
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side lower__4Hull ;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side upper__4Hull ;
struct Trimline fakeleft__4Hull ;
struct Trimline fakeright__4Hull ;
struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion;
struct Backend *backend__6Mesher ;
struct Pool p__6Mesher ;
unsigned int stacksize__6Mesher ;
struct GridTrimVertex **vdata__6Mesher ;
struct GridTrimVertex *last__6Mesher [2];
int itop__6Mesher ;
int lastedge__6Mesher ;
struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion;
extern float __glZERO__6Mesher ;
struct Backend;
struct GridVertex;
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct CoveAndTiler;
struct CoveAndTiler {
struct Backend *backend__12CoveAndTiler ;
struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion;
struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion;
extern int __glMAXSTRIPSIZE__12CoveAndTil0 ;
struct Backend;
struct Slicer;
struct Slicer {
struct Backend *backend__12CoveAndTiler ;
struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion;
struct Mesher OMesher;
struct Backend *backend__6Slicer ;
REAL oneOverDu__6Slicer ;
REAL du__6Slicer ;
REAL dv__6Slicer ;
int isolines__6Slicer ;
struct BezierArc;
struct TrimVertexPool;
struct ArcTessellator;
struct ArcTessellator {
struct Pool *pwlarcpool__14ArcTessellator ;
struct TrimVertexPool *trimvertexpool__14ArcTessellator ;
extern REAL __glgl_Bernstein__14ArcTessell0 [][24][24];
struct TrimVertexPool;
struct TrimVertexPool {
struct Pool pool__14TrimVertexPool ;
struct TrimVertex **vlist__14TrimVertexPool ;
int nextvlistslot__14TrimVertexPool ;
int vlistsize__14TrimVertexPool ;
struct Renderhints;
struct Backend;
struct Quilt;
struct Patchlist;
struct Curvelist;
struct JumpBuffer;
struct Subdivider;
enum __Q2_10Subdivider3dir { down__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 0, same__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 1, up__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 2, none__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 3} ;
struct Subdivider {
struct Slicer slicer__10Subdivider ;
struct ArcTessellator arctessellator__10Subdivider ;
struct Pool arcpool__10Subdivider ;
struct Pool bezierarcpool__10Subdivider ;
struct Pool pwlarcpool__10Subdivider ;
struct TrimVertexPool trimvertexpool__10Subdivider ;
struct JumpBuffer *jumpbuffer__10Subdivider ;
struct Renderhints *renderhints__10Subdivider ;
struct Backend *backend__10Subdivider ;
struct Bin initialbin__10Subdivider ;
struct Arc *pjarc__10Subdivider ;
int s_index__10Subdivider ;
int t_index__10Subdivider ;
struct Quilt *qlist__10Subdivider ;
struct Flist spbrkpts__10Subdivider ;
struct Flist tpbrkpts__10Subdivider ;
struct Flist smbrkpts__10Subdivider ;
struct Flist tmbrkpts__10Subdivider ;
REAL stepsizes__10Subdivider [4];
int showDegenerate__10Subdivider ;
int isArcTypeBezier__10Subdivider ;
struct Renderhints;
struct Renderhints {
REAL display_method__11Renderhints ;
REAL errorchecking__11Renderhints ;
REAL subdivisions__11Renderhints ;
REAL tmp1__11Renderhints ;
int displaydomain__11Renderhints ;
int maxsubdivisions__11Renderhints ;
int wiretris__11Renderhints ;
int wirequads__11Renderhints ;
struct GridVertex;
struct GridVertex {
long gparam__10GridVertex [2];
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct GridTrimVertex {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct TrimVertex dummyt__14GridTrimVertex ;
struct GridVertex dummyg__14GridTrimVertex ;
struct TrimVertex *t__14GridTrimVertex ;
struct GridVertex *g__14GridTrimVertex ;
typedef struct GridTrimVertex *GridTrimVertex_p ;
struct BasicCurveEvaluator;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
struct Backend;
struct Backend {
struct BasicCurveEvaluator *curveEvaluator__7Backend ;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator *surfaceEvaluator__7Backend ;
int wireframetris__7Backend ;
int wireframequads__7Backend ;
int npts__7Backend ;
REAL mesh__7Backend [3][4];
int meshindex__7Backend ;
struct Mapdesc;
struct Maplist;
void __gl__dt__4PoolFv (struct Pool *, int );
struct Maplist {
struct Pool mapdescPool__7Maplist ;
struct Mapdesc *maps__7Maplist ;
struct Mapdesc **lastmap__7Maplist ;
struct Backend *backend__7Maplist ;
struct Mapdesc *__gllocate__7MaplistFl (struct Maplist *, long );
void __glremove__7MaplistFP7Mapdesc (struct Maplist *, struct Mapdesc *);
enum Curvetype { ct_nurbscurve = 0, ct_pwlcurve = 1, ct_none = 2} ;
struct Property;
struct O_surface;
struct O_nurbssurface;
struct O_trim;
struct O_pwlcurve;
struct O_nurbscurve;
struct O_curve;
struct Quilt;
union __Q2_7O_curve4__C1;
union __Q2_7O_curve4__C1 {
struct O_nurbscurve *o_nurbscurve ;
struct O_pwlcurve *o_pwlcurve ;
struct O_curve;
struct O_curve {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
union __Q2_7O_curve4__C1 curve__7O_curve ;
int curvetype__7O_curve ;
struct O_curve *next__7O_curve ;
struct O_surface *owner__7O_curve ;
int used__7O_curve ;
int save__7O_curve ;
long nuid__7O_curve ;
struct O_nurbscurve;
struct O_nurbscurve {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct Quilt *bezier_curves__12O_nurbscurve ;
long type__12O_nurbscurve ;
REAL tesselation__12O_nurbscurve ;
int method__12O_nurbscurve ;
struct O_nurbscurve *next__12O_nurbscurve ;
int used__12O_nurbscurve ;
int save__12O_nurbscurve ;
struct O_curve *owner__12O_nurbscurve ;
struct O_pwlcurve;
struct O_pwlcurve {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct TrimVertex *pts__10O_pwlcurve ;
int npts__10O_pwlcurve ;
