750 lines
18 KiB
750 lines
18 KiB
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "limits.h"
/*********** STRINGS - Should _not_ be localized */
#define SZOFCROOT TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Office\\95\\")
#define SZOFCSHAREDROOT TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Shared Tools\\")
const TCHAR vcszCreateShortcuts[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("Shell Folders");
const TCHAR vcszKeyAnthem[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("Anthem");
const TCHAR vcszKeyFileNewNFT[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("FileNew\\NFT");
const TCHAR vcszKeyFileNewLocal[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("FileNew\\LocalTemplates");
const TCHAR vcszKeyFileNewShared[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("FileNew\\SharedTemplates");
const TCHAR vcszKeyFileNew[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("FileNew");
const TCHAR vcszFullKeyFileNew[] = TEXT("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\") SZOFCROOT TEXT("FileNew");
const TCHAR vcszKeyIS[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("IntelliSearch");
const TCHAR vcszSubKeyISToWHelp[] = TEXT("towinhelp");
const TCHAR vcszSubKeyAutoInitial[] = TEXT("CorrectTwoInitialCapitals");
const TCHAR vcszSubKeyAutoCapital[] = TEXT("CapitalizeNamesOfDays");
const TCHAR vcszSubKeyReplace[] = TEXT("ReplaceText");
const TCHAR vcszIntlPrefix[] = TEXT("MSO5");
const TCHAR vcszDllPostfix[] = TEXT(".DLL");
const TCHAR vcszName[] = TEXT("Name");
const TCHAR vcszType[] = TEXT("Type");
const TCHAR vcszApp[] = TEXT("Application");
const TCHAR vcszCmd[] = TEXT("Command");
const TCHAR vcszTopic[] = TEXT("Topic");
const TCHAR vcszDde[] = TEXT("DDEExec");
const TCHAR vcszRc[] = TEXT("ReturnCode");
const TCHAR vcszPos[] = TEXT("Position");
const TCHAR vcszPrevue[] = TEXT("Preview");
const TCHAR vcszFlags[] = TEXT("Flags");
const TCHAR vcszNFT[] = TEXT("NFT");
const TCHAR vcszMicrosoft[] = TEXT("Microsoft");
const TCHAR vcszElipsis[] = TEXT(" ...");
const TCHAR vcszLocalPath[] = TEXT("C:\\Microsoft Office\\Templates");
const TCHAR vcszAllFiles[] = TEXT("*.*\0\0");
const TCHAR vcszSpace[] = TEXT(" ");
const TCHAR vcszMSNInstalled[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MOS\\SoftwareInstalled");
const TCHAR vcszMSNDir[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("Microsoft Network");
const TCHAR vcszMSNLocDir[] = TEXT("Local Directory");
const TCHAR vcszMSNNetDir[] = TEXT("Network Directory");
const TCHAR vcszMSNFiles[] = TEXT("*.mcc\0\0");
const TCHAR vcszShellFolders[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders");
const TCHAR vcszUserShellFolders[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders");
const TCHAR vcszDefaultShellFolders[] = TEXT(".Default\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders");
const TCHAR vcszDefaultUserShellFolders[] = TEXT(".Default\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders");
const TCHAR vcszMyDocs[] = TEXT("Personal");
const TCHAR vcszNoTracking[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("Options\\NoTracking");
const TCHAR vcszOldDocs[] = SZOFCROOT TEXT("Old Doc");
#ifdef WAIT3340
const TCHAR vcszMSHelp[]= TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Help");
BOOL fChicago = TRUE; // Are we running on Chicago or what!!
* offglue.c
Util routines taken from office.c
| PAlloc
| Simple little routine that allocs memory in case the client did not
provide its function.
