2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

81 lines
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3/17/01 JosephJ Stuff to do
1. Define interfaces for async error reporting.
0. Make ConfigureAndBind take an out parameter which is a generation number.
Sequence of steps:
1. Check for connectivity using ping
2. Do WMI operation
3. Verify result
1 hour: review code, make notes.
Operation: Connect To Existing
WMI core APIs
List of classes
LeftView.h (exe):class LeftView : public CTreeView, public DataSinkI
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::LeftView()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::~LeftView()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::GetDocument()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnInitialUpdate()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnRButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnWorldConnect()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnWorldNewCluster()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterProperties()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterManageVIPS()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnHostProperties()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterRemove()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterUnmanage()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterAddHost()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnHostRemove()
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterControl( UINT nID )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnClusterPortControl( UINT nID )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnHostControl( UINT nID )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnHostPortControl( UINT nID )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::dataSink( _bstr_t data )
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::OnSelchanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
LeftView.cpp (exe):LeftView::doesClusterExistInView( const _bstr_t& clusterToCheck )
JosephJ 3/21/01
Search MSDN for "Idle Loop Processing" -- there is code there for
adding MFC-compatible message processing while doing blocking operations.
JosephJ 3/24/01 using namespace std, vectors.
To use the <vector> template as is you need the statement:
using namespace std;
JosephJ 5/19/01 Code paths for main operations
1. Create New Cluster, add a host
2. Connect to existing cluster
3. Modify existing cluster's properties.
05/19/2001 JosephJ
Cluster node in treview is created in several places --
The name is set there (currently the cluster ip address)
Application Initialization
05/20/2001 JosephJ
When implementing the disclaimer dialog box, which has a checkbox...
DDX macros don't work in the context of the Application::InitInstance
function. So I had to use the CWnd::IsDlgButtonChecked macro.
This works. HOWEVER the DDX macros now work too -- so I changed something
and now it works.