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Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
File Name:
Definition of classes used to keep the disk array map in memory. Used in retrieving partitions and free spaces,
in creating and deleting partitions
Cristian Teodorescu November 20, 1998
Revision History:
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include <winioctl.h>
#include "FTManDef.h"
// Class CDiskMap
class CItemData;
class CDiskMap
// Constructor
// Constructor providing the disk number
CDiskMap( DWORD dwDiskNumber );
// Operations
// Set the disk number and reset m_bLoaded
void SetDiskNumber( DWORD dwDiskNumber );
// Load disk layout and geometry
BOOL LoadDiskInfo( CString& strErrors, BOOL& bMissingDisk );
// Save the disk layout on disk
BOOL SaveDiskInfo( CString& strErrors, BOOL& bMissingDisk );
// Retrieve all non-container partitions on the disk and create CPhysicalPartitionData instances for them
// If the disk info is not loaded the method calls LoadDiskInfo first
BOOL ReadPartitions( CObArray& arrPartitions, CString& strErrors, BOOL& bMissingDisk, CItemData* pParentData = NULL );
// Retrieve all free spaces on the disk and create CFreeSpaceData instances for them
// If the disk info is not loaded the method calls LoadDiskInfo first
BOOL ReadFreeSpaces( CObArray& arrFreeSpaces, CString& strErrors, BOOL& bMissingDisk, CItemData* pParentData = NULL );
// Retrieve a non-container partition information from the disk layout given the partition offset
BOOL ReadPartitionInformation( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset, PARTITION_INFORMATION& partInfo,
PARTITION_TYPE& wPartitionType, CString& strErrors, BOOL& bMissingDisk );
// Delete a non-container partition from the disk
BOOL DeletePartition( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset );
// Deletes an extended partition from the disk
// The extended partition should not be contained by another extended partition
BOOL DeleteExtendedPartition( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset );
// Create a partition on the disk ( m_dwDiskNumber )
BOOL CreatePartition( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset, LONGLONG llPartSize, LONGLONG& llExactPartStartOffset );
// Create an extended partition on the disk ( m_dwDiskNumber )
BOOL CreateExtendedPartition( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset, LONGLONG llPartSize, LONGLONG& llNewFreeSpaceOffset );
//Data members
// Disk number
DWORD m_dwDiskNumber;
// Disk geometry
LONGLONG m_llTrackSize;
LONGLONG m_llSectorSize;
LONGLONG m_llCylinderSize;
LONGLONG m_llDiskSize;
// Pointer to the drive layout buffer
// The size of the drive layout buffer
DWORD m_dwBufferSize;
// Is the information related to disk m_dwDiskNumber loaded into this object ?
BOOL m_bLoaded;
// Some recursive methods
// Given an extended partition table index in m_pBuffer->PartitionInfo, scan recursively
// the extended partition tree and find the chunk of m_pBuffer->PartitionInfo filled with
// members of the extended partition
// Then return the next index. This index is the index of the following extended partition
// from the same ( or superior ) level as the given extended partition
DWORD GetNextIndex( DWORD dwTableIndex );
// Search for free spaces inside an extended partition given its starting offset, size and partitions table
// index inside m_pBuffer
// For every found free space create a CFreeSpace instance and add it to arrFreeSpaces
void GetExtendedPartitionFreeSpaces( LONGLONG llExtPartStartOffset, LONGLONG llExtPartEndOffset,
DWORD dwTableIndex, DWORD& dwNextIndex, CObArray& arrFreeSpaces,
CItemData* pParentData = NULL );
// Search recursively for a partition inside an extended partition
// This method may be called also to search for a partition inside the whole disk.
BOOL SearchForPartitionInExtendedPartition( LONGLONG llPartOffset, DWORD dwExtPartIndex, DWORD dwTableIndex,
DWORD& dwNextIndex, DWORD& dwPartIndex, DWORD& dwParentIndex );
// Given an offset and size search recursively for an appropriate free space
// inside an extended partition ( or the whole disk ).
// Return the start and end offset of the whole free space and the index in the partition table
// where a new partition having the given offset and size might be inserted.
BOOL SearchForFreeSpaceInExtendedPartition( LONGLONG llOffset, LONGLONG llSize, LONGLONG llExtPartStartOffset,
LONGLONG llExtPartEndOffset, DWORD dwTableIndex,
LONGLONG& llFreeSpaceStartOffset, LONGLONG& llFreeSpaceEndOffset,
BOOL &bAtBeginningOfExtendedPartition, DWORD& dwNewPartIndex);
// Sort a partition table by starting offset without actually changing the table
DWORD SortPartitionsByOffset( PARTITION_INFORMATION* arrTable, DWORD dwSize, DWORD* arrOrder );
// Get the greatest cylinder border less than or equal with an offset
LONGLONG GetCylinderBorderBefore( LONGLONG llOffset );
// Get the lowest cylinder border greater than or equal with an offset
LONGLONG GetCylinderBorderAfter( LONGLONG llOffset );
// Delete a partition from m_pBuffer->PartitionInfo table
void DeletePartitionFromTable( DWORD dwPartIndex );
// Update / Delete an extended partition after one of its members was deleted
// If the extended partition remains empty then it must be deleted
// If only one member is left and this member is an extended partition too then replace the
// extended partition with its member ( promote the member on the superior level )
// All other situations are unlikely to happen so I don't treat them here
void UpdateExtendedPartitionAfterMemberDeletion( DWORD dwPartIndex, DWORD dwTableIndex );
// Add a new container partition AND/OR a new non-container partition to m_pBuffer->PartitionInfo table
// and make all necessary changes to the partition table
BOOL AddPartitionToTable( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset, LONGLONG llPartSize,
DWORD dwNewPartIndex, BOOL bCreateContainer, BOOL bCreateNonContainer );
// Fill a PARTITION_INFORMATION structure with the info of a new partition
void FillNewPartitionInfo( LONGLONG llPartStartOffset, LONGLONG llPartSize,
// Add a error message to a string
// The error message will be formatted like this:
// <Disk Number: >< My error message > [ System error message ]
void AddError( CString& strErrors, UINT unErrorMsg, BOOL bAddSystemMsg = FALSE );
inline CDiskMap::CDiskMap()
: m_dwDiskNumber(-1), m_pBuffer(NULL), m_dwBufferSize(0), m_bLoaded(FALSE)
inline CDiskMap::CDiskMap( DWORD dwDiskNumber )
: m_dwDiskNumber( dwDiskNumber ), m_pBuffer(NULL), m_dwBufferSize(0), m_bLoaded(FALSE)
ASSERT( dwDiskNumber >= 0 );
inline CDiskMap::~CDiskMap()
if( m_pBuffer )
LocalFree( m_pBuffer );
inline void CDiskMap::SetDiskNumber( DWORD dwDiskNumber )
ASSERT( dwDiskNumber >= 0 );
if( m_dwDiskNumber != dwDiskNumber )
m_dwDiskNumber = dwDiskNumber;
m_bLoaded = FALSE;
#endif // !defined(AFX_DISKMAP_H_INCLUDED_)