| Arguments:
| cb: number of bytes
| Returns:
| NULL if fails to alloc else the pointer
#define DEF_ALLOC_FLAGS (0x00000800)
void * (OFC_CALLBACK PAlloc)(unsigned cb)
void *pv;
pv=(void *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY | DEF_ALLOC_FLAGS,cb);
| FreeP
| Simple little routine that frees memory in case the client did not
provide its function
| Arguments:
pv: ptr to be freed
| cb: number of bytes
| Returns:
| nothing
void OFC_CALLBACK FreeP(void *pv, unsigned cb)
| PvMemAlloc
| Simple little routine that allocs memory
| Arguments:
| cb: number of bytes
| Returns:
| NULL if fails to alloc else the pointer
void *PvMemAlloc(DWORD cb)
void *pv;
pv = PAlloc((unsigned)cb);
| PvMemRealloc
| Simple little routine that reallocates memory
| Arguments:
| cb: number of bytes
| Returns:
| NULL if fails to alloc else the pointer
void *PvMemRealloc(void *pmem, DWORD cbOld, DWORD cbNew)
void *pv;
pv = PvMemAlloc(cbNew);
if (pv!=NULL && pmem)
PbMemCopy(pv, pmem, cbOld);
VFreeMemP(pmem, cbOld);
void *PvStrDup(LPCTSTR psz)
TCHAR *pszNew;
if ((pszNew = PvMemAlloc((CchTszLen(psz)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)))!=NULL)
SzCopy(pszNew, (void *)psz);
return pszNew;
| VFreeMemP
| Simple little routine that frees memory
| Arguments:
| pv: ptr to be freed
| cb: number of bytes
| Returns:
| nothing
void VFreeMemP(void *pv, DWORD cb)
// Purpose: To scan memory for a given value.
// Parameters: pb - pointer to memory
// bVal - value to scan for
// cb - cb pointed to by pb
// Returns: TRUE iff all the memory has the value cbVal.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOL FScanMem(LPBYTE pb, byte bVal, DWORD cb)
for (i = 0; i < cb; ++i)
if (*pb++ != bVal)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int CchGetString(ids,rgch,cchMax)
int ids;
TCHAR rgch[];
int cchMax;
return(LoadString(g_hmodThisDll, ids, rgch, cchMax));
// Convert a number in units of 100ns into number of minutes.
// Parameters:
// lptime - on input: contains a number expressed in 100ns.
// on output: contains the equivalent number of minutes.
// Return value:
// None.
VOID Convert100nsToMin(LPFILETIME lpTime)
ULInt ul;
ul.dw = lpTime->dwLowDateTime;
ul.dwh = lpTime->dwHighDateTime;
ULIntDivide(&ul, 1000); // These two calls converts to
ULIntDivide(&ul, 10000); // seconds
ULIntDivide(&ul, 60); // Convert to minutes
lpTime->dwLowDateTime = ul.dw;
lpTime->dwHighDateTime = ul.dwh;
// Function: ULIntDivide
// Purpose: To divide a ULInt with a USHORT and
// stick the result in the 1st param
VOID ULIntDivide(ULInt FAR *lpULInt, USHORT div)
ULInt ulOut, ulIn, r;
ulIn = *lpULInt;
ulOut.w3 = ulIn.w3/div;
r.w3 = ulIn.w3%div;
ulOut.w2 = (ulIn.w2 + r.w3*65536)/div;
r.w2 = (ulIn.w2 + r.w3*65536)%div;
ulOut.w1 = (ulIn.w1 + r.w2*65536)/div;
r.w1 = (ulIn.w1 + r.w2*65536)%div;
ulOut.w0 = (ulIn.w0 + r.w1*65536)/div;
r.w0 = (ulIn.w0 + r.w1*65536)%div;
*lpULInt = ulOut;
#define SZRES_BUFMAX 100
// Function: ULIntToSz
// Purpose: Converts a ULInt to an sz without leading zero's
WORD CchULIntToSz(ULInt ulint, TCHAR *psz, WORD cbMax)
BYTE b,i;
if ((ulint.dw == 0) && (ulint.dwh == 0))
*psz++ = TEXT('0');
*psz = 0;
return(1); // Don't include zero-terminator
for (i = 0; i < SZRES_BUFMAX; ++i)
szRes[i] = szT[i] = 0;
i = sizeof(ULInt)*8; // the number of bits
while (i--)
if (i != sizeof(ULInt)*8 - 1) // no need to add 1st time
AddSzRes(szRes,szRes); // through, sz is all 0's
if (ulint.dwh & 0x80000000)
szT[SZRES_BUFMAX-2] = 1; // Leave the last element for
AddSzRes(szRes, szT); // zero-terminator
b = (ulint.dw & 0x80000000) ? 1 : 0;
ulint.dw <<= 1;
ulint.dwh <<= 1;
ulint.dwh |= b;
for (i = 0; i <= SZRES_BUFMAX-2; ++i)
szRes[i] = szRes[i] + TEXT('0');
szRes[SZRES_BUFMAX-1] = 0;
i = 0; // Strip off leading zero's
while (szRes[i] == TEXT('0'))
#ifdef DEBUG
if (SZRES_BUFMAX - i > cbMax)
for (b = i; b < SZRES_BUFMAX; ++b)
*psz++ = szRes[b];
return(SZRES_BUFMAX - i -1); // Don't include zero-terminator
VOID AddSzRes(pszRes, pszT)
TCHAR *pszRes;
TCHAR *pszT;
int i;
BOOL fCarry;
i = SZRES_BUFMAX-2; // Leave room for zero-terminator
fCarry = FALSE;
while (i)
pszRes[i] = pszRes[i] + pszT[i] + fCarry;
if (pszRes[i] > 9)
fCarry = TRUE;
pszRes[i] = pszRes[i] - 10;
fCarry = FALSE;
/* CchTszLen
* Returns the length of a null-termianted string.
