2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

441 lines
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package LocalEnvEx;
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Version: 0.01 (4/7/2000) : Inital concept
$VERSION = '0.01';
require 5.003;
# Use section
use GetParams;
use Logmsg;
use cklang;
use strict;
no strict 'vars';
# Require section
require Exporter;
# IsA (Inheritance) define section
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
#Public Functions:
# Constructor function
sub new {
my ($class)=shift;
my $self = {@_};
$class = ref($class) || $class;
# The keys of 'self' are
# -i <Initialize environment> : See usage
# -e <End environment> : See usage
# Initial Binding section
$self->{-VariableSet}=sub {&PerlVarSet($self,@_)} if (!defined $self->{-VariableSet});
$self->{-Initialize}=sub {Initialize($self,@_)} if (!defined $self->{-Initialize});
$self->{-End}=sub {End($self,@_)} if (!defined $self->{-End});
$self->{-Error}=sub {Error($self, @_)} if (!defined $self->{-Error});
@EXPORT = qw();
#Import razzle variables
$self->{_NTPostBld} = $ENV{_NTPostBld};
$self->{temp} = $ENV{temp};
$self->{ntdebug} = $ENV{ntdebug};
$self->{_BuildArch} = $ENV{_BuildArch};
#Import script specific variables
$self->{Script_Name} = $ENV{script_name};
$self->{lang} = $ENV{lang};
#Import local environment extensions
$self->{logfile} = $ENV{logfile};
$self->{logfile_bak} = $ENV{logfile_bak};
$self->{errfile} = $ENV{errfile};
$self->{errfile_bak} = $ENV{errfile_bak};
$self->{tmpfile} = $ENV{tmpfile};
$self->{temp_bak} = $ENV{temp_bak};
$self->{_NTPostBld_Bak} = $ENV{_NTPostBld_Bak};
$self->{errors} = $ENV{errors};
return bless ($self, $class);
#Initalization object function
sub Initialize {
my $self=shift;
$self->{-VariableSet} = sub {PerlVarSet($self, @_)} if (!defined $self->{-VariableSet});
#Step 0: Set defaults for global variables
if (!defined $self->{errors}) {
$self->{errors} = 0;
push @varlist, "errors";
#Step 1: Verify the language and build environment
if (!defined $self->{lang}) {
$self->{lang} = "usa";
push @varlist, "lang";
if ( !&cklang::CkLang($self->{lang})) {
print "echo Language $self->{lang} is invalid.$!";
die "\n";
#Step 2: Redefine temp/tmp with a language subdir to abstract language
$path = "$self->{temp}";
$path_bak = "$self->{temp_bak}";
if (!defined $self->{temp_bak}) {
$self->{temp_bak} = $self->{temp};
$path_bak = "$self->{temp_bak}";
push @varlist, "temp_bak";
$self->{temp} = "$path_bak"."\\"."$self->{lang}";
$self->{tmp} = "$path_bak"."\\"."$self->{lang}";
push @varlist, "temp";
push @varlist, "tmp";
# Step 3: Define the logfile to be used by the logging scripts
# Use the calling scripts logfile if it is defined
if (!defined $self->{logfile}) {
$path = "$self->{temp}";
mkdir $path, -d;
my $script_name = $self->{Script_Name};
if ($self->{ntdebug} =~ /^ntsd$/i) {
$ntdebug = "chk";
} else {
$ntdebug = "fre";
$self->{logfile} = "$path\\$script_name.$self->{_BuildArch}.$ntdebug.$self->{lang}.log";
push @varlist, "logfile";
# Delete the old logfile if it exists and create a new one
if (-e $self->{logfile}) {
unlink $self->{logfile};
open(LOGFILE, "> $self->{logfile}") or die "Can not open $self->{logfile}: $!";
