2020-09-26 16:20:57 +08:00

29 lines
1 KiB

@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off
echo Verifying that the Test PCA Certificate is installed...
set __certinstalled=
for /f %%i in ('tfindcer -a"Microsoft Test PCA" -s ca -S ^| findstr /c:"B1705970 38A12D9B 4E3CFA46 A6BD2454 9BB432D6"') do (
set __certinstalled=1
if defined __certinstalled goto :eof
echo Test PCA does NOT appear to be installed yet. Installing now...
@rem Install test pca certificate.
certmgr -add %RazzleToolPath%\testpca.cer -r localMachine -s ca
echo Check again to see if Test PCA Certificate is installed...
set __certinstalled=
for /f %%i in ('tfindcer -a"Microsoft Test PCA" -s ca -S ^| findstr /c:"B1705970 38A12D9B 4E3CFA46 A6BD2454 9BB432D6"') do (
set __certinstalled=1
if defined __certinstalled echo Test PCA installed successfully&&goto :eof
echo Test PCA Certificate still not installed. You may have to do this manually. Simply
echo log on as a local administrator and issue the following command:
echo certmgr -add %RazzleToolPath%\testpca.cer -r localMachine -s ca