86 lines
3.3 KiB
86 lines
3.3 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Wrapper classes for COM data type functions.
If a COM data function is required to allocate memory and fails to do
so, then a CX_MemoryException exception is thrown. All COM data type
functions are wrapped, regardless if they allocate memory, for the sake
of completeness.
a-dcrews 19-Mar-99 Created.
#ifndef _OLEWRAP_H_
#define _OLEWRAP_H_
class COleAuto
// Safe array methods
// ==================
static HRESULT _SafeArrayAccessData(SAFEARRAY* psa, void HUGEP** ppvData);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayAllocData(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayAllocDescriptor(unsigned int cDims, SAFEARRAY** ppsaOut);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayCopy(SAFEARRAY* psa, SAFEARRAY** ppsaOut);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayCopyData(SAFEARRAY* psaSource, SAFEARRAY* psaTarget);
static SAFEARRAY* _SafeArrayCreate(VARTYPE vt, unsigned int cDims, SAFEARRAYBOUND* rgsabound);
static SAFEARRAY* _SafeArrayCreateVector(VARTYPE vt, long lLbound, unsigned int cElements);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayDestroy(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayDestroyData(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static UINT _SafeArrayGetDim(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayGetElement(SAFEARRAY* psa, long* rgIndices, void* pv);
static UINT _SafeArrayGetElemsize(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayGetLBound(SAFEARRAY* psa, unsigned int nDim, long* plLbound);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayGetUBound(SAFEARRAY* psa, unsigned int nDim, long* plUbound);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayLock(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(SAFEARRAY* psa, long* rgIndices, void HUGEP** ppvData);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayPutElement(SAFEARRAY* psa, long* rgIndices, void* pv);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayRedim(SAFEARRAY* psa, SAFEARRAYBOUND* psaboundNew);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayUnaccessData(SAFEARRAY* psa);
static HRESULT _SafeArrayUnlock(SAFEARRAY* psa);
// Variant methods
// ===============
static HRESULT _WbemVariantChangeType(VARIANTARG* pvargDest, VARIANTARG* pvarSrc, VARTYPE vt);
static HRESULT _VariantChangeType(VARIANTARG* pvargDest, VARIANTARG* pvarSrc, unsigned short wFlags, VARTYPE vt);
static HRESULT _VariantChangeTypeEx(VARIANTARG* pvargDest, VARIANTARG* pvarSrc, LCID lcid, unsigned short wFlags, VARTYPE vt);
static HRESULT _VariantClear(VARIANTARG* pvarg);
static HRESULT _VariantCopy(VARIANTARG* pvargDest, VARIANTARG* pvargSrc);
static HRESULT _VariantCopyInd(VARIANT* pvarDest, VARIANTARG* pvargSrc);
static void _VariantInit(VARIANTARG* pvarg);
// BSTR methods
// ============
static BSTR _SysAllocString(const OLECHAR* sz);
static BSTR _SysAllocStringByteLen(LPCSTR psz, UINT len);
static BSTR _SysAllocStringLen(const OLECHAR* pch, UINT cch);
static void _SysFreeString(BSTR bstr);
static HRESULT _SysReAllocString(BSTR* pbstr, const OLECHAR* sz);
static HRESULT _SysReAllocStringLen(BSTR* pbstr, const OLECHAR* pch, UINT cch);
static HRESULT _SysStringByteLen(BSTR bstr);
static HRESULT _SysStringLen(BSTR bstr);
// Conversion methods
// ==================
static HRESULT _VectorFromBstr (BSTR bstr, SAFEARRAY ** ppsa);
static HRESULT _BstrFromVector (SAFEARRAY *psa, BSTR *pbstr);
#endif //_OLEWRAP_H_