2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

20 lines
648 B

// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
// are changed infrequently
#if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__D67445F8_3B92_4D93_85C4_44339E3A7E04__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_STDAFX_H__D67445F8_3B92_4D93_85C4_44339E3A7E04__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__D67445F8_3B92_4D93_85C4_44339E3A7E04__INCLUDED_)