close (LOGFILE);
} else {
# Delete create a new logfile if it does not exist
unless (-e $self->{logfile}) {
open(LOGFILE, "> $self->{logfile}") or die "Can not open $self->{logfile}: $!";
close (LOGFILE);
#Step 4: Define the errfile to be used by the logging scripts
if (!defined $self->{errfile}) {
$path = "$self->{temp}";
mkdir $path, -d;
system "md $path 2>Nul";
my $script_name = $self->{Script_Name};
if ($self->{ntdebug} =~ /^ntsd$/i) {
$ntdebug = "chk";
} else {
$ntdebug = "fre";
$self->{errfile} = "$path\\$script_name.$self->{_BuildArch}.$ntdebug.$self->{lang}.err";
push @varlist, "errfile";
# Delete the old errfile if it exists and create a new one
if (-e $self->{errfile}) {
unlink $self->{errfile};
#Step 5: Define the tmpfile to be used by the logging scripts
# Always create a local tmpfile
$path = "$self->{temp}";
mkdir $path, -d;
system "md $path 2>Nul";
my $script_name = $self->{Script_Name};
if ($self->{ntdebug} =~ /^ntsd$/i) {
$ntdebug = "chk";
} else {
$ntdebug = "fre";
$self->{tmpfile} = "$path\\$script_name.$self->{_BuildArch}.$ntdebug.$self->{lang}.tmp";
push @varlist, "tmpfile";
# Delete the old tmpfile if it exists and create a new one
if (-e $self->{tmpfile}) {
unlink $self->{tmpfile};
open(TMPFILE, "> $self->{tmpfile}") or die "Can not open $self->{tmpfile}: $!";
close (TMPFILE);
#Step x: Define the errtmpfile to be used by the logging scripts
# Always create a local errtmpfile
$path = "$self->{temp}";
mkdir $path, -d;
system "md $path 2>Nul";
my $script_name = $self->{Script_Name};
if ($self->{ntdebug} =~ /^ntsd$/i) {
$ntdebug = "chk";
} else {
$ntdebug = "fre";
$self->{errtmpfile} = "$path\\$script_name.$self->{_BuildArch}.$ntdebug.$self->{lang}.err.tmp";
# Delete the old errtmpfile if it exists and create a new one
if (-e $self->{errtmpfile}) {
unlink $self->{errtmpfile};
#Step 6: Define _NTPostBld which points to the _ntpostbld tree
#to be worked on by the calling script.
$path = "$self->{_NTPostBld}";
$path_bak = "$self->{_NTPostBld_Bak}";
if (!defined $self->{_NTPostBld_Bak}) {
$self->{_NTPostBld_Bak} = $self->{_NTPostBld};
$path_bak = "$self->{_NTPostBld_Bak}";
push @varlist, "_NTPostBld_Bak";
if ($self->{lang} =~ /^usa$/i) {
$self->{_NTPostBld} = "$path_bak";
} else {
$self->{_NTPostBld} = "$path_bak"."\\"."$self->{lang}";
push @varlist, "_NTPostBld";
# #Step 7: Set build_data to point to postbuild's critical data files
# $path = "$self->{_NTPostBld}\\build_data";
# mkdir $path, -d;
# system "md $path 2>Nul";
# if ($self->{lang} =~ /^usa$/i) {
# $self->{build_data} = "$path";
# } else {
# $self->{build_data} = "$path";
# }
# push @varlist, "build_data";
#Step 8: Use tmpfile as log file during the scripts execution
$self->{logfile_bak} = $self->{logfile};
$self->{logfile} = $self->{tmpfile};
push @varlist, "logfile";
push @varlist, "logfile_bak";
#Step x: Use tmperrfile as errfile during the scripts execution
$self->{errfile_bak} = $self->{errfile};
$self->{errfile} = $self->{errtmpfile};
push @varlist, "errfile";
push @varlist, "errfile_bak";
#Step 9: Set the environment variables
foreach $envvar (@varlist) {
$name = $envvar;
$value = $self->{$envvar};
&{$self->{-VariableSet}}($name, $value);