struct O_pwlcurve *next__10O_pwlcurve ;
int used__10O_pwlcurve ;
int save__10O_pwlcurve ;
struct O_curve *owner__10O_pwlcurve ;
struct O_trim;
struct O_trim {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct O_curve *o_curve__6O_trim ;
struct O_trim *next__6O_trim ;
int save__6O_trim ;
struct O_nurbssurface;
struct O_nurbssurface {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct Quilt *bezier_patches__14O_nurbssurface ;
long type__14O_nurbssurface ;
struct O_surface *owner__14O_nurbssurface ;
struct O_nurbssurface *next__14O_nurbssurface ;
int save__14O_nurbssurface ;
int used__14O_nurbssurface ;
struct O_surface;
struct O_surface {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct O_nurbssurface *o_nurbssurface__9O_surface ;
struct O_trim *o_trim__9O_surface ;
int save__9O_surface ;
long nuid__9O_surface ;
struct Property;
struct Property {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
long type__8Property ;
long tag__8Property ;
REAL value__8Property ;
int save__8Property ;
struct NurbsTessellator;
struct Knotvector;
struct Quilt;
struct DisplayList;
struct BasicCurveEvaluator;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
struct NurbsTessellator;
struct NurbsTessellator {
struct Renderhints renderhints__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Maplist maplist__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Backend backend__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Subdivider subdivider__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct JumpBuffer *jumpbuffer__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_pwlcurvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_nurbscurvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_curvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_trimPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_surfacePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_nurbssurfacePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool propertyPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool quiltPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct TrimVertexPool extTrimVertexPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inSurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isCurveModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isTrimModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isSurfaceModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isDataValid__16NurbsTessellator ;
int numTrims__16NurbsTessellator ;
int playBack__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_trim **nextTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_curve **nextCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_nurbscurve **nextNurbscurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_pwlcurve **nextPwlcurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_nurbssurface **nextNurbssurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_surface *currentSurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_trim *currentTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_curve *currentCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct DisplayList *dl__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct __mptr *__vptr__16NurbsTessellator ;
extern char *__glNurbsErrors [];
struct CachingEvaluator;
enum __Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode { play__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 0, record__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 1, playAndRecord__Q2_16CachingEvaluator11ServiceMode = 2} ;
struct CachingEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
struct BasicSurfaceEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
static void *__nw__FUi (size_t );
struct SurfaceMap;
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator;
struct StoredVertex;
struct StoredVertex;
struct StoredVertex {
int type__12StoredVertex ;
REAL coord__12StoredVertex [2];
long point__12StoredVertex [2];
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator;
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
struct StoredVertex *vertexCache__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator [3];
int tmeshing__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ;
int which__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ;
int vcount__22OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator ;
void __glcoord2f__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, REAL , REAL );
void __glpoint2i__22OpenGLSurfaceEv0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, long , long );
struct BasicCurveEvaluator;
struct BasicCurveEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
struct CurveMap;
struct OpenGLCurveEvaluator;
struct OpenGLCurveEvaluator {
struct __mptr *__vptr__16CachingEvaluator ;
struct GLUnurbsObj;
struct GLUnurbsObj {
struct Renderhints renderhints__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Maplist maplist__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Backend backend__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Subdivider subdivider__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct JumpBuffer *jumpbuffer__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_pwlcurvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_nurbscurvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_curvePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_trimPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_surfacePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool o_nurbssurfacePool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool propertyPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct Pool quiltPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct TrimVertexPool extTrimVertexPool__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inSurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
int inTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isCurveModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isTrimModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isSurfaceModified__16NurbsTessellator ;
int isDataValid__16NurbsTessellator ;
int numTrims__16NurbsTessellator ;
int playBack__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_trim **nextTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_curve **nextCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_nurbscurve **nextNurbscurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_pwlcurve **nextPwlcurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_nurbssurface **nextNurbssurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_surface *currentSurface__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_trim *currentTrim__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct O_curve *currentCurve__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct DisplayList *dl__16NurbsTessellator ;
struct __mptr *__vptr__16NurbsTessellator ;
GLUnurbsErrorProc errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj;
GLboolean autoloadmode__11GLUnurbsObj ;
struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator surfaceEvaluator__11GLUnurbsObj ;
struct OpenGLCurveEvaluator curveEvaluator__11GLUnurbsObj ;
void __gl__dt__22OpenGLSurfaceEvalu0 (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *, int );
void __gl__dt__20OpenGLCurveEvaluat0 (struct OpenGLCurveEvaluator *, int );
void __gl__dt__16NurbsTessellatorFv (struct NurbsTessellator *, int );
struct GLUnurbsObj *__gl__ct__11GLUnurbsObjFv (struct GLUnurbsObj *);
extern struct __mptr* __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gli0[];
struct GLUnurbsObj *gluNewNurbsRenderer (void )
struct GLUnurbsObj *__1t ;
struct GLUnurbsObj *__0__X23 ;
__1t = __gl__ct__11GLUnurbsObjFv ( (struct GLUnurbsObj *)0 ) ;
return __1t ;
void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
((void )( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )?( ( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> __vptr__16NurbsTessellator = (struct __mptr *) __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gli0[0]), (((struct
GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )?( ( __gl__dt__20OpenGLCurveEvaluat0 ( (struct OpenGLCurveEvaluator *)(& ((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> curveEvaluator__11GLUnurbsObj ), 2) , ( __gl__dt__22OpenGLSurfaceEvalu0 ( (struct OpenGLSurfaceEvaluator *)(&
((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> surfaceEvaluator__11GLUnurbsObj ), 2) , ( __gl__dt__16NurbsTessellatorFv ( ((struct NurbsTessellator *)((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )), 0 ) , (( (
(((void *)((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r ))?( free ( ((void *)((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r ))) , 0 ) :( 0 ) )) , 0 )
)) ) ) , 0 ) :( 0 ) )) , 0 ) :( 0 ) )) );
void __glbgnsurface__16NurbsTessell0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long );
void gluBeginSurface (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glbgnsurface__16NurbsTessell0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0 ) ;
void __glbgncurve__16NurbsTessellat0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long );
void gluBeginCurve (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glbgncurve__16NurbsTessellat0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0 ) ;
void __glendcurve__16NurbsTessellat0 (struct NurbsTessellator *);
void gluEndCurve (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glendcurve__16NurbsTessellat0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r ) ;
void __glendsurface__16NurbsTessell0 (struct NurbsTessellator *);
void gluEndSurface (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glendsurface__16NurbsTessell0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r ) ;
void __glbgntrim__16NurbsTessellato0 (struct NurbsTessellator *);
void gluBeginTrim (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glbgntrim__16NurbsTessellato0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r ) ;
void __glendtrim__16NurbsTessellato0 (struct NurbsTessellator *);
void gluEndTrim (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r )
__glendtrim__16NurbsTessellato0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r ) ;
void __glpwlcurve__16NurbsTessellat0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , float *, long , long );
void gluPwlCurve (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLint __1count , float *__1array ,
GLint __1stride , GLenum __1type )
GLenum __1realType ;
switch (__1type ){
case 100210 :
__1realType = 0x8 ;
break ;
case 100211 :
__1realType = 0xd ;
break ;
default :
__1realType = __1type ;
break ;
__glpwlcurve__16NurbsTessellat0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )__1count , __1array , (long )((sizeof (float ))* __1stride ), (long )__1realType ) ;
void __glnurbscurve__16NurbsTessell0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , float *, long , float *, long , long
void gluNurbsCurve (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLint __1nknots , float *__1knot , GLint __1stride ,
