2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

338 lines
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@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM submit.cmd
REM Submit files for PRS signing
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use Logmsg;
use Win32::OLE qw(in);
use comlib;
use File::Basename;
# UPDATE DATA: Default values for various things...
my $JobDescriptionFormat = "%s (%s)";
my $SignedFileUrlDefault = "";
my $SignersDefault = "aesquiv surajp jeremyd jfeltis jtolman miker mlekas wadela dmiura sergueik suemiaor tsanders tokuroy piperpg jorgeba";
$ENV{script_name} = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
$ENV{script_name} <path_to_files> [-cert:<id>][-signer:<alias>][-url:<url>] [-wait]
<path_to_files> submit all files in this directory. Required parameter.
-signer:<alias> Indicate who can approve this request. Repeat option once
for each person who can approve the request.
Default is '$SignersDefault'.
-cert:<id> Certificate to use. Can be a decimal value or the name
of a known certs - "buildlab", "fusion", or "external".
Default is buildlab cert, ID #15.
-url:<url> URL to use on the signed files. This shows up in the
final certificate.
Default is currently '$SignedFileUrlDefault'.
-wait wait for request to be signed.
my ( $filePath, $cert, @signers,$signedFileUrl, $wait );
my ( $certName, $displayName );
my ( %jobInfo, $request, $certName );
timemsg( "Start $ENV{script_name}" );
exit(1) if( !&GetParams() );
exit(1) if( !&InitVars() );
exit(1) if( !&SubmitRequest() );
exit(1) if( $wait && !&LookupStatus() );
timemsg( "Complete successfully" );
sub GetParams
# Validate params and build of the data we need to do the submit
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'signer:' => \@signers,
'cert:' => \$cert,
'url:' => \$signedFileUrl,
'certname:' => \$certName,
'displayname:' => \$displayName,
'wait' => \$wait,
\$filePath );
# Verify file path
if ( !defined $filePath )
errmsg( "Invalid arguments -- must specify path to files!" );
print "@ARGV\n";
return 0;
if ( ! -e $filePath )
errmsg( "Invalid arguments -- path [$filePath] does not exist!" );
print "@ARGV\n";
return 0;
# Figure out the Cert ID and Name...
if ( $cert )
# Make the srting all lowercase...
my $CertLower;
$CertLower = lc $cert;
#Compare against known certs...
if ( $CertLower eq "buildlab" || $CertLower eq "27" )
$jobInfo{CertificateID} = "27";
$certName = "Microsoft Windows XP Publisher" if( !$certName );
elsif ( $CertLower eq "fusion" || $CertLower eq "26" )
$jobInfo{CertificateID} = "26";
$certName = "Microsoft Fusion Verification" if( !$certName );
elsif ( $CertLower eq "external" || $CertLower eq "23" )
$jobInfo{CertificateID} = "23" if( !$certName );
$certName = "External Cert";
elsif ( $CertLower =~ /^[0-9]+$/ )
$jobInfo{CertificateID} = $cert;
$certName = "Cert #$cert" if( !$certName );
errmsg( "Invalid arguments -- -cert:<id> must be a known name or a decimal ID value!" );
print "@ARGV\n";
return 0;
# Nothing given - assume buildlab cert...
$jobInfo{CertificateID} = '27';
$certName = "Microsoft Windows XP Publisher" if( !$certName );
# Figure out request name format string and build the real req name...
$jobInfo{JobDescription} = sprintf( $JobDescriptionFormat, $certName, $ENV{LANG} );
# Figure out the right URL to use...
$signedFileUrl = $SignedFileUrlDefault if ( ! $signedFileUrl );