#Step 10: Mark the beginning of the scripts execution
open(LOGFILE, "> $self->{logfile}") or die "Can not open $self->{logfile}: $!";
close (LOGFILE);
timemsg ("****** START scripts execution. *****");
#End object function
sub End {
my $self=shift;
#Step 1: Mark the end of the scripts execution
timemsg ("END scripts execution with:($self->{errors} errors).");
#Step 2: Reset the logfile
$self->{logfile} = "$self->{logfile_bak}";
$self->{logfile_bak} = "";
push @varlist, "logfile";
logmsg ("Script logged in:\n$self->{logfile}");
#Step x: Append and reset the errfile
#Step a: Append the errfile_bak to the errfile
open(ERRFILE_BAK, ">>$self->{errfile_bak}");
open(ERRFILE, "<$self->{errfile}");
foreach $tmpline (<ERRFILE>) {
print (ERRFILE_BAK "$tmpline");
#Delete the temp errfile
unlink $self->{errfile};
#Step b: Reset the errfile
$self->{errfile} = "$self->{errfile_bak}";
$self->{errfile_bak} = "";
push @varlist, "errfile";
#Step c: Remove errorfile if it is zero length
if (-e $self->{errfile}) {
if (-z $self->{errfile}) {
unlink $self->{errfile};
#Step 3: Append the tmpfile to the logfile
open(LOGFILE, ">>$self->{logfile}");
open(TMPFILE, "<$self->{tmpfile}");
foreach $tmpline (<TMPFILE>) {
print (LOGFILE "$tmpline");
# Step 4: Check for errors
if (-e $self->{errfile}) {
print "*** $self->{Script_Name} encountered errors, please see errfile: ***\n";
print "$self->{errfile}\n";
#Step 5: Clean up environment
$self->{logfile_bak} = "";
push @varlist, "logfile_bak";
$self->{errfile_bak} = "";
push @varlist, "errfile_bak";
if (-e $self->{tmpfile}) {
unlink $self->{tmpfile};
$self->{tmpfile} = "";
push @varlist, "tmpfile";
$path = "$self->{_NTPostBld}";
if ($self->{lang} =~ /^usa$/i) {
$self->{_NTPostBld} = "$path";
} else {
$path =~ s/^\\$self->{lang}$//i;
$self->{_NTPostBld} = "$path";
push @varlist, "_NTPostBld";
#Step 6: Set the environment variables
foreach $envvar (@varlist) {
$name = $envvar;
$value = $self->{$envvar};
&{$self->{-VariableSet}}($name, $value);
# Step 7: Exit with the correct error code
if ($self->{errors} > 0) {
exit 1;
} else {
exit 0;
#Private functions
sub localenvex {
my ($Option)=(@_);
if ($Option=~/^initialize$/i) {
my $LocalEnvEx=LocalEnvEx->new;
if ($Option=~/^end$/i) {
my $LocalEnvEx=LocalEnvEx->new;
sub PerlVarSet {
my ($self, $name, $value)=@_;
sub CmdVarSet {
my($self, $name, $value)=@_;
print "set $name=$value\n";
sub Error {
my $self=shift;
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
$0 - V Program purpose
Syntax: $0 parameters
1. #<what you want to do>
=> #<real command>
# CMD handler
if ($0=~/${class}.pm$/i) {
#Step 1: Parse the command line
($initflag, $endflag)=();
-o => 'ie',
-p => 'initflag endflag'
my $getparams=GetParams->new;
# Parse the value
#Step 2: Set local environment extentions for the specified stage.
# Create the object and call the correct method.
if (defined $initflag) {
my $LocalEnvEx=LocalEnvEx->new(-VariableSet => sub {&CmdVarSet($self,@_)});
if (defined $endflag) {
my $LocalEnvEx=LocalEnvEx->new(-VariableSet => sub {&CmdVarSet($self,@_)});
=head1 NAME
B<mypackage> - What this package for
=head1 METHODS
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR