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Copyright information : Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
File Name : CommandSwitches.h
Project Name : WMI Command Line
Author Name : Ch.Sriramachandramurthy
Date of Creation (dd/mm/yy) : 27th-September-2000
Version Number : 1.0
Brief Description : This file consist of class declaration of
class CommandSwitches
Revision History :
Last Modified By : Ch. Sriramachandramurthy
Last Modified Date : 20th-March-2001
// CommandSwitches.h : header file
Class Name : CCommandSwitches
Class Type : Concrete
Brief Description : This class encapsulates the functionality needed
for accessing and storing the command switches
information, which will be used by Parsing,
Execution and Format Engines depending upon the
Super Classes : None
Sub Classes : None
Classes Used : None
Interfaces Used : None
#pragma once
// CCommandSwitches
class CCommandSwitches
// Construction
// Destruction
// Restrict Assignment
CCommandSwitches& operator=(CCommandSwitches& rCmdSwitches);
// Attributes
//command string
_TCHAR *m_pszCommandInput;
//alias name
_TCHAR *m_pszAliasName;
//alias description
_TCHAR *m_pszAliasDesc;
//class path
_TCHAR *m_pszClassPath;
//path expression
_TCHAR *m_pszPathExpr;
//where expression
_TCHAR *m_pszWhereExpr;
//verb name - standard|userdefined verb
_TCHAR *m_pszVerb;
//method name
_TCHAR *m_pszMethodName;
//XSLT details vector.
//alias target class
_TCHAR *m_pszAliasTarget;
//XML stream
BSTR m_bstrXML;
//session success - flag.
BOOL m_bSuccess;
HRESULT m_hResult;
//friendly names|trasnlate tables - map
BSTRMAP m_bmAlsFrnNmsDesOrTrnsTblEntrs;
//property(s) details - map
PROPDETMAP m_pdmPropDet;
//method(s) details - map
METHDETMAP m_mdmMethDet;
//input property(s) - vector
CHARVECTOR m_cvProperties;
//PWhere param(s) - vector
CHARVECTOR m_cvPWhereParams;
//Translate table entry(s) - vector
CHARVECTOR m_cvTrnsTablesList;
//input method param(s) - map
BSTRMAP m_bmParameters;
//verb interactive mode
WMICLIINT m_nInteractiveMode;
///EVERY interval value
ULONG m_ulInterval;
///tablename - TRANSLATE:<tablename>
_TCHAR *m_pszTransTableName;
//listformat - LISTFORMAT type
_TCHAR *m_pszListFormat;
// Errata code
UINT m_uErrataCode;
// Message code
UINT m_uInformationCode;
// Credentials flag
BOOL m_bCredFlag;
// parameterized string with '#' as place holder(s) for input value(s)
_TCHAR *m_pszPWhereExpr;
// COM error object
_com_error *m_pComError;
// IWbemClassObject, to store output parameters of method execution.
IWbemClassObject *m_pIMethOutParam;
// alias connection information
// alias user name
_TCHAR *m_pszUser;
// alias user password
_TCHAR *m_pszPassword;
// alias node
_TCHAR *m_pszNode;
// alias locale
_TCHAR *m_pszLocale;
// alias namespace
_TCHAR *m_pszNamespace;
// Type of the verb ( CLASSMETHOD/STDVERB/CMDLINE ).
VERBTYPE m_vtVerbType;
// Verb derivation string
_TCHAR *m_pszVerbDerivation;
// flag to check that WHERE is specified explicitly
BOOL m_bExplicitWhereExpr;
BOOL m_bTranslateFirst;
// /RESULTCLASS switch value of ASSOC verb
_TCHAR *m_pszResultClassName;
// /RESULTROLE switch value of ASSOC verb
_TCHAR *m_pszResultRoleName;
// /ASSOCCLASS switch value of ASSOC verb
_TCHAR *m_pszAssocClassName;
// count for /REPEAT:N
ULONG m_ulRepeatCount;
// Flag for availibility of methods.
BOOL m_bMethAvail;
// Flag for availibility of writable properties.
BOOL m_bWritePropsAvail;
// Flag for availibility list formats.
BOOL m_bLISTFrmsAvail;
//input property(s) - vector
CHARVECTOR m_cvInteractiveProperties;
// Flag to specify Named Parameter List.
BOOL m_bNamedParamList;
// Flag to check if every switch is specified.
BOOL m_bEverySwitch ;
// Flag to check if output switch is specified.
BOOL m_bOutputSwitch ;
//the query formed of the given command .
BSTR m_bstrFormedQuery;
BOOL m_bSysProp;
// Operations
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszCommandInput
BOOL SetCommandInput(const _TCHAR* pszCommandInput);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszAliasName that represents
//Alias object.
BOOL SetAliasName(const _TCHAR* pszAliasName);
// Sets the alias description
BOOL SetAliasDesc(const _TCHAR* pszAliasDesc);
// Sets the alias credentials information
BOOL SetAliasUser(const _TCHAR* pszUserName);
BOOL SetAliasNode(const _TCHAR* pszNode);
BOOL SetAliasPassword(const _TCHAR* pszPassword);
BOOL SetAliasLocale(const _TCHAR* pszLocale);
BOOL SetAliasNamespace(const _TCHAR* pszNamespace);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszClassPath.
