2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

113 lines
3.1 KiB

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM this file is intended to be called ONLY from drivercab.cmd
REM the syntax is:
REM a txt list of files to cab up
REM the name of the cab to generate
REM the name of the event to signal when finished
set FileList=%1
set CabName=%2
set EventName=%3
if not defined EventName (
call errmsg.cmd "Incorrect command line passed to CabWrapper ..."
goto :EOF
REM verify some args
if not exist %FileList% (
call errmsg.cmd "File list %FileList% passed to CabWrapper does not exist ..."
goto :End
for %%a in (%FileList%) do set FileListName=%%~nxa
REM delete old junk
if exist %CabName% del /f /q %CabName%
if exist %CabName% (
call errmsg.cmd "Failed to delete %CabName% ..."
goto :End
for %%a in (%CabName%) do (
set CabDir=%%~dpa
set CabNameOnly=%%~nxa
REM here we want to create the DDF and then send it to makecab.exe
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Deleting old ddf ..."
for %%a in (%CabName%) do set CabFileName=%%~nxa
set MyDDFName=%TMP%\ddf_%CabFileName%.ddf
if exist %MyDDFName% del /f /q %MyDDFName%
if exist %MyDDFName% (
call errmsg.cmd "Failed to delete %MyDDFName% ..."
goto :End
REM create the DDF header
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Creating DDF header ..."
echo ^.Option Explicit>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=%CabDir%>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set CabinetName1=%CabNameOnly%>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set RptFilename=nul>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set InfFileName=nul>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set InfAttr=>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set MaxDiskSize=CDROM>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set CompressionType=LZX>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set CompressionMemory=21>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set CompressionLevel=1 >>%MyDDFName%
if /i "%Comp%" == "No" (
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Compression is turned off"
echo ^.Set Compress=OFF>>%MyDDFName%
) else (
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Compression is turned on"
echo ^.Set Compress=ON>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set Cabinet=ON>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set UniqueFiles=ON>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set FolderSizeThreshold=1000000>>%MyDDFName%
echo ^.Set MaxErrors=300>>%MyDDFName%
REM add the files to the DDF
REM Sort them first since this makes compression better
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Adding files to the DDF from %FileList% ..."
sort %FileList% > %FileList%.sorted
for /f %%a in (%FileList%.sorted) do (
echo %_NTPOSTBLD%\%%a>>%MyDDFName%
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Issuing makecab directive ..."
set ThisErrFile=%MyDDFName%.Output
call logmsg.cmd "Output is in %ThisErrFile% ..."
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "makecab.exe /f %MyDDFName%" > %ThisErrFile%
if %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 (
call errmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Failed to create cab ... here's the errors ..."
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in (%ThisErrFile%) do (
call errmsg.cmd "%%a"
) else (
call logmsg.cmd "%FileListName%: Cab generation successful ..."
REM finishing up, just wait for someone to listen then send our event
perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\ -ihv %EventName%
perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\ -isv %EventName%
goto :EOF