54 lines
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54 lines
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;Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
TS_DESC="Terminal Services"
TS_TIP="Provides a multi-session environment for clients to access Windows-based programs on this computer."
TS_SERVICE_DESC="îàôùø ìîñôø îùúîùéí ìäéåú îçåáøéí áöåøä àéðèøà÷èéáéú ìîçùá åâí ìäöâú ùåìçðåú òáåãä åééùåîéí ìîçùáéí äîøåç÷éí. ÷áéòú ùåìçï äòáåãä äîøåç÷ áø÷ò (ëåìì ùåìçðåú òáåãä îøåç÷åú òáåø îðäìéí), îòáø îäéø áéï îùúîùéí, ñéåò îøçå÷ , åùøú äîñåó."
TS_DISPLAY_NAME="Terminal Services"
TERMDD_DISPLAY_NAME="Terminal Device Driver"
TS_ENABLE_DESC="Enable Terminal Services"
TS_ENABLE_TIP="Enables Terminal Services software on your computer."
TSCLIENTS_DESC="Client Creator Files"
TSCLIENTS_TIP="Enables creation of installation disks for Terminal Services Clients."
TS_WEBCLIENT_DESC="çéáåø ùåìçï òáåãä îøåç÷ ìàéðèøðè"
TS_WEBCLIENT_TIP="ô÷ã ActiveX åãôé ãåâîà ìàéøåç ùøåúé úçðä òáåø äúçáøåéåú ì÷åçåú áàéðèøðè"
ADMINTOOLS = "Administrative Tools"
TS_TSADMIN = "Terminal Services Manager"
TS_TSADMIN_OLD = "Terminal Server Administration"
TS_TSADMIN_TIP = "Manages and monitors users, sessions, and processes on any server running Terminal Services on the network"
TS_CLIENT_CREATE = "Terminal Services Client Creator"
TS_CLIENT_CREATE_OLD = "Terminal Server Client Creator"
TS_CLIENT_CREATE_TIP = "Creates floppy disks for installing Terminal Services Client software"
TS_CC = "Terminal Services Configuration"
TS_CC_TIP = "Manages Terminal Services protocol configurations and server settings"
TS_TSCFG = "Terminal Server Connection Configuration"
TS_APPSEC = "Application Security"
TS_IE4INST = "Internet Explorer 4.0 Setup"
TS_NW4NT = "NetWare User Access for Terminal Server"
TS_CLIENT = "Remote Desktop Connection"
COMMUNICATIONS = "òæøéí\ú÷ùåøú"
TS_CLIENT_TIP = "Connect to a computer's desktop from a remote location, and run applications as if you were sitting at its console."
TS_MMC = "Remote Desktops"
TS_MMC_TIP = "Remote Desktops SnapIn"
APPSRV_DESC = "Terminal Server"
APPSRV_TIP = "Configures this computer to allow multiple users to run one or more applications remotely."
TSSDIR_DISPLAYNAME = "Terminal Services Session Directory"
TSSDIR_DESCRIPTION = "Installs the session directory database for use in conjuction with load balancing software."
RDPFILETYPE = "Remote Desktop Connection"
TS_Provider = "Microsoft Terminal Services"
BMC_CLEANUP_DESC = "çéáåø ùåìçï òáåãä îøåç÷ éåöø ÷áöé úîåðä æîðééí åîàçñï àåúí áîçùá, ìùéôåø äîäéøåú äéòéìä ùì äçéáåø ìîçùá îøåç÷."
BMC_CLEANUP_DISPLAY = "÷áöéí æîðééí ùì ùåìçï òáåãä îøåç÷"