BOOL SetClassPath(const _TCHAR* pszClassPath);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszPathExpr.
BOOL SetPathExpression(const _TCHAR* pszPathExpr);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszWhereExpr
BOOL SetWhereExpression(const _TCHAR* pszWhereExpr);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszMathodName.
BOOL SetMethodName(const _TCHAR* pszMethodName);
//Adds to vector held by m_xdvXSLDetVec.
void AddToXSLTDetailsVector(XSLTDET xdXSLTDet);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszVerbName.
BOOL SetVerbName(const _TCHAR* pszVerbName);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszSesionFilePath
BOOL SetSessionFilePath(const _TCHAR* pszSessionFilePath);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_bstrXML, is used to store XML file
//Name that contains result set.
BOOL SetXMLResultSet(const BSTR bstrXMLResultSet);
//Assigns the parameter passed to m_pszAliasTarget, is used in Parsing
//Engine to avail the alias object informations.
BOOL SetAliasTarget(const _TCHAR* pszAliasTarget);
//Adds string that passed through parameter to m_bmParameters, which is
//a data member of type BSTRMAP
BOOL AddToPropertyList(_TCHAR* const pszProperty);
BOOL AddToTrnsTablesList(_TCHAR* const pszTableName);
//Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmParameters,which
//is type of BSTRMAP data structure
BOOL AddToParameterMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue);
//Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to m_bmParameters,which
//is type of ALSFMTDETMAP data structure
BOOL AddToAliasFormatDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, BSTRVECTOR bvProps);
//Adds bstrKey and bstrValue passed as parameters to
//which is type of BSTRMAP
BOOL AddToAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue);
//Adds bstrKey and mdMethDet passed as parameters to m_mdmMethDet,
//which is type of METHDETMAP.
BOOL AddToMethDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, METHODDETAILS mdMethDet);
//Adds bstrKey and pdPropDet passed as parameters to m_pdmPropDet,
//which is type of PROPERTYDETALS
BOOL AddToPropDetMap(_bstr_t bstrKey, PROPERTYDETAILS pdPropDet);
//Assigns the Boolean variable to m_bSuccess
void SetSuccessFlag(BOOL bSuccess);
//Assigns the string variable to m_pszTransTableName.
BOOL SetTranslateTableName(const _TCHAR* pszTransTableName);
//Assigns the integer value to m_nInterval
BOOL SetRetrievalInterval(const ULONG lInterval);
//Assigns the parameter value to m_ListFormat
BOOL SetListFormat(const _TCHAR *pszListFormat);
//Set|Reset the verb interactive mode
void SetInteractiveMode(WMICLIINT nInteractiveMode);
//Stores the parameter in map array
BOOL AddToPWhereParamsList(_TCHAR* const pszParameter);
//Assigns the value to m_uErrataCode
void SetErrataCode(const UINT uErrataCode);
//Assigns the value to m_uInformationCode
void SetInformationCode(const UINT uInformationCode);
// Assigns the string to m_pszPWhereExpr
BOOL SetPWhereExpr(const _TCHAR* pszPWhereExpr);
// Assigns the parameter passed to m_pComError that consist of
// error info
void SetCOMError(_com_error& rComError);
// Set m_pIMethExecOutParam.
BOOL SetMethExecOutParam(IWbemClassObject* pIMethOutParam);
// Set m_vtVerbType to passed flag.
void SetVerbType( VERBTYPE vtVerbType);
// Set m_pszVerbDerivation.
BOOL SetVerbDerivation( const _TCHAR* pszVerbDerivation );
//Set the credential flag status
void SetCredentialsFlag(BOOL bCredFlag);
// Set the explicit where flag
void SetExplicitWhereExprFlag(BOOL bWhere);
//Assigns the string variable to m_pszResultClassName.
BOOL SetResultClassName(const _TCHAR* pszResultClassName);
//Assigns the string variable to m_pszResultRoleName.
BOOL SetResultRoleName(const _TCHAR* pszResultRoleName);
//Assigns the string variable to m_pszAssocClassName.
BOOL SetAssocClassName(const _TCHAR* pszAssocClassName);
// Set repeat count.
BOOL SetRepeatCount(const ULONG lRepCount);
// Set methods available.
void SetMethodsAvailable(BOOL bFlag);
// Retruns the alias description
_TCHAR* GetAliasDesc();
//Returns the alias name held by the object
_TCHAR* GetAliasName();
//Returns the class path held by the object
_TCHAR* GetClassPath();
// Return the alias credentials information.
_TCHAR* GetAliasUser();
_TCHAR* GetAliasNode();
_TCHAR* GetAliasPassword();
_TCHAR* GetAliasLocale();
_TCHAR* GetAliasNamespace();
//Returns the path expression held by the object
_TCHAR* GetPathExpression();
//Returns the where expression held by the object
_TCHAR* GetWhereExpression();
//Returns the method name held by the object
_TCHAR* GetMethodName();
//Returns the XSLTDetVec held by the object.