float *__1ctlarray , GLint __1order , GLenum __1type )
GLenum __1realType ;
switch (__1type ){
case 100210 :
__1realType = 0x8 ;
break ;
case 100211 :
__1realType = 0xd ;
break ;
default :
__1realType = __1type ;
break ;
__glnurbscurve__16NurbsTessell0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )__1nknots , __1knot , (long )((sizeof (float ))* __1stride ), __1ctlarray , (long )__1order ,
(long )__1realType ) ;
void __glnurbssurface__16NurbsTesse0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , float *, long , float *, long , long
, float *, long , long , long );
void gluNurbsSurface (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLint __1sknot_count , GLfloat *__1sknot ,
GLint __1tknot_count , GLfloat *__1tknot ,
GLint __1s_stride , GLint __1t_stride ,
GLfloat *__1ctlarray , GLint __1sorder , GLint __1torder ,
GLenum __1type )
__glnurbssurface__16NurbsTesse0 (
(struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )__1sknot_count , __1sknot , (long )__1tknot_count , __1tknot , (long )((sizeof (float ))* __1s_stride ), (long
)((sizeof (float ))* __1t_stride ), __1ctlarray , (long )__1sorder , (long )__1torder , (long )__1type ) ;
void __gluseGLMatrices__11GLUnurbsO0 (struct GLUnurbsObj *, GLfloat *, GLfloat *, GLint *);
void gluLoadSamplingMatrices (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLfloat *__1modelMatrix ,
GLfloat *__1projMatrix ,
GLint *__1viewport )
__gluseGLMatrices__11GLUnurbsO0 ( (struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r , __1modelMatrix , __1projMatrix , __1viewport ) ;
void __glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , long , float );
void __glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , float );
void gluNurbsProperty (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLenum __1property , GLfloat __1value )
GLfloat __1nurbsValue ;
switch (__1property ){
case 100200 :
( (__1value ?( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> autoloadmode__11GLUnurbsObj = 1 ), 0 ) :(((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> autoloadmode__11GLUnurbsObj = 0 )))
return ;
case 100201 :
if (__1value != 0.0 ){
__1nurbsValue = 1.0 ;
__1nurbsValue = 0.0 ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB7 , (long )2 , __1nurbsValue ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB8 , (long )2 , __1nurbsValue ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0D97 , (long )2 , __1nurbsValue ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0D98 , (long )2 , __1nurbsValue ) ;
return ;
case 100203 :
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB7 , (long )1 , __1value ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB8 , (long )1 , __1value ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0D97 , (long )1 , __1value ) ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0D98 , (long )1 , __1value ) ;
return ;
case 100204 :
if (__1value == 100012 ){
__1nurbsValue = 1.0 ;
if (__1value == 100240 ){
__1nurbsValue = 2.0 ;
if (__1value == 100241 ){
__1nurbsValue = 5.0 ;
( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ?( ((*((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ))( ((unsigned int )100901 )) , 0 )
:( 0 ) )) ;
return ;
__glsetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )3 , __1nurbsValue ) ;
break ;
default :
( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ?( ((*((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ))( ((unsigned int )100900 )) , 0 ) :(
0 ) )) ;
return ;
void __glgetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , long , float *);
void __glgetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT0 (struct NurbsTessellator *, long , float *);
void gluGetNurbsProperty (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLenum __1property , GLfloat *__1value )
GLfloat __1nurbsValue ;
switch (__1property ){
case 100200 :
if (( ((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> autoloadmode__11GLUnurbsObj ) ){
((*__1value ))= 1 ;
((*__1value ))= 0 ;
break ;
case 100201 :
__glgetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB7 , (long )2 , & __1nurbsValue ) ;
if (__1nurbsValue == 1.0 ){
((*__1value ))= 1 ;
((*__1value ))= 0 ;
break ;
case 100203 :
__glgetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT1 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )0x0DB7 , (long )1 , __1value ) ;
break ;
case 100204 :
__glgetnurbsproperty__16NurbsT0 ( (struct NurbsTessellator *)__1r , (long )3 , & __1nurbsValue ) ;
if (__1nurbsValue == 1.0 ){
((*__1value ))= 100012 ;
if (__1nurbsValue == 2.0 ){
((*__1value ))= 100240 ;
((*__1value ))= 100241 ;
break ;
default :
( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ?( ((*((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ))( ((unsigned int )100900 )) , 0 ) :(
0 ) )) ;
return ;
void gluNurbsCallback (struct GLUnurbsObj *__1r , GLenum __1which , void (CALLBACK*__1fn )())
switch (__1which ){
case 100103 :
__1r -> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj = (GLUnurbsErrorProc) __1fn ;
break ;
default :
( (((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ?( ((*((struct GLUnurbsObj *)__1r )-> errorCallback__11GLUnurbsObj ))( ((unsigned int )100900 )) , 0 ) :(
0 ) )) ;
return ;
extern struct __mptr __gl__vtbl__11GLUnurbsObj[];
static void *__nw__FUi (
size_t __1s )
void *__1__Xp00qshqaiaa ;
__1__Xp00qshqaiaa = malloc ( __1s ) ;
if (__1__Xp00qshqaiaa ){
return __1__Xp00qshqaiaa ;
return __1__Xp00qshqaiaa ;
struct __mptr* __gl__ptbl_vec_____clients_gli0[] = {
/* the end */