# Figure out the proper list of people to sign for this!
@signers = split( / /, $SignersDefault ) if ( !@signers );
$displayName = "Windows XP PRS Catalogs" if( !$displayName );
logmsg( "Source Directory ..[$filePath]" );
logmsg( "Cert ID ...........[$jobInfo{CertificateID}]" );
logmsg( "Signing URL .......[$signedFileUrl]" );
logmsg( "Job Description ...[$jobInfo{JobDescription}]" );
logmsg( "Signers ...........[@signers]" );
logmsg( "Certificate Name ..[$certName]" );
logmsg( "Display Name ......[$displayName]" );
logmsg( "Log file ..........[$ENV{logfile}]" );
logmsg( "Error file ........[$ENV{errfile}]" );
return 1;
sub InitVars
my $dash='-' x 60;
logmsg( $dash );
# Instantiate the sign-request object
logmsg( "Creating request using [$certName]..." );
if( ! ($request = Win32::OLE->new('SecureCodeSign.CodeSign')) )
errmsg( "Failed to instantiate request object ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
if( !$request->Init( "production" ) )
errmsg( "Failed to Connect to server and validate permission" );
return 0;
foreach ( keys %jobInfo )
if ( !( $request->{$_} = $jobInfo{$_} ) )
errmsg( "Failed setting $_: ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
# Gather the files for the submit
my @signFiles = glob "$filePath\\*";
if ( !@signFiles )
errmsg( "No files found at [$filePath]" );
return 0;
# Get the files object
my $files = $request->SignFiles;
if ( !defined $files )
errmsg( "Failed to instantiate file object: ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
# Add files to the request
my $dispnamefile = "$ENV{temp}\\displayname.$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}.txt";
my @altDisplayNameInfo = ();
push @altDisplayNameInfo, &comlib::ReadFile( $dispnamefile ) if -f $dispnamefile;
foreach my $curFile ( @signFiles )
next if( -d $curFile );
my $altName = $displayName;
&ReplaceDisplayName( basename($curFile), \$altName, \@altDisplayNameInfo );
logmsg( "Adding $curFile ($altName)..." );
if ( !$files->add( $curFile, $altName, $signedFileUrl ) )
errmsg( "Failed to add file $curFile: ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
# Get sign-off object
my $signers = $request->Signers;
if ( !defined $signers )
errmsg( "Failed to instantiate signers object: ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
# Add signers to the request
foreach( @signers )
logmsg( "Sign-off from: $_" );
if ( !$signers->add( $_ ) )
errmsg( "Failed adding signer $_: ". OLE::Win32->LastError() );
return 0;
return 1;
sub ReplaceDisplayName
my ( $pFileName, $pDisplayName, $pAltDisplayNameInfo ) = @_;
for my $line ( @$pAltDisplayNameInfo )
my @mFields = split( /\s+/, $line );
my $name = lc $mFields[0];
if( lc $pFileName =~ /\.\Q$name\E$/ )
$mFields[1] =~ s/\;/ /g;
$$pDisplayName = $mFields[1];
sub SubmitRequest
my $dash='-' x 60;
logmsg( $dash );
if ( !$request->Submit() )
foreach my $error ( in $request->RequestErrors )
errmsg( "Failed to submit: " . $error->ErrorNumber." - ". $error->ErrorDescription );
return 0;
logmsg( "Request was successfully submitted. ID #". $request->JobID );
return 1;
sub LookupStatus
my %status = ( 1 => 'Pre-Activation',
2 => 'Waiting for Sign-Off',
3 => 'Waiting for Virus Check',
5 => 'Waiting for Digital Signature',
6 => 'Waiting for Time Stamp',
7 => 'Waiting to be posted to signed server',
8 => 'Complete. Posted to Signed Server',
30 => 'Problem Occurred (contact signhelp to reactivate request)',
60 => 'Failed: Signer Rejected Job',
64 => 'Could not strong name sign one or more files',
65 => 'Failed: Automatic Handoff Failed',
66 => 'Failed: Virus Found',
67 => 'Failed: Couldn<64>t Digitally Sign One or More Files',
68 => 'Failed: Couldn<64>t Time Stamp One or More Files',
69 => 'Failed: Job Inactive Too Long',
70 => 'Administratively Failed',
71 => 'Waiting for manual review',
72 => 'On Hold For Phone Verification' );
logmsg( "Waiting for request to complete ..." );
while (1)
if ( !$request->UpdateStatus($request->JobID) )
errmsg( "Failed determining request status: ". Win32::OLE->LastError() );
return 0;
timemsg( "Status = $status{$request->Status}" );
last if( $request->status == 8 );
#return ( &MailSignhelp() ) if( $request->status == 30 );
return 0 if( $request->status >= 30 );
sleep 60;
logmsg( "Signing request complete, pickup at " . $request->SignedPath );
return 1;
@echo off
if not defined seterror (
set seterror=
for %%a in ( seterror.exe ) do set seterror=%%~$PATH:a
@%seterror% %RETURNVALUE%