//Returns the verb name held by the object
_TCHAR* GetVerbName();
//Returns the session file path held by the object
_TCHAR* GetSessionFilePath();
//Returns the alias target held by the object
_TCHAR* GetAliasTarget();
//Returns the command input held by the object
_TCHAR* GetCommandInput();
//Returns the XML result set held by the object.
BSTR GetXMLResultSet();
//Returns the property held by the object.
CHARVECTOR& GetPropertyList();
//Returns the tables held by the object.
CHARVECTOR& GetTrnsTablesList();
//Returns the parameter map containing both key and value
BSTRMAP& GetParameterMap();
//Returns the alias formats map
ALSFMTDETMAP& GetAliasFormatDetMap();
//Returns the alias friendly names map held by the object
BSTRMAP& GetAlsFrnNmsOrTrnsTblMap();
//Returns the method details map held by the object
METHDETMAP& GetMethDetMap();
//Returns the alias property details map held by the object
PROPDETMAP& GetPropDetMap();
//Returns the success flag held by the object
BOOL GetSuccessFlag();
//Returns the value of m_ulInterval.
ULONG GetRetrievalInterval();
//Returns the value of m_pszTransTableName.
_TCHAR* GetTranslateTableName();
//Returns the list format type m_ListFormat
_TCHAR* GetListFormat();
//Returns the name of XSL file used for specifying format for dumping.
_TCHAR* GetDumpXSLFormat();
//returns the verb interactive mode
WMICLIINT GetInteractiveMode();
//Returns the PWhereParameters list
CHARVECTOR& GetPWhereParamsList();
//This function gets the class of Alias
void GetClassOfAliasTarget(_bstr_t& bstrClassName);
//returns the error code
UINT GetErrataCode();
//returns the information code
UINT GetInformationCode();
// returns the PWhere expression - m_pszPWhereExpr
_TCHAR* GetPWhereExpr();
// Get m_pIMethExecOutParam.
IWbemClassObject* GetMethExecOutParam();
// Get m_vtVerbType.
VERBTYPE GetVerbType();
// Get m_pszVerbDerivation.
_TCHAR* GetVerbDerivation();
// Returns the credential flag status
BOOL GetCredentialsFlagStatus();
// Returns the explicit where flag status
BOOL GetExplicitWhereExprFlag();
// Get m_uRepeatCount count.
ULONG GetRepeatCount();
// This function returns the COMError object
_com_error* CCommandSwitches::GetCOMError();
// Update the parameter value
BOOL UpdateParameterValue(_bstr_t bstrKey, _bstr_t bstrValue);
// Free the COM error
void FreeCOMError();
// Clear cvPropertyList.
void ClearPropertyList();
// Initiliaze the necessary member variables
void Initialize();
// Free the member variables
void Uninitialize();
// This function sets the the order of the format and
// translate switch flag
void SetTranslateFirstFlag(BOOL bTranslateFirst);
// This function returns the order of the format and
// translate switch flag
BOOL GetTranslateFirstFlag();
//Returns the value of m_pszResultClassName.
_TCHAR* GetResultClassName();
//Returns the value of m_pszResultRoleName.
_TCHAR* GetResultRoleName();
//Returns the value of m_pszAssocClassName.
_TCHAR* GetAssocClassName();
// Get methods available.
BOOL GetMethodsAvailable();
// Set writable properties available flag.
void SetWriteablePropsAvailable(BOOL bFlag);
// Get writable properties available flag.
BOOL GetWriteablePropsAvailable();
// Set LIST Formats available flag.
void SetLISTFormatsAvailable(BOOL bFlag);
// Get LIST Formats Available flag.
BOOL GetLISTFormatsAvailable();
BOOL AddToInteractivePropertyList(_TCHAR* const pszProperty);
CHARVECTOR& GetInteractivePropertyList();
// Set m_bNamedParamList flag.
void SetNamedParamListFlag(BOOL bFlag);
// Get m_bNamedParamList flag.
BOOL GetNamedParamListFlag();
// Clear or nullify XSL Details vector.
void ClearXSLTDetailsVector();
// Set m_bEverySwitch flag.
void SetEverySwitchFlag(BOOL bFlag);
// Get m_bEverySwitch flag.
BOOL GetEverySwitchFlag();
// Set m_bOutputSwitch flag.
void SetOutputSwitchFlag(BOOL bFlag);
// Get m_bOutputSwitch flag.
BOOL GetOutputSwitchFlag();
//Sets the m_bstrFormedQuery
BOOL SetFormedQuery(const BSTR bstrFormedQuery);
//Returns the query formed for the given command.
BSTR GetFormedQuery();
// Get the status of sytem properties flag
BOOL GetSysPropFlag();
// Sets the status of system properties flag
void SetSysPropFlag(BOOL bSysProp);