2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

172 lines
4.6 KiB

@echo off
for %%i in (%0.cmd) do perl -w -x %%~dp$PATH:i%0.cmd %*
goto :eof
# line 7
# FileName: sdout.cmd
# Usage = sdout [-v] [-o] filename...
# This script allows for more graceful offline operation of SD. It tries
# to run SD EDIT on the supplied filenames. If SD fails, then the file
# is made writable and the filename is added to the sd.offline file in the
# root of the depot.
# sdout with no arguments provides a list of the files which are currently
# marked for offline editing.
# Once network connectivity is restored, sdonline.cmd will cleanup the
# sd.offline files and check the files out properly.
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Spec;
# initialize globals
$opt_v = 0;
$opt_o = 0;
%offline_depots = ();
$Usage = "
USAGE: $0 [-v] [-o] filename [filename..]
-v Verbose output
-o Offline assumed\n";
# given a path, finds the directory above it that contains SD.INI
# (and SD.OFFLINE)
# pathname should be passed as a list of components rather than as
# a string
sub findSDroot {
my $temppath;
while (@_) {
$temppath = join('\\', @_);
$opt_v and print "checking $temppath for SD.INI\n";
if (-e ($temppath . "\\sd.ini")) {
# remove the last component
# process options
getopts('vo') or die $Usage;
if ($opt_v) {
print "Verbose mode\n";
$opt_o and print "Offline mode forced\n";
if (@ARGV) {
for (@ARGV) {
foreach $file (glob) {
# Get the fully qualified pathname for the supplied file
-e $file or die "file $file does not exist!\n";
$pathname = File::Spec::canonpath(cwd() . "\\$file");
$opt_v and print "filename is $pathname\n";
@components = split(/[\/\\]/, $pathname);
$opt_v and print "components are @components\n";
pop @components; # get rid of the filename
# find the root of this SD project
$SDRoot = findSDroot(@components);
$SDRoot or die "no SD.INI found along the path to $_\n";
$opt_v and print "Found SD.INI at $SDRoot\n";
# if the root is not already known to be offline, and we're
# not running in forced offline mode, try and use SD to check
# the file out.
unless ($opt_o || $offline_depots{$SDRoot}) {
$opt_v and print "running SD EDIT $file\n";
@sdout = `sd edit $file 2>&1`;
$opt_v and print "sd edit returned $?\n";
$opt_v and print "sd edit printed:\n@sdout\n";
if ($?) {
# remember that this depot is offline so we don't
# bother trying to connect on subsequent files.
$offline_depots{$SDRoot} = 1;
} else {
# open the sd.offline file and read it in
$fn = $SDRoot . "\\sd.offline";
if (-e $fn) {
$opt_v and print "opening file $fn\n";
open(OFFLINEFILE, $fn) or die "couldn't open $fn: $!\n";
@offlinefiles = <OFFLINEFILE>;
foreach $file (@offlinefiles) {
$opt_v and print "OFFLINE FILE: $file";
chop $file;
if ($file eq $pathname) {
print "file $pathname is already marked as offline\n";
# the file is not in the offline file, so append it now
open(OFFLINEFILE, ">>$fn") or die "couldn't append to $fn: $!\n";
$opt_v and print "appending $pathname to $fn\n";
print OFFLINEFILE $pathname,"\n";
# finally remove the read-only bit
`attrib -r $pathname`;
print "file $pathname is now marked as offline\n";
} else {
# no file arguments passed, just display the list of currently
# offline files
@components = split(/[\/\\]/, cwd());
$SDRoot = findSDroot(@components) or die "no SD.INI found in path";
$fn = $SDRoot . "\\sd.offline";
if (-e $fn) {
$opt_v and print "opening file $fn\n";
open(OFFLINEFILE, $fn) or die "couldn't open $fn: $!\n";
@offlinefiles = <OFFLINEFILE>;
print "Currently offline files:\n";
foreach $file (@offlinefiles) {
chop $file and print "\t$file\n";
} else {
print "There are currently no offline files\n";