* Arguments:
* sz - string to take the length of
* Returns:
* length of sz
int CchTszLen(const TCHAR *psz)
pch = psz;
while (*pch++)
return (int)(pch - psz - 1);
int CchWszLen(const WCHAR *psz)
pch = psz;
while (*pch++)
return (int)(pch - psz - 1);
/* CchAnsiSzLen
* Returns the length of a null-termianted ANSI string.
* Arguments:
* sz - string to take the length of
* Returns:
* length of sz
int CchAnsiSzLen(const CHAR *psz)
pch = psz;
while (*pch++)
return (int)(pch - psz - 1);
/* FillBuf
* Fills the given buffer with given byte value.
* Arguments:
* ptr to buf, byte value to be filled and the size of the buf
* Returns:
* nothing
VOID FillBuf(void *p, unsigned w, unsigned cb)
while (cb--)
*((BYTE *)p)++ = (BYTE)w;
/* PbMemCopy
* Copies the given no. of bytes of the given src buffer to the given dst.
* Arguments:
* ptr to Dst, ptr to Src, no. of bytes to cp
* Returns:
* advanced pbDst
BYTE *PbMemCopy(void *pvDst, const void *pvSrc, unsigned cb)
#define pbSrc ((BYTE *)pvSrc)
#define pbDst ((BYTE *)pvDst)
DWORD cbSav;
Assert((signed)cb >=0 );
/* BUG!! Need better blts */
if (pbDst < pbSrc)
while (cb--)
*pbDst++ = *pbSrc++;
return pbDst;
pbDst += (cb-1);
pbSrc += (cb-1);
cbSav = cb;
while (cb--)
*pbDst-- = *pbSrc--;
return pbDst+cbSav+1;
#undef pbDst
#undef pbSrc
/* SzCopy
* Copies the given src sz to the given the given dst.
* Arguments:
* ptr to Dst, ptr to Src
* Returns:
* nothing
VOID SzCopy(void *pvDst, const void *pvSrc)
PbMemCopy(pvDst, pvSrc, (CchTszLen(pvSrc)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
/* PbSzNCopy
* Copies the given src sz to the given the given dst.
* Only Min of (cch, len of Src) is copied
* Arguments:
* ptr to Dst, ptr to Src and the cb
* Returns:
* advanced pvSrc
BYTE *PbSzNCopy(void *pvDst, const void *pvSrc, unsigned cch)
DWORD cchSrc;
BYTE *pb;
if(cch <= cchSrc)
pb = PbMemCopy(pvDst, pvSrc, cch*sizeof(TCHAR));
pb = PbMemCopy(pvDst, pvSrc, cchSrc*sizeof(TCHAR));
FillBuf(pb, 0, (cch-cchSrc)*sizeof(TCHAR));
pb += (cch-cchSrc);
C Runtime call replacements
FUTURE: This must be (extensivly) DBCS enabled.
================================================================== MIKEL =*/
int errno;
int isspace(int c)
return (c >= 0x09 && c <= 0x0D) || c == 0x20 ||
c == 0x200F /*unicode RTL*/|| c == 0x200E /*unicode LTR*/ ;
int __isascii(int c)
return !(c & 0x80);
int getdigit(const TCHAR *pch)
if ((TEXT('0') <= *pch) && (*pch <= TEXT('9')))
return *pch - TEXT('0');
if ((TEXT('a') <= *pch) && (*pch <= TEXT('z')))
return *pch - TEXT('a') + 10;
if ((TEXT('A') <= *pch) && (*pch <= TEXT('Z')))
return *pch - TEXT('A') + 10;
return -1;
long strtol(const TCHAR *pch, TCHAR **ppch, int iBase)
/* simple regular expression parsing for
* [white] [sign] [0] [{x | X}] [digits]
unsigned long ulNum = 0;
int iNeg = 0;
int iInvalid = 1;
int iDigit = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (iBase)
Assert((iBase > 1) && (iBase < 37));
while (isspace(*pch))
if (*pch == TEXT('-'))
iNeg = 1;
else if (*pch == TEXT('+'))
if (*pch == TEXT('0'))
/* Hex or Octal */
if (isalnum(*pch) && (iBase == 0))
if ((*pch == TEXT('x') || *pch == TEXT('X')))
iBase = 16;
iBase = 8;
iInvalid = 0;
/* Decimal */
if (iBase == 0)
iBase = 10;
while ((iDigit = getdigit(pch)) != -1)
if ((iDigit < 0) || (iDigit >= iBase))
goto Invalid;
iInvalid = 0; // only needs doing first time!
// BUG FIX for RAID #969 - not curerntly handling overflow
// If we are going to add a digit, before doing so make sure
// that the current number is no greater than the max it could
// be. We add one in because integer divide truncates, and
// we might be right around LONG_MAX.
if (ulNum > (unsigned)((LONG_MAX / iBase) + 1))
errno = ERANGE;
return iNeg ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
ulNum = ulNum * iBase + (unsigned int)iDigit;
// BUG FIX cont'd: Now, since ulNum can be no bigger
// than (LONG_MAX / iBase) + 1, then this multiplication
// can result in something no bigger than LONG_MAX + iBase,
// and ulNum is limited by LONG_MAX + iBase + iDigit. This
// will set the high bit of this LONG in the worst case, and
// since iBase + iDigit is much less than LONG_MAX, will not
// underflow us undetectably.
if (ulNum > (ULONG)LONG_MAX)
errno = ERANGE;
return iNeg ? LONG_MIN : LONG_MAX;
if (iInvalid)
errno = ERANGE;
return 0;
if (ppch)
*ppch = (TCHAR *)pch;
Assert(ulNum <= LONG_MAX);
return iNeg ? - ((long)ulNum) : (long)ulNum;
int ScanDateNums(TCHAR *pch, TCHAR *pszSep, unsigned int aiNum[], int cNum, int iYear)
int i = 0;
TCHAR *pSep;
if (cNum < 1)
return 1;
if ((aiNum[i] = strtol(pch, &pch, 10)) == 0 )
if( i != iYear )
return 0;
i++ ;
if (i < cNum)
while (isspace(*pch))
/* check the separator */
pSep = pszSep;
while (*pSep && (*pSep == *pch))
pSep++, pch++;
if (*pSep && (*pSep != *pch))
return 0;
while (*pch && (i < cNum));
return 1;
// Converts a filetime into a number of minutes. It is assumed that
// the filetime contains the number of minutes in units of 100ns
// cbMax - size of psz
// fMinutes - should we tag on the string Minute(s) at the end?
ULInt ulint;
WORD cch;
int ids;
if (lpft != NULL)
ft = *lpft;
ulint.dw = ft.dwLowDateTime;;
ulint.dwh = ft.dwHighDateTime;;
cch = CchULIntToSz(ulint, psz, (WORD)(fMinutes ? (cchMax-1) : // not including zero terminator
if (!fMinutes)
ids = (cch == 1 && *psz == TEXT('1')) ? idsMinute : idsMinutes;
psz[cch] = TEXT(' ');
CchGetString(ids, psz+cch+1, cchMax-cch-1);
*psz = 0;
// Displays the actual alert
static int DoMessageBox(HWND hwnd, TCHAR *pszText, TCHAR *pszTitle, UINT fuStyle)
int res;
res = MessageBox((hwnd == NULL) ? GetFocus() : hwnd, pszText, pszTitle, fuStyle);
// Displays the give ids as an alert
int IdDoAlert(HWND hwnd, int ids, int mb)
TCHAR rgch[258];
TCHAR rgchM[258];
CchGetString(ids, rgch, 258);
CchGetString(idsMsftOffice, rgchM, 258);
return(DoMessageBox (hwnd, rgch, rgchM, mb));
============================================================= MikeL */
int _cdecl _purecall(void)
#ifdef DEBUG
return 0;
// Wide-Char - MBCS helpers
LPWSTR WINAPI A2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars)
//_ASSERTE(lpa != NULL);
//_ASSERTE(lpw != NULL);
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpw[0] = '\0';
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars);
return lpw;
LPSTR WINAPI W2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars)
//_ASSERTE(lpw != NULL);
//_ASSERTE(lpa != NULL);
// verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpa[0] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL);
return lpa;